118 research outputs found

    A Pervasive Computational Intelligence based Cognitive Security Co-design Framework for Hype-connected Embedded Industrial IoT

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    The amplified connectivity of routine IoT entities can expose various security trajectories for cybercriminals to execute malevolent attacks. These dangers are even amplified by the source limitations and heterogeneity of low-budget IoT/IIoT nodes, which create existing multitude-centered and fixed perimeter-oriented security tools inappropriate for vibrant IoT settings. The offered emulation assessment exemplifies the remunerations of implementing context aware co-design oriented cognitive security method in assimilated IIoT settings and delivers exciting understandings in the strategy execution to drive forthcoming study. The innovative features of our system is in its capability to get by with irregular system connectivity as well as node limitations in terms of scares computational ability, limited buffer (at edge node), and finite energy. Based on real-time analytical data, projected scheme select the paramount probable end-to-end security system possibility that ties with an agreed set of node constraints. The paper achieves its goals by recognizing some gaps in the security explicit to node subclass that is vital to our systemā€™s operations

    Reconfigurable middleware architectures for large scale sensor networks

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    Wireless sensor networks, in an effort to be energy efficient, typically lack the high-level abstractions of advanced programming languages. Though strong, the dichotomy between these two paradigms can be overcome. The SENSIX software framework, described in this dissertation, uniquely integrates constraint-dominated wireless sensor networks with the flexibility of object-oriented programming models, without violating the principles of either. Though these two computing paradigms are contradictory in many ways, SENSIX bridges them to yield a dynamic middleware abstraction unifying low-level resource-aware task reconfiguration and high-level object recomposition. Through the layered approach of SENSIX, the software developer creates a domain-specific sensing architecture by defining a customized task specification and utilizing object inheritance. In addition, SENSIX performs better at large scales (on the order of 1000 nodes or more) than other sensor network middleware which do not include such unified facilities for vertical integration

    Internet of Things (IoT): Societal Challenges & Scientific Research Fields for IoT

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    International audienceJust as the Internet radically reshaped society, the Internet of Things (IoT) willhave an impact on all areas of human life: from our homes, vehicles, workplacesand factories, to our cities and towns, agriculture and healthcare systems. It willalso affect all levels of society (individuals, companies and state-level), from urbanto rural and the natural world beyond. This makes it essential to have a properunderstanding of IoT and the challenges which relate to it. The primary aims ofthis document are to (i) determine the scope of IoT, its origins, current developments and perspectives, and (ii) identify the main societal, technical and scientific challenges linked to IoT.It seems inevitable that IoT will become increasingly omnipresent. Indeed, itis set to penetrate every aspect of all of our lives, connecting everything (billionsof new heterogeneous machines communicating with each other) and measuringeverything: from the collective action we take at a global level, right down to oursmallest individual physiological signals, in real-time. This is a double-edged sword,in that it simultaneously gives people cause for hope (automation, Ā­optimisation,innovative new functionalities etc.) and cause for fear (surveillance, dependency,cyberattacks, etc.). Given the ever-evolving nature of the IoT, new challenges linked to privacy, transparency, security appear, while new civil and industrialresponsibilities are starting to emerge.IoT is centred around an increasingly complex set of interlinked concepts andembedded technologies. At an industrial level, this growing complexity is makingthe idea of having full control over all components of IoT increasingly difficult, oreven infeasible. However, as a society, we must get to grips with the technologicalfoundations of IoT. One challenge for education will therefore be to graduallyincrease awareness of IoT, both in order to protect individualsā€™ sovereignty andfree will, and to initiate the training of our future scientists and technicians. Apublic research institute such as Inria can contribute towards understandingand explaining the technological foundations of IoT, in addition to preservingsovereignty in Europe.IoT will inevitably increase dependency on certain types of embeddedt Ā­ echnoĀ­logy. It is hence necessary to identify the new risks that entail, and todevise new strategies in order to take full advantage of IoT, while minimising theserisks. Similarly to the situation in other domains where one must continually seekto preserve ethics without hindering innovation, creating a legal framework forIoT is both necessary and challenging. It nevertheless seems clear already thatthe best way of facing up to industrial giants or superpowers is to take action atthe EU level, as shown by recent examples such as GDPR. Furthermore, given thegrowing influence of technological standards on society, playing an active rolein the process of standardising IoT technology is essential. Open standards andopen source ā€“ conceived as a common public good ā€“ will be pivotal for IoT, justas they have been for the Internet. Last but not least, massive use of IoT can helpbetter capture and understand the environmental challenges we are Ā­currentlyfacing ā€“ it is also expected IoT will help to mitigate these challenges. The goals inthis context are not only to reduce the quantities of natural resources consumedby IoT (for production, deployment, maintenance and recycling). We must alsoaim to more accurately evaluate the overall net benefit of IoT on the environment,at a global level. This requires determining and subtracting IoTā€™s environmentalcosts from its (measured) benefits, which is currently a challenge. The growingimpact of IoT underscores the importance of remaining at the cutting edge whenit comes to scientific research and technological development. This documenttherefore aims to (i) highlight the wide range of research fields which are fundamental to IoT, and(ii) take stock of current and future research problems in each of these fields. A number of links are made throughout the document to contributionsmade by Inria. These contributions are, by their nature, diverse (basic and appliedresearch, open source software, startup incubation) and concern the majority ofresearch fields on which IoT is based

