18 research outputs found


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    The growth of technology made human to depend more on the software applications in his daily life and nowadays software companies focused more on building robust error free software to end customers in very short time. Software development companies facing one side growth of technological complexity and another side build the products fast to win a competition in business. In recent years growth of a DevOps given lot of new growth opportunity for the software companies. DevOps basic principles focused on the collaboration and communication as a key in between software development information technology professional. It is concentrated on the automating the most of the routine tasks such as development, delivery, infrastructure, support, software testing in software development process. DevOps also emphasize on the building, testing and releasing the software more quickly and in a reliable way

    Agile software development practices in Egypt SMEs : a grounded theory investigation

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    Agile information system development methods have been adopted by most software development organizations due to their proven benefits in terms of flexibility, reliability, and responsiveness. However, companies face significant challenges in adopting these approaches. Specifically, this research investigates challenges faced by software development companies in Egypt while transitioning to Agile. As little previous research is available targeting their concerns, we have conducted a grounded theory investigation. Key problem areas were found including lack of cadence in sprints planning, inadequate use of effort estimation and product quality issues. The developed grounded theory reflects on the key problem areas found with SMEs adopting agile practices and can be used by software development practitioners adopting agile methods in Egypt or similar developing countries as an outline for the common problem areas they are expected to find

    Thoughts on Current and Future Research on Agile and Lean: Ensuring Relevance and Rigor

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    Over the past two decades, research in the area of agile and lean software development has mirrored the strong growth of the use of agile and lean methodologies. However, while these research streams have made a significant contribution in the use of agile and lean methodologies, much of the recent research lacks the rigor and relevance to make an impact in research and practice. For example, many of the studies have not measured the actual use of agile or lean methods nor had a significant theoretical grounding. Furthermore, agile research has not expanded to fully cover emerging opportunities and challenges. A deeper theoretical motivation on agile and lean software development can help demonstrate how the principles of, for example, agile software development, may be transferred to these other areas, and hence, broaden the research’s relevance. This paper provides commentary intended to help push the agile and lean research agenda forward, and outlines three key critieria that future researchers should consider when conducting research on the phenomenon of agile. The paper also provides an example for the use of the criteria, and presents several initial, open research questions that could help increase the use of agile, including the use of agile and lean concepts in other IT and non-IT contexts

    DevOps Continuous Integration: Moving Germany’s Federal Employment Agency Test System into Embedded In-Memory Technology

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    This paper describes the development of a continuous integration database test architecture for a highly important and large software application in the public sector in Germany. We apply action design research and draw from two emerging areas of research – DevOps continuous integration practices and in-memory database development – to define the problem, design, build and implement the solution, analyze challenges encountered, and make adjustments. The result is the transformation of a large test environment originally based on Oracle databases into a flexible and fast embedded in-memory architecture. The main challenges involved overcoming the differences between the SQL specifications supported by the development and production systems and optimizing the test runtime performance. The paper contributes to theory and practice by presenting one of the first studies showing a real-world implementation of a successful database test architecture that enables continuous integration, and identifying technical design principles for database test architectures in general

    Remote Product Development

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    This master thesis explores the influence of COVID-19 and the shift to remote working on product development, examining the advantages and difficulties associated with this transition. Through a qualitative study, the thesis draws insights from in-depth interviews conducted with 12 employees across 8 different tech companies. These individuals hold key roles in product development and product management, providing their experiences and perspectives on the pre-pandemic, during-pandemic, and post-pandemic product development processes. The study aims to uncover the impact of the pandemic on digital product development practices and the implications of this. The research question guiding the study is: What impact has COVID-19 had on digital product development? Further, the research question is divided in two: 1. How has the normalization of remote work changed product development practices? 2. What are the benefits and challenges of remote product development? The findings suggest that the shift to remote work has both advantages and challenges, and the ability of individuals and organizations to navigate these effectively will play a crucial role in the future of post-pandemic work. Certain phases of product development have been affected by the transition to remote work to a larger extent than others, particularly ideation and concept development. The practices in these phases have gone from being physical and interactive, using post-its and whiteboards, to being conducted via digital conferencing platforms such as Google Meet or Zoom, aided by tools like Mural. The implications of this depend on how the identified challenges are addressed

    Ohjelmistojen välinen tiedonvälitys tietokoneavusteisessa suunnittelussa

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    The growing number of computer aided design software suites used in the engineering processes of heavy industry. Recently, communicating information between these software suites has gained more interest. Duplication of data for each software separately creates risk of quality issues as well as slows the product development cycles. The aim of this thesis was to identify the best method for software communication between PTC Creo and Autodesk Revit. Based on the gaps identified in the existing methods, a custom solution prototype was developed to better understand the quality of the existing methods. This custom solution prototype was compared with the existing methods using established engineering design methodology. This thesis found the custom solution prototype to be the best method for software communication between the software suites in question. The custom solution prototype scored 79.2% of the maximum with the best existing method only achieving a score of 72.9%. The higher evaluation can be attributed especially to the high integrability and low cost of the custom solution compared to existing methods. Owning the solution also enables achieving a competitive edge.Raskas teollisuus hyödyntää kasvavissa määrin erilaisia suunnitteluohjelmistoja osana suunnitteluprosessejaan. Ohjelmistojen kasvava määrä on lisännyt kiinnostusta tiedon sujuvaan välittämiseen näiden ohjelmistojen välillä. Tiedon kahdentaminen erikseen jokaista ohjelmistoa varten lisää laatuvirheiden riskiä ja hidastaa tuotekehityssyklejä. Tämän työn tarkoitus oli tunnistaa paras mahdollinen menetelmä tiedon välittämiseen PTC Creon ja Autodesk Revitin välillä. Olemassa olevien menetelmien puutteista johtuen osana työtä tuotettiin oma menetelmäprototyyppi. Tätä menetelmäprototyyppiä verrattiin olemassa oleviin menetelmiin käyttäen vakiintuneita suunnittelumenetelmiä. Oma menetelmäprototyyppi paljastui vertailussa parhaaksi menetelmäksi tiedon välittämiseen ohjelmistosta toiseen. Oma menetelmäprototyyppi sai pisteitä 79,2 % maksimista lähimmän olemassa olevan menetelmän jäädessä 72,9 % maksimipisteistä. Prototyypin saama korkeampi pistemäärä voidaan yhdistää erityisesti hyvään yhdistettävyyteen muihin järjestelmiin sekä menetelmän matalaan kustannukseen. Tiedonvälitysmenetelmän omistajuus antaa myös mahdollisuuden saavuttaa kilpailuetua