442 research outputs found

    Lessons in learning gain: insights from a pilot project

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    ‘Learning gain’ has become an increasingly prominent concept in debates about the effectiveness of higher education across OECD countries. In England, interest has been heightened by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)’s major research initiative on learning gain, launched in 2015, and by the new Teaching Excellence Framework which assesses learning and teaching and student outcomes. HEFCE’s novel research initiative has funded a set of experimental projects across the English higher education sector for the first time. This paper presents preliminary findings from one such project at the University of East Anglia (UEA). The project trials and evaluates three approaches to identifying and measuring learning gain using data from cohorts of students across different discipline areas during 2015–2016 and 2016–2017. It builds upon previous work carried out at UEA in developing self-efficacy assessments and applying concept inventories. Student marks provide a simple comparator as a third approach to measuring learning gain

    Quality of Mercy Must Be Restrained, and Other Lessons in Learning to Love the Federal Sentencing Guidelines

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    In the remarks that follow, I do four things. First, for those unfamiliar with the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, I begin by explaining briefly how the Guidelines work. Second, I endeavor to show why Judge Cabranes is wrong, absolutely wrong in declaring the Guidelines a failure, and mostly wrong in the specific criticisms he and others level against the Guidelines. Third, after jousting with Judge Cabranes a bit, I discuss some problems with the current federal sentencing system, most notably the sheer length of narcotics sentences. Finally, I comment briefly on some of the implications of the Guidelines, and the principles which undergird them, for broader questions of crime control and social policy


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    This paper aims to explain the effectiveness of mind mapping techniques in counseling to improve students’ memory ability in learning. This research uses experimental design, especially pretest-posttest control group designs. The population of this research is the second semester students of Department of Islamic  Communication and Broadcasting of  FUAD IAIN Batusangkar Academic Year 2018/2019. The sample size was 12 students, consisting of an experimental group and a control group. Data analysis used independent t test through the SPSS computer program. release 20. The results of the study indicate that the mind mapping technique in counseling is effective in improving students' ability to remember lessons. These findings can be used as an alternative by lecturers and students to overcome students’ problems to remember the lessons in learning


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    This study aims to determine; 1) Planning, implementing and evaluating content standards at Tarus Christian High School, 2) Planning, implementing and evaluating process standards in Tarus Christian High School and 3) Planning, implementing and evaluating standards for educators and education personnel at Tarus Christian High School. This study used a qualitative approach. The research design used a case study conducted in tarus Christian high school. Discussion on content standards. In terms of implementation, the curriculum structure needs to be optimized, such as utilizing an additional time allocation policy of six to eight hours of lessons in learning activities at school. Standard process, for making syllabus and lesson plans must be done independently. The discipline of teachers and students must also be improved. An assessment of the learning process must be carried out. Determination of learning completeness must be based on the specified minimum completeness criteria. Supervision activities must often be carried out by school principals and supervisors. Minimum academic qualifications of diploma IV (D-IV) or undergraduate (S1) teachers. Permanent teachers from foundations who are paid according to the provincial minimum wage (UMP) which applies


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    This thesis titled Art Learning Ulin Kobongan In Smp 1 Pasawahan Desa Sawah Kulon District of Purwakarta Pasawahan this background, by observation in the field of dance lessons in learning the dance form that resulted in students accustomed to emulate and imitate the movements of the teacher, so that the learning process is less effective and efficient with conditions were less active students. Relative to the research as follows: How art learning planning ironwood kobongan in SMPN1 Pasawahan? How does the ironwood art poembelajaran kobongan in SMPN1 Pasawahan? How is the art of learning outcomes in Ulin kobongan SMPN1 Pasawahan? Berkaiatan with the title of this paper has the goal of which is to increase students' learning motivation and interest in learning the art of dance and the learning process of getting a conducive learning atmosphere and fun so that students can follow the learning process. In this study, researchers used the descriptive method of analysis with a qualitative approach, in which researchers describe only data collected in the field. Satisfactory results can be achieved with a good learning process, can be seen from the evaluation process of students each meeting. With the acquisition of data that are learning the art of ironwood kobongan increase in student interest in SMPN1 Pasawahan. In conclusion, the Art Ulin Kobongan as learning material can be used as an alternative to learning the art of dance

    miyo waskawewin et aokakio’siit : des leçons pour apprendre à bien marcher

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    In Canada's post Truth and Reconciliation classrooms, educators continue to seek ways to begin the challenging work of lifting Indigenous knowledges within their classroom and within the curriculum. Many educators have begun to turn to land-based or place-based learning as a potential solution to this challenging work. This article undertakes a holistic dialogue with educators and offers two words, aokakio’siit, miyo waskawewin, that may serve as pedagogical reminders on how we can walk well both within the classroom and within life. This article brings together professional reflections with Indigenous teachings received from Elders, as a potential way forward in the lifting of Indigenous knowledges within schools and as a way of being in the world.Dans les salles de classe suite au conseil « Truth and Reconciliation » (La Vérité et la réconciliation) du Canada, les éducatrices/teurs continuent à chercher des moyens de commencer le difficile travail de rehausser les connaissances autochtones dans leur classe et dans le curriculum. De nombreux éducateurs ont commencé à se tourner vers l'apprentissage basé sur la terre ou sur le lieu comme solution potentielle à ce travail difficile. Cet article engage un dialogue holistique avec les éducateurs et propose deux mots, « aokakio’siit » et « miyo waskawewin », qui peuvent servir de rappels pédagogiques sur la façon dont nous pouvons bien marcher à la fois en classe et dans la vie. Cet article rassemble des réflexions professionnelles et des enseignements autochtones reçus des aînés, comme moyen potentiel de faire progresser les connaissances autochtones dans les écoles et comme moyen d'être au monde