32 research outputs found

    Low Resource Efficient Speech Retrieval

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    Speech retrieval refers to the task of retrieving the information, which is useful or relevant to a user query, from speech collection. This thesis aims to examine ways in which speech retrieval can be improved in terms of requiring low resources - without extensively annotated corpora on which automated processing systems are typically built - and achieving high computational efficiency. This work is focused on two speech retrieval technologies, spoken keyword retrieval and spoken document classification. Firstly, keyword retrieval - also referred to as keyword search (KWS) or spoken term detection - is defined as the task of retrieving the occurrences of a keyword specified by the user in text form, from speech collections. We make advances in an open vocabulary KWS platform using context-dependent Point Process Model (PPM). We further accomplish a PPM-based lattice generation framework, which improves KWS performance and enables automatic speech recognition (ASR) decoding. Secondly, the massive volumes of speech data motivate the effort to organize and search speech collections through spoken document classification. In classifying real-world unstructured speech into predefined classes, the wildly collected speech recordings can be extremely long, of varying length, and contain multiple class label shifts at variable locations in the audio. For this reason each spoken document is often first split into sequential segments, and then each segment is independently classified. We present a general purpose method for classifying spoken segments, using a cascade of language independent acoustic modeling, foreign-language to English translation lexicons, and English-language classification. Next, instead of classifying each segment independently, we demonstrate that exploring the contextual dependencies across sequential segments can provide large classification performance improvements. Lastly, we remove the need of any orthographic lexicon and instead exploit alternative unsupervised approaches to decoding speech in terms of automatically discovered word-like or phoneme-like units. We show that the spoken segment representations based on such lexical or phonetic discovery can achieve competitive classification performance as compared to those based on a domain-mismatched ASR or a universal phone set ASR

    Adaptation of speech recognition systems to selected real-world deployment conditions

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    Tato habilitační práce se zabývá problematikou adaptace systémů rozpoznávání řeči na vybrané reálné podmínky nasazení. Je koncipována jako sborník celkem dvanácti článků, které se touto problematikou zabývají. Jde o publikace, jejichž jsem hlavním autorem nebo spoluatorem, a které vznikly v rámci několika navazujících výzkumných projektů. Na řešení těchto projektů jsem se podílel jak v roli člena výzkumného týmu, tak i v roli řešitele nebo spoluřešitele. Publikace zařazené do tohoto sborníku lze rozdělit podle tématu do tří hlavních skupin. Jejich společným jmenovatelem je snaha přizpůsobit daný rozpoznávací systém novým podmínkám či konkrétnímu faktoru, který významným způsobem ovlivňuje jeho funkci či přesnost. První skupina článků se zabývá úlohou neřízené adaptace na mluvčího, kdy systém přizpůsobuje svoje parametry specifickým hlasovým charakteristikám dané mluvící osoby. Druhá část práce se pak věnuje problematice identifikace neřečových událostí na vstupu do systému a související úloze rozpoznávání řeči s hlukem (a zejména hudbou) na pozadí. Konečně třetí část práce se zabývá přístupy, které umožňují přepis audio signálu obsahujícího promluvy ve více než v jednom jazyce. Jde o metody adaptace existujícího rozpoznávacího systému na nový jazyk a metody identifikace jazyka z audio signálu. Obě zmíněné identifikační úlohy jsou přitom vyšetřovány zejména v náročném a méně probádaném režimu zpracování po jednotlivých rámcích vstupního signálu, který je jako jediný vhodný pro on-line nasazení, např. pro streamovaná data.This habilitation thesis deals with adaptation of automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems to selected real-world deployment conditions. It is presented in the form of a collection of twelve articles dealing with this task; I am the main author or a co-author of these articles. They were published during my work on several consecutive research projects. I have participated in the solution of them as a member of the research team as well as the investigator or a co-investigator. These articles can be divided into three main groups according to their topics. They have in common the effort to adapt a particular ASR system to a specific factor or deployment condition that affects its function or accuracy. The first group of articles is focused on an unsupervised speaker adaptation task, where the ASR system adapts its parameters to the specific voice characteristics of one particular speaker. The second part deals with a) methods allowing the system to identify non-speech events on the input, and b) the related task of recognition of speech with non-speech events, particularly music, in the background. Finally, the third part is devoted to the methods that allow the transcription of an audio signal containing multilingual utterances. It includes a) approaches for adapting the existing recognition system to a new language and b) methods for identification of the language from the audio signal. The two mentioned identification tasks are in particular investigated under the demanding and less explored frame-wise scenario, which is the only one suitable for processing of on-line data streams

