9 research outputs found

    Definição de Processos Baseada em Componentes

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    Definir processos de software não é uma tarefa trivial. Uma abordagem utilizada frequentemente para definição de processos é a definição de processos em níveis, na qual são definidos processos padrão organizacionais, os quais são instanciados para projetos, originando os processos de projeto. Embora essa abordagem se baseie na reutilização de processos, ela não explora amplamente as possibilidades de reúso de processos. Uma alternativa para tentar amenizar as dificuldades na definição de processos é trazer para a o domínio de processos de software as ideias do Desenvolvimento de software Baseado em Componentes (DBC). Este trabalho propõe uma abordagem intitulada Definição de Processos Baseada em Componentes (DPBC), a qual procura institucionalizar o reúso de processos ou de partes deles, tratados como componentes de processo. Esses componentes de processo podem ser definidos no nível de abstração de processos padrão e em variados níveis de granularidade, podendo ser utilizados na definição de outros componentes de processo ou na definição de processos de projeto

    Relação de colaboração entre universidade e indústria de software com base na gestão do conhecimento: uma abordagem exploratória

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    The current environment that characterizes the software industry is extremely dynamic and somewhat complex demanding high-performance solutions, rapid development and cost efficiency. The collaboration relationship with universities has been represented a key resource, to the extent that together more easily can promote technological development that underpins innovation solutions. In addition, several studies point out knowledge sharing as an important and strongly influential factor in a collaboration relationship. In this context, the present thesis aims to identify a set of factors that can enhance and/or facilitate the collaboration relationship between the university and the software industry in a sustainable way, based on knowledge management. In line with the general objective three research questions were defined: (i) What are the main motivations that lead to the decision of establishing a collaboration relationship?; (ii) What are the management mechanisms used in the governance of collaboration relationships?; (iii) What are the principles and culture of knowledge management and of knowledge sharing in these organizations? In order to answer those questions and, consequently, achieve the general objective, an initial quantitative study based on a questionnaire was conducted. This study aims to explore and understand the practice of knowledge sharing and collaboration in the context of a university. Overall it was concluded that, knowledge sharing positively affects the collaboration behavior. The obtained results also showed that in order to promote and encourage knowledge sharing and, consequently, to foster collaboration relationships, it is important to work mechanisms based on intrinsic motivation and networking. Subsequently, it was conducted a qualitative study based on interviews in order to identify a set of factors that could enhance/facilitate the collaboration relationship between the university and the software industry in a sustainable way, based on knowledge management. Participants with complementary visions and different experiences in the two types of involved industries and simultaneously, with decisionmaking positions were interviewed. The results revealed that collaboration relationships established among these organizations are set-up only as a ‘connection’. This ‘connection’ is characterized by being a simple exchange, without building a sustainable collaboration relationship; although, those involved point to advantages in the existence of a sustainable collaboration relationship. The results also revealed that the collaboration relationships are usually conducted through informal communication channels, which makes it difficult to capture and disseminate knowledge to other remaining members of each involved organizations. In nutshell and in practical terms, this work contributes to the identification and analysis of a set of factors that enhance a collaboration relationship between university and software industry. This result can support organizations in the strategies definition for the development of actions, in order to promote a sustainable collaboration relationship. In theoretical terms, this work contributes to the increase of the body of knowledge in the area, with empirical results, since the literature point the lack of empirical studies as the main gap in this area of knowledge.O atual ambiente que carateriza a indústria de software é extremamente dinâmico e, de certa forma complexo, exigindo soluções de alto desempenho, de desenvolvimento rápido e eficientes em termos de custos. A relação de colaboração com as universidades pode representar um recurso fundamental, na medida em que juntas mais facilmente podem promover o desenvolvimento tecnológico que está na base de soluções de inovação. Adicionalmente, são os vários estudos que apontam a partilha de conhecimento como um fator importante e fortemente influenciador de uma relação de colaboração. Neste contexto, a presente tese tem como objetivo identificar um conjunto de fatores que possam potencializar e/ou facilitar a relação de colaboração entre a universidade e a indústria de software de forma sustentável, com base na gestão do conhecimento. Em consonância com o objetivo geral, foram definidas três questões de investigação: (i) Quais são as principais motivações que levam à decisão de estabelecer uma relação de colaboração?; (ii) Quais são os mecanismos de gerenciamento usados na governança das relações de colaboração?; (iii) Quais são os princípios e a cultura da gestão do conhecimento e da partilha de conhecimento nessas organizações? Por forma a responder àquelas questões e, consequentemente, ao objetivo geral, numa fase inicial foi conduzido um estudo quantitativo através da aplicação de um questionário cujo objetivo foi o de explorar e compreender a prática da partilha de conhecimento e de colaboração no contexto de uma universidade. De uma maneira geral, concluiu-se que a partilha de conhecimento afeta positivamente o comportamento de colaboração. Os resultados obtidos mostram ainda que, por forma a promover e incentivar a partilha de conhecimento e, consequentemente, fomentar as relações de colaboração, é importante trabalhar os mecanismos baseados na motivação intrínseca e no networking. Seguidamente, foi conduzido um estudo qualitativo com base em entrevistas, com o objetivo de identificar um conjunto de fatores que pudessem melhorar e/ou facilitar a relação de colaboração entre a universidade e a indústria de software de forma sustentável, com base na gestão do conhecimento. Foram entrevistados participantes com visões complementares e experiências diferentes nos dois tipos de indústria envolvidas e, simultaneamente, que ocupassem posições com poder de decisão. Os resultados revelaram que as relações de colaboração estabelecidas entre essas organizações são configuradas apenas como uma ‘conexão’. Esta ‘conexão’ é caracterizada por ser uma troca simples, sem construir uma relação de colaboração sustentável; embora os envolvidos apontem vantagens na existência de uma relação de colaboração sustentável. Os resultados revelaram ainda que as relações de colaboração são, normalmente, conduzidas através de canais informais de comunicação, o que dificulta a captura e disseminação do conhecimento pelos restantes membros de cada uma das organizações envolvidas. Em jeito de conclusão e em termos práticos este trabalho contribui com a identificação e análise de um conjunto de fatores potenciadores de uma relação de colaboração entre a universidade e a indústria de software, podendo auxiliar as organizações envolvidas na definição de estratégias para o desenvolvimento de ações futuras, a fim de promover uma relação de colaboração sustentável. Em termos teóricos, este trabalho contribui para o aumento do corpo de conhecimento na área, com resultados provenientes de estudos empíricos, uma vez que a literatura aponta como principal lacuna a ausência daqueles (estudos empíricos), por forma a complementar e validar a teoria existente.Programa Doutoral em Engenharia e Gestão Industria

