23 research outputs found

    Interactive, GPU-based level sets for 3D brain tumor segmentation

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    technical reportWhile level sets have demonstrated a great potential for 3D medical image seg- mentation, their usefulness has been limited by two problems. First, 3D level sets are relatively slow to compute. Second, their formulation usually entails several free parameters which can be very difficult to correctly tune for specific applications. The second problem is compounded by the first. This paper presents a tool for 3D segmenta- tion that relies on level-set surface models computed at interactive rates on commodity graphics cards (GPUs). The mapping of a level-set solver to a GPU relies on a novel mechanism for GPU memory management. The interactive rates for solving the level- set PDE give the user immediate feedback on the parameter settings, and thus users can tune three separate parameters and control the shape of the model in real time. We have found that this interactivity enables users to produce good, reliable segmen- tations. To support this observation, this paper presents qualitative and quantitative results from a study of brain tumor segmentation

    Interactive deformation and visualization of level set surfaces using graphics hardware

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    technical reportDeformable isosurfaces, implemented with level-set methods, have demonstrated a great potential in visualization for applications such as segmentation, surface process- ing, and surface reconstruction. Their usefulness has been limited, however, by two problems. First, 3D level sets are relatively slow to compute. Second, their formulation usually entails several free parameters that can be difficult to tune correctly for specific applications. The second problem is compounded by the first. This paper presents a solution to these challenges by describing graphics processor (GPU) based algorithms for solving and visualizing level-set solutions at interactive rates. Our efficient GPU- based solution relies on packing the level-set isosurface data into a dynamic, sparse texture format. As the level set moves, this sparse data structure is updated via a novel GPU to CPU message passing scheme. When the level-set solver is integrated with a real-time volume renderer operating on the same p


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    The article presents the problem of determining the edges of objects enclosed in a medical CT images, which will be subject to further analysis, for the purpose of medical diagnosis. The use of a transformation which introduces two-point thresholding, eliminates presenting pixels of objects for tissues that are not a subject to further analysis. This approach allowed us to sharpen the edges of objects presenting soft tissue. A way to detect the edge of the soft tissue was compared for the original image and processed one using the transformation using the method of Chan-Vese. Sharpening of edges of the image have improved the accuracy of detection of objects presenting the soft tissue.W artykule przedstawiono problem wyznaczania kraw臋dzi obiekt贸w zamkni臋tych w obrazach medycznych CT, kt贸re b臋d膮 podlega艂y dalszej analizie, na potrzeby diagnostyki medycznej. Zastosowanie przekszta艂cenia, kt贸re wprowadza progowanie, pozwala na wyeliminowanie pikseli prezentuj膮cych obiekty dla tkanek, kt贸re nie podlegaj膮 dalszej analizie. Podej艣cie to pozwoli艂o na wyostrzenie kraw臋dzi obiekt贸w prezentuj膮cych tkanki mi臋kkie. Por贸wnano spos贸b wykrycia kraw臋dzi tkanek mi臋kkich, dla obrazu pierwotnego i przetworzonego za pomoc膮 przekszta艂cenia, z zastosowaniem metody Chan-Vese. Wyostrzenie kraw臋dzi obrazu poprawi艂o dok艂adno艣膰 wykrywania obiekt贸w prezentuj膮cych tkanki mi臋kkie

    Streaming narrow-band algorithm: interactive computation and visualization of level sets

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    Journal ArticleAbstract-Deformable isosurfaces, implemented with level-set methods, have demonstrated a great potential in visualization and computer graphics for applications such as segmentation, surface processing, and physically-based modeling. Their usefulness has been limited, however, by their high computational cost and reliance on significant parameter tuning. This paper presents a solution to these challenges by describing graphics processor (GPU) based algorithms for solving and visualizing level-set solutions at interactive rates. The proposed solution is based on a new, streaming implementation of the narrow-band algorithm. The new algorithm packs the level-set isosurface data into 2D texture memory via a multidimensional virtual memory system. As the level set moves, this texturebased representation is dynamically updated via a novel GPU-to-CPU message passing scheme. By integrating the level-set solver with a real-time volume renderer, a user can visualize and intuitively steer the level-set surface as it evolves. We demonstrate the capabilities of this technology for interactive volume segmentation and visualization

    GIST: an interactive, GPU-based level set segmentation tool for 3D medical images

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    technical reportWhile level sets have demonstrated a great potential for 3D medical image segmentation, their usefulness has been limited by two problems. First, 3D level sets are relatively slow to compute. Second, their formulation usually entails several free parameters which can be very difficult to correctly tune for specific applications. The second problem is compounded by the first. This paper describes a new tool for 3D segmentation that addresses these problems by computing level-set surface models at interactive rates. This tool employs two important, novel technologies. First is the mapping of a 3D level-set solver onto a commodity graphics card (GPU). This mapping relies on a novel mechanism for GPU memory management. The interactive rates level-set PDE solver give the user immediate feedback on the parameter settings, and thus users can tune free parameters and control the shape of the model in real time. The second technology is the use of region-based speed functions, which allow a user to quickly and intuitively specify the behavior of the deformable model. We have found that the combination of these interactive tools enables users to produce good, reliable segmentations. To support this observation, this paper presents qualitative results from several different datasets as well as a quantitative evaluation from a study of brain tumor segmentations

    Parallelized Seeded Region Growing Using CUDA

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    This paper presents a novel method for parallelizing the seeded region growing (SRG) algorithm using Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) technology, with intention to overcome the theoretical weakness of SRG algorithm of its computation time being directly proportional to the size of a segmented region. The segmentation performance of the proposed CUDA-based SRG is compared with SRG implementations on single-core CPUs, quad-core CPUs, and shader language programming, using synthetic datasets and 20 body CT scans. Based on the experimental results, the CUDA-based SRG outperforms the other three implementations, advocating that it can substantially assist the segmentation during massive CT screening tests

    A hybrid level-set method on the GPU

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