7 research outputs found

    Telecommunications Wireless Generations: Overview, Technological Differences, Evolutional Triggers, and the Future

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    This study expands on prior studies on wireless telecommunication generations by examining the technological differences and evolutional triggers that characterise each Generation (from 1G to 5G). Based on a systematic literature review approach, this study examines fifty (50) articles to enhance our understanding of wireless generation evolution. Specifically, this study analyses i) the triggers that necessitated the evolution of wireless telecommunication generations and ii) makes a case regarding why it is imperative to look beyond the fifth Generation (5G) network technologies. The authors propose areas for future research

    Algoritmos de aprendizado de máquina para coordenação de interferência entre células

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    The current LTE and LTE-A deployments require larger efforts to achieve the radio resource management. This, due to the increase of users and the constantly growing demand of services. For this reason, the automatic optimization is a key point to avoid issues such as the inter-cell interference. This paper presents several proposals of machine-learning algorithms focused on this automatic optimization problem. The research works seek that the cellular systems achieve their self-optimization, a key concept within the self-organized networks, where the main objective is to achieve that the networks to be capable to automatically respond to the particular needs in the dynamic network traffic scenarios.Los despliegues actuales de LTE y LTE-A requieren mayor esfuerzo para la gestión de recursos radio debido al incremento de usuarios y a la gran demanda de servicios; en ese escenario, la optimización automática es un punto clave para evitar problemas como la interferencia inter-celda. El presente trabajo recopila propuestas de algoritmos de aprendizaje automático [machine learning] enfocados en resolver este problema. Las investigaciones buscan que los sistemas celulares consigan su auto-optimización, un concepto que se enmarca dentro del área de redes auto-organizadas [Self-Organized Networks, SON], cuyo objetivo es lograr que las redes respondan de forma automática a las necesidades de los escenarios dinámicos de tráfico de red.As implantações atuais de LTE e LTE-A exigem maior esforço para o gerenciamento de recursos rádio devido ao aumento de usuários e à alta demanda por serviços, neste cenário a otimização automática é um ponto-chave para evitar problemas como a interferência entre células. O presente trabalho coleta propostas de algoritmos de aprendizado automáticos focados na resolução deste problema. A pesquisa busca que os sistemas celulares alcancem a sua auto-otimização, um conceito que faz parte das redes auto-organizadas (Self-Organizing Networks, SON), cujo objetivo é garantir que as redes respondam automaticamente às necessidades dos cenários dinâmicos do tráfego de rede

    Thirty Years of Machine Learning: The Road to Pareto-Optimal Wireless Networks

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    Future wireless networks have a substantial potential in terms of supporting a broad range of complex compelling applications both in military and civilian fields, where the users are able to enjoy high-rate, low-latency, low-cost and reliable information services. Achieving this ambitious goal requires new radio techniques for adaptive learning and intelligent decision making because of the complex heterogeneous nature of the network structures and wireless services. Machine learning (ML) algorithms have great success in supporting big data analytics, efficient parameter estimation and interactive decision making. Hence, in this article, we review the thirty-year history of ML by elaborating on supervised learning, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning and deep learning. Furthermore, we investigate their employment in the compelling applications of wireless networks, including heterogeneous networks (HetNets), cognitive radios (CR), Internet of things (IoT), machine to machine networks (M2M), and so on. This article aims for assisting the readers in clarifying the motivation and methodology of the various ML algorithms, so as to invoke them for hitherto unexplored services as well as scenarios of future wireless networks.Comment: 46 pages, 22 fig

    Learning-Based Uplink Interference Management in 4G LTE Cellular Systems

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    Coordinating Coupled Self-Organized Network Functions in Cellular Radio Networks