    Ontological foundations for structural conceptual models

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    In this thesis, we aim at contributing to the theory of conceptual modeling and ontology representation. Our main objective here is to provide ontological foundations for the most fundamental concepts in conceptual modeling. These foundations comprise a number of ontological theories, which are built on established work on philosophical ontology, cognitive psychology, philosophy of language and linguistics. Together these theories amount to a system of categories and formal relations known as a foundational ontolog

    A business-oriented framework for enhancing web services security for e-business

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    Security within the Web services technology field is a complex and very topical issue. When considering using this technology suite to support interacting e-businesses, literature has shown that the challenge of achieving security becomes even more elusive. This is particularly true with regard to attaining a level of security beyond just applying technologies, that is trusted, endorsed and practiced by all parties involved. Attempting to address these problems, this research proposes BOF4WSS, a Business-Oriented Framework for enhancing Web Services Security in e-business. The novelty and importance of BOF4WSS is its emphasis on a tool-supported development methodology, in which collaborating e-businesses could achieve an enhanced and more comprehensive security and trust solution for their services interactions. This investigation began with an in-depth assessment of the literature in Web services, e-business, and their security. The outstanding issues identified paved the way for the creation of BOF4WSS. With appreciation of research limitations and the added value of framework tool-support, emphasis was then shifted to the provision of a novel solution model and tool to aid companies in the use and application of BOF4WSS. This support was targeted at significantly easing the difficulties incurred by businesses in transitioning between two crucial framework phases. To evaluate BOF4WSS and its supporting model and tool, a two-step approach was adopted. First, the solution model and tool were tested for compatibility with existing security approaches which they would need to work with in real-world scenarios. Second, the framework and tool were evaluated using interviews with industry-based security professionals who are experts in this field. The results of both these evaluations indicated a noteworthy degree of evidence to affirm the suitability and strength of the framework, model and tool. Additionally, these results also act to cement this thesis' proposals as innovative and significant contributions to the research field

    Uma Infraestrutura de Gerência de Conhecimento em Organizações de Software Aplicada à Gestão de Riscos

