1,050 research outputs found

    Hemispheric Asymmetry of Globus Pallidus Explains Reward-related Posterior Alpha Modulation in Humans

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    While subcortical structures such as the basal ganglia (BG) have been widely explored in relation to motor control, recent evidence suggests that their mechanisms extend to the domain of attentional switching. We here investigated the subcortical involvement in reward related top-down control of visual alpha-band oscillations (8 – 13 Hz), which have been consistently linked to the mechanisms supporting the allocation of visual spatial attention. Given that items associated with contextual saliency (e.g. monetary reward or loss) attract attention, it is not surprising that alpha oscillations are further modulated by the saliency properties of the visual items. The executive network controlling such reward-dependent modulations of oscillatory brain activity has yet to be fully elucidated. Although such network has been explored in terms of cortico-cortical interaction, it likely relies also on the contribution of subcortical regions. To uncover this, we investigated whether derived measures of subcortical structural asymmetries could predict interhemispheric modulation of alpha power during a spatial attention task. We show that volumetric hemispheric lateralization of globus pallidus (GP) and thalamus (Th) explains individual hemispheric biases in the ability to modulate posterior alpha power. Importantly, for the GP, this effect became stronger when the value-saliency parings in the task increased. Our findings suggest that the Th and GP in humans are part of a subcortical executive control network, differently involved in modulating posterior alpha activity. Further investigation aimed at uncovering the interaction between subcortical and neocortical attentional networks would provide useful insight in future studies

    Posture used in fMRI-PET elicits reduced cortical activity and altered hemispheric asymmetry with respect to sitting position: An EEG resting state study

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    Horizontal body position is a posture typically adopted for sleeping or during brain imaging recording in both neuroscience experiments and diagnostic situations. Recent literature showed how this position and similar ones with head down are associated to reduced plasticity, impaired pain and emotional responses. The present study aimed at further understanding the decrease of cortical activity associated with horizontal body position by measuring high-frequency EEG bands \u2013 typically associated with high-level cognitive activation \u2013 in a resting state experimental condition. To this end, two groups of 16 female students were randomly assigned to either sitting control (SC) or 2-h horizontal Bed Rest condition (hBR) while EEG was recorded from 38 scalp recording sites. The hBR group underwent several body transitions, from sitting to supine, and from supine to sitting. Results revealed a clear effect of horizontal posture: the hBR group showed, compared to its baseline and to SC, reduced High-Beta and Gamma EEG band amplitudes throughout the 2-h of hBR condition. In addition, before and after the supine condition, hBR group as well as SC exhibited a greater left vs. right frontal activation in both EEG bands while, on the contrary, the supine position induced a bilateral and reduced activation in hBR participants. The cortical sources significantly more active in SC compared with hBR participants included the left Inferior Frontal Gyrus and left Insula. Results are discussed in relation to the differences among neuroimaging methods (e.g., fMRI, EEG, NIRS), which can be partially explained by posture-induced neural network changes

    The two-component model of memory development, and its potential implications for educational settings

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    We recently introduced a two-component model of the mechanisms underlying age differences in memory functioning across the lifespan. According to this model, memory performance is based on associative and strategic components. The associative component is relatively mature by middle childhood, whereas the strategic component shows a maturational lag and continues to develop until young adulthood. Focusing on work from our own lab, we review studies from the domains of episodic and working memory informed by this model, and discuss their potential implications for educational settings. The episodic memory studies uncover the latent potential of the associative component in childhood by documenting children's ability to greatly improve their memory performance following mnemonic instruction and training. The studies on working memory also point to an immature strategic component in children whose operation is enhanced under supportive conditions. Educational settings may aim at fostering the interplay between associative and strategic components. We explore possible routes towards this goal by linking our findings to recent trends in research on instructional design

    Oscillatory Control over Representational States in Working Memory

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    In the visual world, attention is guided by perceptual goals activated in visual working memory (VWM). However, planning multiple-task sequences also requires VWM to store representations for future goals. These future goals need to be prevented from interfering with the current perceptual task. Recent findings have implicated neural oscillations as a control mechanism serving the implementation and switching of different states of prioritization of VWM representations. We review recent evidence that posterior alpha-band oscillations underlie the flexible activation and deactivation of VWM representations and that frontal delta-to-theta-band oscillations play a role in the executive control of this process. That is, frontal delta-to-theta appears to orchestrate posterior alpha through long-range oscillatory networks to flexibly set up and change VWM states during multitask sequences

    Appetitive and aversive motivation in depression: The temporal dynamics of task-elicited asymmetries in alpha oscillations

