18 research outputs found

    Automating Leukemia Diagnosis with Autoencoders: A Comparative Study

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    Leukemia is one of the most common and death-threatening types of cancer that threaten human life. Medical data from some of the patient's critical parameters contain valuable information hidden among these data. On this subject, deep learning can be used to extract this information. In this paper, AutoEncoders have been used to develop valuable features to help the precision of leukemia diagnosis. It has been attempted to get the best activation function and optimizer to use in AutoEncoder and designed the best architecture for this neural network. The proposed architecture is compared with this area's classical machine learning models. Our proposed method performs better than other machine learning in precision and f1-score metrics by more than 11%

    Deep Recurrent Learning for Efficient Image Recognition Using Small Data

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    Recognition is fundamental yet open and challenging problem in computer vision. Recognition involves the detection and interpretation of complex shapes of objects or persons from previous encounters or knowledge. Biological systems are considered as the most powerful, robust and generalized recognition models. The recent success of learning based mathematical models known as artificial neural networks, especially deep neural networks, have propelled researchers to utilize such architectures for developing bio-inspired computational recognition models. However, the computational complexity of these models increases proportionally to the challenges posed by the recognition problem, and more importantly, these models require a large amount of data for successful learning. Additionally, the feedforward-based hierarchical models do not exploit another important biological learning paradigm, known as recurrency, which ubiquitously exists in the biological visual system and has been shown to be quite crucial for recognition. Consequently, this work aims to develop novel biologically relevant deep recurrent learning models for robust recognition using limited training data. First, we design an efficient deep simultaneous recurrent network (DSRN) architecture for solving several challenging image recognition tasks. The use of simultaneous recurrency in the proposed model improves the recognition performance and offers reduced computational complexity compared to the existing hierarchical deep learning models. Moreover, the DSRN architecture inherently learns meaningful representations of data during the training process which is essential to achieve superior recognition performance. However, probabilistic models such as deep generative models are particularly adept at learning representations directly from unlabeled input data. Accordingly, we show the generalization of the proposed deep simultaneous recurrency concept by developing a probabilistic deep simultaneous recurrent belief network (DSRBN) architecture which is more efficient in learning the underlying representation of the data compared to the state-of-the-art generative models. Finally, we propose a deep recurrent learning framework for solving the image recognition task using small data. We incorporate Bayesian statistics to the DSRBN generative model to propose a deep recurrent generative Bayesian model that addresses the challenge of learning from a small amount of data. Our findings suggest that the proposed deep recurrent Bayesian framework demonstrates better image recognition performance compared to the state-of-the-art models in a small data learning scenario. In conclusion, this dissertation proposes novel deep recurrent learning pipelines, which utilize not only limited training data to achieve improved image recognition performance but also require significantly reduced training parameters

    Feedforward deep architectures for classification and synthesis

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    Cette thèse par article présente plusieurs contributions au domaine de l'apprentissage de représentations profondes, avec des applications aux problèmes de classification et de synthèse d'images naturelles. Plus spécifiquement, cette thèse présente plusieurs nouvelles techniques pour la construction et l'entraînment de réseaux neuronaux profonds, ainsi q'une étude empirique de la technique de «dropout», une des approches de régularisation les plus populaires des dernières années. Le premier article présente une nouvelle fonction d'activation linéaire par morceau, appellée «maxout», qui permet à chaque unité cachée d'un réseau de neurones d'apprendre sa propre fonction d'activation convexe. Nous démontrons une performance améliorée sur plusieurs tâches d'évaluation du domaine de reconnaissance d'objets, et nous examinons empiriquement les sources de cette amélioration, y compris une meilleure synergie avec la méthode de régularisation «dropout» récemment proposée. Le second article poursuit l'examen de la technique «dropout». Nous nous concentrons sur les réseaux avec fonctions d'activation rectifiées linéaires (ReLU) et répondons empiriquement à plusieurs questions concernant l'efficacité remarquable de «dropout» en tant que régularisateur, incluant les questions portant sur la méthode rapide de rééchelonnement au temps de l´évaluation et la moyenne géometrique que cette méthode approxime, l'interprétation d'ensemble comparée aux ensembles traditionnels, et l'importance d'employer des critères similaires au «bagging» pour l'optimisation. Le troisième article s'intéresse à un problème pratique de l'application à l'échelle industrielle de réseaux neuronaux profonds au problème de reconnaissance d'objets avec plusieurs etiquettes, nommément l'amélioration de la capacité d'un modèle à discriminer entre des étiquettes fréquemment confondues. Nous résolvons le problème en employant la prédiction du réseau des sous-composantes dédiées à chaque sous-ensemble de la partition. Finalement, le quatrième article s'attaque au problème de l'entraînment de modèles génératifs adversariaux (GAN) récemment proposé. Nous présentons une procédure d'entraînment améliorée employant un auto-encodeur débruitant, entraîné dans un espace caractéristiques abstrait appris par le discriminateur, pour guider le générateur à apprendre un encodage qui s'aligne de plus près aux données. Nous évaluons le modèle avec le score «Inception» récemment proposé.This thesis by articles makes several contributions to the field of deep learning, with applications to both classification and synthesis of natural images. Specifically, we introduce several new techniques for the construction and training of deep feedforward networks, and present an empirical investigation into dropout, one of the most popular regularization strategies of the last several years. In the first article, we present a novel piece-wise linear parameterization of neural networks, maxout, which allows each hidden unit of a neural network to effectively learn its own convex activation function. We demonstrate improvements on several object recognition benchmarks, and empirically investigate the source of these improvements, including an improved synergy with the recently proposed dropout regularization method. In the second article, we further interrogate the dropout algorithm in particular. Focusing on networks of the popular rectified linear units (ReLU), we empirically examine several questions regarding dropout’s remarkable effectiveness as a regularizer, including questions surrounding the fast test-time rescaling trick and the geometric mean it approximates, interpretations as an ensemble as compared with traditional ensembles, and the importance of using a bagging-like criterion for optimization. In the third article, we address a practical problem in industrial-scale application of deep networks for multi-label object recognition, namely improving an existing model’s ability to discriminate between frequently confused classes. We accomplish this by using the network’s own predictions to inform a partitioning of the label space, and augment the network with dedicated discriminative capacity addressing each of the partitions. Finally, in the fourth article, we tackle the problem of fitting implicit generative models of open domain collections of natural images using the recently introduced Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) paradigm. We introduce an augmented training procedure which employs a denoising autoencoder, trained in a high-level feature space learned by the discriminator, to guide the generator towards feature encodings which more closely resemble the data. We quantitatively evaluate our findings using the recently proposed Inception score