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    Em uma organização, muitas pessoas começam a trabalhar, realizam suas atividades e vivenciam novas experiências. Como consequência disso, essas pessoas adquirem conhecimentos que podem ser utilizados em situações futuras. Porém, muitas vezes, o conhecimento adquirido fica mantido apenas nas mentes dessas pessoas e, quando elas saem da organização, o conhecimento organizacional também é perdido. Logo, pessoas novatas na organização correm o risco de repetir os mesmos erros que outras pessoas já cometeram, sendo que isso poderia ser evitado. O conhecimento organizacional tem se tornado cada vez mais importante. Gerenciar esse conhecimento não é uma tarefa simples, porém muitos benefícios podem ser alcançados quando isto é feito, em especial, a melhoria da realização das atividades do processo de negócio da organização. É importante que a organização defina estratégias de como capturar, armazenar, disponibilizar e utilizar esse conhecimento para seja útil quando for necessário. Mesmo quando não é possível documentar o conhecimento obtido pelos membros da organização, é importante que a organização conheça suas habilidades e competências para que, ao surgir problemas, pessoas mais indicadas possam ser localizadas para resolvê-los. Além disso, mecanismos de apoio à comunicação podem ser muito úteis para a interação entre os membros da organização, além de serem utilizados como ferramenta para o compartilhamento e geração de conhecimento. Dentre as atividades do processo de software, uma que se destaca é o gerenciamento de riscos. Gerenciar riscos em projetos de software não é uma tarefa fácil e requer conhecimento e experiência. Com isso, experiências adquiridas na execução de projetos passados podem ser muito úteis para a gestão de riscos de novos projetos. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é desenvolver uma infraestrutura de gerência de conhecimento a ser utilizada em organizações de software. Essa infraestrutura é usada no apoio às atividades de gerenciamento de riscos de projetos de software

    Learning How to Manage Risks Using Organizational Knowledge

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    Abstract. In spite of being an important software activity, many software organizations present difficulties in managing risks. This happens mainly due to their low maturity level, and because Risk Management is a complex and knowledge intensive task that requires experienced project managers, which many times are not available. In order to overcome this barrier, novice software engineers must learn how to perform this task, and organizational knowledge concerning it can be very useful. In this paper, we present a knowledge management approach to support organizational learning in Risk Management.

    A business-oriented framework for enhancing web services security for e-business

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    Security within the Web services technology field is a complex and very topical issue. When considering using this technology suite to support interacting e-businesses, literature has shown that the challenge of achieving security becomes even more elusive. This is particularly true with regard to attaining a level of security beyond just applying technologies, that is trusted, endorsed and practiced by all parties involved. Attempting to address these problems, this research proposes BOF4WSS, a Business-Oriented Framework for enhancing Web Services Security in e-business. The novelty and importance of BOF4WSS is its emphasis on a tool-supported development methodology, in which collaborating e-businesses could achieve an enhanced and more comprehensive security and trust solution for their services interactions. This investigation began with an in-depth assessment of the literature in Web services, e-business, and their security. The outstanding issues identified paved the way for the creation of BOF4WSS. With appreciation of research limitations and the added value of framework tool-support, emphasis was then shifted to the provision of a novel solution model and tool to aid companies in the use and application of BOF4WSS. This support was targeted at significantly easing the difficulties incurred by businesses in transitioning between two crucial framework phases. To evaluate BOF4WSS and its supporting model and tool, a two-step approach was adopted. First, the solution model and tool were tested for compatibility with existing security approaches which they would need to work with in real-world scenarios. Second, the framework and tool were evaluated using interviews with industry-based security professionals who are experts in this field. The results of both these evaluations indicated a noteworthy degree of evidence to affirm the suitability and strength of the framework, model and tool. Additionally, these results also act to cement this thesis' proposals as innovative and significant contributions to the research field.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    A business-oriented framework for enhancing web services security for e-business

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    Security within the Web services technology field is a complex and very topical issue. When considering using this technology suite to support interacting e-businesses, literature has shown that the challenge of achieving security becomes even more elusive. This is particularly true with regard to attaining a level of security beyond just applying technologies, that is trusted, endorsed and practiced by all parties involved. Attempting to address these problems, this research proposes BOF4WSS, a Business-Oriented Framework for enhancing Web Services Security in e-business. The novelty and importance of BOF4WSS is its emphasis on a tool-supported development methodology, in which collaborating e-businesses could achieve an enhanced and more comprehensive security and trust solution for their services interactions. This investigation began with an in-depth assessment of the literature in Web services, e-business, and their security. The outstanding issues identified paved the way for the creation of BOF4WSS. With appreciation of research limitations and the added value of framework tool-support, emphasis was then shifted to the provision of a novel solution model and tool to aid companies in the use and application of BOF4WSS. This support was targeted at significantly easing the difficulties incurred by businesses in transitioning between two crucial framework phases. To evaluate BOF4WSS and its supporting model and tool, a two-step approach was adopted. First, the solution model and tool were tested for compatibility with existing security approaches which they would need to work with in real-world scenarios. Second, the framework and tool were evaluated using interviews with industry-based security professionals who are experts in this field. The results of both these evaluations indicated a noteworthy degree of evidence to affirm the suitability and strength of the framework, model and tool. Additionally, these results also act to cement this thesis' proposals as innovative and significant contributions to the research field.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo