606 research outputs found

    Universal, Unsupervised (Rule-Based), Uncovered Sentiment Analysis

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    We present a novel unsupervised approach for multilingual sentiment analysis driven by compositional syntax-based rules. On the one hand, we exploit some of the main advantages of unsupervised algorithms: (1) the interpretability of their output, in contrast with most supervised models, which behave as a black box and (2) their robustness across different corpora and domains. On the other hand, by introducing the concept of compositional operations and exploiting syntactic information in the form of universal dependencies, we tackle one of their main drawbacks: their rigidity on data that are structured differently depending on the language concerned. Experiments show an improvement both over existing unsupervised methods, and over state-of-the-art supervised models when evaluating outside their corpus of origin. Experiments also show how the same compositional operations can be shared across languages. The system is available at http://www.grupolys.org/software/UUUSA/Comment: 19 pages, 5 Tables, 6 Figures. This is the authors version of a work that was accepted for publication in Knowledge-Based System

    Cold-start universal information extraction

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    Who? What? When? Where? Why? are fundamental questions asked when gathering knowledge about and understanding a concept, topic, or event. The answers to these questions underpin the key information conveyed in the overwhelming majority, if not all, of language-based communication. At the core of my research in Information Extraction (IE) is the desire to endow machines with the ability to automatically extract, assess, and understand text in order to answer these fundamental questions. IE has been serving as one of the most important components for many downstream natural language processing (NLP) tasks, such as knowledge base completion, machine reading comprehension, machine translation and so on. The proliferation of the Web also intensifies the need of dealing with enormous amount of unstructured data from various sources, such as languages, genres and domains. When building an IE system, the conventional pipeline is to (1) ask expert linguists to rigorously define a target set of knowledge types we wish to extract by examining a large data set, (2) collect resources and human annotations for each type, and (3) design features and train machine learning models to extract knowledge elements. In practice, this process is very expensive as each step involves extensive human effort which is not always available, for example, to specify the knowledge types for a particular scenario, both consumers and expert linguists need to examine a lot of data from that domain and write detailed annotation guidelines for each type. Hand-crafted schemas, which define the types and complex templates of the expected knowledge elements, often provide low coverage and fail to generalize to new domains. For example, none of the traditional event extraction programs, such as ACE (Automatic Content Extraction) and TAC-KBP, include "donation'' and "evacuation'' in their schemas in spite of their potential relevance to natural disaster management users. Additionally, these approaches are highly dependent on linguistic resources and human labeled data tuned to pre-defined types, so they suffer from poor scalability and portability when moving to a new language, domain, or genre. The focus of this thesis is to develop effective theories and algorithms for IE which not only yield satisfactory quality by incorporating prior linguistic and semantic knowledge, but also greater portability and scalability by moving away from the high cost and narrow focus of large-scale manual annotation. This thesis opens up a new research direction called Cold-Start Universal Information Extraction, where the full extraction and analysis starts from scratch and requires little or no prior manual annotation or pre-defined type schema. In addition to this new research paradigm, we also contribute effective algorithms and models towards resolving the following three challenges: How can machines extract knowledge without any pre-defined types or any human annotated data? We develop an effective bottom-up and unsupervised Liberal Information Extraction framework based on the hypothesis that the meaning and underlying knowledge conveyed by linguistic expressions is usually embodied by their usages in language, which makes it possible to automatically induces a type schema based on rich contextual representations of all knowledge elements by combining their symbolic and distributional semantics using unsupervised hierarchical clustering. How can machines benefit from available resources, e.g., large-scale ontologies or existing human annotations? My research has shown that pre-defined types can also be encoded by rich contextual or structured representations, through which knowledge elements can be mapped to their appropriate types. Therefore, we design a weakly supervised Zero-shot Learning and a Semi-Supervised Vector Quantized Variational Auto-Encoder approach that frames IE as a grounding problem instead of classification, where knowledge elements are grounded into any types from an extensible and large-scale target ontology or induced from the corpora, with available annotations for a few types. How can IE approaches be extent to low-resource languages without any extra human effort? There are more than 6000 living languages in the real world while public gold-standard annotations are only available for a few dominant languages. To facilitate the adaptation of these IE frameworks to other languages, especially low resource languages, a Multilingual Common Semantic Space is further proposed to serve as a bridge for transferring existing resources and annotated data from dominant languages to more than 300 low resource languages. Moreover, a Multi-Level Adversarial Transfer framework is also designed to learn language-agnostic features across various languages

    Semantic Pivoting Model for Effective Event Detection

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    Event Detection, which aims to identify and classify mentions of event instances from unstructured articles, is an important task in Natural Language Processing (NLP). Existing techniques for event detection only use homogeneous one-hot vectors to represent the event type classes, ignoring the fact that the semantic meaning of the types is important to the task. Such an approach is inefficient and prone to overfitting. In this paper, we propose a Semantic Pivoting Model for Effective Event Detection (SPEED), which explicitly incorporates prior information during training and captures semantically meaningful correlations between input and events. Experimental results show that our proposed model achieves state-of-the-art performance and outperforms the baselines in multiple settings without using any external resources.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures; Accepted to ACIIDS 202