    Cell Type Classification Via Deep Learning On Single-Cell Gene Expression Data

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    Single-cell sequencing is a recently advanced revolutionary technology which enables researchers to obtain genomic, transcriptomic, or multi-omics information through gene expression analysis. It gives the advantage of analyzing highly heterogenous cell type information compared to traditional sequencing methods, which is gaining popularity in the biomedical area. Moreover, this analysis can help for early diagnosis and drug development of tumor cells, and cancer cell types. In the workflow of gene expression data profiling, identification of the cell types is an important task, but it faces many challenges like the curse of dimensionality, sparsity, batch effect, and overfitting. However, these challenges can be overcome by performing a feature selection technique which selects more relevant features by reducing feature dimensions. In this research work, recurrent neural network-based feature selection model is proposed to extract relevant features from high dimensional, and low sample size data. Moreover, a deep learning-based gene embedding model is also proposed to reduce data sparsity of single-cell data for cell type identification. The proposed frameworks have been implemented with different architectures of recurrent neural networks, and demonstrated via real-world micro-array datasets and single-cell RNA-seq data and observed that the proposed models perform better than other feature selection models. A semi-supervised model is also implemented using the same workflow of gene embedding concept since labeling data is very cumbersome, time consuming, and requires manual effort and expertise in the field. Therefore, different ratios of labeled data are used in the experiment to validate the concept. Experimental results show that the proposed semi-supervised approach represents very encouraging performance even though a limited number of labeled data is used via the gene embedding concept. In addition, graph attention based autoencoder model has also been studied to learn the latent features by incorporating prior knowledge with gene expression data for cell type classification. Index Terms — Single-Cell Gene Expression Data, Gene Embedding, Semi-Supervised model, Incorporate Prior Knowledge, Gene-gene Interaction Network, Deep Learning, Graph Auto Encode

    Receptive fields optimization in deep learning for enhanced interpretability, diversity, and resource efficiency.

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    In both supervised and unsupervised learning settings, deep neural networks (DNNs) are known to perform hierarchical and discriminative representation of data. They are capable of automatically extracting excellent hierarchy of features from raw data without the need for manual feature engineering. Over the past few years, the general trend has been that DNNs have grown deeper and larger, amounting to huge number of final parameters and highly nonlinear cascade of features, thus improving the flexibility and accuracy of resulting models. In order to account for the scale, diversity and the difficulty of data DNNs learn from, the architectural complexity and the excessive number of weights are often deliberately built in into their design. This flexibility and performance usually come with high computational and memory demands both during training and inference. In addition, insight into the mappings DNN models perform and human ability to understand them still remain very limited. This dissertation addresses some of these limitations by balancing three conflicting objectives: computational/ memory demands, interpretability, and accuracy. This dissertation first introduces some unsupervised feature learning methods in a broader context of dictionary learning. It also sets the tone for deep autoencoder learning and constraints for data representations in light of removing some of the aforementioned bottlenecks such as the feature interpretability of deep learning models with nonnegativity constraints on receptive fields. In addition, the two main classes of solution to the drawbacks associated with overparameterization/ over-complete representation in deep learning models are also presented. Subsequently, two novel methods, one for each solution class, are presented to address the problems resulting from over-complete representation exhibited by most deep learning models. The first method is developed to achieve inference-cost-efficient models via elimination of redundant features with negligible deterioration of prediction accuracy. This is important especially for deploying deep learning models into resource-limited portable devices. The second method aims at diversifying the features of DNNs in the learning phase to improve their performance without undermining their size and capacity. Lastly, feature diversification is considered to stabilize adversarial learning and extensive experimental outcomes show that these methods have the potential of advancing the current state-of-the-art on different learning tasks and benchmark datasets

