51,942 research outputs found

    Learning to Crawl

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    Web crawling is the problem of keeping a cache of webpages fresh, i.e., having the most recent copy available when a page is requested. This problem is usually coupled with the natural restriction that the bandwidth available to the web crawler is limited. The corresponding optimization problem was solved optimally by Azar et al. [2018] under the assumption that, for each webpage, both the elapsed time between two changes and the elapsed time between two requests follow a Poisson distribution with known parameters. In this paper, we study the same control problem but under the assumption that the change rates are unknown a priori, and thus we need to estimate them in an online fashion using only partial observations (i.e., single-bit signals indicating whether the page has changed since the last refresh). As a point of departure, we characterise the conditions under which one can solve the problem with such partial observability. Next, we propose a practical estimator and compute confidence intervals for it in terms of the elapsed time between the observations. Finally, we show that the explore-and-commit algorithm achieves an O(T)\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{T}) regret with a carefully chosen exploration horizon. Our simulation study shows that our online policy scales well and achieves close to optimal performance for a wide range of the parameters.Comment: Published at AAAI 202

    Keefektifan Urutan Pembelajaran Keterampilan Gerak Renang

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    The Effectiveness of Learning Sequences in Swimming Skills. This study aims to investigate the appropriateness and effectiveness of learning sequences in swimming skills after the students mastered the crawl stroke. The sequences were that from the crawl stroke to the breast stroke and that from the crawl stroke to the back stroke. This study was a quasi-experimental study using the pretest-posttest group design. The population comprised students of the Faculty of Sports Sciences, Yogyakarta State University. The sample was selected using the purposive sampling technique. The results showed that the sequence from the crawl stroke to the back stroke was more efficient than that from the crawl stroke to the breast stroke in terms of the mastery of swimming skills


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    Abstrak Renang merupakan aktivitas air yang terdapat gerakan dan teknik-teknik gerakan yang benar. Pada pembelajaran aktivitas renang gaya bebas (crawl) harus disesuaikan dengan standar kompetensi dasar. Gaya bebas (crawl) merupakan gaya yang tercepat, ketika bernafas muka menoleh kesamping, gerakan kaki menggunakan punggung kaki digerakkan ke bawah dan ke atas secara bergantian. Gerakan tersebut adalah koordinasi dari gerakan kaki, gerakan tangan, anggota tubuh lain, cara pengambilan nafas. Model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Team Games Tournament (TGT) adalah salah satu tipe atau model pembelajaran kooperatif yang mudah diterapkan pada pembelajaran untuk menentukan tingkat kesulitan kepada setiap anggota kelompok saat mereka menjalani proses. Dengan tipe TGT siswa akan menikmati bagaimana suasana games turnamen itu, karena siswa akan berkompetisi dengan kelompok yang memiliki komposisi kemampuan yang setara, maka kompetisi TGT meningkatkan keaktifan dari siswa untuk berlatih bersosialisasi dengan kelompoknya dan orang lain dibandingkan kompetisi dalam pembelajaran-pembelajaran tradisional pada umumnya yang meliputi pengetahuan dan keterampilan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh dan besar pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TGT terhadap hasil belajar renang gaya bebas (crawl) pada siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 2 Sidoarjo. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TGT terhadap hasil belajar renang gaya bebas (crawl) ada pengaruh yang signifikansi dengan besar pengaruh adanya peningkatan 20,7% pengetahuan dan 58,4% keterampilan. Dengan disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran TGT dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar renang gaya bebas (crawl) pada siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 2 Sidoarjo. Kata Kunci: team games tournament, hasil belajar, renang gaya bebas (crawl) Abstract Swimming is a water activity that has the right movements and style techniques. In learning freestyle swimming activities (crawl) must be adjusted to the standards of basic competence. Crawl is the fastest style, when breathing, face turns to sideways, leg movements using the back of the leg are moved down and up alternately. The movement is coordination of leg movements, hand movements, other limbs and the way to take breath. The cooperative learning of Team Games Tournament (TGT) is one type or cooperative learning model that is applied easily for learning to determine the level of difficulty for each group member as they go through the process. By using the TGT type, students will enjoy the environment of the tournament games, because students will compete with groups that have an equal composition of abilities, then the TGT competition increases the activity of students to practice socializing with their groups and others compared to competition in traditional learning in general includes knowledge and skills. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect and magnitude of the influence of the TGT cooperative learning model on the learning outcomes of free style swimming (Crawl) in class XI, Public High School 2 Sidoarjo. The results of the study showed that the TGT cooperative learning model of the learning outcomes of free style swimming (crawl) had a significant effect with the influence of an increase of 20,7% knowledge and 58,4% skills. It was concluded that the TGT learning model could improve the learning outcomes of free style swimming (crawl) in class XI, Public High School 2 Sidoarjo. Keywords: teams games tournament, learning outcomes, free style swimming (crawl


