69 research outputs found

    Utilizing Deep Neural Networks for Brain–Computer Interface-Based Prosthesis Control

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    Limb amputations affect a significant portion of the world’s population every year. The necessity for these operations can be associated with related health conditions or a traumatic event. Currently, prosthetic devices intended to alleviate the burden of amputation lack many of the premier features possessed by their biological counterparts. The foremost of these features are agility and tactile function. In an effort to address the former, researchers here investigate the fundamental connection between agile finger movement and brain signaling. In this study each subject was asked to move his or her right index finger in sync with a time-aligned finger movement demonstration while each movement was labeled and the subject’s brain waves were recorded via a single-channel electroencephalograph. This data was subsequently used to train and test a deep neural network in an effort to classify each subject’s intention to rest and intention to extend his or her right index finger. On average, the employed model yielded an accuracy of 63.3%, where the most predictable subject’s movements were classified with an accuracy of 70.5%

    Learning in stochastic neural networks for constraint satisfaction problems

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    Researchers describe a newly-developed artificial neural network algorithm for solving constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) which includes a learning component that can significantly improve the performance of the network from run to run. The network, referred to as the Guarded Discrete Stochastic (GDS) network, is based on the discrete Hopfield network but differs from it primarily in that auxiliary networks (guards) are asymmetrically coupled to the main network to enforce certain types of constraints. Although the presence of asymmetric connections implies that the network may not converge, it was found that, for certain classes of problems, the network often quickly converges to find satisfactory solutions when they exist. The network can run efficiently on serial machines and can find solutions to very large problems (e.g., N-queens for N as large as 1024). One advantage of the network architecture is that network connection strengths need not be instantiated when the network is established: they are needed only when a participating neural element transitions from off to on. They have exploited this feature to devise a learning algorithm, based on consistency techniques for discrete CSPs, that updates the network biases and connection strengths and thus improves the network performance

    The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence and the Possibility of its Application in Cyber Games

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    Artificial intelligence, as a separate field of research, is currently experiencing a boom - new methods of machine learning and hardware are emerging and improving, and the results achieved change the life of society. Machine translation, handwriting recognition, speech recognition are changing our reality. The work of creating unmanned vehicles, voice assistants and other devices using these technologies is in an active process. The article examines the historical context of the artificial intelligence development, it evaluates the possibilities of its introduction into cyber games, as a safe and effective platform for testing new methods of machine learning. The promotion of such projects can increase the reputation of development companies, ensure increased user confidence in other products and, with a competent marketing strategy, cause a significant public resonance among video game fans, providing the developer with economic profit

    Online multiclass EEG feature extraction and recognition using modified convolutional neural network method

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    Many techniques have been introduced to improve both brain-computer interface (BCI) steps: feature extraction and classification. One of the emerging trends in this field is the implementation of deep learning algorithms. There is a limited number of studies that investigated the application of deep learning techniques in electroencephalography (EEG) feature extraction and classification. This work is intended to apply deep learning for both stages: feature extraction and classification. This paper proposes a modified convolutional neural network (CNN) feature extractorclassifier algorithm to recognize four different EEG motor imagery (MI). In addition, a four-class linear discriminant analysis (LDR) classifier model was built and compared to the proposed CNN model. The paper showed very good results with 92.8% accuracy for one EEG four-class MI set and 85.7% for another set. The results showed that the proposed CNN model outperforms multi-class linear discriminant analysis with an accuracy increase of 28.6% and 17.9% for both MI sets, respectively. Moreover, it has been shown that majority voting for five repetitions introduced an accuracy advantage of 15% and 17.2% for both EEG sets, compared with single trials. This confirms that increasing the number of trials for the same MI gesture improves the recognition accurac

    The status of digital pathology and associated infrastructure within Alzheimer\u27s Disease Centers

