149 research outputs found

    Natural Language Interfaces for Tabular Data Querying and Visualization: A Survey

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    The emergence of natural language processing has revolutionized the way users interact with tabular data, enabling a shift from traditional query languages and manual plotting to more intuitive, language-based interfaces. The rise of large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT and its successors has further advanced this field, opening new avenues for natural language processing techniques. This survey presents a comprehensive overview of natural language interfaces for tabular data querying and visualization, which allow users to interact with data using natural language queries. We introduce the fundamental concepts and techniques underlying these interfaces with a particular emphasis on semantic parsing, the key technology facilitating the translation from natural language to SQL queries or data visualization commands. We then delve into the recent advancements in Text-to-SQL and Text-to-Vis problems from the perspectives of datasets, methodologies, metrics, and system designs. This includes a deep dive into the influence of LLMs, highlighting their strengths, limitations, and potential for future improvements. Through this survey, we aim to provide a roadmap for researchers and practitioners interested in developing and applying natural language interfaces for data interaction in the era of large language models.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, 5 tables. Submitted to IEEE TKD

    To Develop a Database Management Tool for Multi-Agent Simulation Platform

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    Depuis peu, la Modélisation et Simulation par Agents (ABMs) est passée d'une approche dirigée par les modèles à une approche dirigée par les données (Data Driven Approach, DDA). Cette tendance vers l’utilisation des données dans la simulation vise à appliquer les données collectées par les systèmes d’observation à la simulation (Edmonds and Moss, 2005; Hassan, 2009). Dans la DDA, les données empiriques collectées sur les systèmes cibles sont utilisées non seulement pour la simulation des modèles mais aussi pour l’initialisation, la calibration et l’évaluation des résultats issus des modèles de simulation, par exemple, le système d’estimation et de gestion des ressources hydrauliques du bassin Adour-Garonne Français (Gaudou et al., 2013) et l’invasion des rizières du delta du Mékong au Vietnam par les cicadelles brunes (Nguyen et al., 2012d). Cette évolution pose la question du « comment gérer les données empiriques et celles simulées dans de tels systèmes ». Le constat que l’on peut faire est que, si la conception et la simulation actuelles des modèles ont bénéficié des avancées informatiques à travers l’utilisation des plateformes populaires telles que Netlogo (Wilensky, 1999) ou GAMA (Taillandier et al., 2012), ce n'est pas encore le cas de la gestion des données, qui sont encore très souvent gérées de manière ad-hoc. Cette gestion des données dans des Modèles Basés Agents (ABM) est une des limitations actuelles des plateformes de simulation multiagents (SMA). Autrement dit, un tel outil de gestion des données est actuellement requis dans la construction des systèmes de simulation par agents et la gestion des bases de données correspondantes est aussi un problème important de ces systèmes. Dans cette thèse, je propose tout d’abord une structure logique pour la gestion des données dans des plateformes de SMA. La structure proposée qui intègre des solutions de l’Informatique Décisionnelle et des plateformes multi-agents s’appelle CFBM (Combination Framework of Business intelligence and Multi-agent based platform), elle a plusieurs objectifs : (1) modéliser et exécuter des SMAs, (2) gérer les données en entrée et en sortie des simulations, (3) intégrer les données de différentes sources, et (4) analyser les données à grande échelle. Ensuite, le besoin de la gestion des données dans les simulations agents est satisfait par une implémentation de CFBM dans la plateforme GAMA. Cette implémentation présente aussi une architecture logicielle pour combiner entrepôts deIv données et technologies du traitement analytique en ligne (OLAP) dans les systèmes SMAs. Enfin, CFBM est évaluée pour la gestion de données dans la plateforme GAMA à travers le développement de modèles de surveillance des cicadelles brunes (BSMs), où CFBM est utilisé non seulement pour gérer et intégrer les données empiriques collectées depuis le système cible et les résultats de simulation du modèle simulé, mais aussi calibrer et valider ce modèle. L'intérêt de CFBM réside non seulement dans l'amélioration des faiblesses des plateformes de simulation et de modélisation par agents concernant la gestion des données mais permet également de développer des systèmes de simulation complexes portant sur de nombreuses données en entrée et en sortie en utilisant l’approche dirigée par les données.Recently, there has been a shift from modeling driven approach to data driven approach inAgent Based Modeling and Simulation (ABMS). This trend towards the use of data-driven approaches in simulation aims at using more and more data available from the observation systems into simulation models (Edmonds and Moss, 2005; Hassan, 2009). In a data driven approach, the empirical data collected from the target system are used not only for the design of the simulation models but also in initialization, calibration and evaluation of the output of the simulation platform such as e.g., the water resource management and assessment system of the French Adour-Garonne Basin (Gaudou et al., 2013) and the invasion of Brown Plant Hopper on the rice fields of Mekong River Delta region in Vietnam (Nguyen et al., 2012d). That raises the question how to manage empirical data and simulation data in such agentbased simulation platform. The basic observation we can make is that currently, if the design and simulation of models have benefited from advances in computer science through the popularized use of simulation platforms like Netlogo (Wilensky, 1999) or GAMA (Taillandier et al., 2012), this is not yet the case for the management of data, which are still often managed in an ad hoc manner. Data management in ABM is one of limitations of agent-based simulation platforms. Put it other words, such a database management is also an important issue in agent-based simulation systems. In this thesis, I first propose a logical framework for data management in multi-agent based simulation platforms. The proposed framework is based on the combination of Business Intelligence solution and a multi-agent based platform called CFBM (Combination Framework of Business intelligence and Multi-agent based platform), and it serves several purposes: (1) model and execute multi-agent simulations, (2) manage input and output data of simulations, (3) integrate data from different sources; and (4) analyze high volume of data. Secondly, I fulfill the need for data management in ABM by the implementation of CFBM in the GAMA platform. This implementation of CFBM in GAMA also demonstrates a software architecture to combine Data Warehouse (DWH) and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) technologies into a multi-agent based simulation system. Finally, I evaluate the CFBM for data management in the GAMA platform via the development of a Brown Plant Hopper Surveillance Models (BSMs), where CFBM is used ii not only to manage and integrate the whole empirical data collected from the target system and the data produced by the simulation model, but also to calibrate and validate the models.The successful development of the CFBM consists not only in remedying the limitation of agent-based modeling and simulation with regard to data management but also in dealing with the development of complex simulation systems with large amount of input and output data supporting a data driven approach

