49 research outputs found

    Modelling student online behaviour in a virtual learning environment

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    In recent years, distance education has enjoyed a major boom. Much work at The Open University (OU) has focused on improving retention rates in these modules by providing timely support to students who are at risk of failing the module. In this paper we explore methods for analysing student activity in online virtual learning environment (VLE) -- General Unary Hypotheses Automaton (GUHA) and Markov chain-based analysis -- and we explain how this analysis can be relevant for module tutors and other student support staff. We show that both methods are a valid approach to modelling student activities. An advantage of the Markov chain-based approach is in its graphical output and in the possibility to model time dependencies of the student activities.Comment: In Proceedings of the 2014 Workshop on Learning Analytics and Machine Learning at the 2014 International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK 2014

    Continuous Assessment in Agile Learning using Visualizations and Clustering of Activity Data to Analyze Student Behavior

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    abstract: Software engineering education today is a technologically advanced and rapidly evolving discipline. Being a discipline where students not only design but also build new technology, it is important that they receive a hands on learning experience in the form of project based courses. To maximize the learning benefit, students must conduct project-based learning activities in a consistent rhythm, or cadence. Project-based courses that are augmented with a system of frequent, formative feedback helps students constantly evaluate their progress and leads them away from a deadline driven approach to learning. One aspect of this research is focused on evaluating the use of a tool that tracks student activity as a means of providing frequent, formative feedback. This thesis measures the impact of the tool on student compliance to the learning process. A personalized dashboard with quasi real time visual reports and notifications are provided to undergraduate and graduate software engineering students. The impact of these visual reports on compliance is measured using the log traces of dashboard activity and a survey instrument given multiple times during the course. A second aspect of this research is the application of learning analytics to understand patterns of student compliance. This research employs unsupervised machine learning algorithms to identify unique patterns of student behavior observed in the context of a project-based course. Analyzing and labeling these unique patterns of behavior can help instructors understand typical student characteristics. Further, understanding these behavioral patterns can assist an instructor in making timely, targeted interventions. In this research, datasets comprising of student’s daily activity and graded scores from an under graduate software engineering course is utilized for the purpose of identifying unique patterns of student behavior.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Engineering 201

    Universal Design for Learning: The More, the Better?

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    An experimental study investigated the effects of applying principles of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Focusing on epistemic beliefs (EBs) in inclusive science classes, we compared four groups who worked with learning environments based more or less on UDL principles and filled out an original version of a widely used EBs questionnaire or an adapted version using the Universal Design for Assessment (UDA). Based on measurement invariance analyses, a multiple indicator, and multiple cause (MIMIC) approach as well as multi-group panel models, the results do not support an outperformance of the extensive UDL environment. Moreover, the UDA-based questionnaire appears to be more adequately suited for detecting learning gains in an inclusive setting. The results emphasize how important it is to carefully adopt and introduce the UDL principles for learning and to care about test accessibility when conducting quantitative research in inclusive settings

    Learning analytics for smart campus: Data on academic performances of engineering undergraduates in Nigerian private university

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    Empirical measurement, monitoring, analysis, and reporting of learning outcomes in higher institutions of developing countries may lead to sustainable education in the region. In this data article, data about the academic performances of undergraduates that studied engineering programs at Covenant University, Nigeria are presented and analyzed. A total population sample of 1841 undergraduates that studied Chemical Engineering (CHE), Civil Engineering (CVE), Computer Engineering (CEN), Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE), Information and Communication Engineering (ICE), Mechanical Engineering (MEE), and Petroleum Engineering (PET) within the year range of 2002–2014 are randomly selected. For the five-year study period of engineering program, Grade Point Average (GPA) and its cumulative value of each of the sample were obtained from the Department of Student Records and Academic Affairs. In order to encourage evidence-based research in learning analytics, detailed datasets are made publicly available in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file attached to this article. Descriptive statistics and frequency distributions of the academic performance data are presented in tables and graphs for easy data interpretations. In addition, one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and multiple comparison post-hoc tests are performed to determine whether the variations in the academic performances are significant across the seven engineering programs. The data provided in this article will assist the global educational research community and regional policy makers to understand and optimize the learning environment towards the realization of smart campuses and sustainable education

    Progressive Analytics: A Computation Paradigm for Exploratory Data Analysis

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    Exploring data requires a fast feedback loop from the analyst to the system, with a latency below about 10 seconds because of human cognitive limitations. When data becomes large or analysis becomes complex, sequential computations can no longer be completed in a few seconds and data exploration is severely hampered. This article describes a novel computation paradigm called Progressive Computation for Data Analysis or more concisely Progressive Analytics, that brings at the programming language level a low-latency guarantee by performing computations in a progressive fashion. Moving this progressive computation at the language level relieves the programmer of exploratory data analysis systems from implementing the whole analytics pipeline in a progressive way from scratch, streamlining the implementation of scalable exploratory data analysis systems. This article describes the new paradigm through a prototype implementation called ProgressiVis, and explains the requirements it implies through examples.Comment: 10 page

