9 research outputs found

    A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfilmen of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics

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    The Cayley transform method is a Newton-like method for solving in- verse eigenvalue problems. If the problem is large, one can solve the Ja- cobian equation by iterative methods. However, iterative methods usually oversolve the problem in the sense that they require far more (inner) it- erations than is required for the convergence of the Newton (outer) itera- tions. In this paper, we develop an inexact version of the Cayley transform method. Our method can reduce the oversolving problem and improves the e±ciency with respect to the exact version. We show that the convergence rate of our method is superlinear and that a good tradeo® between the required inner and outer iterations can be obtained


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    In this digital age, it is more important than ever to have good methods for processing images. We focus on the removal of blur from a captured image, which is called the image deblurring problem. In particular, we make no assumptions about the blur itself, which is called a blind deconvolution. We approach the problem by miniming an energy functional that utilizes total variation norm and a fidelity constraint. In particular, we extend the work of Chan and Wong to use a reference image in the computation. Using the shock filter as a reference image, we produce a superior result compared to existing methods. We are able to produce good results on non-black background images and images where the blurring function is not centro-symmetric. We consider using a general Lp norm for the fidelity term and compare different values for p. Using an analysis similar to Strong and Chan, we derive an adaptive scale method for the recovery of the blurring function. We also consider two numerical methods in this disseration. The first method is an extension of Picards method for PDEs in the discrete case. We compare the results to the analytical Picard method, showing the only difference is the use of the approximation versus exact derivatives. We relate the method to existing finite difference schemes, including the Lax-Wendroff method. We derive the stability constraints for several linear problems and illustrate the stability region is increasing. We conclude by showing several examples of the method and how the computational savings is substantial. The second method we consider is a black-box implementation of a method for solving the generalized eigenvalue problem. By utilizing the work of Golub and Ye, we implement a routine which is robust against existing methods. We compare this routine against JDQZ and LOBPCG and show this method performs well in numerical testing

    Left and right inverse eigenpairs problem with a submatrix constraint for the generalized centrosymmetric matrix

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    Left and right inverse eigenpairs problem is a special inverse eigenvalue problem. There are many meaningful results about this problem. However, few authors have considered the left and right inverse eigenpairs problem with a submatrix constraint. In this article, we will consider the left and right inverse eigenpairs problem with the leading principal submatrix constraint for the generalized centrosymmetric matrix and its optimal approximation problem. Combining the special properties of left and right eigenpairs and the generalized singular value decomposition, we derive the solvability conditions of the problem and its general solutions. With the invariance of the Frobenius norm under orthogonal transformations, we obtain the unique solution of optimal approximation problem. We present an algorithm and numerical experiment to give the optimal approximation solution. Our results extend and unify many results for left and right inverse eigenpairs problem and the inverse eigenvalue problem of centrosymmetric matrices with a submatrix constraint

    Free and forced propagation of Bloch waves in viscoelastic beam lattices

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    Beam lattice materials can be characterized by a periodic microstructure realizing a geometrically regular pattern of elementary cells. Within this framework, governing the free and forced wave propagation by means of spectral design techniques and/or energy dissipation mechanisms is a major issue of theoretical interest with applications in aerospace, chemical, naval, biomedical engineering. The first part of the Thesis addresses the free propagation of Bloch waves in non-dissipative microstructured cellular materials. Focus is on the alternative formulations suited to describe the wave propagation in the bidimensional infinite material domain, according to the classic canons of linear solid or structural mechanics. Adopting the centrosymmetric tetrachiral cell as prototypical periodic topology, the frequency dispersion spectrum is obtained by applying the Floquet-Bloch theory. The dispersion spectrum resulting from a synthetic Lagrangian beam lattice formulation is compared with its counterpart derived from different continuous models (high-fidelity first-order heterogeneous and equivalent homogenized micropolar continua). Asymptotic perturbation-based approximations and numerical spectral solutions are compared and cross-validated. Adopting the low-frequency band gaps of the dispersion spectrum as functional targets, parametric analyses are carried out to highlight the descriptive limits of the synthetic models and to explore the enlarged parameter space described by high-fidelity models. The microstructural design or tuning of the mechanical properties of the cellular microstructure is employed to successfully verify the wave filtering functionality of the tetrachiral material. Alternatively, band gaps in the material spectrum can be opened at target center frequencies by using metamaterials with inertial resonators. Based on these motivations, in the second part of the Thesis, a general dynamic formulation is presented for determining the dispersion properties of viscoelastic metamaterials, equipped with local dissipative resonators. The linear mechanism of local resonance is realized by tuning periodic auxiliary masses, viscoelastically coupled with the beam lattice microstructure. As peculiar aspect, the viscoelastic coupling is derived by a mechanical formulation based on the Boltzmann superposition integral, whose kernel is approximated by a Prony series. Consequently, the free propagation of damped Bloch waves is governed by a linear homogeneous system of integro-differential equations of motion. Therefore, differential equations of motion with frequency-dependent coefficients are obtained by applying the bilateral Laplace transform. The corresponding complex-valued branches characterizing the dispersion spectrum are determined and parametrically analyzed. Particularly, the spectra corresponding to Taylor series approximations of the equation coefficients are investigated. The standard dynamic equations with linear viscous damping are recovered at the first order approximation. Increasing approximation orders determine non-negligible spectral effects, including the occurrence of pure damping spectral branches. Finally, the forced response to harmonic single frequency external forces in the frequency and the time domains is investigated. The response in the time domain is obtained by applying the inverse bilateral Laplace transform. The metamaterial responses to non-resonant, resonant and quasi-resonant external forces are compared and discussed from a qualitative and quantitative viewpoint

