13 research outputs found

    Enhancing Online Security with Image-based Captchas

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    Given the data loss, productivity, and financial risks posed by security breaches, there is a great need to protect online systems from automated attacks. Completely Automated Public Turing Tests to Tell Computers and Humans Apart, known as CAPTCHAs, are commonly used as one layer in providing online security. These tests are intended to be easily solvable by legitimate human users while being challenging for automated attackers to successfully complete. Traditionally, CAPTCHAs have asked users to perform tasks based on text recognition or categorization of discrete images to prove whether or not they are legitimate human users. Over time, the efficacy of these CAPTCHAs has been eroded by improved optical character recognition, image classification, and machine learning techniques that can accurately solve many CAPTCHAs at rates approaching those of humans. These CAPTCHAs can also be difficult to complete using the touch-based input methods found on widely used tablets and smartphones.;This research proposes the design of CAPTCHAs that address the shortcomings of existing implementations. These CAPTCHAs require users to perform different image-based tasks including face detection, face recognition, multimodal biometrics recognition, and object recognition to prove they are human. These are tasks that humans excel at but which remain difficult for computers to complete successfully. They can also be readily performed using click- or touch-based input methods, facilitating their use on both traditional computers and mobile devices.;Several strategies are utilized by the CAPTCHAs developed in this research to enable high human success rates while ensuring negligible automated attack success rates. One such technique, used by fgCAPTCHA, employs image quality metrics and face detection algorithms to calculate a fitness value representing the simulated performance of human users and automated attackers, respectively, at solving each generated CAPTCHA image. A genetic learning algorithm uses these fitness values to determine customized generation parameters for each CAPTCHA image. Other approaches, including gradient descent learning, artificial immune systems, and multi-stage performance-based filtering processes, are also proposed in this research to optimize the generated CAPTCHA images.;An extensive RESTful web service-based evaluation platform was developed to facilitate the testing and analysis of the CAPTCHAs developed in this research. Users recorded over 180,000 attempts at solving these CAPTCHAs using a variety of devices. The results show the designs created in this research offer high human success rates, up to 94.6\% in the case of aiCAPTCHA, while ensuring resilience against automated attacks

    Mothers\u27 Adaptation to Caring for a New Baby

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    To date, most research on parents\u27 adjustment after adding a new baby to their family unit has focused on mothers\u27 initial transition to parenthood. This past research has examined changes in mothers\u27 marital satisfaction and perceived well-being across the transition, and has compared their prenatal expectations to their postnatal experiences. This project assessed first-time and experienced mothers\u27 stress and satisfaction associated with parenting, their adjustment to competing demands, and their perceived well-being longitudinally before and after the birth of a baby. Additionally, how maternal and child-related variables influenced the trajectory of mothers\u27 postnatal adaptation was assessed. These variables included mothers\u27 age, their education level, their prenatal expectations and postnatal experiences concerning shared infant care, their satisfaction with the division of infant caregiving, and their perceptions of their infant\u27s temperament. Mothers (N = 136) completed an online survey during their third trimester and additional online surveys when their baby was approximately 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks old.;First-time mothers prenatally expected a more equal division of infant caregiving between themselves and their partners than did experienced mothers. Both first-time and experienced mothers reported less assistance from their partners than they had prenatally expected. Additionally, they experienced almost twice as many violated expectations than met expectations. Growth curve modeling revealed that a cubic function of time best fit the trajectory of mothers\u27 postnatal parenting satisfaction. Mothers reported less parenting satisfaction at 4 weeks, compared to 2 and 6 weeks, and reported stability in their satisfaction between 6 and 8 weeks. A quadratic function of time best fit the trajectories of mothers\u27 postnatal parenting stress and adjustment to the demands of their baby. Mothers reported more stress and difficulty adjusting to their baby\u27s demands at 4 and 6 weeks, compared to 2 and 8 weeks. A linear function of time best fit the trajectories of mothers\u27 adjustment to home demands, generalized state anxiety, and depressive symptoms. Mothers reported less difficulty meeting home demands, less generalized anxiety, and fewer depressive symptoms across the postnatal period. Mothers\u27 violated expectations were associated with level differences in all aspects of mothers\u27 postnatal adaptation except their adjustment to home demands. Specifically, more violated expectations, in number or in magnitude, were associated with poorer postnatal adaptation. Mothers\u27 violated expectations were not associated with the slope of mothers\u27 postnatal adaptation trajectories. Exploratory models revealed that other maternal and child-related variables also impacted the level and slope of mothers\u27 postnatal adaptation.;Overall, first-time and experienced mothers were more similar than different in regards to their postnatal adaptation. This study suggests that prior findings concerning adults\u27 initial transition to parenthood may also apply to adults during each addition of a new baby into the family unit. Additionally, mothers who reported less of a mismatch between their expectations and experiences concerning shared infant care had fewer issues adapting the postnatal period. Thus, methods to increase the assistance mothers receive from their partner should be sought. Limitations of this study and suggestions for future research are also discussed