    New Waves of IoT Technologies Research ā€“ Transcending Intelligence and Senses at the Edge to Create Multi Experience Environments

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    The next wave of Internet of Things (IoT) and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) brings new technological developments that incorporate radical advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), edge computing processing, new sensing capabilities, more security protection and autonomous functions accelerating progress towards the ability for IoT systems to self-develop, self-maintain and self-optimise. The emergence of hyper autonomous IoT applications with enhanced sensing, distributed intelligence, edge processing and connectivity, combined with human augmentation, has the potential to power the transformation and optimisation of industrial sectors and to change the innovation landscape. This chapter is reviewing the most recent advances in the next wave of the IoT by looking not only at the technology enabling the IoT but also at the platforms and smart data aspects that will bring intelligence, sustainability, dependability, autonomy, and will support human-centric solutions.acceptedVersio

    Advancing IoT Platforms Interoperability

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    The IoT European Platforms Initiative (IoT-EPI) projects are addressing the topic of Internet of Things and Platforms for Connected Smart Objects and aim to deliver an IoT extended into a web of platforms for connected devices and objects that supports smart environments, businesses, services and persons with dynamic and adaptive configuration capabilities. The specific areas of focus of the research activities are architectures and semantic interoperability, which reliably cover multiple use cases. The goal is to deliver dynamically-configured infrastructure and integration platforms for connected smart objects covering multiple technologies and multiple intelligent artefacts. The IoT-EPI ecosystem has been created with the objective of increasing the impact of the IoT-related European research and innovation, including seven European promising projects on IoT platforms: AGILE, BIG IoT, INTER-IoT, VICINITY, SymbIoTe, bIoTope, and TagItSmart.This white paper provides an insight regarding interoperability in the IoT platforms and ecosystems created and used by IoT-EPI. The scope of this document covers the interoperability aspects, challenges and approaches that cope with interoperability in the current existing IoT platforms and presents some insights regarding the future of interoperability in this context. It presents possible solutions, and a possible IoT interoperability platform architecture

    Demystifying Internet of Things Security

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    Break down the misconceptions of the Internet of Things by examining the different security building blocks available in Intel Architecture (IA) based IoT platforms. This open access book reviews the threat pyramid, secure boot, chain of trust, and the SW stack leading up to defense-in-depth. The IoT presents unique challenges in implementing security and Intel has both CPU and Isolated Security Engine capabilities to simplify it. This book explores the challenges to secure these devices to make them immune to different threats originating from within and outside the network. The requirements and robustness rules to protect the assets vary greatly and there is no single blanket solution approach to implement security. Demystifying Internet of Things Security provides clarity to industry professionals and provides and overview of different security solutions What You'll Learn Secure devices, immunizing them against different threats originating from inside and outside the network Gather an overview of the different security building blocks available in Intel Architecture (IA) based IoT platforms Understand the threat pyramid, secure boot, chain of trust, and the software stack leading up to defense-in-depth Who This Book Is For Strategists, developers, architects, and managers in the embedded and Internet of Things (IoT) space trying to understand and implement the security in the IoT devices/platforms

