4,449 research outputs found

    Snap-Stabilization in Message-Passing Systems

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    In this paper, we tackle the open problem of snap-stabilization in message-passing systems. Snap-stabilization is a nice approach to design protocols that withstand transient faults. Compared to the well-known self-stabilizing approach, snap-stabilization guarantees that the effect of faults is contained immediately after faults cease to occur. Our contribution is twofold: we show that (1) snap-stabilization is impossible for a wide class of problems if we consider networks with finite yet unbounded channel capacity; (2) snap-stabilization becomes possible in the same setting if we assume bounded-capacity channels. We propose three snap-stabilizing protocols working in fully-connected networks. Our work opens exciting new research perspectives, as it enables the snap-stabilizing paradigm to be implemented in actual networks

    Polynomial-Time Space-Optimal Silent Self-Stabilizing Minimum-Degree Spanning Tree Construction

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    Motivated by applications to sensor networks, as well as to many other areas, this paper studies the construction of minimum-degree spanning trees. We consider the classical node-register state model, with a weakly fair scheduler, and we present a space-optimal \emph{silent} self-stabilizing construction of minimum-degree spanning trees in this model. Computing a spanning tree with minimum degree is NP-hard. Therefore, we actually focus on constructing a spanning tree whose degree is within one from the optimal. Our algorithm uses registers on O(log⁥n)O(\log n) bits, converges in a polynomial number of rounds, and performs polynomial-time computation at each node. Specifically, the algorithm constructs and stabilizes on a special class of spanning trees, with degree at most OPT+1OPT+1. Indeed, we prove that, unless NP == coNP, there are no proof-labeling schemes involving polynomial-time computation at each node for the whole family of spanning trees with degree at most OPT+1OPT+1. Up to our knowledge, this is the first example of the design of a compact silent self-stabilizing algorithm constructing, and stabilizing on a subset of optimal solutions to a natural problem for which there are no time-efficient proof-labeling schemes. On our way to design our algorithm, we establish a set of independent results that may have interest on their own. In particular, we describe a new space-optimal silent self-stabilizing spanning tree construction, stabilizing on \emph{any} spanning tree, in O(n)O(n) rounds, and using just \emph{one} additional bit compared to the size of the labels used to certify trees. We also design a silent loop-free self-stabilizing algorithm for transforming a tree into another tree. Last but not least, we provide a silent self-stabilizing algorithm for computing and certifying the labels of a NCA-labeling scheme

    Silent Self-stabilizing BFS Tree Algorithms Revised

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    In this paper, we revisit two fundamental results of the self-stabilizing literature about silent BFS spanning tree constructions: the Dolev et al algorithm and the Huang and Chen's algorithm. More precisely, we propose in the composite atomicity model three straightforward adaptations inspired from those algorithms. We then present a deep study of these three algorithms. Our results are related to both correctness (convergence and closure, assuming a distributed unfair daemon) and complexity (analysis of the stabilization time in terms of rounds and steps)

    Self-Stabilizing Disconnected Components Detection and Rooted Shortest-Path Tree Maintenance in Polynomial Steps

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    We deal with the problem of maintaining a shortest-path tree rooted at some process r in a network that may be disconnected after topological changes. The goal is then to maintain a shortest-path tree rooted at r in its connected component, V_r, and make all processes of other components detecting that r is not part of their connected component. We propose, in the composite atomicity model, a silent self-stabilizing algorithm for this problem working in semi-anonymous networks under the distributed unfair daemon (the most general daemon) without requiring any a priori knowledge about global parameters of the network. This is the first algorithm for this problem that is proven to achieve a polynomial stabilization time in steps. Namely, we exhibit a bound in O(W_{max} * n_{maxCC}^3 * n), where W_{max} is the maximum weight of an edge, n_{maxCC} is the maximum number of non-root processes in a connected component, and n is the number of processes. The stabilization time in rounds is at most 3n_{maxCC} + D, where D is the hop-diameter of V_r

    Snap-Stabilizing Committee Coordination

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    International audienceIn the committee coordination problem, a committee consists of a set of professors and committee meetingsare synchronized, so that each professor participates in at most one committee meeting at a time. Inthis paper, we propose two snap-stabilizing distributed algorithms for the committee coordination. Snapstabilizationis a versatile property which requires a distributed algorithm to efficiently tolerate transientfaults. Indeed, after a finite number of such faults, a snap-stabilizing algorithm immediately operates correctly,without any external intervention. We design snap-stabilizing committee coordination algorithmsenriched with some desirable properties related to concurrency, (weak) fairness, and a stronger synchronizationmechanism called 2-Phase Discussion. In our setting, all processes are identical and each processhas a unique identifier. The existing work in the literature has shown that (1) in general, fairness cannotbe achieved in committee coordination, and (2) it becomes feasible if each professor waits for meetingsinfinitely often. Nevertheless, we show that even under this latter assumption, it is impossible to implementa fair solution that allows maximal concurrency. Hence, we propose two orthogonal snap-stabilizingalgorithms, each satisfying 2-phase discussion, and either maximal concurrency or fairness. The algorithmthat implements fairness requires that every professor waits for meetings infinitely often. Moreover, forthis algorithm, we introduce and evaluate a new efficiency criterion called the degree of fair concurrency.This criterion shows that even if it does not satisfy maximal concurrency, our snap-stabilizing fair algorithmstill allows a high level of concurrency

    Memory and communication efficient algorithm for decentralized counting of nodes in networks

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    Node counting on a graph is subject to some fundamental theoretical limitations, yet a solution to such problems is necessary in many applications of graph theory to real-world systems, such as collective robotics and distributed sensor networks. Thus several stochastic and naĂŻve deterministic algorithms for distributed graph size estimation or calculation have been provided. Here we present a deterministic and distributed algorithm that allows every node of a connected graph to determine the graph size in finite time, if an upper bound on the graph size is provided. The algorithm consists in the iterative aggregation of information in local hubs which then broadcast it throughout the whole graph. The proposed node-counting algorithm is on average more efficient in terms of node memory and communication cost than its previous deterministic counterpart for node counting, and appears comparable or more efficient in terms of average-case time complexity. As well as node counting, the algorithm is more broadly applicable to problems such as summation over graphs, quorum sensing, and spontaneous hierarchy creation

    A Roadmap Toward a Unified Space Communication Architecture

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    In recent years, the number of space exploration missions has multiplied. Such an increase raises the question of effective communication between the multitude of human-made objects spread across our solar system. An efficient and scalable communication architecture presents multiple challenges, including the distance between planetary entities, their motion and potential obstruction, the limited available payload on satellites, and the high mission cost. This paper brings together recent relevant specifications, standards, mission demonstrations, and the most recent proposals to develop a unified architecture for deep-space internetworked communication. After characterizing the transmission medium and its unique challenges, we explore the available communication technologies and frameworks to establish a reliable communication architecture across the solar system. We then draw an evolutive roadmap for establishing a scalable communication architecture. This roadmap builds upon the mission-centric communication architectures in the upcoming years towards a fully interconnected network or InterPlanetary Internet (IPN). We finally discuss the tools available to develop such an architecture in the short, medium, and long terms. The resulting architecture cross-supports space agencies on the solar system-scale while significantly decreasing space communication costs. Through this analysis, we derive the critical research questions remaining for creating the IPN regarding the considerable challenges of space communication.Peer reviewe

    Evidence for a regulatory role of Cullin-RING E3 ubiquitin ligase 7 in insulin signalling

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    Dysfunctional regulation of signalling pathways downstream of the insulin receptor plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. In this study we report both in vitro and in vivo experimental evidence for a role of Cullin-RING E3 ubiquitin ligase 7 (CRL7) in the regulation of insulin signalling and glucose homeostasis. We show that Cul7−/− mouse embryonic fibroblasts displayed enhanced AKT and Erk MAP kinase phosphorylation upon insulin stimulation. Depletion of CUL7 by RNA interference in C2C12 myotubes led to increased activation of insulin signalling pathways and cellular glucose uptake, as well as a reduced capacity of these cells to execute insulin-induced degradation of insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS1). In vivo, heterozygosity of either Cul7 or Fbxw8, both key components of CRL7, resulted in elevated PI3 kinase / AKT activation in skeletal muscle tissue upon insulin stimulation when compared to wild-type controls. Finally, Cul7+/− or Fbxw8+/− mice exhibited enhanced insulin sensitivity and plasma glucose clearance. Collectively, our findings point to a yet unrecognized role of CRL7 in insulin-mediated control of glucose homeostasis by restraining PI3 kinase / AKT activities in skeletal muscle cells