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    Abstrak Dalam pembelajaran renang di sekolah SMP AL-Falah Surabaya masih banyak siswa yang mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar renang, khususnya pada renang gaya bebas (crawl). Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi mereka dalam belajar berenang, salah satunya adalah pemilihan metode pembelajaran. Karena dalam mengajarkan renang di sekolah diperlukan metode yang tepat agar memudahkan siswa dalam memahami dan mempraktikkan gaya dalam berenang. Metode yang digunakan harus disesuaikan dengan sarana dan prasarana yang dimiliki, selain itu pemilihan metode juga disesuaikan dengan karakteristik kelas. Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan adalah metode part and whole. Dari permasalahan tersebut dapat kita rumuskan rumusan masalah: 1) pengaruh metode part and whole terhadap hasil belajar renang gaya bebas (crawl), 2) seberapa besar pengaruh metode part and whole terhadap hasil belajar renang gaya bebas (crawl). Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen semu dengan desain one group Pretest-Psottest desaign. Penelitian ini dilakukan di sekolah SMP AL-Falah Surabaya dengan jumlah sampel 24 siswi kelas VII. Dari penelitian dan analisis data dapat disimpulkan jika adanya pengaruh terhadap hasil belajar renang gaya bebas (crawl) dari metode pembelajaran part and whole. Dengan adanya pengaruh tersebut maka terdapat peningkatan hasil belajar renang gaya bebas (carwl) siswi kelas VII, peningkatannya adalah sebesar 78,09%. Kata Kunci: hasil belajar, renang gaya bebas (crawl), metode part and whole Abstract In swimming learning at the Middle School of Al-Falah Surabaya, most of the students had difficulties, especially in freestyle swimming (crawl). Lots of factors affect students’ difficulty in learning freestyle swimming (crawl). One of the factors was the selection of learning methods. Therefore, teaching swimming at the school needs appropriate methods to make the students easier to understand and practice the style of swimming. The method used must be adjusted to the facilities and infrastructure that are owned. Besides, the selection of methods is also adjusted to the characteristics of the class. One method that can be used is the part and the whole method. Based on those research problems, this study formulated two purposes to find out: 1) the effect of the parts and whole methods towards the results of freestyle learning (crawl), 2) the great effect of the parts and whole methods towards the results of freestyle learning. This type of study used a quasi-experiment with one group of Pretest-Posttest design. Moreover, This study was conducted at the Middle School of Al-Falah Surabaya, with 24students in VII class as a sample. The result of this study can be concluded that there was an influence on the learning outcomes of freestyle swimming (crawl) with the method of learning part and whole. Additionally, there was an increase in the learning outcomes of freestyle swimming (crawl) of grade VII students, about 78.09%. Keywords: learning outcomes, freestyle swimming (crawl), part and whol


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    Abstrak Ekstrakurikuler di SMP Santa Maria Surabaya masih mendapat kesulitan dalam pembelajaran renang. Siswa hanya sekedar bisa dalam berenang gaya bebas tanpa mengetahui langkah-langkah yang benar dalam pembelajaran renang gaya bebas (crawl). Sehingga dengan adanya penerapan pembelajaran renang, siswa dengan mudah mempelajari tahap-tahap berenang gaya bebas. Hasil belajar dapat ditingkatkan melalui usaha sadar yang dilakukan secara sistematis mengarah kepada perubahan yang positif yang kemudian disebut dengan proses belajar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh penerapan pembelajaran renang gaya terhadap hasil belajar renang gaya bebas dalam mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler di SMP Santa Maria Surabaya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu dan desain yang digunakan adalah one group pre-test and post-test design, dimana yang menjadi sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa ekstrakurikuler di SMP Santa Maria Surabaya sebanyak 17 siswa. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah angket dengan 2 para ahli untuk mengukur seberapa besar hasil belajar siswa dalam mengikuti ekstrakurikuler renang. Dari hasil penelitian dan perhitungan manual dengan menggunakan SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Science) dapat diketahui bahwa nilai pre-test memiliki skor rata-rata 54,41 dengan standart deviasi 5,397, varian sebesar 29,132 dengan skor minimal adalah 47, dan skor maksimal adalah 67. Sedangkan untuk post-test memiliki nilai skor rata-rata sebesar 80,71, dengan standart deviasi 7,157, varian sebesar 5,121, dengan skor minimal 73, dan skor maksimal adalah 93.  Berdasarkan hasil analisis data tentang pengaruh penerapan pembelajaran renang gaya bebas terhadap hasil belajar siswa dalam mengikuti ekstrakurikuler memiliki nilai sig. 2,120 < 11,684, ttabel < thitung maka H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari penerapan pembelajaran renang gaya bebas terhadap hasil belajar siswa ekstrakurikuler SMP dalam mengikuti ekstrakurikuler renang gaya bebas. Penerapan pembelajaran renang gaya bebas terhadap hasil belajar renang gaya bebas di ekstrakurikuler memberikan peningkatan hasil belajar sebesar 48,14%. Kata Kunci : penerapan pembelajaran renang gaya bebas, hasil belajar renang gaya bebas. Abstract Students joining the extracurricular in SMP Santa Maria Surabaya were found to have difficulty in learning to swim. They did not master crawl swimming style with the appropriate steps. Thus, the learning of swimming needs to be implemented so that stidents can easily learn the steps in crawl. The learning outcome can be improved through a conscious effort done sistematically towards a positive change which is called as a learning process. This study aimed at measuring the effect of the crawl learning implementation to the crawl learning outcome in the extracurricular activity in SMP Santa Maria Surabaya. Seventeen students joining the extracurricular activity were involved in this quasi-experiment study by using one group pretest and posttest design. Besides, questionnaire with two experts were employed as the research instruments to measure the students' learning outcome in swimming extracurricular.  The SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Science) analysis showed that the mean score of pretest is 54,41, the standard deviation is 5,397, the variant is 29,132 with the minimum score of 47 and the maximum score of 67. Meanwhile, the mean score of posttest is 80,71, the standard deviation is 7,157, the variant is 5,121 with the minimum score of 73 and the maximum score of 93. Based on the result of the data analysis on the effect of the crawl learning implementation to the students' learning outcome in the extracurricular activity, it was found that the significance value 2,120 < 11,684, ttable < tvalue thus H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. In conclusion, there is a significant effect on the implementation of the crawl learning to the crawl learning outcome in the extracurricular activity in SMP Santa Maria Surabaya. The implementation of the crawl learning to the crawl learning outcome in the extracurricular activity gives improvement on the learning outcome as many as 48,14%. Keywords : crawl learning implementation, crawl learning outcome