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    The capability model of alpha asymmetries posits that state emotional manipulations are a more powerful detector of depression-related motivational deficits than alpha activity at rest. The present study used a time-frequency approach to investigate the temporal dynamics of event-related changes in alpha power during passive viewing of emotional pictures in individuals with dysphoria (n = 23) and in individuals without dysphoria (n = 24). In the whole group, the processing of pleasant and unpleasant compared to neutral pictures was associated with a decrease in event-related alpha power (i.e., alpha desynchronization) at centro-parietal and parietal scalp sites in the 538\u20131400 ms post-stimulus. The group with dysphoria revealed a smaller alpha desynchronization than the group without dysphoria in response to pleasant, but not neutral and unpleasant, stimuli at frontal, fronto-central and centroparietal sites. Interestingly, at central and centro-parietal scalp sites, the difference between groups in response to pleasant stimuli was lateralized to the right hemisphere, whereas no clear lateralization was observed at frontal and fronto-central scalp sites. These findings suggest that decreased cortical activity (i.e., reduced alpha desynchronization) in a network involving bilateral frontal and right-lateralized parietal regions may provide a specific measure of deficits in approach-related motivation in depression

    Post-training load-related changes of auditory working memory: An EEG study

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    Working memory (WM) refers to the temporary retention and manipulation of information, and its capacity is highly susceptible to training. Yet, the neural mechanisms that allow for increased performance under demanding conditions are not fully understood. We expected that post-training efficiency in WM performance modulates neural processing during high load tasks. We tested this hypothesis, using electroencephalography (EEG) (N = 39), by comparing source space spectral power of healthy adults performing low and high load auditory WM tasks. Prior to the assessment, participants either underwent a modality-specific auditory WM training, or a modality-irrelevant tactile WM training, or were not trained (active control). After a modality-specific training participants showed higher behavioral performance, compared to the control. EEG data analysis revealed general effects of WM load, across all training groups, in the theta-, alpha-, and beta-frequency bands. With increased load theta-band power increased over frontal, and decreased over parietal areas. Centro-parietal alpha-band power and central beta-band power decreased with load. Interestingly, in the high load condition a tendency toward reduced beta-band power in the right medial temporal lobe was observed in the modality-specific WM training group compared to the modality-irrelevant and active control groups. Our finding that WM processing during the high load condition changed after modality-specific WM training, showing reduced beta-band activity in voice-selective regions, possibly indicates a more efficient maintenance of task-relevant stimuli. The general load effects suggest that WM performance at high load demands involves complementary mechanisms, combining a strengthening of task-relevant and a suppression of task-irrelevant processing

    Oszillatorische Gamma-Band-Aktivität bei der Verarbeitung auditorischer Reize im Kurzzeitgedächtnis im MEG