    Advancing IoT Platforms Interoperability

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    The IoT European Platforms Initiative (IoT-EPI) projects are addressing the topic of Internet of Things and Platforms for Connected Smart Objects and aim to deliver an IoT extended into a web of platforms for connected devices and objects that supports smart environments, businesses, services and persons with dynamic and adaptive configuration capabilities. The specific areas of focus of the research activities are architectures and semantic interoperability, which reliably cover multiple use cases. The goal is to deliver dynamically-configured infrastructure and integration platforms for connected smart objects covering multiple technologies and multiple intelligent artefacts. The IoT-EPI ecosystem has been created with the objective of increasing the impact of the IoT-related European research and innovation, including seven European promising projects on IoT platforms: AGILE, BIG IoT, INTER-IoT, VICINITY, SymbIoTe, bIoTope, and TagItSmart.This white paper provides an insight regarding interoperability in the IoT platforms and ecosystems created and used by IoT-EPI. The scope of this document covers the interoperability aspects, challenges and approaches that cope with interoperability in the current existing IoT platforms and presents some insights regarding the future of interoperability in this context. It presents possible solutions, and a possible IoT interoperability platform architecture

    A Middleware-centric design methodology for networked embedded systems

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    Negli ultimi anni \ue8 incrementato considerevolmente l\u2019interesse verso gli \u201dambient intelligence\u201d, sistemi informatici, tipicamente composti da \u201dnetworked embedded systems\u201d (Wirelesse sensor networks, mobile terminal, PDA, etc.) i quali sono integrati nell\u2019ambiente umano con l\u2019obiettivo di migliorare la qualit`a della vita nel modo pi naturale possibile. Una applicazione \u201dNetworked Embedded System\u201d (NES) \ue8 un\u2019applicazione distribuita, eseguita su piattaforme HW/SW eterogenee che interagiscono attraverso differenti canali di comunicazione. Generalmente queste applicazioni per dispositivi NES vengono sviluppate senza il supporto di software di sistema, obbligando il progettista a modellare queste applicazioni utilizzando direttamente le primitive fornite dal sistema operativo embedded o le API dei drivers dei dispositivi HW. Con questa metodologia di progettazione, le applicazioni per sistemi embedded vengono realizzate ad-hoc per la piattaforma HW/SW, risultando essere n\ue9 portabili, n\ue9 scalabili e di conseguenza particolarmente costose. A causa di questi problemi, negli ultimi anni si \ue8 adottato un flusso di progettazione che prevede l\u2019introduzione di un \u201dservice layer\u201d chiamato middleware, il quale astrae le peculiarit del sistema operativo e dei componenti HW, semplificando la progettazione di queste applicazioni embedded. Allo stato dell\u2019arte sono presenti molte implmentazioni di middleware con differenti paradigmi di programmazione, e la scelta di quale utilizzare per progettazione una applicazione NES basata sui seguenti criteri: \u2022 abilit`a/conoscenza/capacit`a di programmazione da parte del progettista; \u2022 piattaforma HW/SW disponinile. Gli svantaggi di questo approccio sono un pi\uf9 complesso flusso di progettazione legato alla mancanza di portabilit\ue0 della stessa applicazione su differenti dispositivi embedded. Questo significa che la presenza del middleware non \ue8 mai stata introdotta nel flusso di progettazione come una esplicita dimensione di progetto. Obiettivo della tesi di dottorato \ue8 lo studio e la realizzazione di un flusso di progettazione per applicazioni per NES, dove il middleware \ue8 una dimensione di progetto, diventando una variabile di progetto come lo sono il software e lo hardware. Questo punto \ue8 ottenuto risolvendo tre problemi: \u2022 Fornire un modello di middleware astratto il quale pu\uf2 essere usato come componente del flusso di progettazione; questo middleware astratto, chiamato Abstract Middleware Services (AMS), fornisce un insieme di servizi astratti basati su differenti paradigmi di programmazione dei middleware reali. Utilizzando questo modello di middleware stratto, il progettista \ue8 facilitato nello sviluppo delle applicazioni per NES. \u2022 Fornire un ambiente di simulazione dove validare e simulare l\u2019intero modello realizzato dal progettista. \u2022 Fornire una metodologia automatica di traduzione da AMS ad un middleware reale, per poter eseguire l\u2019applicazione su una reale piattaforma HW/SW, dotata di un middleware qualsiasi. L\u2019attivit di dototrato ha permesso la definizione di un nuovo approccio di progettazione basato su un modello di middleware astratto che fornisce un ambiente per la modellazione e la validazione di applicazioni per Networked Embedded Systems, risolvendo i tre punti precedenti. Inoltre, al fine di produrre un efficiente ambiente di simulazione e modellazione, sono state analizzate le metodologie di co-simulazione hardware-software-network attualmente presenti in letteratura. L\u2019attivit\ue0 di dottorato inoltre parte integrante del progetto ANGEL finanziato dalla Comunit\ue0 Europea (IST-2005-33506 - Embedded Systems), il cui obiettivo \ue8 lo sviluppo di una piattaforma per la realizzazione di sistemi eterogenei nei quali Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) e tradizionali reti di comunicazioni cooperano per monitorare e migliorare la qualit\ue0 della vita in habitat comuni. Durante questa attivit\ue0 il flusso di progettazione che include anche il middleware come variabile di progetto, oggetto della tesi di dottorato, sar esemplificato su WSN e terminali mobili (per esempio cellulari) per far si che questi possano dialogare tra loro in modo intelligente.Ambient intelligence, pervasive and ubiquitous computing are the center of a great deal of attention because of their promise to bring benefits for end-users, higher revenues for manufacturers and new challenges for researchers. Typical