    To Develop a Database Management Tool for Multi-Agent Simulation Platform

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    Depuis peu, la Modélisation et Simulation par Agents (ABMs) est passée d'une approche dirigée par les modèles à une approche dirigée par les données (Data Driven Approach, DDA). Cette tendance vers l’utilisation des données dans la simulation vise à appliquer les données collectées par les systèmes d’observation à la simulation (Edmonds and Moss, 2005; Hassan, 2009). Dans la DDA, les données empiriques collectées sur les systèmes cibles sont utilisées non seulement pour la simulation des modèles mais aussi pour l’initialisation, la calibration et l’évaluation des résultats issus des modèles de simulation, par exemple, le système d’estimation et de gestion des ressources hydrauliques du bassin Adour-Garonne Français (Gaudou et al., 2013) et l’invasion des rizières du delta du Mékong au Vietnam par les cicadelles brunes (Nguyen et al., 2012d). Cette évolution pose la question du « comment gérer les données empiriques et celles simulées dans de tels systèmes ». Le constat que l’on peut faire est que, si la conception et la simulation actuelles des modèles ont bénéficié des avancées informatiques à travers l’utilisation des plateformes populaires telles que Netlogo (Wilensky, 1999) ou GAMA (Taillandier et al., 2012), ce n'est pas encore le cas de la gestion des données, qui sont encore très souvent gérées de manière ad-hoc. Cette gestion des données dans des Modèles Basés Agents (ABM) est une des limitations actuelles des plateformes de simulation multiagents (SMA). Autrement dit, un tel outil de gestion des données est actuellement requis dans la construction des systèmes de simulation par agents et la gestion des bases de données correspondantes est aussi un problème important de ces systèmes. Dans cette thèse, je propose tout d’abord une structure logique pour la gestion des données dans des plateformes de SMA. La structure proposée qui intègre des solutions de l’Informatique Décisionnelle et des plateformes multi-agents s’appelle CFBM (Combination Framework of Business intelligence and Multi-agent based platform), elle a plusieurs objectifs : (1) modéliser et exécuter des SMAs, (2) gérer les données en entrée et en sortie des simulations, (3) intégrer les données de différentes sources, et (4) analyser les données à grande échelle. Ensuite, le besoin de la gestion des données dans les simulations agents est satisfait par une implémentation de CFBM dans la plateforme GAMA. Cette implémentation présente aussi une architecture logicielle pour combiner entrepôts deIv données et technologies du traitement analytique en ligne (OLAP) dans les systèmes SMAs. Enfin, CFBM est évaluée pour la gestion de données dans la plateforme GAMA à travers le développement de modèles de surveillance des cicadelles brunes (BSMs), où CFBM est utilisé non seulement pour gérer et intégrer les données empiriques collectées depuis le système cible et les résultats de simulation du modèle simulé, mais aussi calibrer et valider ce modèle. L'intérêt de CFBM réside non seulement dans l'amélioration des faiblesses des plateformes de simulation et de modélisation par agents concernant la gestion des données mais permet également de développer des systèmes de simulation complexes portant sur de nombreuses données en entrée et en sortie en utilisant l’approche dirigée par les données.Recently, there has been a shift from modeling driven approach to data driven approach inAgent Based Modeling and Simulation (ABMS). This trend towards the use of data-driven approaches in simulation aims at using more and more data available from the observation systems into simulation models (Edmonds and Moss, 2005; Hassan, 2009). In a data driven approach, the empirical data collected from the target system are used not only for the design of the simulation models but also in initialization, calibration and evaluation of the output of the simulation platform such as e.g., the water resource management and assessment system of the French Adour-Garonne Basin (Gaudou et al., 2013) and the invasion of Brown Plant Hopper on the rice fields of Mekong River Delta region in Vietnam (Nguyen et al., 2012d). That raises the question how to manage empirical data and simulation data in such agentbased simulation platform. The basic observation we can make is that currently, if the design and simulation of models have benefited from advances in computer science through the popularized use of simulation platforms like Netlogo (Wilensky, 1999) or GAMA (Taillandier et al., 2012), this is not yet the case for the management of data, which are still often managed in an ad hoc manner. Data management in ABM is one of limitations of agent-based simulation platforms. Put it other words, such a database management is also an important issue in agent-based simulation systems. In this thesis, I first propose a logical framework for data management in multi-agent based simulation platforms. The proposed framework is based on the combination of Business Intelligence solution and a multi-agent based platform called CFBM (Combination Framework of Business intelligence and Multi-agent based platform), and it serves several purposes: (1) model and execute multi-agent simulations, (2) manage input and output data of simulations, (3) integrate data from different sources; and (4) analyze high volume of data. Secondly, I fulfill the need for data management in ABM by the implementation of CFBM in the GAMA platform. This implementation of CFBM in GAMA also demonstrates a software architecture to combine Data Warehouse (DWH) and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) technologies into a multi-agent based simulation system. Finally, I evaluate the CFBM for data management in the GAMA platform via the development of a Brown Plant Hopper Surveillance Models (BSMs), where CFBM is used ii not only to manage and integrate the whole empirical data collected from the target system and the data produced by the simulation model, but also to calibrate and validate the models.The successful development of the CFBM consists not only in remedying the limitation of agent-based modeling and simulation with regard to data management but also in dealing with the development of complex simulation systems with large amount of input and output data supporting a data driven approach

