775,469 research outputs found

    Exploring participatory design for SNS-based AEH systems

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    The rapidly emerging and growing social networking sites (SNS) offer an opportunity to improve adaptive e-learning experience by introducing a social dimension, connecting users within the system. Making connections and providing communication tools can engage students in creating effective learning environment and enriching learning experiences. Researchers have been working on introducing SNS features into adaptive educational hypermedia systems. The next stage research is centered on how to enhance SNS facilities of AEH systems, in order to engage students’ participation in collaborative learning and generating and enriching learning materials. Students are the core participants in the adaptive e-learning process, so it is essential for the system designers to consider students’ opinions. This paper aims at exploring how to apply participatory design methodology in the early stage of the SNS-based AEH system design process

    On orthogonal projections for dimension reduction and applications in augmented target loss functions for learning problems

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    The use of orthogonal projections on high-dimensional input and target data in learning frameworks is studied. First, we investigate the relations between two standard objectives in dimension reduction, preservation of variance and of pairwise relative distances. Investigations of their asymptotic correlation as well as numerical experiments show that a projection does usually not satisfy both objectives at once. In a standard classification problem we determine projections on the input data that balance the objectives and compare subsequent results. Next, we extend our application of orthogonal projections to deep learning tasks and introduce a general framework of augmented target loss functions. These loss functions integrate additional information via transformations and projections of the target data. In two supervised learning problems, clinical image segmentation and music information classification, the application of our proposed augmented target loss functions increase the accuracy

    The Development of an On-Line Learning and Teaching Resource for the Socio-Centric Aspects of Sustainable Design

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    This paper fits into the topics of socially relevant design, design and emotion and sustainable design and explores the question how can we create a more sustainable way of life? The paper also addresses the central theme of the conference – Design Education – creating a better world. This paper reports on the next phase in the development of a web-based learning and teaching resource specifically aimed at the socio-centric dimension of sustainable design which can be found at www.sociocenticdesign.com . A more extensive literature review was conducted, of which a summary is presented, however, the focus is on the outcomes learned from the collection of further primary data. It is confirmed that there is strong dominance by the techno and eco-centric dimensions and that there is a lack of awareness of the socio-centric dimension. It is concluded that being sustainable in design actually is about leaving the final design to later; it means that first and foremost sustainable design is to consider the designs purpose and its effects on the user, the community and society as a whole. An evaluation of two existing web-based resources, that focus on eco-design, was also conducted and informed the outcomes presented in this paper. The paper sets outs in some detail the content, arrangement and suggested web-interfaces for the new learning resource focused on the socio-centric dimension. The content is arranged into the following sections based upon the recommendations generated by Conrad: Past and Future; Time; People; Consumption, Design and Theories. The results of the research suggest that a high level of interactivity in the web-interface will be required

    NEETin with ICT

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    Science and Technology Advisory Council (STAC) outlines that 49% of EU citizens identified “job creation” and 33% identified “education and skills” as the top priorities for science and technology innovation over the next fifteen years. Both documents justify the needs in Europe for the ICT field especially for the NEET (not in education, employment or training) citizens. On the other hand, Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs (GC4DJ) in Europe identifies: the training and matching digital jobs; certification; innovative learning and teaching; mobility; awareness raising; increasing effectiveness of education; increasing equity and producing positive impact in the economy, as a priority for European countries. NEETin is a project directed to NEET citizens, to be developed by Higher Education Institutions, VET providers and Enterprises in order to help to overcome a social European dimension through lifelong learning. By creating a Joint Vocational Education Training in Digital Competences in a collaboration between VET providers and the Enterprises, widening the access to higher education, in an innovative student-centred learning model to apply in a European level, we aim to contribute to improve the quality of Education. Through this certified JVET, NEET citizens will develop their digital skills and the success of employability of these learners will be enhanced.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pengaruh Multi-dimensi Komitmen Organisasional Terhadap Kepuasan Kerjaakuntan Pendidik Pada Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Di Bandung

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    Educator Accountant as long one part of from accountant procession owning big enough role indetermining growth of human research in next period and affect growth of accountancy as one sciencearea.One of factor influence thing performance of educator accountant so that can run it profession better issatisfaction in work area. Satisfaction in work area to represent the positive attitude that coming fromjob experience it self.Goals which wish reached in this research are : (1) learning relation of Multidimensional oforganizational commitment developed by Allen and Meyer with the satisfaction work felt by the educatoraccountant, (2) learning influence of Multidimensional of organizational to satisfaction work, (3)learning influence of dimension of affective commitment satisfaction work, (4) learning influence ofdimension of continuance commitment to satisfaction work, (5) learning influence of dimension ofnormative commitment to satisfaction work.Research conducted descriptive and verification while reset method used descriptive survey method byusing technical of with drawls simple random sampling. Institutes which are being research object are13 private sector colleges opening programmed first degree in accountancy and accreditation B by BANPT.gathering technical used is spreading questionnaire. Analyzer used Path Analysis using programmedLisrel 8.30.Results of this research hypothesis examination express: (1) Multidimensional of organizationalcommitment with this satisfaction work is positive correlation and significant, (2) dimension of affectivecommitment have an effect on positive and significant to satisfaction work, (3) dimension of continuancecommitment have an effect on positive and significant to satisfaction work, (4) dimension of normativecommitment don't have an effect on positive and significant to satisfaction work
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