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    ABSTRACT Edy Setyawan. STUDENT TEAMS ACHIEVEMENT DIVISION (STAD) TYPE OF COOPERATIVE LEARNING APPLICATION TO IMPROVE THE LEARNING OUTCOME OF CRAWL-STYLE SWIMMING IN THE 11TH MM 2 GRADERS OF SMK NEGERI 3 OF SURAKARTA IN THE SCHOOL YEAR OF 2015/2016. Thesis, Surakarta: Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Surakarta Sebelas Maret University, March 2016. The purpose of this research is to improve the learning outcome of crawl-style swimming through applying the Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) type of cooperative learning in the 11th MM 2 graders of SMK Negeri 3 of Surakarta in the school year of 2015/2016. This study was a Classroom Action Research (CAR). This study was conducted in two cycles, each of which consisted of planning, acting, observing and reflecting. The subject of research was the 11th MM 2 graders of SMK Negeri 3 of Surakarta, consisting of 32 students: 15 boys and 17 girls. Data source derived from students, author, and teachers serving as collaborator. Techniques of collecting data used were test and observation. Data validation was carried out using data triangulation. Data analysis was conducted using a descriptive technique based on qualitative analysis with percentage. Results of the analysis showed that the Student Teams achievement Division (STAD) type of Cooperative Learning application could improve the learning outcome of crawl-style swimming from pre-cycle to cycle I and from cycle I to cycle II. The results of analysis learning outcome crawl swimming style of pre-cycle there are 8 students, or 25% of the 32 students in the category completed, on the first cycle reaches 22 students or 68.75% of students in the category completed and the second cycle was 26 students or 81 , 25% categorized as complete, in Spiritual Competence, Social Competence, Cognitive Competence, and Skills Competence. Meanwhile, other 6 students still classified in the category of unfinished. Based on the research result can be concluded that the Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) type of cooperative learning application could improve the learning outcome of crawl-style swimming in the 11th MM 2 graders of SMK Negeri 3 of Surakarta in the school year of 2015/2016. Keywords: The Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) type of cooperative learning application, Learning Outcome, Crawl-Style Swimming

    大学体育における水泳授業によってクロールと平泳ぎを「続けて長く泳ぐこと」ができるようになるプロセス ─ 当事者の語りの分析から ─

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      The purpose of this study is to elucidate through an interview-based survey the process by which someone unable to swim becomes able to swim for long periods doing front crawl and breaststroke. The survey participant was a woman who could not swim a meter before taking university swimming classes. Owing to the swimming classes, she learnt to swim for long periods doing front crawl and breaststroke. Data was collected via a semi-structured interview. Trajectory Equifinality Modeling (TEM) was used for the analysis.   The following three conclusions were made:   1) Students who could not swim at all became able to swim front crawl by first learning to breathe underwater.   2) For breaststroke, the students timed their breathing by watching others swim, thereby learning to time their breathing with their swimming strokes.   3) Those who could not swim became able to swim for long periods doing front crawl and breaststroke, by going through the following three stages: a stage at which they could not think of anything, a stage at which they swam while thinking, and a stage at which they could swim without thinking