    Querying and managing complex networks

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    Orientador: André SantanchèTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Compreender e quantificar as propriedades emergentes de redes naturais e de redes construídas pelo homem, tais como cadeias alimentares, interações sociais e infra-estruturas de transporte é uma tarefa desafiadora. O campo de redes complexas foi desenvolvido para agregar medições, algoritmos e técnicas para lidar com tais tópicos. Embora as pesquisas em redes complexas tenham sido aplicadas com sucesso em várias áreas de atividade humana, ainda há uma falta de infra-estruturas comuns para tarefas rotineiras, especialmente aquelas relacionadas à gestão de dados. Por outro lado, o campo de bancos de dados tem se concentrado em questões de gestão de dados desde o seu início, há várias décadas. Sistemas de banco de dados, no entanto, oferecem suporte reduzido à análise de redes. Para prover um melhor suporte para tarefas de análise de redes complexas, um sistema de banco de dados deve oferecer recursos de consulta e gerenciamento de dados adequados. Esta tese defende uma maior integração entre as áreas e apresenta nossos esforços para atingir este objetivo. Aqui nós descrevemos o Sistema de Gerenciamento de Dados Complexos (CDMS), que permite consultas exploratórias sobre redes complexas através de uma linguagem de consulta declarativa. Os resultados da consulta são classificados com base em medições de rede avaliadas no momento da consulta. Para suportar o processamento de consultas, nós introduzimos a Beta-álgebra, que oferece um operador capaz de representar diversas medições típicas de análise de redes complexas. A álgebra oferece oportunidades para otimizações transparentes de consulta baseadas em reescritas, propostas e discutidas aqui. Também introduzimos o mecanismo mapper de gestão de relacionamentos, que está integrado à linguagem de consulta. Os mecanismos de consulta e gerenciamento de dados flexíveis propostos são também úteis em cenários além da análise de redes complexas. Nós demonstramos o uso do CDMS em aplicações tais como integração de dados institucionais, recuperação de informação, classificação e recomendação. Todos os aspectos da proposta foram implementadas e testados com dados reais e sintéticosAbstract: Understanding and quantifying the emergent properties of natural and man-made networks such as food webs, social interactions, and transportation infrastructures is a challenging task. The complex networks field was developed to encompass measurements, algorithms, and techniques to tackle such topics. Although complex networks research has been successfully applied to several areas of human activity, there is still a lack of common infrastructures for routine tasks, especially those related to data management. On the other hand, the databases field has focused on mastering data management issues since its beginnings, several decades ago. Database systems, however, offer limited network analysis capabilities. To enable a better support for complex network analysis tasks, a database system must offer adequate querying and data management capabilities. This thesis advocates for a tighter integration between the areas and presents our efforts towards this goal. Here we describe the Complex Data Management System (CDMS), which enables explorative querying of complex networks through a declarative query language. Query results are ranked based on network measurements assessed at query time. To support query processing, we introduce the Beta-algebra, which offers an operator capable of representing diverse measurements typical of complex network analysis. The algebra offers opportunities for transparent query optimization through query rewritings, proposed and discussed here. We also introduce the mapper mechanism for relationship management, which is integrated in the query language. The flexible query language and data management mechanisms are useful in scenarios other than complex network analysis. We demonstrate the use of the CDMS in applications such as institutional data integration, information retrieval, classification and recommendation. All aspects of the proposal are implemented and have been tested with real and synthetic dataDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da Computação2012/15988-9FAPESPCAPE