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    Nutzer der Mobilfunknetze wünschen und fordern eine Steigerung des Datendurchsatzes, die zur Erhöhung der Netzlast führt. Besonders seit der Einführung von LTE erhöht sich daher die Anzahl und Dichte der Zellen in Mobilfunknetzen. Dies führt zusätzlich zur Zunahme der Investitions- und Betriebskosten, sowie einer höheren Komplexität des Nerzbetriebs. Der Einsatz selbstorganisierter Netze (SONs) wird vorgeschlagen, um diese drei Herausforderungen zu bewältigen. Einige SON-Funktionen (SF) wurden sowohl von Seiten der Netzbetreiber als auch von den Standardisierungsgremien vorgeschlagen. Eine SF repräsentiert hierbei eine Netzfunktion, die automatisiert werden kann. Ein Beispiel ist die Optimierung der Robustheit des Netzes (Mobility Robustness Optimization, MRO) oder der Lastausgleich zwischen Funkzellen (Mobility Load Balancing, MLB). Die unterschiedlichen SON-Funktionen werden innerhalb eines Mobilfunknetzes eingesetzt, wobei sie dabei häufig gleiche oder voneinander abhängige Parameter optimieren. Zwangsläufig treten daher beim Einsatz paralleler SON-Funktionen Konflikte auf, die Mechanismen erfordern, um diese Konflikte aufzulösen oder zu minimieren. In dieser Dissertation werden Lösungen aufgezeigt und untersucht, um die Koordination der SON-Funktionen zu automatisieren und, soweit möglich, gleichmä{\ss}ig zu verteilen. Im ersten Teil werden grundsätzliche Entwürfe für SFs evaluiert, um die SON-Koordination zu vereinfachen. Basierend auf der Beobachtung, dass die Steurung der SON-Funktion sich ähnlich dem generischen Q-Learning Problem verhält, werden die SFs als Q-Learning-Agenten entworfen. Dieser Ansatz wurde mit sehr positiven Ergebnissen auf zwei SFs (MRO und MLB) angewandt. Die als Q-Learning-Agenten entworfenen SFs werden für zwei unterschiedliche Ansätze der SON-Koordination evaluiert. Beide Koordinierungsansätze betrachten dabei die SON-Umgebung als ein Multi-Agenten-System. Der erste Ansatz basierend auf einer räumlich-zeitlichen Entkoppelung separiert die Ausführung von SF-Instanzen sowohl räumlich als auch zeitlich, um die Konflikte zwischen den SF-Instanzen zu minimieren. Der zweite Ansatz wendet kooperatives Lernen in Multi-Agenten-Systemen als automatisierten Lösungsansatz zur SON-Koordination an. Die einzelnen SF-Instanzen lernen anhand von Utility-Werten, die sowohl die eigenen Metriken als auch die Metriken der Peer-SF-Instanzen auswerten. Die Intention dabei ist, durch die erlernte Zustands-Aktions-Strategie Aktionen auszuführen, die das beste Resultat für die aktive SF, aber auch die geringste Auswirkung auf Peer-SFs gewährleisten. In der Evaluation des MRO-MLB-Konflikts zeigten beide Koordinierungsansätze sehr gute Resultate.Owing to increase in desired user throughput and to the subsequent increase in network traffic, the number and density of cells in cellular networks have increased, especially starting with LTE. This directly translates into higher capital and operational expenses as well as increased complexity of network operation. To counter all three challenges, Self-Organized Networks (SON) have been proposed. A number of SON Functions (SFs) have been defined both from the network operator community as well as from the standardization bodies. In this respect, a SF represents a network function that can be automated e.g. Mobility Robustness Optimization (MRO) or Mobility Load balancing (MLB). The different SFs operate on the same radio network, in many cases adjusting the same or related parameters. Conflicts are as such bound to occur during the parallel operation of such SFs and mechanisms are required to resolve or minimize the conflicts. This thesis studies the solutions through which SON functions can be coordinated in an automated and preferably distributed manner. In the first part we evaluate the design principles of SFs that aim at easing the coordination. With the observation that the SON control loop is similar to a generic Q-learning problem, we propose designing SFs as Q-learning agents. This framework is applied to two SFs (MRO and MLB) with very positive results. Given the designed QL based SFs, we then evaluate two SON coordination approaches that consider the SON environment as a Multi-Agent System (MAS). The first approach based on Spatial-Temporal Decoupling (STD) separates the execution of SF instances in space and time so as to minimize the conflicts among instances. The second approach applies multi-agent cooperative learning for an automated solution towards SON coordination. In this case individual SF instances learn based on utilities that aggregate their own metrics as well as the metrics of peer SF instances. The intention in this case is to ensure that the learned state-action policy functions apply actions that guarantee the best result for the active SF but also have the least effect on the peer SFs. Both coordination approaches have been evaluated with very positive results in simulations that consider the MRO - MLB conflict