5,478 research outputs found

    Holistic analysis of the effectiveness of a software engineering teaching approach

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    To provide the best training in software engineering, several approaches and strategies are carried out. Some of them are more theoretical, learned through books and manuals, while others have a practical focus and often done in collaboration with companies. In this paper, we share an approach based on a balanced mix to foster the assimilation of knowledge, the approximation with what is done in software companies and student motivation. Two questionnaires were also carried out, one involving students, who had successfully completed the subject in past academic years (some had already graduated, and others are still students), and other questionnaire involving companies, in the field of software development, which employ students from our school. The analysis of the perspectives of the different stakeholders allows an overall and holistic) view, and a general understanding, of the effectiveness of the software engineering teaching approach. We analyse the results of the questionnaires and share some of the experiences and lessons learned.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Complementing Measurements and Real Options Concepts to Support Inter-iteration Decision-Making in Agile Projects

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    Agile software projects are characterized by iterative and incremental development, accommodation of changes and active customer participation. The process is driven by creating business value for the client, assuming that the client (i) is aware of it, and (ii) is capable to estimate the business value, associated with the separate features of the system to be implemented. This paper is focused on the complementary use of measurement techniques and concepts of real-option-analysis to assist clients in assessing and comparing alternative sets of requirements. Our overall objective is to provide systematic support to clients for the decision-making process on what to implement in each iteration. The design of our approach is justified by using empirical data, published earlier by other authors

    Сучасний підхід у навчанні управління проектами для IT-спеціалістів

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    The modern world is not thinking without information technology. Training specialists not only fluent in IT technologies, but also those who know how to manage people and resources, is one of the main tasks of the IT university. This article focuses on teaching project management for IT students. The course covers the necessary set of knowledge and skills required for IT project managers. The main goal of the course is to teach students to focus on the organizational and managerial aspects of program projects. Along with various methods of project management (planning, budgeting and risk analysis), the main project management tools are considered; leadership principles; customer relations; liability issues; intellectual property issues; privacy issues. The article discusses the modern approach to teaching as a blended learning technology. This approach, combining traditional forms of education with elements of e-learning, is well applicable for a project management course. The features of the teaching of this course presented in the article are based on the personal responsibility of students for their own learning results. This also includes training based on mastery, an environment of high achievements, learning by doing. Actual methods in education as learning by doing, inverted learning and gamification are considered. The work also highlighted the role of “Project Management” in the student’s general educational trajectory. In addition, the article presents the experience of implementing and teaching this course at the International University of Information Technologies. The Project Management course is one of 12 courses in the Software Development Program (SDP) cycle, presented by iCarnegie.Сучасний світ неможливо уявити без інформаційних технологій. Підготовка фахівців, які не тільки вільно володіють ІТ технологіями, але і вміють управляти людьми і ресурсами одна з основних задач ІТ університету. Дана стаття присвячена методиці викладання курсу з управління проектами для ІТ-студентів. Курс покриває необхідний набір знань і навичок, необхідних для управлінців ІТ проектами. Основна мета курсу - навчити студентів зосередитися на організаційних і управлінських аспектах програмних проектів. Поряд з різними методами управління проектами (планування, бюджетування та аналіз ризиків) розглядаються основні інструменти управління проектами: принципи лідерства, відносини з клієнтами, питання відповідальності, питання інтелектуальної власності, питання конфіденційності. У статті обговорюється сучасний підхід у викладанні, а саме технології змішаного навчання. Даний підхід, поєднуючи традиційні форми навчання з елементами електронного навчання, може бути застосованим для курсу з управління проектами. Представлені в статті особливості викладання зазначеного курсу засновані на особистої відповідальності учнів за власні навчальні результати. Сюди ж можна віднести навчання, засноване на майстерності, середу високих досягнень, навчання на власному досвіді. Розглянуто актуальні методи в освіті, такі як навчання на практиці, перевернуте навчання і гейміфікація. В роботі також підкреслена роль «Управління проектами» в загальній освітній траєкторії студента. Крім того, в статті представлений досвід впровадження і викладання даного курсу в Міжнародному університеті інформаційних технологій. Курс «Управління проектами» є одним з 12 курсів циклу Програми розробки програмного забезпечення (SDP), представлених компанією iCarnegie