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    Recent studies have suggested an important role of cortical gamma oscillatory activity (30-100 Hz) as a correlate of encoding, maintaining and retrieving auditory, visual or tactile information in and from memory. It was shown that these cortical stimulus representations were modulated by attention processes. Gamma-band activity (GBA) occurred as an induced response peaking at approximately 200-300 ms after stimulus presentation. Induced cortical responses appear as non-phase-locked activity and are assumed to reflect active cortical processing rather than passive perception. Induced GBA peaking 200-300 ms after stimulus presentation has been assumed to reflect differences between experimental conditions containing various stimuli. By contrast, the relationship between specific oscillatory signals and the representation of individual stimuli has remained unclear. The present study aimed at the identification of such stimulus-specific gamma-band components. We used magnetoencephalography (MEG) to assess gamma activity during an auditory spatial delayed matching-to-sample task. 28 healthy adults were assigned to one of two groups R and L who were presented with only right- or left-lateralized sounds, respectively. Two sample stimuli S1 with lateralization angles of either 15° or 45° deviation from the midsagittal plane were used in each group. Participants had to memorize the lateralization angle of S1 and compare it to a second lateralized sound S2 presented after an 800-ms delay phase. S2 either had the same or a different lateralization angle as S1. After the presentation of S2, subjects had to indicate whether S1 and S2 matched or not. Statistical probability mapping was applied to the signals at sensor level to identify spectral amplitude differences between 15° and 45° stimuli. We found distinct gamma-band components reflecting each sample stimulus with center frequencies ranging between 59 and 72 Hz in different sensors over parieto-occipital cortex contralateral to the side of stimulation. These oscillations showed maximal spectral amplitudes during the middle 200-300 ms of the delay phase and decreased again towards its end. Additionally, we investigated correlations between the activation strength of the gamma-band components and memory task performance. The magnitude of differentiation between oscillatory components representing 'preferred' and 'nonpreferred' stimuli during the final 100 ms of the delay phase correlated positively with task performance. These findings suggest that the observed gamma-band components reflect the activity of neuronal networks tuned to specific auditory spatial stimulus features. The activation of these networks seems to contribute to the maintenance of task-relevant information in short-term memory.Ergebnisse aus aktuellen Studien legen nahe, dass kortikale oszillatorische Aktivität im Gamma-Bereich (30-100 Hz) eine wichtige Rolle für verschiedene kognitive Prozesse spielt. Dazu zählen das Kodieren, die Aufrechterhaltung und der Abruf auditorischer, visueller oder taktiler Informationen in das bzw. aus dem Gedächtnis. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass diese kortikale Aktivität durch Aufmerksamkeitsprozesse beeinflusst wird. Gamma-Aktivität trat bei vorangegangenen Untersuchungen als induzierte Antwort ca. 200-300 ms nach Stimuluspräsentation auf. Es wird angenommen, dass diese nicht phasengebundenen kortikalen Reizantworten aktive kortikale Verarbeitungs-prozesse widerspiegeln. In früheren Studien wurde induzierte Gamma-Aktivität während der Aufrechterhaltung von Stimulusinformationen über Regionen gefunden, die an der Verarbeitung aufgabenrelevanter Reizmerkmale beteiligt sind. Diese Antworten im Gamma-Bereich spiegelten Unterschiede zwischen verschieden experimentellen Bedingungen wider, jedoch ist wenig über die Repräsentation spezifischer Stimuluseigenschaften durch Gamma-Aktivität bekannt. Mit der vorliegenden Studie haben wir versucht, solche stimulus spezifischen Gamma-Komponenten zu untersuchen. Dafür verwendeten wir Magnetenzephalographie (MEG) und eine auditorische räumliche “delayed matching-to-sample“ Aufgabe. 28 gesunde Erwachsene wurden dabei zwei verschiedenen Gruppen zugeordnet. Gruppe R bekam rechtslateralisierte Stimuli präsentiert, während diese in Gruppe L linkslateralisiert waren. Dabei unterschieden sich die Reize nur in ihrer räumlichen Charakteristik, die Klangmuster blieben unverändert. In beiden Gruppen wurden zwei Beispielstimuli S1 mit Lateralisierungswinkeln von 15° bzw. 45° verwendet. Die Probanden mussten sich den Lateralisierungswinkel von S1 merken und anschließend mit einem zweiten Stimulus S2, der nach einer Verzögerungsphase von 800 ms präsentiert wurde, vergleichen. S2 hatte dabei entweder den gleichen Lateralisierungswinkel wie S1, oder unterschied sich darin von dem ersten Stimulus. Nach der Präsentation von S2 mussten die Probanden signalisieren, ob die Lateralisierungswinkel der beiden Stimuli übereinstimmten oder nicht. Die Signale der einzelnen Sensoren wurden mit einem statistischen Wahrscheinlichkeitsmapping untersucht. Dabei wollten wir Unterschiede in der spektralen Amplitude für Stimuli mit 15° bzw. 45° Lateralisierungswinkel identifizieren. Wir konnten spezifische Gamma-Aktivität für alle Beispielstimuli nachweisen. Die Signale wurden im Bereich von 59-72 Hz gefunden und waren über dem parieto-okzipitalen Kortex jeweils kontralateral zur stimulierten Seite lokalisiert. Die maximalen Spektralamplituden dieser Oszillationen traten während der mittleren 200-300 ms der Verzögerungsphase auf und nahmen zu ihrem Ende hin ab. Zusätzlich haben wir Korrelationen zwischen der Aktivierungsstärke der Gamma-Komponenten und dem Abschneiden bei der Gedächtnisaufgabe untersucht. Dabei zeigte sich, dass der Unterschied der oszillatorischen Antworten auf bevorzugte und nicht-bevorzugte Stimuli während der letzten 100 ms der Verzögerungsphase positiv mit der Leistung in der Gedächtnisaufgabe korrelierte. Diese Ergebnisse sprechen dafür, dass die beobachteten Gamma Komponenten die Aktivität neuronaler Netzwerke, die auf die Verarbeitung räumlicher auditorischer Information spezialisiert sind, widerspiegeln. Die Aktivierung dieser Netzwerke scheint zur Aufrechterhaltung aufgabenbezogener Information im Kurzzeitgedächtnis beizutragen

    The time course of cognitive control : behavioral and EEG studies

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    The Role of Alpha Oscillations among the Main Neuropsychiatric Disorders in the Adult and Developing Human Brain: Evidence from the Last 10 Years of Research

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    Alpha oscillations (7–13 Hz) are the dominant rhythm in both the resting and active brain. Accordingly, translational research has provided evidence for the involvement of aberrant alpha activ- ity in the onset of symptomatological features underlying syndromes such as autism, schizophrenia, major depression, and Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). However, findings on the matter are difficult to reconcile due to the variety of paradigms, analyses, and clinical phenotypes at play, not to mention recent technical and methodological advances in this domain. Herein, we seek to address this issue by reviewing the literature gathered on this topic over the last ten years. For each neuropsychiatric disorder, a dedicated section will be provided, containing a concise account of the current models proposing characteristic alterations of alpha rhythms as a core mechanism to trigger the associated symptomatology, as well as a summary of the most relevant studies and scientific con- tributions issued throughout the last decade. We conclude with some advice and recommendations that might improve future inquiries within this field
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