26 research outputs found


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    An approach to the development of «lightweight» cipher algorithms is considered. The confidential cipher algorithms and message as the cipher key is proposed. The model for design of simple and high-speed encryption algorithms is suggested.Предложен подход к разработке «легких» алгоритмов шифрования, предусматривающий использование секретных алгоритмов шифрования и передаваемого сообщения в качестве ключа шифрования. Предлагается модель построения простых в реализации и быстродействующих алгоритмов

    Lightweight block ciphers: A comparative study

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    Although the AES is an excellent and preferred choice for almost all block cipher applications, it is not suitable for extremely constrained environments such as RFID (Radio-Frequency IDentification) tags and sensor networks. Therefore lightweight cryptography has become very vital and a strong demand in designing secure lightweight cryptographic modules is required. This paper meant to be a reference (for the cryptographic designers) on the lightweight block ciphers. It starts by doing a survey to collect the latest proposed ciphers, then to study them in terms of their algorithms specifications, hardware implementation and attacks. Finally, after the explanation and comparison, this research can be the basement for starting point to improve the lightweight block cipher in many directions like number of clock cycle, size of memory, number of Chosen Plaintext, GE, throughput and attacks. Also, this paper is under our investigatio

    PICO : An Ultra Lightweight and Low Power Encryption Design for Ubiquitous Computing

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    An ultra-lightweight, a very compact block cipher ‘PICO’ is proposed. PICO is a substitution and permutation based network, which operates on a 64 bit plain text and supports a key length of 128 bits. It has a compact structure and requires 1877 GEs. Its innovative design helps to generate a large number of active S - boxes in fewer rounds which can thwart the linear and differential attacks on the cipher. PICO shows good performance on both the hardware and the software platforms. PICO consumes only 2504 bytes of Flash memory which is less than the ultra-lightweight cipher PRESENT. PICO has a very strong substitution layer (S-box) which not only makes the design robust but also introduces a great avalanche effect. PICO has a strong and compact key scheduling which is motivated by the latest cipher SPECK designed by NSA. PICO consumes 28 mW of dynamic power which is less than the PRESENT cipher (38 mW). The security analysis of PICO and its performance as an ultra-lightweight cipher are presented.


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    The data on the characteristics of international standard algorithms «lightweight cryptography» while application in hardware implementation based on microchips of FPGA are provided. A compari-son of the characteristics of these algorithms with the characteristics of several widely-used standard encryption algorithms is made and possibilities of lightweight cryptography algorithms are evaluated.Приводятся данные о характеристиках алгоритмов международного стандарта «Облегчен-ная (легковесная) криптография» при их аппаратной реализации в базисе микросхем типа FPGA. Дается сравнение характеристик этих алгоритмов с характеристиками нескольких широко исполь-зуемых стандартных алгоритмов шифрования и оцениваются возможности алгоритмов легковесной криптографии

    Hardware based cryptography: technological advances for applications in Colombia using embedded systems

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    To have totally independent systems that offer a sufficient security scheme has become a necessity in Colombia, this because of the proliferation of IoT type systems and similar; In general, it is required to make stand-alone systems totally independent and distributed to offer users a solution to this need, this work offers the analysis and comparison of two security schemes type digital signature and/or hardware security module (HSM) and its variations, made on embedded platforms type microcontroller software, which shows the strategy to provide information protection, In addition, it is analyzed how each implementation was executed, in which devices and metrics of interest, in the first application the cryptography schemes were made using a deep programming that describes the algorithms in C++ language and in the second implementation the use of the dedicated hardware that the embedded platform type microcontroller had is detailed; In both cases, solutions with an acceptable throughput were generated, allowing to obtain comparable solutions and the same style as those made in a PC or similar hardware. On the other hand, an exhaustive review of this type of solutions in the country-region was made, in order to have a reference as to the possible use of this type of applications