computing technologies (such as telemedicine, manufacturing, crisis management) are part of a broader class of Networked Embedded Systems (NES) in which a large number of nodes are connected together and collaborate to perform a common task under a defined set of constraints. Therefore, the key aspects of these applications are their distributed nature and the presence of very limited HW resources, as in case of WSNs. Their wide adoption requires interoperability across different manufacturers, simplification of application development, simulation tools for functional validation and the fulfilment of tight HW/SW constraints. Interoperability is achieved through the use of standard protocol stacks (e.g., IEEE 802.15.1/Bluetooth and IEEE 802.15.4/Zig- Bee). Simplification of application development can be achieved through a service layer, named middleware, which abstracts from the peculiarities of the operating system and HW components. Traditionally, many NES applications have been developed without support from system software [1] excepts for device drivers and operating systems. State-of-the-art techniques [2] for NES focus on simple data-gathering applications, and in most cases, the design of the application and the system software are usually closely-coupled, or even combined as a monolithic procedure. Such applications are neither flexible nor scalable and they should be re-written if the platform changes. Middleware is emerging as an important architectural component in supporting NES applications able to facilitate the application development. The role of middleware is to present a unified programmingmodel to application designers and to mask out the problems of heterogeneity and distribution providing a basic set of tools and libraries for the low-level handling of technology-specific NES. Several NES middleware have been implemented in the past years each one providing different programming paradigms (e.g., Tuplespace, messageoriented, object-oriented, database, etc.) and differ with respect to ease to use, expressiveness, scalability and overhead. However, their diversity makes the development of high quality middleware-centric software systems complex: software engineering methods and tools should be developed with the use of middleware in mind. In such way, Sensation [xxx] presents a middleware platform solution for pervasive applications inWSN providing a developer-friendly programming interface. This approach is valid just for WSN and does not include a network simulator for an exhaustive network evaluation. Model Driven Architecture (MDA) tries to overcome this problem; MDA is a new way of writing specifications, based on a platform-independent model. A complete MDA specification consists of a platform-independent UML model, one or more platform-specific models, and interface definitions, each describing how the base model is implemented on a different middleware platform. The MDA focuses primarily on the functionality and behaviour of a distributed application or system, not on the technology in which it will be implemented. Furthermore,MDA does not directly provide a simulation environment. Simulation tools are used for validating the application: there is a range of NES simulators available that focus on the network itself. NS-2 is a pure network simulator tool, where the nodes are abstracted and do not run real codes or operating systems, but rather simple behavioral models or statistical traffic generators. The advantage of NS-2 is that scalability is excellent. TOSSIM is a platform-specific simulator environment for sensor networks based on TinyOs operating system. TOSSIM can compile unchanged TinyOS applications directly into its framework, which means that most of the codes written for TOSSIM can be directly used in TinyOS. TOSSIM is a specific simulator for TinyOS and Berkeley motes and cant be used for simulating a generic NES (e.g.,WSN). Finally, SIMICS is a commercial full-system simulator that can be used to simulate heterogenous networked and distributed systems. Complete SW stacks from real system can run on the simulator without any modification. Despite of these punctual contributions, the literature does not report a complete design methodology for NES applications integrating all such three aspects. Therefore, in order to fully support the applications of a great variety of users with different needs, a complete NES application modelling and simulation environment have to include two main components: \u2022 a simulator to validate and explore application functional behaviuor in a network simulated environment supporting interoperability between different implementation platforms and ensure scalability of the NES technology. \u2022 a middleware environemnt providing different programming paradigms. This Layer will serve as an abstraction layer hiding the different NES implementations peculiarities from end-user applications. The goal of this work is to present a middleware-centric design flow for NES, where the middleware plays a decisive role in the design process. The proposed methodology allows programmers to write NES applications by using the system description language named SystemC and the AbstractMiddleware Environment (AME) framework for fast simulation. This proposal has three main advantages: (1) It provides a set of abstract services supporting the programming paradigms of different actual middleware implementations in order to meet the skills of the designer. AME facilitates the NES design flow by providing a unified and developer-common interface concealing the peculiarities of the underlying NES where the simulation environment is modelled in order to simulate the NES applications taking in account hardware and network effects. (2) The application can be simulated at early stage of the design flow for functional validation. (3) automatic mapping of AME applications on the actual platform; this guarantees the correct trade-off between level of abstraction and efficiency of implementation. In the follow we classify the actual middleware approaches according to their programming paradigms; then the AMEcentric design flow is described and finally we report the experimental results

