755 research outputs found

    Enabling Explainable Fusion in Deep Learning with Fuzzy Integral Neural Networks

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    Information fusion is an essential part of numerous engineering systems and biological functions, e.g., human cognition. Fusion occurs at many levels, ranging from the low-level combination of signals to the high-level aggregation of heterogeneous decision-making processes. While the last decade has witnessed an explosion of research in deep learning, fusion in neural networks has not observed the same revolution. Specifically, most neural fusion approaches are ad hoc, are not understood, are distributed versus localized, and/or explainability is low (if present at all). Herein, we prove that the fuzzy Choquet integral (ChI), a powerful nonlinear aggregation function, can be represented as a multi-layer network, referred to hereafter as ChIMP. We also put forth an improved ChIMP (iChIMP) that leads to a stochastic gradient descent-based optimization in light of the exponential number of ChI inequality constraints. An additional benefit of ChIMP/iChIMP is that it enables eXplainable AI (XAI). Synthetic validation experiments are provided and iChIMP is applied to the fusion of a set of heterogeneous architecture deep models in remote sensing. We show an improvement in model accuracy and our previously established XAI indices shed light on the quality of our data, model, and its decisions.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy System

    Representation of maxitive measures: an overview

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    Idempotent integration is an analogue of Lebesgue integration where σ\sigma-maxitive measures replace σ\sigma-additive measures. In addition to reviewing and unifying several Radon--Nikodym like theorems proven in the literature for the idempotent integral, we also prove new results of the same kind.Comment: 40 page

    A decade of application of the Choquet and Sugeno integrals in multi-criteria decision aid

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    The main advances regarding the use of the Choquet and Sugeno integrals in multi-criteria decision aid over the last decade are reviewed. They concern mainly a bipolar extension of both the Choquet integral and the Sugeno integral, interesting particular submodels, new learning techniques, a better interpretation of the models and a better use of the Choquet integral in multi-criteria decision aid. Parallel to these theoretical works, the Choquet integral has been applied to many new fields, and several softwares and libraries dedicated to this model have been developed.Choquet integral, Sugeno integral, capacity, bipolarity, preferences

    Fuzzy integral for rule aggregation in fuzzy inference systems

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    The fuzzy inference system (FIS) has been tuned and re-vamped many times over and applied to numerous domains. New and improved techniques have been presented for fuzzification, implication, rule composition and defuzzification, leaving one key component relatively underrepresented, rule aggregation. Current FIS aggregation operators are relatively simple and have remained more-or-less unchanged over the years. For many problems, these simple aggregation operators produce intuitive, useful and meaningful results. However, there exists a wide class of problems for which quality aggregation requires non- additivity and exploitation of interactions between rules. Herein, we show how the fuzzy integral, a parametric non-linear aggregation operator, can be used to fill this gap. Specifically, recent advancements in extensions of the fuzzy integral to \unrestricted" fuzzy sets, i.e., subnormal and non- convex, makes this now possible. We explore the role of two extensions, the gFI and the NDFI, discuss when and where to apply these aggregations, and present efficient algorithms to approximate their solutions

    Fuzzy measures and integrals in MCDA

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    This chapter aims at a unified presentation of various methods of MCDA based onfuzzy measures (capacity) and fuzzy integrals, essentially the Choquet andSugeno integral. A first section sets the position of the problem ofmulticriteria decision making, and describes the various possible scales ofmeasurement (difference, ratio, and ordinal). Then a whole section is devotedto each case in detail: after introducing necessary concepts, the methodologyis described, and the problem of the practical identification of fuzzy measuresis given. The important concept of interaction between criteria, central inthis chapter, is explained in details. It is shown how it leads to k-additivefuzzy measures. The case of bipolar scales leads to thegeneral model based on bi-capacities, encompassing usual models based oncapacities. A general definition of interaction for bipolar scales isintroduced. The case of ordinal scales leads to the use of Sugeno integral, andits symmetrized version when one considers symmetric ordinal scales. Apractical methodology for the identification of fuzzy measures in this contextis given. Lastly, we give a short description of some practical applications.Choquet integral; fuzzy measure; interaction; bi-capacities

    Insights and Characterization of l1-norm Based Sparsity Learning of a Lexicographically Encoded Capacity Vector for the Choquet Integral

