1,833 research outputs found

    Digital or Diligent? Web 2.0's challenge to formal schooling

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    This paper explores the tensions that arise for young people as both 'digital kids' and 'diligent students'. It does so by drawing on a study conducted in an elite private school, where the tensions between 'going digital' and 'being diligent' are exacerbated by the high value the school places on academic achievement, and on learning through digital innovation. At the school under study, high levels of intellectual and technological resourcing bring with them an equally high level of expectation to excel in traditional academic tasks and high-stakes assessment. The students, under constant pressure to perform well in standardised tests, need to make decisions about the extent to which they take up school-sanctioned digitally enhanced learning opportunities that do not explicitly address academic performance. The paper examines this conundrum by investigating student preparedness to engage with a new learning innovation – a student-led media centre – in the context of the traditional pedagogical culture that is relatively untouched by such digital innovation. The paper presents an analysis of findings from a survey of 481 students in the school. The survey results were subjected to quantitative regression tree modelling to flesh out how different student learning dispositions, social and technological factors influence the extent to which students engage with a specific digital learning opportunity in the form of the Web 2.0 Student Media Centre (SMC) designed to engage the senior school community in flexible digital-networked learning. What emerges from the study is that peer support, perceived ease of use and usefulness, learning goals and cognitive playfulness are significant predictors of the choices that students make to negotiate the fundamental tensions of being digital and/or diligent. In scrutinising the tensions around a digital or a diligent student identity in this way, the paper contributes new empirical evidence to understanding the problematic relationship between student-led learning using new digital media tools and formal schooling

    The Impact of Learner Control on E-Learning Effectiveness: Towards a Theoretical Model

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    E-learning systems are changing education and organizational training considerably. With the advancement of online-based learning systems, learner control of the instructional process has emerged as a decisive factor inherent to technology-based learning. However, the conceptual work on the role of learner control in e-learning has not advanced sufficiently to predict how learner control impacts e-learning effectiveness. To extend the research on the role of learner control in e-learning, we derive a conceptual framework as a reference model, which is based on cognitive and motivational learning theories. We then apply our framework to review 58 articles on learner control during the period 1996-2013. Our findings reveal how different individual characteristics, as well as the characteristics of the course and learning environment moderate the impact of learner control on learning effectiveness. Our analysis provides new insight into the role of learner control for e-learning effectiveness, as well as directions for further research

    Assessing the influence of technostress on the academic performance of adult learners in Zimbabwe

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     The purpose of the study was to assess the influence of technostress on the academic performance of adult learners. A closed-ended questionnaire was self-administered to a total of 105 adult learners constituting 80% of the target population. Field survey data were presented using descriptive statistics of mean, mode and standard deviation and percentiles in tables. Stata11 data software was used for data analysis. The regression analysis was adopted to examine relationships between variables by extrapolation of the model’s p-value, R squared, adjusted R squared and regression model coefficient. The findings of the study indicated that there are statistical relationships between theoretical framework, techno stressors and the level of student sense of pressure due to educational technologies usage by adult learners. The study concluded that technology adoption as teaching and learning tools affects student performance through increased work pressure. Recommendations of the study indicate that adult learners should be effectively trained on how to utilise new teaching and learning technologies to reduce workload pressure. The study also recommends that technology acquisition strategies be proposed by the University to help the students acquire technology gadgets so that they are able to access teaching and learning materials. The study also recommended training and counseling of adult learners during their first year's first semester so that they are able to balance work-home and school responsibilities

    Exploring Professional Development Practices for Vocational Education and Training Practitioners

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    This paper addresses the practice of professional development within the Vocational Education and Training (VET) arena. The study object was to gain the perceptions held by a selected group of VET educators in the tourism and hospitality sector of the professional teaching/training competencies required for effective practice. The study was conducted utilising narrative inquiry, a qualitative research technique. The investigation concentrated on a case study context of educators currently working within a department of tourism and hospitality at a VET registered training organisation. Interviews were conducted with 10 front-line teaching educators and 4 management Heads of Department. Findings indicated that there was a breadth of professional teaching and training competencies required by VET educators to assist with effective delivery of teaching and learning strategies in the VET sector

    Business Teacher Education (BTE); A Panacea for Human Capital Development in Nigeria

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    The focus of this paper is on business teacher education, a panacea for human capital development in Nigeria. Human capital suggests that education, and training, health and standard of living raises the productivity of workers and increases their lifetime earning capacity. Therefore, BTE is a panacea for human capital development because the programme is tailored towards providing skills, knowledge, competencies and attitudes in the students that will enable them to function effectively and efficiently in the world of work, self-reliant and/or employer of labour. Besides, business teacher education has the capacity to develop programmes that respond to current societal issues such as education for improving, basic computational skills, for meeting the needs of the bilingual and bicultural population, for eliminating occupational stereotyping, for assisting people with special needs and for helping the ordinary consumers to function effectively in the private enterprise system. It is recommended that business education in the secondary schools should contribute to the general education of all individuals by providing basic business education and to vocational education of individuals preparing for business career by providing practical training in office and marketing occupations. Keywords: Business Education, Business Educators, Business Community, Human Capital and Skill Development


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    The continual and swift reforms in the education system in Kenya are brought due to the societal demands. The aim of this study is to ascertain whether there is a connection between attitudes of teachers towards assessment on learner’s environmental activities performance. A teacher with teaching assessment strategies and furthermore with his attitude and behaviours, provides his learners to gain a mentally healthy personality and to have a new clear world view by leaving unforgettable traces on them. This study sought to uncover how attitude of teachers affect performances of learners. In this sense, this paper provides a clear understanding of education and dynamics of relationship between teacher’s attitude and leaner’s environmental activities performance. The study adopted descriptive survey design. The target population comprised of 919 public pre-primary schools comprising of 1,829 pre-primary teachers in Nandi County, Kenya. Stratified and simple random sampling methods were used to select schools and teachers for the study. Through this method 160 teachers were selected for the study. Data collection utilized questionnaire. Reliability of the instruments was determined through split half technique. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as means, percentages and frequencies. The study revealed that most teachers adopted the assessment for learning strategy in assessing learners. Most of the teachers had not gone back for training to be acquainted in the Competence Based Curriculum thus having a challenge in the new modes of assessing learners towards the acquisition of competencies and skills. It also revealed that motivation should be enhanced among pre-primary teachers for them to deliver assessment procedures and lastly administrators support should be paramount so that teachers’ service delivery in terms of assessment is not hampered. The paper recommends that for successful Competence Based Curriculum assessment results in terms of learners’ attainment of competencies and skills in the learning areas, the government through the Ministry of Education should ensure that all pre-primary school stakeholders play their roles maximally to ensure that teachers’ attitude and service deliver on assessment of pre-primary school learners are well catered for

    Stripping the 21st Century Classroom Naked: Treachery or Technique?

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    Some things at a glance though not desirable could be tolerated and ignored in this 21st century regarding the outlook of a typical classroom but not a naked classroom The paradigm shift in the age of the technology driven instructional delivery is a classroom equipped with modern technological tools for enhancing teaching and learning The new age schools and educational institutions pride themselves as having learning delivered by state-of-the-art technology thus classrooms having the touch of information and communication technology equipment and teachers who are trained in the art students as digital natives etc Anyone who thinks otherwise stripping classroom naked must be living in the past would be the immediate response to such postulation This paper take a critical look at a naked classroom in bid to unravel whether so doing has any relevance a technique or a fallacy The paper makes conclusion and recommendations amongst others that our classrooms should be reserved for useful face-to-face discussions and engaging students by using technology outside the classroo

    Challenges for IT-Enabled Formative Assessment of Complex 21st Century Skills

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    In this article, we identify and examine opportunities for formative assessment provided by information technologies (IT) and the challenges which these opportunities present. We address some of these challenges by examining key aspects of assessment processes that can be facilitated by IT: datafication of learning; feedback and scaffolding; peer assessment and peer feedback. We then consider how these processes may be applied in relation to the assessment of horizontal, general complex 21st century skills (21st CS), which are still proving challenging to incorporate into curricula as well as to assess. 21st CS such as creativity, complex problem solving, communication, collaboration and self-regulated learning contain complex constructs incorporating motivational and affective components. Our analysis has enabled us to make recommendations for policy, practice and further research. While there is currently much interest in and some progress towards the development of learning/assessment analytics for assessing 21st CS, the complexity of assessing such skills, together with the need to include affective aspects means that using IT-enabled techniques will need to be combined with more traditional methods of teacher assessment as well as peer assessment for some time to come. Therefore learners, teachers and school leaders must learn how to manage the greater variety of sorts and sources of feedback including resolving tensions of inconsistent feedback from different sources

