41,501 research outputs found


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    This research aims at finding out the relationship between career knowledge and learning achievement, family environment and learning achievement, learning motivation and learning achievement, and also the relationship of those three aspects to the learning achievement among the XI grade of architecture department SMKN 1 Seyegan in the academic year of 2010/2011. The subjects of this research were the XI grade students of architecture department. The population was 67 students. The data collection technique was done by indirect communication through questionnaire. This technique was supported by documentation to support the data which were undetected from the questionnaire. The research instrument validity test was using the product moment correlation technique and the instrument reliability test was using the Alpha Cronbach. This research was using descriptive quantitative method, data analysis technique was using correlation and regression in a 5% significance. This research findings were: 1) There was a positive and significant relationship between career knowledge and learning achievement (p<0,05) and the effective contribution was 11,21%. 2) There was a positive and significant relation between family environment and learning achievement (p<0,05) and the effective contribution is 16, 48%. 3) There was a positive and significant relation between learning motivation and learning achievement (p<0,05) and the effective contribution was 7,97%.. 4) The contribution of career knowledge, family environment, and learning motivation had collectively significant role to the learning achievement for 35,65%, while the remaining was 64,35% categorized as the factor which had not covered yet in this research (F = 10,713). Key word: Career Knowledge, Family Environment, Learning Motivation, Learning Achievemen


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    This research purposed to know the comparative effectiveness of the use of web based E-Learning media in Information Technology and Communication subjects to improve learning achievement students of grade X SMA Negeri 1 Kalasan when compared with conventional learning in place at the school. The research method is quasi-experimental research method with two class sample XA and XB in SMA Negeri 1 Kalasan. The research method is used in this research was quasi-experimental research methods with a sample of research is the class XA and XB SMA Negeri 1 Kalasan. The research design was pretest-posttest control group design. The sampling technique is used was random sampling. Different test done to measure the difference in the effectiveness of web based E-Learning media and conventional learning media based on learning achievement of using Independent Sample t-test. Based on these results it can be concluded that the effectiveness of web based E-Learning media have an index of normalized gain is 0,54; effectiveness of conventional learning media have an index of normalized gain is 0,30 and improved learning achievement with web based E-Learning media is better than the improved learning achievement of conventional learning media while they in the same criteria. The criteria is in sufficient criteria. But if based on calculation of the gain, improvement learning achievement with based on the t test of the average value of learning achievement acquired thitung > ttabel (2,870> 1,672), as well as the significant value of P (0006) <α (0.05), thus Ho rejected and Ha accepted. It is proved that web based E-Learning media effectively to improve student learning achievement in the material Presentation Maker Software Class X SMA Negeri 1 Kalasan. Keywords: media, E-Learning, conventional learning, learning achievemen


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    The purpose of this research thesis is to determine the effect of active student in robotic study club, learning motivation and learning attitude on the achievement Microcontroller subject, either simultaneously or partially, at the SMK N 3 Yogyakarta. The study used survey research methods with quantitative approaches. The study conducted in the scope of the SMK N 3 Yogyakarta, with the object of study is limited only to the variables of active student in robotic study club (X1), learning motivation (X2), and learning attitude (X3) as an independent variable and the learning achievement in Microcontroller subject (Y) as the dependent variable. Samples were taken as much as 100% of the total population, which are 46 respondents. The results of the study have shown that the active student in robotic variable significantly influence the learning achievement in Microcontroller subject at the SMK N 3 Yogyakarta. Motivation variable also significantly influence on the learning achievement in Microcontroller subject at the SMK N 3 Yogyakarta. And, learning attitude variable also significantly influence on the learning achievement in Microcontroller subject at the SMK N 3 Yogyakarta. Variable that has the most significant influence on the learning achievement in Microcontroller subject at SMK N 3 Yogyakarta is the active student in robotic. Active student in robotic study club, motivation, and learning attitude found to have a significant effect on the learning achievement in Microcontroller subject at SMK N 3 Yogyakarta. Active student in robotic study club, motivation, and learning attitude variables could explain the changes in the learning achievement in Microcontroller subject for 38.8% and the balance of 61.2% is explained by other variables which did not included in the this research. Key word : active student, motivation, attitude, achievement, robotic, microcontrolle

    Hubungan Kebiasaan Menonton Tayangan Action Di Televisi Terhadap Perilaku Agresif Dan Prestasi Belajar Pada Anak Laki-Laki Usia Sekolah Di Sukodadi Palembang