    Improving Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning for Event Detection

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    The widespread adoption of applications powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) backbones has unquestionably changed the way we interact with the world around us. Applications such as automated personal assistants, automatic question answering, and machine-based translation systems have become mainstays of modern culture thanks to the recent considerable advances in Natural Language Processing (NLP) research. Nonetheless, with over 7000 spoken languages in the world, there still remain a considerable number of marginalized communities that are unable to benefit from these technological advancements largely due to the language they speak. Cross-Lingual Learning (CLL) looks to address this issue by transferring the knowledge acquired from a popular, high-resource source language (e.g., English, Chinese, or Spanish) to a less favored, lower-resourced target language (e.g., Urdu or Swahili). This dissertation leverages the Event Detection (ED) sub-task of Information Extraction (IE) as a testbed and presents three novel approaches that improve cross-lingual transfer learning from distinct perspectives: (1) direct knowledge transfer, (2) hybrid knowledge transfer, and (3) few-shot learning

    Current trends in multilingual speech processing

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    In this paper, we describe recent work at Idiap Research Institute in the domain of multilingual speech processing and provide some insights into emerging challenges for the research community. Multilingual speech processing has been a topic of ongoing interest to the research community for many years and the field is now receiving renewed interest owing to two strong driving forces. Firstly, technical advances in speech recognition and synthesis are posing new challenges and opportunities to researchers. For example, discriminative features are seeing wide application by the speech recognition community, but additional issues arise when using such features in a multilingual setting. Another example is the apparent convergence of speech recognition and speech synthesis technologies in the form of statistical parametric methodologies. This convergence enables the investigation of new approaches to unified modelling for automatic speech recognition and text-to-speech synthesis (TTS) as well as cross-lingual speaker adaptation for TTS. The second driving force is the impetus being provided by both government and industry for technologies to help break down domestic and international language barriers, these also being barriers to the expansion of policy and commerce. Speech-to-speech and speech-to-text translation are thus emerging as key technologies at the heart of which lies multilingual speech processin

    Dynamic topic adaptation for improved contextual modelling in statistical machine translation

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    In recent years there has been an increased interest in domain adaptation techniques for statistical machine translation (SMT) to deal with the growing amount of data from different sources. Topic modelling techniques applied to SMT are closely related to the field of domain adaptation but more flexible in dealing with unstructured text. Topic models can capture latent structure in texts and are therefore particularly suitable for modelling structure in between and beyond corpus boundaries, which are often arbitrary. In this thesis, the main focus is on dynamic translation model adaptation to texts of unknown origin, which is a typical scenario for an online MT engine translating web documents. We introduce a new bilingual topic model for SMT that takes the entire document context into account and for the first time directly estimates topic-dependent phrase translation probabilities in a Bayesian fashion. We demonstrate our model’s ability to improve over several domain adaptation baselines and further provide evidence for the advantages of bilingual topic modelling for SMT over the more common monolingual topic modelling. We also show improved performance when deriving further adapted translation features from the same model which measure different aspects of topical relatedness. We introduce another new topic model for SMT which exploits the distributional nature of phrase pair meaning by modelling topic distributions over phrase pairs using their distributional profiles. Using this model, we explore combinations of local and global contextual information and demonstrate the usefulness of different levels of contextual information, which had not been previously examined for SMT. We also show that combining this model with a topic model trained at the document-level further improves performance. Our dynamic topic adaptation approach performs competitively in comparison with two supervised domain-adapted systems. Finally, we shed light on the relationship between domain adaptation and topic adaptation and propose to combine multi-domain adaptation and topic adaptation in a framework that entails automatic prediction of domain labels at the document level. We show that while each technique provides complementary benefits to the overall performance, there is an amount of overlap between domain and topic adaptation. This can be exploited to build systems that require less adaptation effort at runtime

    State-of-the-art generalisation research in NLP: a taxonomy and review

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    The ability to generalise well is one of the primary desiderata of natural language processing (NLP). Yet, what `good generalisation' entails and how it should be evaluated is not well understood, nor are there any common standards to evaluate it. In this paper, we aim to lay the ground-work to improve both of these issues. We present a taxonomy for characterising and understanding generalisation research in NLP, we use that taxonomy to present a comprehensive map of published generalisation studies, and we make recommendations for which areas might deserve attention in the future. Our taxonomy is based on an extensive literature review of generalisation research, and contains five axes along which studies can differ: their main motivation, the type of generalisation they aim to solve, the type of data shift they consider, the source by which this data shift is obtained, and the locus of the shift within the modelling pipeline. We use our taxonomy to classify over 400 previous papers that test generalisation, for a total of more than 600 individual experiments. Considering the results of this review, we present an in-depth analysis of the current state of generalisation research in NLP, and make recommendations for the future. Along with this paper, we release a webpage where the results of our review can be dynamically explored, and which we intend to up-date as new NLP generalisation studies are published. With this work, we aim to make steps towards making state-of-the-art generalisation testing the new status quo in NLP.Comment: 35 pages of content + 53 pages of reference