    Diagnosing Pilgrimage Common Diseases by Interactive Multimedia Courseware

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    في هذه الدراسة، نحاول تقديم خدمة الرعاية الصحية للحجاج. تصف هذه الدراسة كيف يمكن استخدام مناهج الوسائط المتعددة في جعل الحجاج على علم بالأمراض الشائعة الموجودة في المملكة العربية السعودية أثناء موسم الحج. كما سيتم استخدام البرامج التعليمية للوسائط المتعددة في توفير بعض المعلومات حول أعراض هذه الأمراض، وكيف يمكن علاج كل منها. يحتوي البرنامج التعليمي للوسائط المتعددة على تمثيل افتراضي للمستشفى، وبعض مقاطع الفيديو للحالات الفعلية للمرضى، وأنشطة التعلم الأصيلة التي تهدف إلى تعزيز الكفاءات الصحية أثناء الحج. تم فحص المناهج الدراسية لدراسة الطريقة التي يتم بها تطبيق عناصر المناهج الدراسية في التعلم في الوقت الحقيقي. أكثر من ذلك، في هذا البحث، يتم تقديم مناقشة حول أخطر الأمراض التي قد تحدث خلال موسم الحج. إن استخدام دورة الوسائط المتعددة قادر على توفير المعلومات بشكل فعال وفعال للحجاج حول هذه الأمراض. تؤدي هذه التقنية هذه المهمة باستخدام المعرفة المتراكمة من التجارب السابقة، لا سيما في مجال تشخيص الأمراض والطب والعلاج. تم إنشاء المناهج الدراسية باستخدام أداة تأليف تُعرف باسم مدرب ToolBook لتزويد الحجاج بخدمة عالية الجودة.In this study, we attempt to provide healthcare service to the pilgrims. This study describes how a multimedia courseware can be used in making the pilgrims aware of the common diseases that are present in Saudi Arabia during the pilgrimage. The multimedia courseware will also be used in providing some information about the symptoms of these diseases, and how each of them can be treated. The multimedia courseware contains a virtual representation of a hospital, some videos of actual cases of patients, and authentic learning activities intended to enhance health competencies during the pilgrimage. An examination of the courseware was conducted so as to study the manner in which the elements of the courseware are applied in real-time learning. More so, in this research, a discussion on the most dangerous diseases which may occur during the season of pilgrimage is provided. The use of the multimedia course is able to effectively and efficiently provide information to the pilgrims about these diseases. This technology performs this task by using the knowledge that has been accumulated from past experience, particularly in the field of disease diagnosis, medicine and treatment. The courseware has been created using an authoring tool known as ToolBook instructor to provide pilgrims with quality service

    The Effect of Outcome Based Education on Behavior of Students

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    Outcome-Based Education (OBE) is a pedagogical approach that focuses on defining learning outcomes and aligning instructional practices to achieve those outcomes. Its implementation has garnered attention for its potential impact on various aspects of student behavior. Research exploring the effect of Outcome-Based Education on student behavior indicates several key findings. Firstly, students exposed to OBE demonstrate increased engagement and motivation due to clear learning objectives and assessments. Secondly, OBE fosters a sense of accountability and responsibility among students as they are actively involved in their learning process. Additionally, studies suggest that OBE contributes to the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills, leading to more adaptive behaviors in academic settings. The findings underscore the significance of Outcome-Based Education in shaping positive behaviors among students. By promoting active participation and fostering essential skills, OBE holds promise for enhancing overall academic performance and fostering a conducive learning environment. These implications extend beyond the classroom, potentially influencing students' behavior in various life domains. Future research should delve deeper into the mechanisms through which Outcome-Based Education influences student behavior. Longitudinal studies could explore the sustainability of these effects over time and across diverse student populations. In conclusion, the research on the effect of Outcome-Based Education on student behavior suggests a positive association between OBE implementation and desirable behavioral outcomes. By promoting engagement, accountability, and critical thinking skills, OBE has the potential to cultivate adaptive behaviors conducive to academic success and lifelong learning. Further investigation into this relationship is warranted to inform educational practices and policies effectively.&nbsp