    Implementing Scrum Wholesale in the Classroom

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    As the most widely used agile software development method, Scrum has become a mainstay in many organizations that develop software. Despite Scrum’s popularity, several studies examine Scrum implementations that include some parts of the methodology and exclude others. This paper describes how Scrum has been incorporated into the classroom wholesale and highlights important considerations when using Scrum for student software development projects. Students having little to no knowledge of Scrum were able to gain confidence in using the method in a real-world setting. The paper discusses the use of a hands-on Scrum project as a pedagogical tool for teaching the Scrum methodology and software development life cycle principles. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected to understand student experiences with a wholesale Scrum implementation in the classroom. The paper concludes with data analysis and recommendations for implementing Scrum in future projects


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    This paper examines the challenges related to integrating machine learning (ML) development with software development lifecycle (SDLC) models. Data-intensive development and use of ML are gaining popularity in information systems development (ISD). To date, there is little empirical research that explores the challenges that ISD practitioners encounter when integrating ML development with SDLC frameworks. In this work we conducted a series of expert interviews where we asked the informants to reflect upon how four different archetypal SDLC models support ML development. Three high level trends in ML systems development emerged from the analysis, namely, (1) redefining the prescribed roles and responsibilities within development work; (2) the SDLC as a frame for creating a shared understanding and commitment by management, customers, and software development teams: and (3) method tailoring. This study advances the body of knowledge on the integration of conceptual SDLC models and ML engineering

    A modern mixture, agency, capability, technology and ‘scrum’: agile work practices for learning and teaching in schools

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    This paper introduces a pedagogical method derived from agile work practices, particularly the scrum method of project based working. It will discuss how this agile method can be aligned with teaching and learning in formal schooling and project based learning developing an agile pedagogical approach which can lead to: greater agency for both learners and teachers; the purposeful integration of digital tools into practice; and the development of human capability and functioning through a change in learning design. It goes further in conceptualizing the teaching - learning dynamic as a “technology for learning” in so far as technology is definable as a purposeful process of knowledge creation

