2,259 research outputs found

    Latinitas in the Polish Crown and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

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    The volume contains articles concerning the influence of Latinitas in the territory now occupied by Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine and Belarus’. The articles, all published in English, range from history to literature and to cultural history and the history of ideas. They analyze the issue of building an identity, either real or imagined, from different points of view. Among the most interesting topics are the classical origins of myths and ideas that have helped build the national identities of those that constituted the ethnic mosaic of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the role of Neo-Latin poetry, as a conveyor of Latinitas, in the development of national identities. Because of the significance of Latinitas for both common European cultural traditions and the national cultures, literatures and languages of Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia and Ukraine, it is to be hoped that the subject will continue to attract a good level of attention in the future

    <i>Latinitas</i> in the Polish Crown and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

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    The volume contains articles concerning the influence of Latinitas in the territory now occupied by Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine and Belarus’. The articles, all published in English, range from history to literature and to cultural history and the history of ideas. They analyze the issue of building an identity, either real or imagined, from different points of view. Among the most interesting topics are the classical origins of myths and ideas that have helped build the national identities of those that constituted the ethnic mosaic of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the role of Neo-Latin poetry, as a conveyor of Latinitas, in the development of national identities. Because of the significance of Latinitas for both common European cultural traditions and the national cultures, literatures and languages of Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia and Ukraine, it is to be hoped that the subject will continue to attract a good level of attention in the future

    Challenging Gender and Racial Stereotypes in Online Spaces. Alternative Storytelling among Latino/a Youth in the U.S.

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    Media play an important role in perpetuating racial and gender stereotypes that harm the self-esteem and self-concept of marginalized youth, especially for Latino/a youth in the US context. However, this article illustrates that through a participatory media and media literacy approach, media can also become part of the solution. The main aim of this article is to document Latinitas, the first digital magazine in the United States created by and for young Latinas that challenges stereotypes through participatory digital storytelling. Explored through an interview with one of Latinitas’ co-founders and press coverage about the organization, this case study sheds light on the importance of alternative community-based initiatives for minority youth to redefine their identities in their own terms. The findings shed light on how to design alternative youth media programs, negotiate funding, build relationships with the surrounding community, and adapt to the changing media landscape. Such initiatives point to the importance of media literacy programs and participatory storytelling initiatives aimed at redefining youth identity and empowering youth voices

    Challenging Gender and Racial Stereotypes in Online Spaces. Alternative Storytelling among Latino/a Youth in the U.S.

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    Media play an important role in perpetuating racial and gender stereotypes that harm the self-esteem and self-concept of marginalized youth, especially for Latino/a youth in the US context. However, this article illustrates that through a participatory media and media literacy approach, media can also become part of the solution. The main aim of this article is to document Latinitas, the first digital magazine in the United States created by and for young Latinas that challenges stereotypes through participatory digital storytelling. Explored through an interview with one of Latinitas’ co-founders and press coverage about the organization, this case study sheds light on the importance of alternative community-based initiatives for minority youth to redefine their identities in their own terms. The findings shed light on how to design alternative youth media programs, negotiate funding, build relationships with the surrounding community, and adapt to the changing media landscape. Such initiatives point to the importance of media literacy programs and participatory storytelling initiatives aimed at redefining youth identity and empowering youth voices

    Sãva ir svẽtima. Latinitas Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės tyrimuose

