322 research outputs found

    Agent-Driven Representations, Algorithms, and Metrics for Automated Organizational Design.

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    As cooperative multiagent systems (MASs) increase in interconnectivity, complexity, size, and longevity, coordinating the agents' reasoning and behaviors becomes increasingly difficult. One approach to address these issues is to use insights from human organizations to design structures within which the agents can more efficiently reason and interact. Generally speaking, an organization influences each agent such that, by following its respective influences, an agent can make globally-useful local decisions without having to explicitly reason about the complete joint coordination problem. For example, an organizational influence might constrain and/or inform which actions an agent performs. If these influences are well-constructed to be cohesive and correlated across the agents, then each agent is influenced into reasoning about and performing only the actions that are appropriate for its (organizationally-designated) portion of the joint coordination problem. In this dissertation, I develop an agent-driven approach to organizations, wherein the foundation for representing and reasoning about an organization stems from the needs of the agents in the MAS. I create an organizational specification language to express the possible ways in which an organization could influence the agents' decision making processes, and leverage details from those decision processes to establish quantitative, principled metrics for organizational performance based on the expected impact that an organization will have on the agents' reasoning and behaviors. Building upon my agent-driven organizational representations, I identify a strategy for automating the organizational design process~(ODP), wherein my ODP computes a quantitative description of organizational patterns and then searches through those possible patterns to identify an (approximately) optimal set of organizational influences for the MAS. Evaluating my ODP reveals that it can create organizations that both influence the MAS into effective patterns of joint policies and also streamline the agents' decision making in a coordinate manner. Finally, I use my agent-driven approach to identify characteristics of effective abstractions over organizational influences and a heuristic strategy for converging on a good abstraction.PhDComputer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/113616/1/jsleight_1.pd

    Competitive Benchmarking: An IS Research Approach to Address Wicked Problems with Big Data and Analytics

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    Wicked problems like sustainable energy and financial market stability are societal challenges that arise from complex socio-technical systems in which numerous social, economic, political, and technical factors interact. Understanding and mitigating them requires research methods that scale beyond the traditional areas of inquiry of Information Systems (IS) “individuals, organizations, and markets” and that deliver solutions in addition to insights. We describe an approach to address these challenges through Competitive Benchmarking (CB), a novel research method that helps interdisciplinary research communities to tackle complex challenges of societal scale by using different types of data from a variety of sources such as usage data from customers, production patterns from producers, public policy and regulatory constraints, etc. for a given instantiation. Further, the CB platform generates data that can be used to improve operational strategies and judge the effectiveness of regulatory regimes and policies. We describe our experience applying CB to the sustainable energy challenge in the Power Trading Agent Competition (Power TAC) in which more than a dozen research groups from around the world jointly devise, benchmark, and improve IS-based solutions

    Multi-Agent Systems

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    This Special Issue ""Multi-Agent Systems"" gathers original research articles reporting results on the steadily growing area of agent-oriented computing and multi-agent systems technologies. After more than 20 years of academic research on multi-agent systems (MASs), in fact, agent-oriented models and technologies have been promoted as the most suitable candidates for the design and development of distributed and intelligent applications in complex and dynamic environments. With respect to both their quality and range, the papers in this Special Issue already represent a meaningful sample of the most recent advancements in the field of agent-oriented models and technologies. In particular, the 17 contributions cover agent-based modeling and simulation, situated multi-agent systems, socio-technical multi-agent systems, and semantic technologies applied to multi-agent systems. In fact, it is surprising to witness how such a limited portion of MAS research already highlights the most relevant usage of agent-based models and technologies, as well as their most appreciated characteristics. We are thus confident that the readers of Applied Sciences will be able to appreciate the growing role that MASs will play in the design and development of the next generation of complex intelligent systems. This Special Issue has been converted into a yearly series, for which a new call for papers is already available at the Applied Sciences journal’s website: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/applsci/special_issues/Multi-Agent_Systems_2019