    Author index to volumes 301–400

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    Parametric Forcing of Confined and Stratified Flows

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    abstract: A continuously and stably stratified fluid contained in a square cavity subjected to harmonic body forcing is studied numerically by solving the Navier-Stokes equations under the Boussinesq approximation. Complex dynamics are observed near the onset of instability of the basic state, which is a flow configuration that is always an exact analytical solution of the governing equations. The instability of the basic state to perturbations is first studied with linear stability analysis (Floquet analysis), revealing a multitude of intersecting synchronous and subharmonic resonance tongues in parameter space. A modal reduction method for determining the locus of basic state instability is also shown, greatly simplifying the computational overhead normally required by a Floquet study. Then, a study of the nonlinear governing equations determines the criticality of the basic state's instability, and ultimately characterizes the dynamics of the lowest order spatial mode by the three discovered codimension-two bifurcation points within the resonance tongue. The rich dynamics include a homoclinic doubling cascade that resembles the logistic map and a multitude of gluing bifurcations. The numerical techniques and methodologies are first demonstrated on a homogeneous fluid contained within a three-dimensional lid-driven cavity. The edge state technique and linear stability analysis through Arnoldi iteration are used to resolve the complex dynamics of the canonical shear-driven benchmark problem. The techniques here lead to a dynamical description of an instability mechanism, and the work serves as a basis for the remainder of the dissertation.Dissertation/ThesisSupplemental Materials Description Filezip file containing 10 mp4 formatted video animations, as well as a text readme and the previously submitted Supplemental Materials Description FileDoctoral Dissertation Mathematics 201

    On the localization dichotomy for gapped quantum systems

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    Since their introduction by G. Wannier in 1937, Wannier functions have been extensively used in solid state physics to analyze and understand the physical properties of perfect crystalline quantum systems. In 2016, D. Monaco, G. Panati, A. Pisante and S. Teufel proved a localization dichotomy result for periodic Schrödinger operators, namely that the localization properties of Wannier functions are deeply connected to the topological properties of the quantum system. The original results presented in this thesis concern the possibility of extending such localization dichotomy to generic gapped quantum systems. First of all, by reviewing and analyzing the different few existing results about generalized Wannier functions, we give a precise definition of generalized Wannier functions for generic gapped quantum systems. Moreover, we prove the existence of Parseval frames of exponentially localized generalized Wannier functions for a large class of magnetic systems, as a byproduct we show the existence of a generalized Wannier basis for magnetic Hamiltonians. Furthermore, we analyze the Chern number in position space, namely the Chern character, by proving a gap labelling theorem for Bloch-Landau Hamiltonians using gauge covariant magnetic perturbation theory and investigating the validity of the gap labelling theorem in a non-covariant setting. We also explicitly show how to connect the Chern character to the Středa formula. Finally, we show that an ultra generalized type of Wannier basis is not capable to encode the physical properties of the systems and we prove that the existence of a well-localized localized generalized Wannier basis implies the vanishing of the Chern character