    Implementering av Agile Prosjektledelsesmetoder i et Brønnintervensjons-selskap

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    Prosjekter blir gradvis mer komplekse med et høyere antall oppgaver og kompleks gjensidig avhengighet. Feltet prosjektledelse må håndtere en økende grad av endring, noe som gjør den tradisjonelle tilnærmingen til prosjektledelse mindre og mindre egnet for dagens prosjekter. Agile metoder fra software samfunnet tilbyr en ny måte å tenke på og er spesielt designet for å omfavne kompleksitet og endring. Følgende har bruken av Scrum eskalert det siste tiåret og har begynt å spre seg til andre bransjer. Denne oppgaven er skrevet i samarbeid med et brønntjenesteselskap i norsk olje- og gassindustri. Til tross for positive resultater fra tidlige piloter, har tunge næringsindustrier som olje- og gassindustrien i stor grad holdt tilbake fra den agile revolusjonen. Hensikten med denne oppgaven er å skape et teoretisk overblikk over Scrum og dens rammeverk, samt undersøke hvordan Scrum er implementert i bransjer utenfor softwareutvikling. Deretter kartlegges selskapets nåværende praksis gjennom møter og intervjuer, og utfordringer identifiseres. Intervjuene, Scrum-rammeverket og forskningen fra tidligere implementeringer brukes sammen med funnene om dagens praksis til å foreslå en måte å implementere Scrum i selskapet. Til slutt diskuteres det hvordan Scrum kan forbedre den nåværende prosessen med planlegging og gjennomføring av brønnintervensjonstjenester. Resultatene fra oppgaven har funnet at selskapet står overfor utfordringer knyttet til omfangsendring, gjensidig avhengighet mellom prosjekter og organisasjon. En tradisjonell tilnærming kan ikke håndtere endringer og gjensidig avhengighet i den grad selskapet står overfor. Operations Supervisorene beskriver at en betydelig del av arbeidet som er gjort i forbindelse med planlegging og oppfølging av en operasjon, håndterer endringer. I tillegg inkluderer ikke modellen selskapet bruker for planlegging og gjennomføring en tilfredsstillende mulighet til å forbedre arbeidsprosessene. Imidlertid har den tradisjonelle tilnærmingen noen fordeler som passer selskapet i form av standardisering og linearitet. Den foreslåtte løsningen for implementering av Scrum er å beholde den tradisjonelle modellen som brukes i dag og implementere Scrum i den operasjonelle prosessen for å levere tjenester. Ved å starte med et pilotteam tilpasses rammeverket til selskapet før man vurderer en storskala implementering. Det er ikke behov for store tilpasninger fra dagens praksis med denne løsningen. Teamet vil jobbe som før, men Sprint med tilhørende hendelser vil bli innlemmet som et tillegg. Det er noen utfordringer med den nåværende løsningen når det gjelder klientengasjement og teamsammensetning, for å nevne noen få. Scrum-rammeverket gir en mulighet for empirisk læring som forbedrer planleggings- og gjennomføringsprosessen kontinuerlig. Dette fører til en langsom og jevn fjerning av hindringer som øker produktiviteten. Implementering av et tverrfunksjonelt Scrum-team kan føre til et høyere fokus og mindre distraksjoner når det gjelder bytte mellom prosjekter. Siloer fjernes, og å fullføre oppgavene knyttet til en operasjon er nå en teaminnsats. Ukentlige Sprints får laget til å planlegge den kommende uken, som skal strukturere arbeidsuken. Hver Sprint vil gi empirisk læring og historisk datainnsamling. Denne læringen kan føre til en mer forutsigbar arbeidsuke, reduksjon i omfangsendring og gjensidig avhengighet, samt forbedring av interne utfordringer knyttet til organisasjonen.Projects are progressively becoming more complex with a higher number of tasks and complex interrelations.The field of project management must manage an increasing degree of change, which makes the traditional approach to project management less and less suitable to the projects of today. Agile methodologies from the software community offers a new way of thinking and is specifically designed to embrace complexity and change. Following, the use of Scrum has escalated in the last decade and has begun to spread to other industries. This study is written in collaboration with a well service company in the Norwegian Oil & Gas industry. Despite great promise from early pilots, heavy-asset industries such as the Oil & Gas industry have to a great extent held back from the agile revolution. The purpose of this thesis is to create a theoretical overview over Scrum and its framework and research how Scrum has been implemented in domains outside software development. Then, the company’s current practice is mapped out through meetings and interviews, and challenges are identified. The interviews, Scrum framework and the research on previous implementations are used together with the findings on today’s practice to propose a way to implement Scrum in the company. Ultimately, it is discussed how Scrum can improve the current process of planning and execution of well intervention services. The results of the study have found that the company faces challenges related to scope change, interdependence between projects and organisation. A traditional approach cannot handle changes and interdependencies to the degree that the company is facing. Operations Supervisors describe that a significant part of the work done in relation to planning and following up an operation is handling changes. In addition, the model the company uses for planning and execution does not include a satisfactory opportunity to improve work processes. However, the traditional approach has some benefits that suits the company in form of standardisation and linearity. The suggested solution for implementation of Scrum is to keep the traditional model used today and implement Scrum to the operational process for delivering services. By starting with a pilot team, the framework is adjusted to the company before considering a large-scale implementation. There is no need for large adaptations from the current practice with this solution. The team will work as before, but the Sprint with its events will be incorporated as an addition. There are some challenges with the current solution in terms of client involvement and team composition to mention a few. The Scrum framework provides an opportunity for empirical learning which improves the planning and execution process continuously. This leads to a slow and steady removal of impediments which increases productivity. Implementing a cross-functional Scrum team can lead to higher focus and less distractions in terms of switching between projects. Silos are removed, and completing the tasks related to an operation is now a team effort. Weekly Sprints makes the team plan their upcoming week, which will structure the work week. Each Sprint will provide empirical learning and historical data-gathering. This learning can lead to a more predictable work week, a reduction in scope change and interdependence, as well as improving internal challenges related to the organisation

    Development of a continuous improvement process for agile software development teams