    One-operator two-machine flow shop scheduling with setup times for machines and total completion time objective

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    In a manufacturing environment, when a worker or a machine switches from one type of operation to another, a setup time may be required. I propose a scheduling model with one operator and two machines. In this problem, a single operator completes a set of jobs requiring operations in a two-machine flow shop. The operator can perform only one operation at a time. When one machine is in use, the other is idle. Whenever the operator changes machine, a setup time is required. We consider the objective of total completion time. I formulate the problem as a linear integer programming with \u27 O\u27(\u27n\u273) 0-1 variables and \u27 O\u27(\u27n\u272) constraints. I also introduce some classes of valid inequalities. To obtain the exact solutions, Branch-and-Bound, Cut-and-Branch, Branch-and-Cut algorithms are used. For larger size problems, some heuristic procedures are proposed and the computational results are compared

    Microstructural effects on the mechanical properties of carburized low-alloy steels

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    This study examined the effects of composition and initial microstructure on the physical, metallurgical, and mechanical properties of carburized SAE 8620 and PS-18 steels. Testing was performed on 8620 and PS-18 steels in the as-received and normalized conditions. Hardenability testing was conducted prior to additional heat treatments. Size and shape distortion, residual stress, retained austenite, and effective case depth measurements were obtained for specimens subjected to a carburizing heat treatment. Specimens subjected to a core thermal cycle heat treatment were tested to determine the tensile and Charpy impact properties of the core material of carburized components. Despite differences between the as-received and normalized materials prior to carburizing, testing revealed that normalizing did not have a significant effect on the properties of the carburized or core thermal cycle heat treated materials. PS-18 had a higher hardenability, effective case depth, and ultimate tensile strength and a lowerCharpy impact toughness than 8620

    Using sensor ontologies to create reasoning-ready sensor data for real-time hazard monitoring in a spatial decision support system

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    In order to protect at-risk communities and critical infrastructure, hazard managers use sensor networks to monitor the landscapes and phenomena associated with potential hazards. This strategy can produce large amounts of data, but when investigating an often unstructured problem such as hazard detection it can be beneficial to apply automated analysis routines and artificial intelligence techniques such as reasoning. Current sensor web infrastructure, however, is not designed to support this information-centric monitoring perspective. A generalized methodology to transform typical sensor data representations into a form that enables these analysis techniques has been created and is demonstrated through an implementation that bridges geospatial standards for sensor data and descriptions with an ontology-based monitoring environment. An ontology that describes sensors and measurements so they may be understood by an SDSS has also been developed. These tools have been integrated into a monitoring environment, allowing the hazard manager to thoroughly investigate potential hazards

    The Third NASA Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies

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    This report contains copies of nearly all of the technical papers and viewgraphs presented at the Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies held in October 1993. The conference served as an informational exchange forum for topics primarily relating to the ingestion and management of massive amounts of data and the attendant problems involved. Discussion topics include the necessary use of computers in the solution of today's infinitely complex problems, the need for greatly increased storage densities in both optical and magnetic recording media, currently popular storage media and magnetic media storage risk factors, data archiving standards including a talk on the current status of the IEEE Storage Systems Reference Model (RM). Additional topics addressed System performance, data storage system concepts, communications technologies, data distribution systems, data compression, and error detection and correction
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