    Human-artificial intelligence approaches for secure analysis in CAPTCHA codes

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    CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) has long been used to keep automated bots from misusing web services by leveraging human-artificial intelligence (HAI) interactions to distinguish whether the user is a human or a computer program. Various CAPTCHA schemes have been proposed over the years, principally to increase usability and security against emerging bots and hackers performing malicious operations. However, automated attacks have effectively cracked all common conventional schemes, and the majority of present CAPTCHA methods are also vulnerable to human-assisted relay attacks. Invisible reCAPTCHA and some approaches have not yet been cracked. However, with the introduction of fourth-generation bots accurately mimicking human behavior, a secure CAPTCHA would be hardly designed without additional special devices. Almost all cognitive-based CAPTCHAs with sensor support have not yet been compromised by automated attacks. However, they are still compromised to human-assisted relay attacks due to having a limited number of challenges and can be only solved using trusted devices. Obviously, cognitive-based CAPTCHA schemes have an advantage over other schemes in the race against security attacks. In this study, as a strong starting point for creating future secure and usable CAPTCHA schemes, we have offered an overview analysis of HAI between computer users and computers under the security aspects of open problems, difficulties, and opportunities of current CAPTCHA schemes.Web of Science20221art. no.

    A Survey of Adversarial CAPTCHAs on its History, Classification and Generation

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    Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart, short for CAPTCHA, is an essential and relatively easy way to defend against malicious attacks implemented by bots. The security and usability trade-off limits the use of massive geometric transformations to interfere deep model recognition and deep models even outperformed humans in complex CAPTCHAs. The discovery of adversarial examples provides an ideal solution to the security and usability trade-off by integrating adversarial examples and CAPTCHAs to generate adversarial CAPTCHAs that can fool the deep models. In this paper, we extend the definition of adversarial CAPTCHAs and propose a classification method for adversarial CAPTCHAs. Then we systematically review some commonly used methods to generate adversarial examples and methods that are successfully used to generate adversarial CAPTCHAs. Also, we analyze some defense methods that can be used to defend adversarial CAPTCHAs, indicating potential threats to adversarial CAPTCHAs. Finally, we discuss some possible future research directions for adversarial CAPTCHAs at the end of this paper.Comment: Submitted to ACM Computing Surveys (Under Review

    Image Understanding for Automatic Human and Machine Separation.

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    PhDThe research presented in this thesis aims to extend the capabilities of human interaction proofs in order to improve security in web applications and services. The research focuses on developing a more robust and efficient Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Human Apart (CAPTCHA) to increase the gap between human recognition and machine recognition. Two main novel approaches are presented, each one of them targeting a different area of human and machine recognition: a character recognition test, and an image recognition test. Along with the novel approaches, a categorisation for the available CAPTCHA methods is also introduced. The character recognition CAPTCHA is based on the creation of depth perception by using shadows to represent characters. The characters are created by the imaginary shadows produced by a light source, using as a basis the gestalt principle that human beings can perceive whole forms instead of just a collection of simple lines and curves. This approach was developed in two stages: firstly, two dimensional characters, and secondly three-dimensional character models. The image recognition CAPTCHA is based on the creation of cartoons out of faces. The faces used belong to people in the entertainment business, politicians, and sportsmen. The principal basis of this approach is that face perception is a cognitive process that humans perform easily and with a high rate of success. The process involves the use of face morphing techniques to distort the faces into cartoons, allowing the resulting image to be more robust against machine recognition. Exhaustive tests on both approaches using OCR software, SIFT image recognition, and face recognition software show an improvement in human recognition rate, whilst preventing robots break through the tests

