14 research outputs found

    Grid Information Technology as a New Technological Tool for e-Science, Healthcare and Life Science

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    Nowadays, scientific projects require collaborative environments and powerful computing resources capable of handling huge quantities of data, which gives rise to e-Science. These requirements are evident in the need to optimise time and efforts in activities to do with health. When e-Science focuses on the collaborative handling of all the information generated in clinical medicine and health, e-Health is the result. Scientists are taking increasing interest in an emerging technology – Grid Information Technology – that may offer a solution to their current needs. The current work aims to survey how e-Science is using this technology all around the world. We also argue that the technology may provide an ideal solution for the new challenges facing e-Health and Life Science.Hoy en día, los proyectos científicos requieren poderosos recursos de computación capaces de manejar grandes cantidades de datos, los cuales han dado paso a la ciencia electrónica (e-ciencia). Estos requerimientos se hacen evidentes en la necesidad de optimizar tiempo y esfuerzos en actividades relacionadas con la salud. Cuando la e-ciencia se enfoca en el manejo colaborativo de toda la información generada en la medicina clínica y la salud, da como resultado la salud electrónica (e-salud). Los científicos se han interesado cada vez más y más en una tecnología emergente, como lo es la Tecnología de información en red, la que puede ofrecer solución a sus necesidades cotidianas. El siguiente trabajo apunta a examinar como la e-ciencia es empleada en el mundo. También se discute que la tecnología puede proveer una solución ideal para encarar nuevos desafíos en e-salud y Ciencias de la Vida.Nowadays, scientific projects require collaborative environments and powerful computing resources capable of handling huge quantities of data, which gives rise to e-Science. These requirements are evident in the need to optimise time and efforts in activities to do with health. When e-Science focuses on the collaborative handling of all the information generated in clinical medicine and health, e-Health is the result. Scientists are taking increasing interest in an emerging technology – Grid Information Technology – that may offer a solution to their current needs. The current work aims to survey how e-Science is using this technology all around the world. We also argue that the technology may provide an ideal solution for the new challenges facing e-Health and Life Science

    Dynamics of business politics : evidence from Chinese firm internationalisation to Brazil

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Centro de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação sobre as Américas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Comparados sobre as Américas, 2019.Esta tese aborda o papel da política empresarial no contexto de multinacionais estatais chinesas, analisando o surgimento e a consolidação de uma estatal do setor energético e a sua internacionalização para o Brasil. O estudo de caso traça a evolução corporativa de seu surgimento inicial em 2002, como consequência das reformas do setor elétrico na China, até suas operações no Brasil em 2016. Os resultados se baseiam em mais de três anos de pesquisa de campo - incluindo entrevistas nos setores eletricos no Brasil e na China - além de extensa análise de documentos de arquivo e do governo. Usando uma abordagem institucionalista, a tese identifica que a política empresarial é uma ferramenta vital para ajudar a empresa a obter vantagens competitivas no contexto da internacionalização pela sua superposição dos níveis nacionais e internacionais. Na China, onde a embeddedness institucional da empresa era forte, a empresa desenvolveu a capacidade de perseguir sua agenda industrial e de internacionalização com relativa autonomia, embora confinada ao sistema estatal de negócios. No Brasil, onde sua embeddedness institucional era fraca, dependia de vantagem econômica comparativa, como por exemplo licitação de baixo custo, transferência de conhecimento tecnológico e apoio diplomático. Como resultado, o estudo mostra que a empresa é capaz de incrementar as suas capabilidades existentes e as capacidades industriais para participar do setor energético brasileiro, enquanto simultaneamente consolida sua posição doméstica na China. Além de contribuir para a literatura sobre a relação das empresas estatais com o Estado, o estudo colabora para debates mais amplos sobre as diferenças nas relações entre o Estado e os negócios, as origens políticas das decisões corporativas e a modernização industrial nas economias emergentes.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).This dissertation addresses the role of business politics in the context of Chinese state-owned multinationals by analyzing the emergence and consolidation of a state-owned energy company and its internationalisation to Brazil. The single case study traces the corporate evolution from its initial emergence in 2002 as a consequence of China's power sector reforms to its operations in Brazil in 2016. The findings build on more than three years of field research - including interviews in electricity supply sectors in Brazil and China - as well as extensive analysis of archival and government documents. Using an institutionalist approach, the dissertation identifies that business politics is an important resource to help the company gain competitive advantage. In China, where the company's institutional embeddedness was strong, the company developed the ability to pursue its industrial and internationalisation agenda with relative autonomy, albeit confined to the state-business relations. In Brazil, where its institutional embeddedness was weak, it depended on comparative economic advantage, such as low-cost bidding, technology knowledge transfer, and comparative political advantage, such as diplomatic support. As a result, the case study shows that the firm is able to incrementally build on existing strengths and industrial capabilities to participate in the Brazilian energy sector, while simultaneously consolidating its domestic position in China. In addition to contributing to the literature on the relationship between state-owned enterprises and the state, the study contributes to broader debates about the differences in state-business relations, the political origins of corporate decisions, and industrial upgrading in emerging economies