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    Background: Aggressive behavior is the behavior of the individual with the aim of injuring or injuring other individuals both physically and verbally, while the learning achievement is the result of interaction in the individual against various factors that affect both internal and external. Based on the preliminary results of 5 children expressed likes a kind of action film and 3 of them perform aggressive actions such as fighting, shouting and talking roughly and found 3 children who have less report cards. Purpose: This study aims to determine the relationship between watching action habits on television to aggressive behavior and learning achievement in school-age boys in Sukodadi. Method: This research method used analytic survey design with cross sectional approach. Sample study of all school age boys in Sukodadi as many as 45 people. Sampling using total sampling. Result: Positive aggressive behavior (55,6%), negative aggressive behavior (44,4%), learning achievement less (55,6%), learning achievement less (44,4%). The result of chi square statistic shows that there is a relationship between television action on aggressive behavior (p = 0,001) and learning achievement (p = 0,001). Conclusion: There is a relationship between the habit of watching action impressions against aggressive behavior, there is a relationship between the action and the learning achievement. Suggestion: Based on the results of the research, it is expected that parents can supervise, assist, and limit the hours of children watching and selecting the appropriate impressions with the age of the child, the next researcher in order to add other variables besides action such as child abuse, bulliying


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    This study aims to determine: 1) the influence of awareness of learning to the learning achievment in SMA N 2 Temanggung, 2) the influence of family environment to the learning achievment in SMA N 2 Temanggung, 3) the influence of school facilities to the learning achievment in SMA N 2 Temanggung, 4) the influence of student discipline to the learning achievment in SMA N 2 Temanggung, 5) the influence of awareness of learning, family environment, school facilities and student discipline be shared equally to the learning achievement in SMA N 2 Temanggung. Sample in the study was 128 students in SMA N 2 Temanggung. Data collection techniques used questionnaires and documentation. This study is using descriptive, analysis techniques, linearity, multicolinearity tests, regression and multiple regression analysis. the multiple regressions to determine the influence of independent variables on the dependent variable. The result indicate: 1) there is positive and significant awareness of learning to the learning achievement in SMA N 2 Temanggung, with r2 x1y=0,331 and influence of 25,53% , 2) there is positive and significant family environment to the learning achievement in SMA N 2 Temanggung, with r2 x2y=0,284 and influence of 11,19%, 3) there is positive and significant school facilities to the learning achievement in SMA N 2 Temanggung, with r2 x3y=0,295 and influence of 10,87%, 4) there is positive and significant student discipline to the learning achievement in SMA N 2 Temanggung, with r2 x4y=0,271 and influence of 6,41%, 5) there is positive and significant awareness of learning, family environment, school facilities and student discipline to the learning achievement in SMA N 2 Temanggung, with R2 x1234y=0,54, F=36,148 and influence of 54%. keyword: awareness of learning, family environment, school facilities, student discipline, information and communication technolog


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    The research purposes are : (1) to know the learning achievement of students in grade XI SMK N Sukamaju on manual arc welding subject of horizontal fillet positions which are taught with the demonstration method, (2) to know the learning achievement of students in grade XI SMK N Sukamaju on manual arc welding subject of horizontal fillet positions which are taught with the lecture method, (3) to know the difference in learning achievement of students in grade XI SMK N Sukamaju manual arc welding subject of horizontal fillet connections which are taught by demonstration method with taught by lecture method The research is one of pretest-posttest Control Group DesignS which compare an experiment group and the control group. This research i population of the study was a XI class student of Welding Engineering Department SMK N Sukamaju with 28 students. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistical techniques. The research product shows: (1) the learning achievement of students in grade XI SMK N Sukamaju on manual arc welding subject of horizontal fillet positions which are taught with the demonstration method (experiment group) obtained the highest score of 87, lowest score of 83, and the mean amounted to 84,21; (2) the learning achievement of students in grade XI SMK N Sukamaju on manual arc welding subject of horizontal fillet positions which were taught with the lecture method (control group) obtained the highest score of 81, lowest score of 77, and the mean amounted to 78,5 ; (3) there were differences in learning achievement of students in grade XI SMK N Sukamaju manual arc welding subject of horizontal fillet connections which were taught by demonstration method with taught by lecture method. The differences shown by mean value of experiment group (84,21) was higher than the mean value of control group (78,5)

    Improving Learning Achievement Using Effective Mix and Match Learning Model

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    This current study aims to examine the implementation of the mix and match of three learning models i.e. Self-directed learning, Discovery learning, and Collaborative Problem Based learning. Mix and match learning model is performed to optimize the benefits from each models and minimize the weakness. In implementation phase, the learning process was started from self-directed learning models, where students were directed to collect any information regarding the subject from many resources using Web-based Instruction. This method basically involves encouraging students to prepare for the lesson before class. To complete this session, the student make a literature review. In the next session the Discovery learning models was implemented. In this session Picture Prompt presentation technique and some interactive experiences such as asking provocative questions were applied. After this, the Collaborative Problem Based Learning is performed using mix of several techniques i.e. Make a Match, Student Team Achievement Division and Number Heads Together. The Small group discussions model is a part of the Collaborative Problem Based Learning models. In the end of Collaborative learning session, the selected student presented their work. In the last session, every student has to make summarize using their own words. Assessments were performed in end of each session. The research found that the mix and match model effectively improve the student\u27s achievement in cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspect

    Efforts to Improve Learning Achievement of Islamic Religious Education and Character in High School of 7th Grade Students in SMA LKMD Laha Ambon Through the Application of the Contextual Teaching Learning Model