    Development of a Social Engineering eXposure Index (SEXI) using Open-Source Personal Information

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    Millions of people willingly expose their lives via Internet technologies every day, and even the very few ones who refrain from the use of the Internet find themselves exposed through data breaches. Billions of private information records are exposed through the Internet. Marketers gather personal preferences to influence shopping behavior. Providers gather personal information to deliver enhanced services, and underground hacker networks contain repositories of immense data sets. Few users of Internet technologies have considered where their information is going or who has access to it. Even fewer are aware of how decisions made in their own lives expose significant pieces of information, which can be used by cyber hackers to harm the very organizations with whom they are affiliated. While this threat can affect any person holding any position at an organization, upper management poses a significantly higher risk due to their level of access to critical data and finances targeted by cybercrime. The goal of this research was to develop and validate a Social Engineering eXposure Index (SEXI)™ using Open-Source Personal Information (OSPI) to assist in identifying and classifying social engineering vulnerabilities. This study combined an expert panel using the Delphi method, developmental research, and quantitative data collection. The expert panel categorized and assessed information privacy components into three identifiability groups, subsequently used to develop an algorithm that formed the basis for a SEXI. Validation of the algorithm used open-source personal information found on the Internet for 50 executives of Fortune 500 organizations and 50 Hollywood celebrities. The exposure of each executive and persona was quantified and the collected data were evaluated, analyzed, and presented in an anonymous aggregated form. Phase 1 of this study developed and evaluated the SEXI benchmarking instrument via an expert panel using the Delphi expert methodology. During the first round, 3,531 data points were collected with 1,530 having to do with the demographics, qualifications, experience, and working environments of the panel members as well as 2,001 attributing levels of exposure to personal information. The second Delphi round presented the panel members with the feedback of the first-round tasking them with categorizing personal information, resulting in 1,816 data points. Phase 2 of this study used the composition, weights, and categories of personal information from Phase 1 in the development of a preliminary SEXI benchmarking instrument comprised of 105 personal information items. Simulated data was used to validate the instrument prior to the data collection. Before initiating Phase 3, the preliminary SEXI benchmarking instrument was fully tested to verify the accuracy of recorded data. Phase 3 began with discovering, evaluating, and validating repositories of publicly available data sources of personal information. Approximately two dozen sources were used to collect 11,800 data points with the SEXI benchmarking index. Upon completion of Phase 3, data analysis of the Fortune 500 executives and Hollywood personas used to validate the SEXI benchmarking index. Data analysis was conducted in Phase 3 by one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The results of the ANOVA data analysis from Phase 3 revealed that age, gender, marital status, and military/police experience were not significant in showing SEXI differences. Additionally, income, estimated worth, industry, organization position, philanthropic contributions are significant, showing differences in SEXI. The most significant differences in SEXI in this research study were found with writers and chief information officers. A t-test was performed to compare the Fortune 500 executives and the Hollywood personas. The results of the t-test data analysis showed a significant difference between the two groups in that Hollywood Personas had a higher SEXI than the Fortune 500 Executives suggesting increased exposure due to OSPI. The results of this research study established, categorized, and validated a quantifiable measurement of personal information. Moreover, the results of this research study validated that the SEXI benchmarking index could be used to assess an individual’s exposure to social engineering due to publicly available personal information. As organizations and public figures rely on Internet technologies understanding the level of personal information exposure is critical is protecting against social engineering attacks. Furthermore, assessing personal information exposure could provide an organization insight into exposed personal information facilitating further mitigation of threats or potential social engineering attack vectors. Discussions and implications for future research are provided

    The Dollar General: Continuous Custom Gesture Recognition Techniques At Everyday Low Prices

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    Humans use gestures to emphasize ideas and disseminate information. Their importance is apparent in how we continuously augment social interactions with motion—gesticulating in harmony with nearly every utterance to ensure observers understand that which we wish to communicate, and their relevance has not escaped the HCI community\u27s attention. For almost as long as computers have been able to sample human motion at the user interface boundary, software systems have been made to understand gestures as command metaphors. Customization, in particular, has great potential to improve user experience, whereby users map specific gestures to specific software functions. However, custom gesture recognition remains a challenging problem, especially when training data is limited, input is continuous, and designers who wish to use customization in their software are limited by mathematical attainment, machine learning experience, domain knowledge, or a combination thereof. Data collection, filtering, segmentation, pattern matching, synthesis, and rejection analysis are all non-trivial problems a gesture recognition system must solve. To address these issues, we introduce The Dollar General (TDG), a complete pipeline composed of several novel continuous custom gesture recognition techniques. Specifically, TDG comprises an automatic low-pass filter tuner that we use to improve signal quality, a segmenter for identifying gesture candidates in a continuous input stream, a classifier for discriminating gesture candidates from non-gesture motions, and a synthetic data generation module we use to train the classifier. Our system achieves high recognition accuracy with as little as one or two training samples per gesture class, is largely input device agnostic, and does not require advanced mathematical knowledge to understand and implement. In this dissertation, we motivate the importance of gestures and customization, describe each pipeline component in detail, and introduce strategies for data collection and prototype selection

    Cognitive Foundations for Visual Analytics

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    In this report, we provide an overview of scientific/technical literature on information visualization and VA. Topics discussed include an update and overview of the extensive literature search conducted for this study, the nature and purpose of the field, major research thrusts, and scientific foundations. We review methodologies for evaluating and measuring the impact of VA technologies as well as taxonomies that have been proposed for various purposes to support the VA community. A cognitive science perspective underlies each of these discussions

    Sixth International Joint Conference on Electronic Voting E-Vote-ID 2021. 5-8 October 2021

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    This volume contains papers presented at E-Vote-ID 2021, the Sixth International Joint Conference on Electronic Voting, held during October 5-8, 2021. Due to the extraordinary situation provoked by Covid-19 Pandemic, the conference is held online for second consecutive edition, instead of in the traditional venue in Bregenz, Austria. E-Vote-ID Conference resulted from the merging of EVOTE and Vote-ID and counting up to 17 years since the _rst E-Vote conference in Austria. Since that conference in 2004, over 1000 experts have attended the venue, including scholars, practitioners, authorities, electoral managers, vendors, and PhD Students. The conference collected the most relevant debates on the development of Electronic Voting, from aspects relating to security and usability through to practical experiences and applications of voting systems, also including legal, social or political aspects, amongst others; turning out to be an important global referent in relation to this issue. Also, this year, the conference consisted of: · Security, Usability and Technical Issues Track · Administrative, Legal, Political and Social Issues Track · Election and Practical Experiences Track · PhD Colloquium, Poster and Demo Session on the day before the conference E-VOTE-ID 2021 received 49 submissions, being, each of them, reviewed by 3 to 5 program committee members, using a double blind review process. As a result, 27 papers were accepted for its presentation in the conference. The selected papers cover a wide range of topics connected with electronic voting, including experiences and revisions of the real uses of E-voting systems and corresponding processes in elections. We would also like to thank the German Informatics Society (Gesellschaft für Informatik) with its ECOM working group and KASTEL for their partnership over many years. Further we would like to thank the Swiss Federal Chancellery and the Regional Government of Vorarlberg for their kind support. EVote- ID 2021 conference is kindly supported through European Union's Horizon 2020 projects ECEPS (grant agreement 857622) and mGov4EU (grant agreement 959072). Special thanks go to the members of the international program committee for their hard work in reviewing, discussing, and shepherding papers. They ensured the high quality of these proceedings with their knowledge and experience

    Electronic Voting: 6th International Joint Conference, E-Vote-ID 2021, Virtual Event, October 5–8, 2021: proceedings

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    This volume contains the papers presented at E-Vote-ID 2021, the Sixth International Joint Conference on Electronic Voting, held during October 5–8, 2021. Due to the extraordinary situation brought about by the COVID-19, the conference was held online for the second consecutive edition, instead of in the traditional venue in Bregenz, Austria. The E-Vote-ID conference is the result of the merger of the EVOTE and Vote-ID conferences, with first EVOTE conference taking place 17 years ago in Austria. Since that conference in 2004, over 1000 experts have attended the venue, including scholars, practitioners, authorities, electoral managers, vendors, and PhD students. The conference focuses on the most relevant debates on the development of electronic voting, from aspects relating to security and usability through to practical experiences and applications of voting systems, also including legal, social, or political aspects, amongst others, and has turned out to be an important global referent in relation to this issue