    Invariant subspaces in SPN block cipher

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    Исследуется рассеивание подпространств, инвариантных относительно нелинейного преобразования XSL-шифра, линейным преобразованием. Приведён конструктивный способ поиска подпространств, инвариантных относительно одной итерации XSL-шифра. Показано, что подпространства, инвариантные относительно нелинейных преобразований из некоторых классов, не сохраняются любой матрицей, построенной из ненулевых элементов расширения поля F2. На основании теоретико-графового и группового подходов доказан ряд свойств множеств специального вида, инвариантных относительно раундовой функции XSL-шифра


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    Pada era Internet of Things (IoT), keamanan data merupakan salah satu faktor penting. Data dapat diamankan dengan menggunakan algoritma kriptografi. Algoritma kriptografi tersebut mengubah pesan asli menjadi suatu kode rahasia (enkripsi) sedangkan proses sebaliknya disebut dekripsi. Data yang akan dienkripsi pada penelitian ini berupa boot log file yang terdapat pada Raspberry Pi dan Intel Compute Stick. Boot log file tersebut dienkripsi menggunakan algoritma Data Encryption Standard (DES) dan Data Encryption Standard Lightweight (DESL). Kedua algoritma tersebut memerlukan suatu kunci rahasia untuk melakukan enkripsi. Kunci rahasia yang digunakan untuk algoritma DES dan DESL lalu dienkripsi menggunakan algoritma Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA). Kemudian, data hasil enkripsi diunggah ke cloud dan dapat diunduh serta didekripsikan pada komputer client (Virtual Machine). Berdasarkan pengujian yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini, tidak diperoleh perbedaan waktu yang signifikan antara enkripsi menggunakan algoritma DES maupun DESL. Walaupun begitu, algoritma DESL lebih cocok digunakan pada perangkat IoT karena ukuran kode program yang lebih kecil dan prinsip locality of reference yang dimiliki karena hanya menggunakan satu buah S-box yang diulang sebanyak delapan kali setiap round-nya


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    ABSTRAK   Pada era Internet of Things (IoT), keamanan data merupakan salah satu faktor penting. Data dapat diamankan dengan menggunakan algoritma kriptografi. Algoritma kriptografi tersebut mengubah pesan asli menjadi suatu kode rahasia (enkripsi) sedangkan proses sebaliknya disebut dekripsi. Data yang akan dienkripsi pada penelitian ini berupa boot log file yang terdapat pada Raspberry Pi dan Intel Compute Stick. Boot log file tersebut dienkripsi menggunakan algoritma Data Encryption Standard (DES) dan Data Encryption Standard Lightweight (DESL). Kedua algoritma tersebut memerlukan suatu kunci rahasia untuk melakukan enkripsi. Kunci rahasia yang digunakan untuk algoritma DES dan DESL lalu dienkripsi menggunakan algoritma Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA). Kemudian, data hasil enkripsi diunggah ke cloud dan dapat diunduh serta didekripsikan pada komputer client (Virtual Machine). Berdasarkan pengujian yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini, tidak diperoleh perbedaan waktu yang signifikan antara enkripsi menggunakan algoritma DES maupun DESL. Walaupun begitu, algoritma DESL lebih cocok digunakan pada perangkat IoT karena ukuran kode program yang lebih kecil dan prinsip locality of reference yang dimiliki karena hanya menggunakan satu buah S-box yang diulang sebanyak delapan kali setiap round-nya.       Abstract                 Data security is an important factor in the era of Internet of Things (IoT). Data can be secured with the use of cryptography algorithm. That cryptography algorithm changes the original message into secret code (encryption), while the opposite process is called decryption. In this paper, boot log file in Raspberry Pi and Intel Compute Stick will be encrypted using Data Encryption Standard (DES) and Data Encryption Standard Lightweight (DESL) algorithm. Both algorithms need a secret key to do the encryption, then the secret key is encrypted using Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) algorithm. The encryption result will be uploaded to the cloud and can be downloaded and decrypted on the client computer (Virtual Machine). Based on the testing result, there are no significant differences in time of encryption between DES and DESL algorithm. Although there are no significant differences in time of encryption, DESL algorithm is preferable to use on IoT device because of its small code size and the locality of reference principle.&nbsp