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    Digital pathology (DP) has transformative potential, especially for Alzheimer disease and related disorders. However, infrastructure barriers may limit adoption. To provide benchmarks and insights into implementation barriers, a survey was conducted in 2019 within National Institutes of Health\u27s Alzheimer\u27s Disease Centers (ADCs). Questions covered infrastructure, funding sources, and data management related to digital pathology. Of the 35 ADCs to which the survey was sent, 33 responded. Most respondents (81%) stated that their ADC had digital slide scanner access, with the most frequent brand being Aperio/Leica (62.9%). Approximately a third of respondents stated there were fees to utilize the scanner. For DP and machine learning (ML) resources, 41% of respondents stated none was supported by their ADC. For scanner purchasing and operations, 50% of respondents stated they received institutional support. Some were unsure of the file size of scanned digital images (37%) and total amount of storage space files occupied (50%). Most (76%) were aware of other departments at their institution working with ML; a similar (76%) percentage were unaware of multiuniversity or industry partnerships. These results demonstrate many ADCs have access to a digital slide scanner; additional investigations are needed to further understand hurdles to implement DP and ML workflows

    end-point detection of a deformable linear object from visual data

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    In the context of industrial robotics, manipulating rigid objects have been studied quite deeply. However, Handling deformable objects is still a big challenge. Moreover, due to new techniques introduced in the object detection literature, employing visual data is getting more and more popular between researchers. This thesis studies how to exploit visual data for detecting the end-point of a deformable linear object. A deep learning model is trained to perform the task of object detection. First of all, basics of the neural networks is studied to get more familiar with the mechanism of the object detection. Then, a state-of-the-art object detection algorithm YOLOv3 is reviewed so it can be used as its best. Following that, it is explained how to collect the visual data and several points that can improve the data gathering procedure are delivered. After clarifying the process of annotating the data, model is trained and then it is tested. Trained model localizes the end-point. This information can be used directly by the robot to perform tasks like pick and place or it can be used to get more information on the form of the object

    Auto-encoder based deep learning for surface electromyography signal processing

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    © 2018 Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems. All Rights Reserved. Feature extraction is taking a very vital and essential part of bio-signal processing. We need to choose one of two paths to identify and select features in any system. The most popular track is engineering handcrafted, which mainly depends on the user experience and the field of application. While the other path is feature learning, which depends on training the system on recognising and picking the best features that match the application. The main concept of feature learning is to create a model that is expected to be able to learn the best features without any human intervention instead of recourse the traditional methods for feature extraction or reduction and avoid dealing with feature extraction that depends on researcher experience. In this paper, Auto-Encoder will be utilised as a feature learning algorithm to practice the recommended model to excerpt the useful features from the surface electromyography signal. Deep learning method will be suggested by using Auto-Encoder to learn features. Wavelet Packet, Spectrogram, and Wavelet will be employed to represent the surface electromyography signal in our recommended model. Then, the newly represented bio-signal will be fed to stacked autoencoder (2 stages) to learn features and finally, the behaviour of the proposed algorithm will be estimated by hiring different classifiers such as Extreme Learning Machine, Support Vector Machine, and SoftMax Layer. The Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) will be created as an activation function for extreme learning machine classifier besides existing functions such as sigmoid and radial basis function. ReLU will show a better classification ability than sigmoid and Radial basis function (RBF) for wavelet, Wavelet scale 5 and wavelet packet signal representations implemented techniques. ReLU will illustrate better classification ability, as an activation function, than sigmoid and poorer than RBF for spectrogram signal representation. Both confidence interval and Analysis of Variance will be estimated for different classifiers. Classifier fusion layer will be implemented to glean the classifier which will progress the best accuracies' values for both testing and training to develop the results. Classifier fusion layer brought an encouraging value for both accuracies either training or testing ones

    An Approach to Self-Supervised Object Localisation through Deep Learning Based Classification

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    Deep learning has become ubiquitous in science and industry for classifying images or identifying patterns in data. The most widely used approach to training convolutional neural networks is supervised learning, which requires a large set of annotated data. To elude the high cost of collecting and annotating datasets, selfsupervised learning methods represent a promising way to learn the common functions of images and videos from large-scale unlabeled data without using humanannotated labels. This thesis provides the results of using self-supervised learning and explainable AI to localise objects in images from electron microscopes. The work used a synthetic geometric dataset and a synthetic pollen dataset. The classification was used as a pretext task. Different methods of explainable AI were applied: Grad-CAM and backpropagation-based approaches showed the lack of prospects; at the same time, the Extremal Perturbation function has shown efficiency. As a result of the downstream localisation task, the objects of interest were detected with competitive accuracy for one-class images. The advantages and limitations of the approach have been analysed. Directions for further work are proposed
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