    Biodiversity Databases

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    Computing and database management has shifted from cottage industry-style methods — the small independent researcher keeping records for a particular project — to state-of-the-art file storage systems, presentation, and distribution over the Internet. New and emerging techniques for recognition, compilation, and data management have made managing data a discipline in its own right. Covering all aspects of this data management, Biodiversity Databases: Techniques, Politics, and Applications brings together input from social scientists, programmers, database designers, and information specialists to delineate the political setting and give institutions platforms for the dissemination of taxonomic information. A practical and logical guide to complex issues, the book explores the changes and challenges of the information age. It discusses projects developed to provide better access to all available biodiversity information. The chapters make the case for the need for representation of concepts in taxonomic databases. They explore issues involved in connecting databases with different user interfaces, the technical demands of linking databases that are not entirely uniform in structure, and the problems of user access and the control of data quality. The book highlights different approaches to addressing concerns associated with the taxonomic impediment and the low reproducibility of taxonomic data. It provides an in-depth examination of the challenge of making taxonomic information more widely available to users in the wider scientific community, in government, and the general population

    A grid-aware emergency response model for natural disasters

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    Natural phenomena are essential and unavoidable planetary actions. When they occur in extreme forms they may have a disastrous impact on human life, property and the environment. Emergency management bodies mitigate, prepare for, respond to and recover from such events. Emergency response is a sum of decisions and actions taken through the collaboration and cooperation of many specialists from different disciplines. However, primary and secondary research findings suggest that there are limitations in the current information and communication technologies (leT), which affect the effectiveness and efficiency of emergency response tasks. Therefore, the focus of this research was to investigate whether the appropriate use of cutting-edge leT (such as the Grid) can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of emergency response operations for natural disasters. The approach adopted in the research involved literature reviews, case studies, face-toface structured interviews with emergency management stakeholders and leT experts, model development using Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) linked to Information Systems Development Methodologies (lSDMs), and finally, one-to-one evaluation exercises. ease studies and interviews involving two member states of the European Union were carried out to investigate current practices and to highlight the limitations that emergency management stakeholders face during response operations. SSM was used to investigate the problem area and to produce a conceptual Emergency Response Model (ERM). Further literature review and interviews suggested the Grid as the most appropriate technology to support the ERM. The linking together of the SSM findings with ISDMs - resulted in the production of a Grid-Aware Emergency Response Model (G-AERM) for natural disasters. The evaluation of the G-AERM demonstrated the applicability of Grid technology to emergency response by supporting stakeholders in monitoring, planning, controlling and managing actions within emergency situations caused by natural disasters in a far more informed way in terms of effectiveness and efficiency....EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    A grid-aware emergency response model for natural disasters

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    Natural phenomena are essential and unavoidable planetary actions. When they occur in extreme forms they may have a disastrous impact on human life, property and the environment. Emergency management bodies mitigate, prepare for, respond to and recover from such events. Emergency response is a sum of decisions and actions taken through the collaboration and cooperation of many specialists from different disciplines. However, primary and secondary research findings suggest that there are limitations in the current information and communication technologies (leT), which affect the effectiveness and efficiency of emergency response tasks. Therefore, the focus of this research was to investigate whether the appropriate use of cutting-edge leT (such as the Grid) can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of emergency response operations for natural disasters. The approach adopted in the research involved literature reviews, case studies, face-toface structured interviews with emergency management stakeholders and leT experts, model development using Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) linked to Information Systems Development Methodologies (lSDMs), and finally, one-to-one evaluation exercises. ease studies and interviews involving two member states of the European Union were carried out to investigate current practices and to highlight the limitations that emergency management stakeholders face during response operations. SSM was used to investigate the problem area and to produce a conceptual Emergency Response Model (ERM). Further literature review and interviews suggested the Grid as the most appropriate technology to support the ERM. The linking together of the SSM findings with ISDMs - resulted in the production of a Grid-Aware Emergency Response Model (G-AERM) for natural disasters. The evaluation of the G-AERM demonstrated the applicability of Grid technology to emergency response by supporting stakeholders in monitoring, planning, controlling and managing actions within emergency situations caused by natural disasters in a far more informed way in terms of effectiveness and efficiency....EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    The Age of Sustainability

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    With transitions to more sustainable ways of living already underway, this book examines how we understand the underlying dynamics of the transitions that are unfolding. Without this understanding, we enter the future in a state of informed bewilderment. Every day we are bombarded by reports about ecosystem breakdown, social conflict, economic stagnation and a crisis of identity. There is mounting evidence that deeper transitions are underway that suggest we may be entering another period of great transformation equal in significance to the agricultural revolution some 13,000 years ago or the Industrial Revolution 250 years ago. This book helps readers make sense of our global crisis and the dynamics of transition that could result in a shift from the industrial epoch that we live in now to a more sustainable and equitable age. The global renewable energy transition that is already underway holds the key to the wider just transition. However, the evolutionary potential of the present also manifests in the mushrooming of ecocultures, new urban visions, sustainability-oriented developmental states and new ways of learning and researching. Shedding light on the highly complex challenge of a sustainable and just transition, this book is essential reading for anyone concerned with establishing a more sustainable and equitable world. Ultimately, this is a book about hope but without easy answers

    Development of a grid service for multi-objective design optimisation

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    The emerging grid technology is receiving great attention from researchers and applications that need computational and data capabilities to enhance performance and efficiency. Multi-Objective Design Optimisation (MODO) is computationally and data challenging. The challenges become even more with the emergence of evolutionary computing (EC) techniques which produce multiple solutions in a single simulation run. Other challenges are the complexity in mathematical models and multidisciplinary involvement of experts, thus making MODO collaborative and interactive in nature. These challenges call for a problem solving environment (P SE) that can provide computational and optimisation resources to MODO experts as services. Current PSEs provide only the technical specifications of the services which is used by programmers and do not have service specifications for designers that use the system to support design optimisation as services. There is need for PSEs to have service specification document that describes how the services are provided to the end users. Additionally, providing MODO resources as services enabled designers to share resources that they do not have through service subscription. The aim of this research is to develop specifications and architecture of a grid service for MODO. The specifications provide the service use cases that are used to build MODO services. A service specification document is proposed and this enables service providers to follow a process for providing services to end users. In this research, literature was reviewed and industry survey conducted. This was followed by the design, development, case study and validation. The research studied related PSEs in literature and industry to come up with a service specification document that captures the process for grid service definition. This specification was used to develop a framework for MODO applications. An architecture based on this framework was proposed and implemented as DECGrid (Decision Engineering Centre Grid) prototype. Three real-life case studies were used to validate the prototype. The results obtained compared favourably with the results in literature. Different scenarios for using the services among distributed design experts demonstrated the computational synergy and efficiency in collaboration. The mathematical model building service and optimisation service enabled designers to collaboratively build models using the collaboration service. This helps designers without optimisation knowledge to perform optimisation. The key contributions in this research are the service specifications that support MODO, the framework developed which provides the process for definining the services and the architecture used to implement the framework. The key limitations of the research are the use of only engineering design optimisation case studies and the prototype is not tested in industry.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Autonomic visualisation.

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    This thesis introduces the concept of autonomic visualisation, where principles of autonomic systems are brought to the field of visualisation infrastructure. Problems in visualisation have a specific set of requirements which are not always met by existing systems. The first half of this thesis explores a specific problem for large scale visualisation; that of data management. Visualisation algorithms have somewhat different requirements to other external memory problems, due to the fact that they often require access to all, or a large subset, of the data in a way that is highly dependent on the view. This thesis proposes a knowledge-based approach to pre-fetching in this context, and presents evidence that such an approach yields good performance. The knowledge based approach is incorporated into a five-layer model, which provides a systematic way of categorising and designing out-of-core, or external memory, systems. This model is demonstrated with two example implementations, on in the local and one in the remote context. The second half explores autonomic visualisation in the more general case. A simulation tool, created for the purpose of designing autonomic visualisation infrastructure is presented. This tool, SimEAC, provides a way of facilitating the development of techniques for managing large-scale visualisation systems. The abstract design of the simulation system, as well as details of the implementation are presented. The architecture of the simulator is explored, and then the system is evaluated in a number of case studies indicating some of the ways in which it can be used. The simulator provides a framework for experimentation and rapid prototyping of large scale autonomic systems