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini berobjek siswa kelas XI SMAN 1 Puri. Berdasarkan hasil observasi dari penilaian mata pelajaran PJOK, tingkat penyampaian pembelajaran renang gaya bebas (crawl stroke) di SMAN 1 Puri belum beranjak baik. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini berfokus mengetahui pengaruh metode Pembelajaran Drilling Jarak Pendek terhadap hasil pembelajaran siswa kealas XI SMAN 1 Puri Mojokerto. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam jenis penelitian eksperimen murni dengan menggunakan Randomized Control Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Populasi penelitian dipusatkan pada siswa kelas XI SMAN 1 Puri Mojokerto berjumlah 356 anak dari 11 kelas yang ada. Didasarkan atas penggunaan teknik Clauster Random Sampling, sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI MIPA 4 dan XI MIPA 5 SMAN 1 Puri, Mojokerto sebanyak 66 siswa dengan jumlah 24 orang siswa laki-laki dan 42 orang siswi perempuan. Instrument penelitian yang digunakan untuk mengukur aspek keterampilan adalah tes keterampilan dengan 2 observer. Instrument penelitian yang digunkan untuk mengukur aspek pengetahuan adalah tes tulis. Dari penjelasan di atas, penelitian dilakukan dengan menerapkan teknik analisis data berupa Rata-rata, Standar Deviasi, Varian, Uji Normalitas, Uji T, Uji Mann-Whitney dan peningkatan. Hal itu mengarah pada hasil analisis data yang menunjukkan ada pengaruh metode drilling jarak pendek terhadap hasil belajar pengetahuan renang gaya bebas (crawl stroke) pada siswa kelas XI SMAN 1 Puri Mojokerto 11,85% sedangkan hasil belajar keterampilan renang gaya bebas (Crawl stroke) pada siswa kelas XI SMAN 1 Puri Mojokerto 4,9%. Berdasarkan uraian hasil penelitian metode drilling jarak pendek efektif digunakan dalam membelajarkanan dan meningkatkan kemampuan renang gaya bebas (crawl stroke) siswa kelas XI SMAN 1 Puri Mojokerto. Kata Kunci: drilling jarak pendek, renang gaya bebas, hasil belajar Abstract This research has the object of a class XI student of SMAN 1 Puri. Based on observations from the assessment of PJOK subjects, the level of delivery of freestyle swimming (crawl stroke) learning at SMAN 1 Puri has not progressed well. Therefore, this study focuses on knowing the effect of the Short Distance Drilling Learning Method on student learning outcomes in SMAN 1 Puri Mojokerto. This research is included in pure experimental research using Randomized Control Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The research population was centered on 35th grade students of SMAN 1 Puri Mojokerto in 11 classes. Based on the use of the Clauster Random Sampling technique, the samples in this study were students of class XI MIPA 4 and XI MIPA 5 SMAN 1 Puri, Mojokerto with 66 students totaling 24 male students and 42 female students. The research instrument used to measure aspects of skills is a skills test with 2 observers. The research instrument used to measure aspects of knowledge is a written test. From the explanation above, the research was conducted by applying data analysis techniques in the form of averages, standard deviations, variants, normality tests, T tests, Mann-Whitney tests and improvement. This leads to the results of data analysis which shows that there is an effect of the short distance drilling method on the learning outcomes of free stroke swimming (crawl stroke) in class XI students of SMAN 1 Puri Mojokerto 11.85% while the results of learning of freestyle swimming skills (Crawl stroke) on XI grade students of SMAN 1 Puri Mojokerto 4.9%. Based on the description of the results of research the method of short distance drilling is effectively used in teaching and improving the ability of freestyle swimming (crawl stroke) of XI grade students of SMAN 1 Puri Mojokerto. Keywords: short-distance drilling, crawl stroke, learning result

    Keterampilan Gaya Bebas (Crawl) dalam Olaharaga Renang pada Mahasiswa Penjaskesrek Untan Angkatan 2013

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    The problem in this research is how skills freestyle (crawl) in the sport ofswimming in the student penjaskesrek Untan force in 2013 which aims is to identifyskills freestyle (crawl) in the class of 2013 UNTAN penjaskesrek students and assistfaculty in implementing learning basic swimming techniques . The method used in thisstudy is a descriptive method and form ni research is survey research. The sample was50 students. Based on the research results of this study found the average student cando freestyle skills with excellent category as much as 6%, 42% good, 28% adequate,less than 14% and less than 10% once. From these results penjaskesrek UNTAN 2013students can perform freestyle skills correctly and have different categories so that thelearning process can be carried out smoothly because all students can performfreestyle (crawl) in swimming courses