1,785 research outputs found

    Sawja: Static Analysis Workshop for Java

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    Static analysis is a powerful technique for automatic verification of programs but raises major engineering challenges when developing a full-fledged analyzer for a realistic language such as Java. This paper describes the Sawja library: a static analysis framework fully compliant with Java 6 which provides OCaml modules for efficiently manipulating Java bytecode programs. We present the main features of the library, including (i) efficient functional data-structures for representing program with implicit sharing and lazy parsing, (ii) an intermediate stack-less representation, and (iii) fast computation and manipulation of complete programs

    BISM: Bytecode-Level Instrumentation for Software Monitoring

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    BISM (Bytecode-Level Instrumentation for Software Monitoring) is a lightweight bytecode instrumentation tool that features an expressive high-level control-flow-aware instrumentation language. The language follows the aspect-oriented programming paradigm by adopting the joinpoint model, advice inlining, and separate instrumentation mechanisms. BISM provides joinpoints ranging from bytecode instruction to method execution, access to comprehensive static and dynamic context information, and instrumentation methods. BISM runs in two instrumentation modes: build-time and load-time. We demonstrate BISM effectiveness using two experiments: a security scenario and a general runtime verification case. The results show that BISM instrumentation incurs low runtime and memory overheads

    Targeted Greybox Fuzzing with Static Lookahead Analysis

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    Automatic test generation typically aims to generate inputs that explore new paths in the program under test in order to find bugs. Existing work has, therefore, focused on guiding the exploration toward program parts that are more likely to contain bugs by using an offline static analysis. In this paper, we introduce a novel technique for targeted greybox fuzzing using an online static analysis that guides the fuzzer toward a set of target locations, for instance, located in recently modified parts of the program. This is achieved by first semantically analyzing each program path that is explored by an input in the fuzzer's test suite. The results of this analysis are then used to control the fuzzer's specialized power schedule, which determines how often to fuzz inputs from the test suite. We implemented our technique by extending a state-of-the-art, industrial fuzzer for Ethereum smart contracts and evaluate its effectiveness on 27 real-world benchmarks. Using an online analysis is particularly suitable for the domain of smart contracts since it does not require any code instrumentation---instrumentation to contracts changes their semantics. Our experiments show that targeted fuzzing significantly outperforms standard greybox fuzzing for reaching 83% of the challenging target locations (up to 14x of median speed-up)

    Using abstract interpretation to add type checking for interfaces in Java bytecode verification

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    AbstractJava interface types support multiple inheritance. Because of this, the standard bytecode verifier ignores them, since it is not able to model the class hierarchy as a lattice. Thus, type checks on interfaces are performed at run time. We propose a verification methodology that removes the need for run-time checks. The methodology consists of: (1) an augmented verifier that is very similar to the standard one, but is also able to check for interface types in most cases; (2) for all other cases, a set of additional simpler verifiers, each one specialized for a single interface type. We obtain these verifiers in a systematic way by using abstract interpretation techniques. Finally, we describe an implementation of the methodology and evaluate it on a large set of benchmarks

    Towards co-designed optimizations in parallel frameworks: A MapReduce case study

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    The explosion of Big Data was followed by the proliferation of numerous complex parallel software stacks whose aim is to tackle the challenges of data deluge. A drawback of a such multi-layered hierarchical deployment is the inability to maintain and delegate vital semantic information between layers in the stack. Software abstractions increase the semantic distance between an application and its generated code. However, parallel software frameworks contain inherent semantic information that general purpose compilers are not designed to exploit. This paper presents a case study demonstrating how the specific semantic information of the MapReduce paradigm can be exploited on multicore architectures. MR4J has been implemented in Java and evaluated against hand-optimized C and C++ equivalents. The initial observed results led to the design of a semantically aware optimizer that runs automatically without requiring modification to application code. The optimizer is able to speedup the execution time of MR4J by up to 2.0x. The introduced optimization not only improves the performance of the generated code, during the map phase, but also reduces the pressure on the garbage collector. This demonstrates how semantic information can be harnessed without sacrificing sound software engineering practices when using parallel software frameworks.Comment: 8 page

    Lightweight verification of control flow policies on Java bytecode

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    This paper presents the enforcement of control flow policies for Java bytecode devoted to open and constrained devices. On-device enforcement of security policies mostly relies on run-time monitoring or inline checking code, which is not appropriate for strongly constrained devices such as mobile phones and smart-cards. We present a proof-carrying code approach with on-device lightweight verification of control flow policies statically at loading- time. Our approach is suitable for evolving, open and constrained Java-based systems as it is compositional, to avoid re-verification of already verified bytecode upon loading of new bytecode, and it is regressive, to cleanly support bytecode unloading.Ce rapport présente l'application de politiques de flot de contrôle sur du bytecode Java pour les petits systèmes ouverts. La plupart du temps, l'application de ce type de politiques de sécurité est réalisée par l'observation du système ou l'insertion de code pour assuré en assurer le respect, ce qui n'est pas approprié pour les petits systèmes fortement contraints tels que les téléphones mobiles ou les cartes à puce. Nous présentons une méthode basée sur le proof-carrying code pour faire appliquer ce type de politiques avec une vérification embarquée réalisée au chargement. Notre approche est bien adaptée aux petits systèmes ouverts évolutifs car elle est compositionnelle, pour éviter la revérification du code déjà chargé, et régressive, afin de traiter proprement le déchargement de code déjà installé et vérifié

    Integrated Java Bytecode Verification

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    AbstractExisting Java verifiers perform an iterative data-flow analysis to discover the unambiguous type of values stored on the stack or in registers. Our novel verification algorithm uses abstract interpretation to obtain definition/use information for each register and stack location in the program, which in turn is used to transform the program into Static Single Assignment form. In SSA, verification is reduced to simple type compatibility checking between the definition type of each SSA variable and the type of each of its uses. Inter-adjacent transitions of a value through stack and registers are no longer verified explicitly. This integrated approach is more efficient than traditional bytecode verification but still as safe as strict verification, as overall program correctness can be induced once the data flow from each definition to all associated uses is known to be type-safe