9 research outputs found

    COMET: A Recipe for Learning and Using Large Ensembles on Massive Data

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    COMET is a single-pass MapReduce algorithm for learning on large-scale data. It builds multiple random forest ensembles on distributed blocks of data and merges them into a mega-ensemble. This approach is appropriate when learning from massive-scale data that is too large to fit on a single machine. To get the best accuracy, IVoting should be used instead of bagging to generate the training subset for each decision tree in the random forest. Experiments with two large datasets (5GB and 50GB compressed) show that COMET compares favorably (in both accuracy and training time) to learning on a subsample of data using a serial algorithm. Finally, we propose a new Gaussian approach for lazy ensemble evaluation which dynamically decides how many ensemble members to evaluate per data point; this can reduce evaluation cost by 100X or more

    Model-based classification for subcellular localization prediction of proteins

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    Learning Arbiter and Combiner Trees from Partitioned Data for Scaling Machine Learning

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    Knowledge discovery in databases has become an increasingly important research topic with the advent of wide area network computing. One of the crucial problems we study in this paper is how to scale machine learning algorithms, that typically are designed to deal with main memory based datasets, to efficiently learn from large distributed databases. We have explored an approach called meta-learning that is related to the traditional approaches of data reduction commonly employed in distributed query processing systems. Here we seek efficient means to learn how to combine a number of base classifiers, which are learned from subsets of the data, so that we scale efficiently to larger learning problems, and boost the accuracy of the constituent classifiers if possible. In this paper we compare the arbiter tree strategy to a new but related approach called the combiner tree strategy

    Part-of-speech Tagging: A Machine Learning Approach based on Decision Trees

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    The study and application of general Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to theclassical ambiguity problems in the area of Natural Language Processing (NLP) isa currently very active area of research. This trend is sometimes called NaturalLanguage Learning. Within this framework, the present work explores the applicationof a concrete machine-learning technique, namely decision-tree induction, toa very basic NLP problem, namely part-of-speech disambiguation (POS tagging).Its main contributions fall in the NLP field, while topics appearing are addressedfrom the artificial intelligence perspective, rather from a linguistic point of view.A relevant property of the system we propose is the clear separation betweenthe acquisition of the language model and its application within a concrete disambiguationalgorithm, with the aim of constructing two components which are asindependent as possible. Such an approach has many advantages. For instance, thelanguage models obtained can be easily adapted into previously existing taggingformalisms; the two modules can be improved and extended separately; etc.As a first step, we have experimentally proven that decision trees (DT) providea flexible (by allowing a rich feature representation), efficient and compact wayfor acquiring, representing and accessing the information about POS ambiguities.In addition to that, DTs provide proper estimations of conditional probabilities fortags and words in their particular contexts. Additional machine learning techniques,based on the combination of classifiers, have been applied to address some particularweaknesses of our tree-based approach, and to further improve the accuracy in themost difficult cases.As a second step, the acquired models have been used to construct simple,accurate and effective taggers, based on diiferent paradigms. In particular, wepresent three different taggers that include the tree-based models: RTT, STT, andRELAX, which have shown different properties regarding speed, flexibility, accuracy,etc. The idea is that the particular user needs and environment will define whichis the most appropriate tagger in each situation. Although we have observed slightdifferences, the accuracy results for the three taggers, tested on the WSJ test benchcorpus, are uniformly very high, and, if not better, they are at least as good asthose of a number of current taggers based on automatic acquisition (a qualitativecomparison with the most relevant current work is also reported.Additionally, our approach has been adapted to annotate a general Spanishcorpus, with the particular limitation of learning from small training sets. A newtechnique, based on tagger combination and bootstrapping, has been proposed toaddress this problem and to improve accuracy. Experimental results showed thatvery high accuracy is possible for Spanish tagging, with a relatively low manualeffort. Additionally, the success in this real application has confirmed the validity of our approach, and the validity of the previously presented portability argumentin favour of automatically acquired taggers