    Analyzing Learners Behavior in MOOCs: An Examination of Performance and Motivation Using a Data-Driven Approach

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    Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have been experiencing increasing use and popularity in highly ranked universities in recent years. The opportunity of accessing high quality courseware content within such platforms, while eliminating the burden of educational, financial and geographical obstacles has led to a rapid growth in participant numbers. The increasing number and diversity of participating learners has opened up new horizons to the research community for the investigation of effective learning environments. Learning Analytics has been used to investigate the impact of engagement on student performance. However, extensive literature review indicates that there is little research on the impact of MOOCs, particularly in analyzing the link between behavioral engagement and motivation as predictors of learning outcomes. In this study, we consider a dataset, which originates from online courses provided by Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, delivered through the edX platform [1]. Two sets of empirical experiments are conducted using both statistical and machine learning techniques. Statistical methods are used to examine the association between engagement level and performance, including the consideration of learner educational backgrounds. The results indicate a significant gap between success and failure outcome learner groups, where successful learners are found to read and watch course material to a higher degree. Machine learning algorithms are used to automatically detect learners who are lacking in motivation at an early time in the course, thus providing instructors with insight in regards to student withdrawal

    Machine Learning Approaches to Predict Learning Outcomes in Massive Open Online Courses

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    With the rapid advancements in technology, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have become the most popular form of online educational delivery, largely due to the removal of geographical and financial barriers for participants. A large number of learners globally enrol in such courses. Despite the flexible accessibility, results indicate that the completion rate is quite low. Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics are emerging fields of research that aim to enhance the delivery of education through the application of various statistical and machine learning approaches. An extensive literature survey indicates that no significant research is available within the area of MOOC data analysis, in particular considering the behavioural patterns of users. In this paper, therefore, two sets of features, based on learner behavioural patterns, were compared in terms of their suitability for predicting the course outcome of learners participating in MOOCs. Our Exploratory Data Analysis demonstrates that there is strong correlation between click steam actions and successful learner outcomes. Various Machine Learning algorithms have been applied to enhance the accuracy of classifier models. Simulation results from our investigation have shown that Random Forest achieved viable performance for our prediction problem, obtaining the highest performance of the models tested. Conversely, Linear Discriminant Analysis achieved the lowest relative performance, though represented only a marginal reduction in performance relative to the Random Forest

    Personalized and adaptive learning: educational practice and technological impact

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    Education Technology advances many aspects of learning. More and more learning is taking place online. Learners’ learning behaviors, style, and performance can be easily profiled through learning analytics which collects their online learning footage. It enables and encourages educational research, learning software application development, and online education practices towards personalized and adaptive learning. As we continue to see personalized and adaptive learning progress, we must also pay attention to the negative impacts that feed into our research. In this paper, we will present our introspection of personalized and adaptive learning and argue that it is the social and moral responsibility of educators and institutions to apply personalized and adaptive learning wisely in their education practice. Educators and institutions should also recognize the realistic diversities of individual students’ learning styles and variable learning progress, contextually dependent learning accessibility, and their correspondent support needs for the fine-grained learning activities. We argue that the strategically balanced practices and innovated learning technology are crucial towards an optimized learning experience for the learners. A Tecnologia da Educação avança muitos aspectos da aprendizagem. Cada vez mais aprendizagem está ater lugar online. Os comportamentos de aprendizagem, estilo e desempenho dos aprendentes podem serfacilmente perfilados através de análises de aprendizagem que recolhem as suas filmagens de aprendizagemon-line. Permite e encoraja a investigação educacional, o desenvolvimento de aplicações de software deaprendizagem, e práticas de educação em linha para uma aprendizagem personalizada e adaptativa. À medidaque continuamos a ver progressos na aprendizagem personalizada e adaptativa, devemos também prestaratenção aos impactos negativos que alimentam a nossa investigação. Neste documento, apresentaremos anossa introspecção de aprendizagem personalizada e adaptativa e argumentaremos que é da responsabilidade social e moral dos educadores e instituições aplicar sabiamente a aprendizagem personalizada e adaptativa nasua prática educativa. Os educadores e as instituições devem também reconhecer as diversidades realistas dosestilos de aprendizagem dos estudantes individuais e o progresso variável da aprendizagem, a acessibilidade àaprendizagem contextualmente dependente, e as suas necessidades de apoio correspondente para as actividadesde aprendizagem de grão fino. Argumentamos que as práticas estrategicamente equilibradas e a tecnologiade aprendizagem inovadora são cruciais para uma experiência de aprendizagem optimizada para os alunos