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    This research is a classroom action research that aims to see whether there is an influence on the application of the CTL learning model in an effort to improve the learning achievement of PAI and character. The subjects in this study were students of class XII IPA-1, Laha Ambon High School LKMD with a total of 24 students in the 2018/2019 school year. This study uses instruments namely: (1) Teacher and student observation sheets; (2) List of students\u27 attendance; (3) List of grades, (4) Student questionnaire sheet to determine student responses. This CAR procedure consists of 2 cycles with 2 meetings per cycle. Each cycle consists of four stages as follows: 1) planning; 2) implementing actions; 3) observation and evaluation of actions; and 4) reflection of actions. Data in this study were collected by interview and observation. This study uses a combination of qualitative data analysis techniques and quantitative data analysis techniques because some of the data obtained in the form of quantitative data. Qualitative data analysis from this research will be carried out through 3 stages, namely: Data reduction, data exposure, and inference. This research is said to be successful if students in Islamic religious education learning get a value of 70 (KKM = 70) or more with an average completeness level of 80% or more. The results of the study show that: (1) The contextual teaching learning model is very suitable for growing students\u27 criticality in analyzing, differentiating, generalizing, and hypothesizing problems; (2) With the increase in student learning activities, student achievement shows a significant increase, namely by increasing the average value of student achievement from the first cycle of 67.1 with a level of student learning completeness of 25.0% increased to 83, 7 with the level of mastery learning students 87.5% at the end of the second cycle. The more intensive the application of the contextual teaching learning model, the more learning achievement and motivation of students increases. The more intensive in applying the contextual teaching learning model, the more the number or percentage of students experiencing mastery learning increases, if implemented consistently based on the correct cycle path


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    This study aimed to: (1) Knowing the influence of the Internet Learning Resources Utilization of ICT on Learning Achievement class XI student SMAN 4 Yogyakarta, (2) Knowing the influence of Achievement Motivation to Learn ICT in class XI student SMAN 4 Yogyakarta, (3 ) Knowing the influence of the Internet Learning Resources Utilization and Motivation Learning together for ICT Learning Achievement in class XI student SMAN 4 Yogyakarta. Subjects in this study were students in science and social studies classes XI SMA Negeri Yogyakarta 4. The population of 240 students and the sample used was 137 students with simple random sampling technique. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire (questionnaire) and documentation. Questionnaire (questionnaire) was used to collect data on the variable use of the Internet Learning Resources Learning and Motivation. Documentation is used to collect ICT Learning Achievement variable data obtained from the data value of semester exams. The test instrument was held on 32 respondents, ie, all students in grade XI IPA 2. Validity test is done by Judgement Experts and Product Moment analysis techniques. Meanwhile, Alpha reliability test using the formula. Test requirements analysis using a test for normality, multicollinearity and linearity. The first and second hypothesis testing using simple linear regression analysis techniques, while the third hypothesis testing using multiple regression analysis techniques of two predictors. Based on this research can be concluded: (1) There are positive and significant between the use of Learning Resources on the Internet for ICT Learning Achievement class XI student SMAN 4 Yogyakarta, with strong influence by 61.1%, (2) There are positive and significant between Learning Achievement Learning Motivation for class XI student of ICT SMAN 4 Yogyakarta, with strong influence by 79.9%, (3) There are positive and significant relationship between use of the Internet Learning Resources and Achievement Motivation for Learning ICT XI class students SMA 4 Yogyakarta, with strong influence by 88%

    Efforts to Improve Learning Achievement of 8th Grade Students in SMPN 9 Sorong Through the Application of Problem Solving Type Cooperative Learning Models in Christian Religious Education Subjects

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    This research is a classroom action research that aims to see whether there is an influence on the application of problem solving learning models in an effort to improve PAK learning achievement. The subjects in this study were selected from students of class VIII-2 SMPN 9 Sorong City in the 2018/2019 academic year with a total of 25 students. The research procedure is a series of stages of research from beginning to end. This CAR procedure consists of 2 cycles. Each cycle consists of four stages as follows: 1) planning; 2) implementing actions; 3) observation and evaluation of actions; and 4) reflection of actions. Research data were collected using interviews, observations, and tests. The data of this study were analyzed using data analysis techniques as follows; (1) Comparative analysis is done by comparing the results obtained in the first cycle with the second cycle and; (2) Qualitative Analysis in the form of field notes which are presented in detail and in full throughout the research process. This research is said to be successful if in learning students get a minimum of 75% of the number of students already active in the learning process and a minimum of 75% student achievement increases. The results of the study show that: (1) based on the results of research observations, it can be concluded that the application of the problem solving learning model can increase student activity during learning. This is indicated by a change in students\u27 attitudes in learning, including the interaction and cooperation between students the better, the more students have the courage to express ideas and opinions in front of the class. The center of learning is no longer on the teacher. Students are required to actively search for information and must be able to exchange ideas; (2) based on data in the form of pre-observation values ​​and after research, it can be concluded that the application of problem solving learning models can improve student learning achievement
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