    Abstracting Application Development for Resource Constrained Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Ubiquitous computing is a concept whereby computing is distributed across smart objects surrounding users, creating ambient intelligence. Ubiquitous applications use technologies such as the Internet, sensors, actuators, embedded computers, wireless communication, and new user interfaces. The Internet-of-Things (IoT) is one of the key concepts in the realization of ubiquitous computing, whereby smart objects communicate with each other and the Internet. Further, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are a sub-group of IoT technologies that consist of geographically distributed devices or nodes, capable of sensing and actuating the environment.WSNs typically contain tens to thousands of nodes that organize and operate autonomously to perform application-dependent sensing and sensor data processing tasks. The projected applications require nodes to be small in physical size and low-cost, and have a long lifetime with limited energy resources, while performing complex computing and communications tasks. As a result, WSNs are complex distributed systems that are constrained by communications, computing and energy resources. WSN functionality is dynamic according to the environment and application requirements. Dynamic multitasking, task distribution, task injection, and software updates are required in ļ¬eld experiments for possibly thousands of nodes functioning in harsh environments.The development of WSN application software requires the abstraction of computing, communication, data access, and heterogeneous sensor data sources to reduce the complexities. Abstractions enable the faster development of new applications with a better reuse of existing software, as applications are composed of high-level tasks that use the services provided by the devices to execute the application logic.The main research question of this thesis is: What abstractions are needed for application development for resource constrained WSNs? This thesis models WSN abstractions with three levels that build on top of each other: 1) node abstraction, 2) network abstraction, and 3) infrastructure abstraction. The node abstraction hides the details in the use of the sensing, communication, and processing hardware. The network abstraction speciļ¬es methods of discovering and accessing services, and distributing processing in the network. The infrastructure abstraction uniļ¬es different sensing technologies and infrastructure computing platforms.As a contribution, this thesis presents the abstraction model with a review of each abstraction level. Several designs for each of the levels are tested and veriļ¬ed with proofs of concept and analyses of ļ¬eld experiments. The resulting designs consist of an operating system kernel, a software update method, a data uniļ¬cation interface, and all abstraction levels combining abstraction called an embedded cloud.The presented operating system kernel has a scalable overhead and provides a programming approach similar to a desktop computer operating system with threads and processes. An over-the-air update method combines low overhead and robust software updating with application task dissemination. The data uniļ¬cation interface homogenizes the access to the data of heterogeneous sensor networks. A uniļ¬cation model is used for various use cases by mapping everything as measurements. The embedded cloud allows resource constrained WSNs to share services and data, and expand resources with other technologies. The embedded cloud allows the distributed processing of applications according to the available services. The applications are implemented as processes using a hardware independent description language that can be executed on resource constrained WSNs. The lessons of practical ļ¬eld experimenting are analyzed to study the importance of the abstractions. Software complexities encountered in the ļ¬eld experiments highlight the need for suitable abstractions.The results of this thesis are tested using proof of concept implementations on real WSN hardware which is constrained by computing power in the order of a few MIPS, memory sizes of a few kilobytes, and small sized batteries. The results will remain usable in the future, as the vast amount, tight integration, and low-cost of future IoT devices require the combination of complex computation with resource constrained platforms
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