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    This paper analyses the reception of Latin language and culture in the research of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. It focuses on the works of various disciplines&nbsp;– social and cultural history, literary research, art criticism, etc.&nbsp;–&nbsp;and seeks to identify the recurring themes, symbols and topics that comprise homogenous narratives and interpretations. They consolidate the findings of different fields of study and thus allow to analyse the&nbsp;Latinitas&nbsp;of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania as an integral part of the political community’s identity.The symbols of Latin language and culture can be identified as a basis for a&nbsp;Shift&nbsp;from oral to written culture. It conveys the ideas of order and organisation, as it transforms customary law into a codified one, a natural religion into that based on Scripture, etc. It alters the society as well, mainly because writing and written culture marks a shift in identity and behaviour. Also, by focusing on social and educational aspects, the&nbsp;Shift&nbsp;marks an institutional change, which permeates the developments of the state and society as a whole.The multipolar cultural field of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania is described by four cultural models&nbsp;– Polish, Lithuanian, Ruthenian, and Latin. The metaphor of&nbsp;Interaction&nbsp;shows how Latin culture and language is seen as one of the four ideological alternatives that legitimize the state, dynasty and sovereignty.Thirdly, the metaphor of&nbsp;Tension&nbsp;depicts&nbsp;Latinitas&nbsp;as part of the dichotomy between Eastern and Western civilizations by expressing the symbolical content of the latter. This narrative also emphasizes the internal confessional disputes inside the Western Church, and by exploiting the specific understanding of the Renaissance humanism, it becomes a means to understand sociocultural conflicts of the Early Modern state.The interpretation of&nbsp;Latinitas&nbsp;as a communication channel is nested under the metaphor of&nbsp;Medium. Works in this category usually portray Latin language as an expression of a social, economic, political, etc.&nbsp;status quo, which differs in each European state. Latin culture thus helps to articulate national interests and identity, and enables the cultural exchange among the Western countries as well.Finally, by emphasizing the poor literacy of the society and only limited possibilities to learn Latin and acknowledge its cultural code, researchers portray&nbsp;Latinitas&nbsp;as a&nbsp;Secret. The speakers and writers of Latin form a hermetic group, possessing the knowledge of a cultural matrix inaccessible to others. The dignity of Latin language also strengthens the status of vernacular languages, and thus accumulates the process of identity formation.These five narratives exemplify how&nbsp;Latinitas&nbsp;is embedded within the economic, political, and cultural activities of the society. It also depicts the different ways by which it becomes an integrating principle of the identity of the intellectual and political classes in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. It provides an account of Roman descent, sustains the claim for political sovereignty, and indicates the civilizing process. By adopting those five different narratives, researchers may further analyse&nbsp;Latinitas&nbsp;not only as a separate cultural layer, but as a part of social identity as well.Straipsnyje analizuojami Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės lotyniškajai kultūrai skirti literatūros, kultūros ir socialinės istorijos bei kitų sričių tyrimai. Metaanalize siekiama išskirti įvairių disciplinų darbuose aptariamas&nbsp;Latinitas&nbsp;ir lotyniškosios kultūros sampratas ir pateikti sisteminę šių sampratų apžvalgą. Skiriamos penkios interpretacijos, kurias įprasmina&nbsp;Virsmo,&nbsp;Sąveikos,&nbsp;Įtampos,&nbsp;Išraiškos&nbsp;ir&nbsp;Paslapties&nbsp;metaforos. Lotynų kultūra suprantama kaip: visuomenę ir valstybę civilizuojantis veiksnys; vienas iš ideologinių politinio tapatumo modelių; vienas iš civilizacinio konflikto tarp Rytų ir Vakarų polių; visuomenės sanklodos išraiškos priemonė; uždara, tik visuomenės elitui prieinama kultūrinių simbolių sistema. Šios skirtingos prieigos padeda atskleisti lotyniškosios kultūros universalumą ir vertinti ją kaip ankstyvųjų Naujųjų laikų politinės bendruomenės tapatumo dėmenį

    The notion of language deviations in St. Augustine’s Ars pro fratrum mediocritate breuiata

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    The notion of linguistic correction (Latinitas) with which Augustine of Hippo introduced his Ars pro fratrum mediocritate breuiata seems central to the philosopher's grammatical discussion, not only because of the various examples that Augustine offers about the definitions of barbarism and soloecism at the end of this treatise, but also because the subject of correction (Latinitas) and, consequently, of the deviations of language (barbarismus and soloecismus), are also presented in other non-grammatical works: The confessions, De ordine and De doctrina Christiana. In this article, we propose to evaluate the conceptual outlines of the notions of barbarism and solecism in the work of Augustine, considering, on the one hand, the definitions present in the Ars breuiata, and, on the other, the way in which Augustine also presents them in his philosophical work. We propose that the normative orientation contained in the text of ars must be relativised by ethical questions that arise from the comments present in the Confessions, the De ordine and the De doctrina Christiana

    Editor’s Preface

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    Класичні мови у соціомовному житті європейців

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    У статті розглянуто роль античної традиції у формуванні новіших європейських культур, проаналізовано участь у цьому процесі латинської та давньогрецької мов, визначено їх функції як засобу культурного взаєморозуміння між народами, з’ясовано особливості використання класичних мов в Україні як частини слов’янського православного світу

    The Trojan ass : Asinarius as mock epic

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    The medieval narrative poem Asinarius (late 12th early 13th c.) has commonly been considered a fairy tale ante litteram, predating the self-conscious development of the literary genre from early modem times onward. Under influence of the deeply rooted notion that fairy tales have their origins in oral-folkloric traditions, scholars who have studied this text have tended to do so in terms of its supposed indebtedness to folktales, possibly even derived from Indian mythology. Meanwhile, its essential nature as a piece of Latin literature has been largely neglected. This article proposes a literary contextualizing of the text, situating it within the broader field of Latin literature. More specifically, it argues that the Asinarius poet playfully engages with epic texts, both ancient and contemporary, dealing with the matter of Troy. Thus, the reader is invited to a mock-epic reading of the poem, all too easily obfuscated today by an anachronistic "Grimmian" perspective