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Industrial Engineering and ManagementThe fast growth of the technology market has triggered the highest levels of competitiveness and globalization in the current business environment. The present VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) world and the continuous pursuit for new products and services has increased customer's demands, requiring the companies to be more flexible than ever by delivering software with quality, in time and within budget while in search of excellence and success. To reach this purpose, many software organizations have been adopting Agile Methodologies combined with Continuous Improvement projects, in order to achieve an improvement in customer satisfaction, providing products with higher quality, lower costs and in shorter time to the market. The ENG-P department at Bosch Braga, had a track record of some practices of Scrum but it was recognized that most teams were inefficient in taking advantage of the improvement opportunities that arose during the Sprint Retrospective ceremonies and transform them into improvements for the team. The objective of this dissertation project was to design a process for the inception of Continuous Improvement (CI) in one team of the ENG-P department, that could define the actions that needed to be taken after the Retrospective ceremony, in order to make the most out of the suggestions given by the team. By combining the Scrum cycle and the Lean philosophy, this CI process helped the team analyze problems or improvement opportunities and proceed to their prioritization, planning, implementation and evaluation, making the team more effective in problem-solving, more motivated and, consequently, more productive. The first step was to define which CI strategy would be implemented. Between analytical and benchmark approaches, the PDCA was the one selected to serve as foundation for the CI process due to its application to improve processes, products or services in any organization. After the implementation and standardization of the CI process in the daily work of the team, the final results showed that this new method doubled the suggestions implementation rate when compared with the previous results obtained by only performing the Retrospective ceremony. In addition, the accumulation of small improvements throughout time were responsible for substantial changes in the team. The level of motivation, involvement, empowerment and teamwork increased, there was a better visual task and time management, the communication improved, and a mindset of continuous improvement was built within the team.O rápido crescimento do mercado tecnológico despoletou os mais altos níveis de competitividade e globalização no atual ambiente de negócios. O presente mundo VUCA (volátil, incerto, complexo e ambíguo) e a procura contínua por novos produtos e serviços levou a um aumento das exigências dos clientes, obrigando as empresas a tornarem-se mais flexíveis e a fornecer software com qualidade, atempadamente e dentro do orçamento, enquanto procuram alcançar a excelência e o sucesso próprio. Com foco neste objetivo, muitas empresas de desenvolvimento de software têm recentemente adotado metodologias ágeis em simbiose com projetos de melhoria contínua, com a finalidade de obterem uma maior satisfação do cliente, fornecendo produtos com maior qualidade e custos mais baixos. O departamento ENG-P da Bosch Braga já possuía no seu histórico algumas práticas de Scrum, mas reconheceu-se que a maioria das equipas eram ineficientes no aproveitamento das oportunidades de melhoria que surgiam durante a cerimónia Retrospetiva e transformá-las em melhorias para a equipa. O objetivo deste projeto de dissertação foi projetar um processo para a implementação de uma estratégia de Melhoria Contínua numa equipa do departamento ENG-P. Este definiu as ações a serem tomadas após a Retrospetiva, de forma a aproveitar ao máximo as sugestões dadas pela equipa. A combinação entre o ciclo Scrum e a filosofia Lean auxiliou a equipa na análise de problemas ou oportunidades de melhoria, na sua priorização, planeamento, implementação e avaliação. Estas ações permitiram que a equipa se tornasse mais motivada e eficaz na resolução de problemas e, consequentemente, mais produtiva. A primeira etapa consistiu na definição da estratégia de melhoria contínua a ser implementada. Entre abordagens de benchmark e analíticas, o ciclo PDCA foi a técnica selecionada como base ao processo devido à sua aplicabilidade na melhoraria de processos, produtos ou serviços. Após a implementação e padronização do processo no trabalho diário da equipa, os resultados demostraram que a sua adoção duplicou a taxa de implementação de sugestões da equipa, quando comparado a resultados obtidos apenas com realização da Retrospetiva, aumentando a capacidade de resolução de problemas da equipa. Além disso, pequenas melhorias alcançadas ao longo do tempo trouxeram grandes mudanças para a equipa. O nível de motivação, envolvimento e teamwork aumentou, existiu uma melhor gestão visual das tarefas e do tempo, a comunicação melhorou e foi construída uma mentalidade de melhoria contínua dentro da equipa