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    This thesis aims to simultaneously minimize function error and model complexity for data fusion via the Choquet integral (CI). The CI is a generator function, i.e., it is parametric and yields a wealth of aggregation operators based on the specifics of the underlying fuzzy measure. It is often the case that we desire to learn a fusion from data and the goal is to have the smallest possible sum of squared error between the trained model and a set of labels. However, we also desire to learn as “simple’’ of solutions as possible. Herein, L1-norm regularization of a lexicographically encoded capacity vector relative to the CI is explored. The impact of regularization is explored in terms of what capacities and aggregation operators it induces under different common and extreme scenarios. Synthetic experiments are provided in order to illustrate the propositions and concepts put forth

    The arithmetic recursive average as an instance of the recursive weighted power mean

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    The aggregation of multiple information sources has a long history and ranges from sensor fusion to the aggregation of individual algorithm outputs and human knowledge. A popular approach to achieve such aggregation is the fuzzy integral (FI) which is defined with respect to a fuzzy measure (FM (i.e. a normal, monotone capacity). In practice, the discrete FI aggregates information contributed by a discrete number of sources through a weighted aggregation (post-sorting), where the weights are captured by a FM that models the typically subjective ‘worth’ of subsets of the overall set of sources. While the combination of FI and FM has been very successful, challenges remain both in regards to the behavior of the resulting aggregation operators—which for example do not produce symmetrically mirrored outputs for symmetrically mirrored inputs—and also in a manifest difference between the intuitive interpretation of a stand-alone FM and its actual role and impact when used as part of information fusion with a FI. This paper elucidates these challenges and introduces a novel family of recursive average (RAV) operators as an alternative to the FI in aggregation with respect to a FM; focusing specifically on the arithmetic recursive average. The RAV is designed to address the above challenges, while also facilitating fine-grained analysis of the resulting aggregation of different combinations of sources. We provide the mathematical foundations of the RAV and include initial experiments and comparisons to the FI for both numeric and interval-valued data

    Data-informed fuzzy measures for fuzzy integration of intervals and fuzzy numbers

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    The fuzzy integral (FI) with respect to a fuzzy measure (FM) is a powerful means of aggregating information. The most popular FIs are the Choquet and Sugeno, and most research focuses on these two variants. The arena of the FM is much more populated, including numerically derived FMs such as the Sugeno λ-measure and decomposable measure, expert-defined FMs, and data-informed FMs. The drawback of numerically derived and expert-defined FMs is that one must know something about the relative values of the input sources. However, there are many problems where this information is unavailable, such as crowdsourcing. This paper focuses on data-informed FMs, or those FMs that are computed by an algorithm that analyzes some property of the input data itself, gleaning the importance of each input source by the data they provide. The original instantiation of a data-informed FM is the agreement FM, which assigns high confidence to combinations of sources that numerically agree with one another. This paper extends upon our previous work in datainformed FMs by proposing the uniqueness measure and additive measure of agreement for interval-valued evidence. We then extend data-informed FMs to fuzzy number (FN)-valued inputs. We demonstrate the proposed FMs by aggregating interval and FN evidence with the Choquet and Sugeno FIs for both synthetic and real-world data

    SPFI: shape-preserving Choquet fuzzy integral for non-normal fuzzy set-valued evidence

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    Information or data aggregation is an important part of nearly all analysis problems as summarizing inputs from multiple sources is a ubiquitous goal. In this paper we propose a method for non-linear aggregation of data inputs that take the form of non-normal fuzzy sets. The proposed shape-preserving fuzzy integral (SPFI) is designed to overcome a well-known weakness of the previously-proposed sub-normal fuzzy integral (SuFI). The weakness of SuFI is that the output is constrained to have maximum membership equal to the minimum of the maximum memberships of the inputs; hence, if one input has a small height, then the output is constrained to that height. The proposed SPFI does not suffer from this weakness and, furthermore, preserves in the output the shape of the input sets. That is, the output looks like the inputs. The SPFI method is based on the well-known Choquet fuzzy integral with respect to a capacity measure, i.e., fuzzy measure. We demonstrate SPFI on synthetic and real-world data, comparing it to the SuFI and non-direct fuzzy integral (NDFI)