    A Systematic Literature Review on Machine Learning in Shared Mobility

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    Shared mobility has emerged as a sustainable alternative to both private transportation and traditional public transport, promising to reduce the number of private vehicles on roads while offering users greater flexibility. Today, urban areas are home to a myriad of innovative services, including car-sharing, ride-sharing, and micromobility solutions like moped-sharing, bike-sharing, and e-scooter-sharing. Given the intense competition and the inherent operational complexities of shared mobility systems, providers are increasingly seeking specialized decision-support methodologies to boost operational efficiency. While recent research indicates that advanced machine learning methods can tackle the intricate challenges in shared mobility management decisions, a thorough evaluation of existing research is essential to fully grasp its potential and pinpoint areas needing further exploration. This paper presents a systematic literature review that specifically targets the application of Machine Learning for decision-making in Shared Mobility Systems. Our review underscores that Machine Learning offers methodological solutions to specific management challenges crucial for the effective operation of Shared Mobility Systems. We delve into the methods and datasets employed, spotlight research trends, and pinpoint research gaps. Our findings culminate in a comprehensive framework of Machine Learning techniques designed to bolster managerial decision-making in addressing challenges specific to Shared Mobility across various levels

    A Design Methodology for a Computer-Supported Collaborative Skills Lab in Technical Translation Teaching

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    Aim/Purpose The aim of this study is to adopt more systematically the collaborative learning dimension in the technical translation teaching at Master Degree level. In order to do so, a computer-supported skills lab approach is targeted. This approach is aimed at enhancing traditional courses on Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) so that student competences and soft skills are enhanced. Background In traditional CAT courses, laboratory sessions complement theoretical lessons, thus providing students mainly with tool-oriented operational knowledge, while nowadays more intertwined competences are required by the labor market. Moreover, this sector lacks skills labs which engage students in collaborative activities mimicking professional workflows, thus not exploiting team-based learning potential effectiveness. Methodology In this paper, therefore, a design methodology to deploy and operate an enhanced skills lab as a remote Computer-Supported Collaborative Simulated Translation Bureau (CS2TB) is proposed and validated. The proposed methodology is based on a set of intertwined methodological frameworks that address: 1) student competences and educational requirements, 2) collaborative aspects, 3) regulatory policies as well as functional and interactional guidelines for the simulated fieldwork. The overall effectiveness of the proposed methodology has been assessed by using pre-post questionnaires to ascertain student feedback. The improvement in technology skills has been evaluated by collecting and examining student help requests as well as system error logs. Contribution The CS2TB provides a technology-enhanced simulation-based learning environment whose aim is twofold: first, enriching traditional approaches with a Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) experience and, second, incorporating widely adopted approaches for the translation-teaching domain as the required grounding knowledge. Findings Results demonstrate the effectiveness of CS2TB in improving students' competences (specifically in the IT area but also in the technical translation area), students' willingness to operate in a fieldwork-like context and cooperative learning efficacy. Recommendations for Practitioners The educational implications of the proposed approach concern the development of a full range of competences and soft skills for students in the technical translation teaching at the higher education level, ranging from language and translation proficiency to the usage of IT platforms as well as personal and interpersonal interactional soft skills. Recommendations for Researchers This study offers a wide overview of all the aspects entailed by the design, implementation, management, and evaluation of a skills lab for technical translation teaching. Researchers may benefit from the rigorous modelling approach as well as from the adopted assessment techniques. Moreover, the study stresses the pivotal role of a tight collaboration between language/translation teaching and computer engineering. Impact on Society Higher education institutions that already have courses on computer-assisted translation may benefit from the proposed CS2TB approach, which allows them to design new thematic activities leveraging team-based learning, collaborative learning, and fieldwork-situated simulation. Moreover, the presented broad range of assessment approaches can be used to measure the impact of CS2TB on learning outcomes of the involved students. Future Research Future research activities will be dedicated to examining the impact of a different set of enabling IT platforms on the collaborative learning perspective, to evaluate alternative scaffolding approaches (e.g., chatbots or augmented reality), and to increase simulation fidelity further, so that even more student competences can be fostered

    Engineering complex systems with multigroup agents

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    Doctor of PhilosophyComputing and Information SciencesScott A. DeLoachAs sensor prices drop and computing devices continue to become more compact and powerful, computing capabilities are being embedded throughout our physical environment. Connecting these devices in cyber-physical systems (CPS) enables applications with significant societal impact and economic benefit. However, engineering CPS poses modeling, architecture, and engineering challenges and, to fully realize the desired benefits, many outstanding challenges must be addressed. For the cyber parts of CPS, two decades of work in the design of autonomous agents and multiagent systems (MAS) offers design principles for distributed intelligent systems and formalizations for agent-oriented software engineering (AOSE). MAS foundations offer a natural fit for enabling distributed interacting devices. In some cases, complex control structures such as holarchies can be advantageous. These can motivate complex organizational strategies when implementing such systems with a MAS, and some designs may require agents to act in multiple groups simultaneously. Such agents must be able to manage their multiple associations and assignments in a consistent and unambiguous way. This thesis shows how designing agents as systems of intelligent subagents offers a reusable and practical approach to designing complex systems. It presents a set of flexible, reusable components developed for OBAA++, an organization-based architecture for single-group MAS, and shows how these components were used to develop the Adaptive Architecture for Systems of Intelligent Systems (AASIS) to enable multigroup agents suitable for complex, multigroup MAS. This work illustrates the reusability and flexibility of the approach by using AASIS to simulate a CPS for an intelligent power distribution system (IPDS) operating two multigroup MAS concurrently: one providing continuous voltage control and a second conducting discrete power auctions near sources of distributed generation

    Sequential decision making in artificial musical intelligence

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    Over the past 60 years, artificial intelligence has grown from a largely academic field of research to a ubiquitous array of tools and approaches used in everyday technology. Despite its many recent successes and growing prevalence, certain meaningful facets of computational intelligence have not been as thoroughly explored. Such additional facets cover a wide array of complex mental tasks which humans carry out easily, yet are difficult for computers to mimic. A prime example of a domain in which human intelligence thrives, but machine understanding is still fairly limited, is music. Over the last decade, many researchers have applied computational tools to carry out tasks such as genre identification, music summarization, music database querying, and melodic segmentation. While these are all useful algorithmic solutions, we are still a long way from constructing complete music agents, able to mimic (at least partially) the complexity with which humans approach music. One key aspect which hasn't been sufficiently studied is that of sequential decision making in musical intelligence. This thesis strives to answer the following question: Can a sequential decision making perspective guide us in the creation of better music agents, and social agents in general? And if so, how? More specifically, this thesis focuses on two aspects of musical intelligence: music recommendation and human-agent (and more generally agent-agent) interaction in the context of music. The key contributions of this thesis are the design of better music playlist recommendation algorithms; the design of algorithms for tracking user preferences over time; new approaches for modeling people's behavior in situations that involve music; and the design of agents capable of meaningful interaction with humans and other agents in a setting where music plays a roll (either directly or indirectly). Though motivated primarily by music-related tasks, and focusing largely on people's musical preferences, this thesis also establishes that insights from music-specific case studies can also be applicable in other concrete social domains, such as different types of content recommendation. Showing the generality of insights from musical data in other contexts serves as evidence for the utility of music domains as testbeds for the development of general artificial intelligence techniques. Ultimately, this thesis demonstrates the overall usefulness of taking a sequential decision making approach in settings previously unexplored from this perspectiveComputer Science

    Reinforcement Learning Approaches in Social Robotics

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    This article surveys reinforcement learning approaches in social robotics. Reinforcement learning is a framework for decision-making problems in which an agent interacts through trial-and-error with its environment to discover an optimal behavior. Since interaction is a key component in both reinforcement learning and social robotics, it can be a well-suited approach for real-world interactions with physically embodied social robots. The scope of the paper is focused particularly on studies that include social physical robots and real-world human-robot interactions with users. We present a thorough analysis of reinforcement learning approaches in social robotics. In addition to a survey, we categorize existent reinforcement learning approaches based on the used method and the design of the reward mechanisms. Moreover, since communication capability is a prominent feature of social robots, we discuss and group the papers based on the communication medium used for reward formulation. Considering the importance of designing the reward function, we also provide a categorization of the papers based on the nature of the reward. This categorization includes three major themes: interactive reinforcement learning, intrinsically motivated methods, and task performance-driven methods. The benefits and challenges of reinforcement learning in social robotics, evaluation methods of the papers regarding whether or not they use subjective and algorithmic measures, a discussion in the view of real-world reinforcement learning challenges and proposed solutions, the points that remain to be explored, including the approaches that have thus far received less attention is also given in the paper. Thus, this paper aims to become a starting point for researchers interested in using and applying reinforcement learning methods in this particular research field

    An algebraic framework for compositional design of autonomous and adaptive multiagent systems

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    Doctor of PhilosophyDepartment of Computing and Information SciencesScott A. DeLoachOrganization-based Multiagent Systems (OMAS) have been viewed as an effective paradigm for addressing the design challenges posed by today’s complex systems. In those systems, the organizational perspective is the main abstraction, which provides a clear separation between agents and systems, allowing a reduction in the complexity of the overall system. To ease the development of OMAS, several methodologies have been proposed. Unfortunately, those methodologies typically require the designer to handle system complexity alone, which tends to lead to ad-hoc designs that are not scalable and are difficult to maintain. Moreover, designing organizations for large multiagent systems is a complex and time-consuming task; design models quickly become unwieldy and thus hard to develop. To cope with theses issues, a framework for organization-based multiagent system designs based on separation of concerns and composition principles is proposed. The framework uses category theory tools to construct a formal composition framework using core models from the Organization-based Multiagent Software Engineering (O-MASE) framework. I propose a formalization of these models that are then used to establish a reusable design approach for OMAS. This approach allows designers to design large multiagent organizations by reusing smaller composable organizations that are developed separately, thus providing them with a scalable approach for designing large and complex OMAS. In this dissertation, the process of formalizing and composing multiagent organizations is discussed. In addition, I propose a service-oriented approach for building autonomous, adaptive multiagent systems. Finally, as a proof of concept, I develop two real world examples from the domain of cooperative robotics and wireless sensor networks

    Deep Reinforcement Learning Approaches for Technology Enhanced Learning

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) has advanced significantly in recent years, transforming various industries and domains. Its ability to extract patterns and insights from large volumes of data has revolutionised areas such as image recognition, natural language processing, and autonomous systems. As AI systems become increasingly integrated into daily human life, there is a growing need for meaningful collaboration and mutual engagement between humans and AI, known as Human-AI Collaboration. This collaboration involves combining AI with human workflows to achieve shared objectives. In the current educational landscape, the integration of AI methods in Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) has become crucial for providing high-quality education and facilitating lifelong learning. Human-AI Collaboration also plays a vital role in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL), particularly in Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS). The COVID-19 pandemic has further emphasised the need for effective educational technologies to support remote learning and bridge the gap between traditional classrooms and online platforms. To maximise the performance of ITS while minimising the input and interaction required from students, it is essential to design collaborative systems that effectively leverage the capabilities of AI and foster effective collaboration between students and ITS. However, there are several challenges that need to be addressed in this context. One challenge is the lack of clear guidance on designing and building user-friendly systems that facilitate collaboration between humans and AI. This challenge is relevant not only to education researchers but also to Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) researchers and developers. Another challenge is the scarcity of interaction data in the early stages of ITS development, which hampers the accurate modelling of students' knowledge states and learning trajectories, known as the cold start problem. Moreover, the effectiveness of Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) in delivering personalised instruction is hindered by the limitations of existing Knowledge Tracing (KT) models, which often struggle to provide accurate predictions. Therefore, addressing these challenges is crucial for enhancing the collaborative process between humans and AI in the development of ITS. This thesis aims to address these challenges and improve the collaborative process between students and ITS in TEL. It proposes innovative approaches to generate simulated student behavioural data and enhance the performance of KT models. The thesis starts with a comprehensive survey of human-AI collaborative systems, identifying key challenges and opportunities. It then presents a structured framework for the student-ITS collaborative process, providing insights into designing user-friendly and efficient systems. To overcome the challenge of data scarcity in ITS development, the thesis proposes two student modelling approaches: Sim-GAIL and SimStu. SimStu leverages a deep learning method, the Decision Transformer, to simulate student interactions and enhance ITS training. Sim-GAIL utilises a reinforcement learning method, Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (GAIL), to generate high-fidelity and diverse simulated student behavioural data, addressing the cold start problem in ITS training. Furthermore, the thesis focuses on improving the performance of KT models. It introduces the MLFBKT model, which integrates multiple features and mines latent relations in student interaction data, aiming to improve the accuracy and efficiency of KT models. Additionally, the thesis proposes the LBKT model, which combines the strengths of the BERT model and LSTM to process long sequence data in KT models effectively. Overall, this thesis contributes to the field of Human-AI collaboration in TEL by addressing key challenges and proposing innovative approaches to enhance ITS training and KT model performance. The findings have the potential to improve the learning experiences and outcomes of students in educational settings
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