20 research outputs found

    Learning to harvest information for the semantic web

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    This work was carried out within the AKT project (www.aktors.org), sponsored by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (grant GR/N15764/01), and the Dot.Kom project (www.dot-kom.org), sponsored by the EU IST asp part of Framework V (grant IST-2001-34038).In this paper we describe a methodology for harvesting in- formation from large distributed repositories (e.g. large Web sites) with minimum user intervention. The methodology is based on a combination of information extraction, information integration and machine learning techniques. Learning is seeded by extracting information from structured sources (e.g. databases and digital libraries) or a user-defined lexicon. Retrieved information is then used to partially annotate documents. An- notated documents are used to bootstrap learning for simple Information Extraction (IE) methodologies, which in turn will produce more annotation to annotate more documents that will be used to train more complex IE engines and so on. In this paper we describe the methodology and its implementation in the Armadillo system, compare it with the current state of the art, and describe the details of an implemented application. Finally we draw some conclusions and highlight some challenges and future work.peer-reviewe

    Using Protege for automatic ontology instantiation

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    This paper gives an overview on the use of Protégé in the Artequakt system, which integrated Protégé with a set of natural language tools to automatically extract knowledge about artists from web documents and instantiate a given ontology. Protégé was also linked to structured templates that generate documents from the knowledge fragments it maintains

    AKTive Food: Semantic Web based knowledge conduits for the Organic Food Industry

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    We present a vision and a proposal for using Semantic Web technologies in the organic food industry. This is a very knowledge intensive industry at every step from the producer, to the caterer or restauranteur, through to the consumer. There is a crucial need for a concept of environmental audit which would allow the various stake holders to know the full environmental impact of their economic choices. This is a different and parallel form of knowledge to that of price. Semantic Web technologies can be used effectively for the calculation and transfer of this type of knowledge (together with other forms of multimedia data) which could contribute considerably to the commercial and educational impact of the organic food industry. We outline how this could be achieved as our essential objective is to show how advanced technologies could be used to both reduce ecological impact and increase public awareness

    Working out a common task: design and evaluation of user-intelligent system collaboration

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    This paper describes the design and user evaluation of an intelligent user interface intended to mediate between users and an Adaptive Information Extraction (AIE) system. The design goal was to support a synergistic and cooperative work. Laboratory tests showed the approach was efficient and effective; focus groups were run to assess its ease of use. Logs, user satisfaction questionnaires, and interviews were exploited to investigate the interaction experience. We found that user’ attitude is mainly hierarchical with the user wishing to control and check the system’s initiatives. However when confidence in the system capabilities rises, a more cooperative interaction is adopted

    Winnowing ontologies based on application use

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    The requirements of specific applications and services are often over estimated when ontologies are reused or built. This sometimes results in many ontologies being too large for their intended purposes. It is not uncommon that when applications and services are deployed over an ontology, only a few parts of the ontology are queried and used. Identifying which parts of an ontology are being used could be helpful to winnow the ontology, i.e., simplify or shrink the ontology to smaller, more fit for purpose size. Some approaches to handle this problem have already been suggested in the literature. However, none of that work showed how ontology-based applications can be used in the ontology-resizing process, or how they might be affected by it. This paper presents a study on the use of the AKT Reference Ontology by a number of applications and services,and investigates the possibility of relying on this usage information to winnow that ontology

    Opening up Magpie via semantic services

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    Magpie is a suite of tools supporting a ‘zero-cost’ approach to semantic web browsing: it avoids the need for manual annotation by automatically associating an ontology-based semantic layer to web resources. An important aspect of Magpie, which differentiates it from superficially similar hypermedia systems, is that the association between items on a web page and semantic concepts is not merely a mechanism for dynamic linking, but it is the enabling condition for locating services and making them available to a user. These services can be manually activated by a user (pull services), or opportunistically triggered when the appropriate web entities are encountered during a browsing session (push services). In this paper we analyze Magpie from the perspective of building semantic web applications and we note that earlier implementations did not fulfill the criterion of “open as to services”, which is a key aspect of the emerging semantic web. For this reason, in the past twelve months we have carried out a radical redesign of Magpie, resulting in a novel architecture, which is open both with respect to ontologies and semantic web services. This new architecture goes beyond the idea of merely providing support for semantic web browsing and can be seen as a software framework for designing and implementing semantic web applications

    SUPeRB: Building bibliographic resources on the computational processing of Portuguese

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    PROPOR 2008 Special Session: Applications of Portuguese Speech and Language Technologie

    Semantic Web Mining Review

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    This paper describes about Semantic Web Mining . The Purpose of this paper is to focus on how semantic web technologies can be used to mine the web , for relevant information extraction. Semantic Web Mining is about combining the two emerging research areas Semantic Web and Web Mining. Researchers work on improving the result off web mining by using semantic structure in the web and make use of Web Mining techniques for building the Semantic Web. In this manner both technologies are playing vital role to each other. Seman tic Web adds structure to the meaningful content of Web Pages ; hence information is given a well defined meaning; which is both human readable as well as machine - processable. This paper gives an overview of where the two areas meet today , and sketches ways of how a closer integration c ould be profitable

    Огляд інструментів анотації електронних ресурсів

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    This paper aims at providing a survey of the state of art of the annotation tools. We categorize and evaluate some of the existing annotation tools. These tools vary in their architecture, information extraction methods, initial ontology, the level of automation, performance and other features, such as storage management. Research in this area is very active and constant progress is being made, but there is still some way to go before semantic annotation tools will be able to address all human needs.Представлений огляд інструментів анотації. Зроблена спроба категорізувати й оцінити деякі з існуючих інструментів анотації, які відрізняються за своєю архітектурою, методами добування інформації, початковою онтологією, рівнем автоматизації, продуктивністю та іншими характеристиками. Дослідження в цій області ведуться досить активно, спостерігається великий прогрес, але ще досить відкритих питань, які треба розв'язати, перш ніж інструменти анотацій матимуть змогу задовольнити всі потреби людини