    Combining classification algorithms

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    Dissertação de Doutoramento em Ciência de Computadores apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do PortoA capacidade de um algoritmo de aprendizagem induzir, para um determinado problema, uma boa generalização depende da linguagem de representação usada para generalizar os exemplos. Como diferentes algoritmos usam diferentes linguagens de representação e estratégias de procura, são explorados espaços diferentes e são obtidos resultados diferentes. O problema de encontrar a representação mais adequada para o problema em causa, é uma área de investigação bastante activa. Nesta dissertação, em vez de procurar métodos que fazem o ajuste aos dados usando uma única linguagem de representação, apresentamos uma família de algoritmos, sob a designação genérica de Generalização em Cascata, onde o espaço de procura contem modelos que utilizam diferentes linguagens de representação. A ideia básica do método consiste em utilizar os algoritmos de aprendizagem em sequência. Em cada iteração ocorre um processo com dois passos. No primeiro passo, um classificador constrói um modelo. No segundo passo, o espaço definido pelos atributos é estendido pela inserção de novos atributos gerados utilizando este modelo. Este processo de construção de novos atributos constrói atributos na linguagem de representação do classificador usado para construir o modelo. Se posteriormente na sequência, um classificador utiliza um destes novos atributos para construir o seu modelo, a sua capacidade de representação foi estendida. Desta forma as restrições da linguagem de representação dosclassificadores utilizados a mais alto nível na sequência, são relaxadas pela incorporação de termos da linguagem derepresentação dos classificadores de base. Esta é a metodologia base subjacente ao sistema Ltree e à arquitecturada Generalização em Cascata.O método é apresentado segundo duas perspectivas. Numa primeira parte, é apresentado como uma estratégia paraconstruir árvores de decisão multivariadas. É apresentado o sistema Ltree que utiliza como operador para a construção de atributos um discriminante linear. ..

    Combinación de clasificadores: construcción de características e incremento de la diversidad

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    Los multiclasificadores son actualmente un área de interés dentro del Reconocimiento de Patrones. En esta tesis se presentan tres métodos multiclasificadores: "Cascadas para datos nominales", "Disturbing Neighbors" y "Random Feature Weights". Las Cascadas permiten que clasificadores que necesitan entradas numéricas mejoren sus resultados, tomando como entradas adicionales las estimaciones de probabilidad de otro clasificador que sí pueda trabajar con datos nominales. "Disturbing Neighbors" aumenta el conjunto de entrenamiento de cada clasificador base a partir de la salida de un clasificador NN. El NN de cada clasificador base es obtenido de forma aleatoria. Random Feature Weights es un método que utiliza árboles cómo clasificadores base, que modifica la función de mérito de los mismos mediante un peso aleatorio. Además la tesis aporta nuevos diagramas para la visualización de la diversidad de los clasificadores base: Diagramas de Movimiento Kappa-Error y los Diagramas de Movimiento Relativo Kappa-Erro

    Quantitative Assessment of Factors in Sentiment Analysis

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    Sentiment can be defined as a tendency to experience certain emotions in relation to a particular object or person. Sentiment may be expressed in writing, in which case determining that sentiment algorithmically is known as sentiment analysis. Sentiment analysis is often applied to Internet texts such as product reviews, websites, blogs, or tweets, where automatically determining published feeling towards a product, or service is very useful to marketers or opinion analysts. The main goal of sentiment analysis is to identify the polarity of natural language text. This thesis sets out to examine quantitatively the factors that have an effect on sentiment analysis. The factors that are commonly used in sentiment analysis are text features, sentiment lexica or resources, and the machine learning algorithms employed. The main aim of this thesis is to investigate systematically the interaction between sentiment analysis factors and machine learning algorithms in order to improve sentiment analysis performance as compared to the opinions of human assessors. A software system known as TJP was designed and developed to support this investigation. The research reported here has three main parts. Firstly, the role of data pre-processing was investigated with TJP using a combination of features together with publically available datasets. This considers the relationship and relative importance of superficial text features such as emoticons, n-grams, negations, hashtags, repeated letters, special characters, slang, and stopwords. The resulting statistical analysis suggests that a combination of all of these features achieves better accuracy with the dataset, and had a considerable effect on system performance. Secondly, the effect of human marked up training data was considered, since this is required by supervised machine learning algorithms. The results gained from TJP suggest that training data greatly augments sentiment analysis performance. However, the combination of training data and sentiment lexica seems to provide optimal performance. Nevertheless, one particular sentiment lexicon, AFINN, contributed better than others in the absence of training data, and therefore would be appropriate for unsupervised approaches to sentiment analysis. Finally, the performance of two sophisticated ensemble machine learning algorithms was investigated. Both the Arbiter Tree and Combiner Tree were chosen since neither of them has previously been used with sentiment analysis. The objective here was to demonstrate their applicability and effectiveness compared to that of the leading single machine learning algorithms, Naïve Bayes, and Support Vector Machines. The results showed that whilst either can be applied to sentiment analysis, the Arbiter Tree ensemble algorithm achieved better accuracy performance than either the Combiner Tree or any single machine learning algorithm