77,025 research outputs found

    Encouraging Lifelong Learning for Engineering Management Undergraduates

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    The current ABET guidelines place an emphasis on life-long learning for our undergraduate students. What is life-long learning? How can we encourage students to consider global issues, current events, or even anything that isn\u27t going to be on the next test ? In this paper we present survey results evaluating habits of undergraduate students entering an engineering management program and seniors related to life-long learning including attending professional society meetings, reading trade publications, reading business related books, and other learning outside of the classroom activities. This paper also presents a two semester effort to increase life-long learning activities among undergraduate engineering management students. Changes were made to an introductory sophomore level EM class. Students were required to participate in lifelong learning activities including reading business books and interviewing managers. These activities were graded as part of the required course. Additionally, the students were asked to identify learning activities they would complete the semester following the course - which would not be reflected in their grades. Recommendations for incorporating life-long learning initiatives in the engineering management undergraduate curriculum are also presented

    Formulation Of The FIRIS-P Professional Core-Competency Framework For Flexible Academic Curricula: The Biomedical Engineering Program

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    Introduction – How to formulate the goals of an academic educational program in such a way that they reflect the identity of the profession, but at the same time allow the flexibility required for self-responsible and self-directed individual study paths that can initiate lifelong learning and successful interdisciplinary collaboration after graduation? Here, we present a novel competency framework that (1) reflects the identity and academic level of the interdisciplinary Biomedical Engineering (BME) profession, (2) permits the alignment of program intended learning outcomes that accommodate the content of the different specialisation tracks of the BME program and (3) guides students and staff by improved curriculum mapping and optimization. Methods – We collected input from teaching staff members who are actively practicing their BME profession in the interdisciplinary ecosystem around our university. Using their feedback, we iteratively formulated a set of core competencies that characterize the work and role of the BME professional. We obtained preliminary face-validity by performing curriculum mappings from several courses from BME-tracks and by asking feedback from students. Results – The iterations resulted in the FIRIS-P competency framework including five successive core professional competencies of which specified subcompetencies carry the BME identity: (1) Fundamental competencies, (2) Instrumental competencies, (3) Reasoning competencies, (4) Interventional competencies, and (5) Societal competencies. These core professional competencies are completed and supported by transferable Personal competencies. Discussion: Preliminary validation indicates that the FIRIS-P framework carries all three characteristics mentioned above, warranting future evaluation of its merits for education of lifelong learning BME professionals

    Pengelompokkan Profil Work Readiness Mahasiswa Teknik Industri Universitas Telkom Menggunakan Data Mining Berbasis Algoritma K-Means Clustering

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    This study aims to formulate a group of student work readiness profiles. Based on this profile, students' readiness to work will be identified. Grouping is done using data mining based on the k-means clustering algorithm. The work readiness profile group consists of student skills or abilities based on Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Oral Communications, Written Communications, Teamwork/Collaboration, Diversity, Information Technology Application, Leadership, Lifelong Learning/Self Direction, and Professionalism / Work Ethics. The case study of grouping the profile of work readiness of students is carried out in the Industrial Engineering Study Program of Telkom University with the number of respondents 191 students in the class of 2014 who are currently taking level IV lectures. Based on the results of grouping by dividing into 9 clusters, it was identified that students who met the criteria as students were ready to succeed in work in cluster 7. The number of students in cluster 7 was 50 students with good academic skills, but less active in student activities in the field of reasoning and culture, while the work readiness tends to be very good. The highest work readiness score for cluster 7 is in Lifelong Learning/Self Direction and Teamwork/Collaboration capabilities. Oral Communications, and Leadership which are the benchmarks of student readiness in a career. Further research can be done by identifying groups of work readiness profiles for students at various levels so that they can be used as a reference for designing programs to improve work readiness that varies for each level

    Pengelompokkan Profil Work Readiness Mahasiswa Teknik Industri Universitas Telkom Menggunakan Data Mining Berbasis Algoritma K-Means Clustering

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    This study aims to formulate a group of student work readiness profiles. Based on this profile, students' readiness to work will be identified. Grouping is done using data mining based on the k-means clustering algorithm. The work readiness profile group consists of student skills or abilities based on Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Oral Communications, Written Communications, Teamwork/Collaboration, Diversity, Information Technology Application, Leadership, Lifelong Learning/Self Direction, and Professionalism / Work Ethics. The case study of grouping the profile of work readiness of students is carried out in the Industrial Engineering Study Program of Telkom University with the number of respondents 191 students in the class of 2014 who are currently taking level IV lectures. Based on the results of grouping by dividing into 9 clusters, it was identified that students who met the criteria as students were ready to succeed in work in cluster 7. The number of students in cluster 7 was 50 students with good academic skills, but less active in student activities in the field of reasoning and culture, while the work readiness tends to be very good. The highest work readiness score for cluster 7 is in Lifelong Learning/Self Direction and Teamwork/Collaboration capabilities. Oral Communications, and Leadership which are the benchmarks of student readiness in a career. Further research can be done by identifying groups of work readiness profiles for students at various levels so that they can be used as a reference for designing programs to improve work readiness that varies for each level

    Lifelong learning competence development of mining students and academic integrity: case study of language courses

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    Purpose. State-of-the-art description of faculty members (teaching language courses) attitude towards distinguishing of life-long learning competences evaluation and on purpose formation for mining students. Methods. The data were obtained from the paper questionnaires developed on the basis of theoretical analysis of scientific sources considering the issues of lifelong learning and academic integrity concepts and their implementation into the mining students training. Findings. The peculiarity of faculty members delivering language courses to lifelong learning competences of mining students consists in the fact that the teaching staff recognizes the importance of lifelong learning competences for modern professional in mining, but does not consider them as teaching goals. Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology, sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, and communication in foreign language are considered as the most important competences. As it was demonstrated, the efforts aimed at the development of lifelong competences do not correspond to the rating, as the faculty members consider other competences as the primary goals of their courses. Originality. The attitude of faculty members delivering language courses to mining students towards lifelong learning competence described in the Reference Framework of European Commission was investigated. The attitude of faculty members to the issue of lifelong learning competence formation was considered as a reason of low efficiency of students’ knowledge formation resulting in their poor lifelong learning and academic integrity skills. Practical implications. The results obtained are important for development of master and bachelor programmes in mining aimed at international level, as they enable modernization of existing programmes with respect to modern concepts of lifelong learning and academic integrity.Мета. Визначення ставлення професорсько-викладацького складу (викладачів мовних курсів) до визначення компетенцій у сфері освіти протягом життя та їх цілеспрямованого формування у студентів гірничих спеціальностей на сучасному етапі. Методика. Дані було отримано на основі аналізу паперових анкет, розроблених з урахуванням результатів теоретичного аналізу наукових джерел з проблем освіти протягом життя та академічної доброчесності, а також специфіки їх реалізації при підготовці студентів гірничих спеціальностей. Результати. Специфіка ставлення викладачів мовних курсів до визначення компетенцій у сфері освіти протягом життя та їх цілеспрямованого формування в студентів гірничих спеціальностей полягає в тому, що викладачі визнають важливість компетенцій у сфері освіти протягом життя для сучасних фахівців-гірників, але не розглядають їх як навчальну мету. Математична компетенція та основні компетенції у науці й технологіях, ініціативність і підприємницькі якості, а також комунікація іноземною мовою розглядаються як найважливіші компетенції. Проте, як свідчать отримані дані, визначений рівень важливості компетенції не означає визнання її пріоритетною у навчальному процесі, оскільки педагогічні працівники при формулюванні цілей освітньої діяльності опираються на інші компетенції. Наукова новизна. Розглянуто ставлення викладачів мовних курсів для студентів гірничих спеціальностей до визначення компетенцій у сфері освіти протягом життя, описаних у Рекомендаціях Європейської комісії. Ставлення викладачів до формування компетенцій у сфері освіти протягом життя розглянуто як причина низької ефективності формування знань студентів, що зумовлює недостатній рівень знань студентів у сфері освіти протягом життя та академічної доброчесності. Практична значимість. Отримані результати є важливими для створення магістерських та бакалаврських міжнародних освітніх програм, адже їх врахування дозволить вдосконалити вже існуючі програми з урахуванням сучасних концепцій освіти протягом життя та академічної доброчесності.Цель. Определение отношения профессорско-преподавательского состава (преподавателей языковых курсов) к определению компетенций в сфере образования на протяжении жизни и их целенаправленному формированию у студентов горных специальностей на современном этапе. Методика. Данные были получены на основе анализа бумажных анкет, разработанных с учетом результатов теоретического анализа научных источников по проблематике образования на протяжении жизни и академической добропорядочности, а также специфики их реализации при подготовке студентов горных специальностей. Результаты. Специфика отношения преподавателей языковых курсов к определению компетенций в сфере образования на протяжении жизни и их целенаправленному формированию у студентов горных специальностей заключается в том, что преподаватели признают важность компетенций в сфере образования на протяжении жизни для современных специалистов-горняков, но не рассматривают их в качестве образовательной цели. Математическая компетенция и основные компетенции в науке и технологиях, инициативность и предпринимательские качества, а также коммуникация на иностранном языке рассматриваются как важнейшие компетенции. Но, согласно полученным данным, определенный уровень важности компетенции не означает ее приоритетности в учебном процессе, так как педагоги при формировании целей учебной деятельности опираются на другие компетенции. Научная новизна. Рассмотрено отношение преподавателей языковых курсов для студентов горных специальностей к определению компетенций в сфере образования на протяжении жизни, описанных в Рекомендациях Европейской комисии. Отношение преподавателей языковых курсов к формированию компетенций в сфере образования на протяжении жизни рассматривается как причина низкой эффективности формирования знаний студентов, обуславливающее недостаточный уровень знаний студентов в сфере образования на протяжении жизни и академической добропорядочности. Практическая значимость. Полученные результаты имеют значение для разработки магистерских и бакалаврских международных образовательных программ, т.к. они позволяют усовершенствовать уже существующие программы с учетом современных концепций образования на протяжении жизни и академической добропорядочности.The studies were not supported by any grant. The author is grateful for all recommendations from reviewers and editors

    A methodology for embedding research competencies in an undergraduate civil engineering program

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    Research and its relationship with undergraduate education plays a decisive role in the training of new engineering professionals with a greater affinity for basic and applied research as a fundamental tool in their professional performance and a pillar for lifelong learning (LL). The study aimed to improve the research competencies of civil engineering students from the Universidad de Lima. To achieve this goal, a methodology that allows the acquisition of them gradually, throughout the curriculum, has been developed. Didactic-methodological tools were introduced transversally using a gradual, incremental, and progressive process to promote and develop student research competencies. To follow up on how this process evolved, the acquisition status of research competencies among a group of students was monitored and followed up over four consecutive semesters for two years. The implementation mechanism was based on immersing the students in different types of research exercises depending on their semester by developing exploratory, descriptive, and experimental/predictive research activities. The results indicate that the proposed methodology, Gradual Implementation Research Competencies (GIRC) Program, improved students' acquisition level of research competencies. It was possible to standardize a methodology for the development, improvement and evaluation of students' research competencies, acquired through research exercises. The most representative products generated from the design and implementation of this methodology are: Research competencies proposal, a rubric to assess them, and the Matrix of the Gradual Implementation Research Competencies Program with the proficiency levels expected for each curriculum year

    Optimization of ceramic waste filter for bathroom greywater treatment using central composite design (CCD)

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    The present study aims to develop a filtration system consisting of ceramic wastes as a treatment process of bathroom greywater to reduce chemical oxygen demand (COD), Total suspended solids (TSS), Total nitrogen (TN), and turbidity. Optimization of the reduction efficiency was investigated using response surface methodology (RSM) as a function of the ceramic practical sizes (0.25–1.18 mm) and hydraulic retention time HRT (1–3 h). The functional groups on the surface of the ceramic filter media were determined using Fourier transform irradiation (FTIR), while the scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to determine the microstructure and the surface morphology of the ceramic particles. Results revealed that the optimal reduction of COD, TSS, TN, and turbidity was influenced by active sites of the filter media (C]C, C]O, CeOeH, and OH−) and was achieved under the operating conditions of 0.25 mm of ceramic particles after 3 h of HRT, the observed and predicted reduction for COD, TSS, TN, and Turbidity were 38.8 vs. 39.8%; 58.47 vs. 59.59%; 66.66 vs. 67.32%; 88.31 vs. 89.02%, respectively. It can be concluded that the effectiveness of the ceramic filter media is a potential source for the filtration of bathroom greywater