    Semi-Supervised Learning with Unlabeled data: from Centralized to Distributed Systems

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    The rapid increase in data generated by edge devices and IoT technologies demands efficient management solutions, especially in terms of cost and infrastructure. Key challenges include expensive data labeling, requiring significant human resources, and ensuring data privacy and security, with the risk of information leakage during transmission. The limited availability of labeled data versus the exponential growth of new data presents challenges for maintaining accuracy and efficiency in data-driven models. High costs of data annotation, especially involving subject-matter experts, limit model training effectiveness. Privacy concerns are heightened due to edge devices' interaction with sensitive user data, making the affordability of data labeling and data privacy protection at the edge crucial issues. To tackle these challenges, we proposed Data Augmentation Random Padding to increase effective data for model training in CNNs, enhancing image classification accuracy. Despite limitations, we developed Semi-Supervised Learning (SSL) method "AdaptMatch" to utilize a large amount of unlabeled data and a small number of labeled data in centralized learning, improving learning speed and reducing label bias. To address the inadequacies of centralized data learning, we introduced a decentralized SSL method, Federated Incremental Learning (FedIL), for learning on edge devices while protecting privacy. However, FedIL's lower training efficiency and struggles with data imbalance led to the development of Federated Masked Autoencoder (FedMAE), which is also a decentralized semi-supervised learning method based on self-supervised learning. FedMAE enables asynchronous training of large-scale unlabeled images in federated learning, outperforming existing methods in handling highly imbalanced data

    EXplainable Artificial Intelligence: enabling AI in neurosciences and beyond

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    The adoption of AI models in medicine and neurosciences has the potential to play a significant role not only in bringing scientific advancements but also in clinical decision-making. However, concerns mounts due to the eventual biases AI could have which could result in far-reaching consequences particularly in a critical field like biomedicine. It is challenging to achieve usable intelligence because not only it is fundamental to learn from prior data, extract knowledge and guarantee generalization capabilities, but also to disentangle the underlying explanatory factors in order to deeply understand the variables leading to the final decisions. There hence has been a call for approaches to open the AI `black box' to increase trust and reliability on the decision-making capabilities of AI algorithms. Such approaches are commonly referred to as XAI and are starting to be applied in medical fields even if not yet fully exploited. With this thesis we aim at contributing to enabling the use of AI in medicine and neurosciences by taking two fundamental steps: (i) practically pervade AI models with XAI (ii) Strongly validate XAI models. The first step was achieved on one hand by focusing on XAI taxonomy and proposing some guidelines specific for the AI and XAI applications in the neuroscience domain. On the other hand, we faced concrete issues proposing XAI solutions to decode the brain modulations in neurodegeneration relying on the morphological, microstructural and functional changes occurring at different disease stages as well as their connections with the genotype substrate. The second step was as well achieved by firstly defining four attributes related to XAI validation, namely stability, consistency, understandability and plausibility. Each attribute refers to a different aspect of XAI ranging from the assessment of explanations stability across different XAI methods, or highly collinear inputs, to the alignment of the obtained explanations with the state-of-the-art literature. We then proposed different validation techniques aiming at practically fulfilling such requirements. With this thesis, we contributed to the advancement of the research into XAI aiming at increasing awareness and critical use of AI methods opening the way to real-life applications enabling the development of personalized medicine and treatment by taking a data-driven and objective approach to healthcare

    Opportunities and obstacles for deep learning in biology and medicine

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    Deep learning describes a class of machine learning algorithms that are capable of combining raw inputs into layers of intermediate features. These algorithms have recently shown impressive results across a variety of domains. Biology and medicine are data-rich disciplines, but the data are complex and often ill-understood. Hence, deep learning techniques may be particularly well suited to solve problems of these fields. We examine applications of deep learning to a variety of biomedical problems-patient classification, fundamental biological processes and treatment of patients-and discuss whether deep learning will be able to transform these tasks or if the biomedical sphere poses unique challenges. Following from an extensive literature review, we find that deep learning has yet to revolutionize biomedicine or definitively resolve any of the most pressing challenges in the field, but promising advances have been made on the prior state of the art. Even though improvements over previous baselines have been modest in general, the recent progress indicates that deep learning methods will provide valuable means for speeding up or aiding human investigation. Though progress has been made linking a specific neural network\u27s prediction to input features, understanding how users should interpret these models to make testable hypotheses about the system under study remains an open challenge. Furthermore, the limited amount of labelled data for training presents problems in some domains, as do legal and privacy constraints on work with sensitive health records. Nonetheless, we foresee deep learning enabling changes at both bench and bedside with the potential to transform several areas of biology and medicine