    Computer lipreading via hybrid deep neural network hidden Markov models

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    Constructing a viable lipreading system is a challenge because it is claimed that only 30% of information of speech production is visible on the lips. Nevertheless, in small vocabulary tasks, there have been several reports of high accuracies. However, investigation of larger vocabulary tasks is rare. This work examines constructing a large vocabulary lipreading system using an approach based-on Deep Neural Network Hidden Markov Models (DNN-HMMs). We present the historical development of computer lipreading technology and the state-ofthe-art results in small and large vocabulary tasks. In preliminary experiments, we evaluate the performance of lipreading and audiovisual speech recognition in small vocabulary data sets. We then concentrate on the improvement of lipreading systems in a more substantial vocabulary size with a multi-speaker data set. We tackle the problem of lipreading an unseen speaker. We investigate the effect of employing several stepstopre-processvisualfeatures. Moreover, weexaminethecontributionoflanguage modelling in a lipreading system where we use longer n-grams to recognise visual speech. Our lipreading system is constructed on the 6000-word vocabulary TCDTIMIT audiovisual speech corpus. The results show that visual-only speech recognition can definitely reach about 60% word accuracy on large vocabularies. We actually achieved a mean of 59.42% measured via three-fold cross-validation on the speaker independent setting of the TCD-TIMIT corpus using Deep autoencoder features and DNN-HMM models. This is the best word accuracy of a lipreading system in a large vocabulary task reported on the TCD-TIMIT corpus. In the final part of the thesis, we examine how the DNN-HMM model improves lipreading performance. We also give an insight into lipreading by providing a feature visualisation. Finally, we present an analysis of lipreading results and suggestions for future development

    Viseme-based Lip-Reading using Deep Learning

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    Research in Automated Lip Reading is an incredibly rich discipline with so many facets that have been the subject of investigation including audio-visual data, feature extraction, classification networks and classification schemas. The most advanced and up-to-date lip-reading systems can predict entire sentences with thousands of different words and the majority of them use ASCII characters as the classification schema. The classification performance of such systems however has been insufficient and the need to cover an ever expanding range of vocabulary using as few classes as possible is challenge. The work in this thesis contributes to the area concerning classification schemas by proposing an automated lip reading model that predicts sentences using visemes as a classification schema. This is an alternative schema to using ASCII characters, which is the conventional class system used to predict sentences. This thesis provides a review of the current trends in deep learning- based automated lip reading and analyses a gap in the research endeavours of automated lip-reading by contributing towards work done in the region of classification schema. A whole new line of research is opened up whereby an alternative way to do lip-reading is explored and in doing so, lip-reading performance results for predicting s entences from a benchmark dataset are attained which improve upon the current state-of-the-art. In this thesis, a neural network-based lip reading system is proposed. The system is lexicon-free and uses purely visual cues. With only a limited number of visemes as classes to recognise, the system is designed to lip read sentences covering a wide range of vocabulary and to recognise words that may not be included in system training. The lip-reading system predicts sentences as a two-stage procedure with visemes being recognised as the first stage and words being classified as the second stage. This is such that the second-stage has to both overcome the one-to-many mapping problem posed in lip-reading where one set of visemes can map to several words, and the problem of visemes being confused or misclassified to begin with. To develop the proposed lip-reading system, a number of tasks have been performed in this thesis. These include the classification of continuous sequences of visemes; and the proposal of viseme-to-word conversion models that are both effective in their conversion performance of predicting words, and robust to the possibility of viseme confusion or misclassification. The initial system reported has been testified on the challenging BBC Lip Reading Sentences 2 (LRS2) benchmark dataset attaining a word accuracy rate of 64.6%. Compared with the state-of-the-art works in lip reading sentences reported at the time, the system had achieved a significantly improved performance. The lip reading system is further improved upon by using a language model that has been demonstrated to be effective at discriminating between homopheme words and being robust to incorrectly classified visemes. An improved performance in predicting spoken sentences from the LRS2 dataset is yielded with an attained word accuracy rate of 79.6% which is still better than another lip-reading system trained and evaluated on the the same dataset that attained a word accuracy rate 77.4% and it is to the best of our knowledge the next best observed result attained on LRS2

    Detecting early signs of dementia in conversation

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    Dementia can affect a person's speech, language and conversational interaction capabilities. The early diagnosis of dementia is of great clinical importance. Recent studies using the qualitative methodology of Conversation Analysis (CA) demonstrated that communication problems may be picked up during conversations between patients and neurologists and that this can be used to differentiate between patients with Neuro-degenerative Disorders (ND) and those with non-progressive Functional Memory Disorder (FMD). However, conducting manual CA is expensive and difficult to scale up for routine clinical use.\ud This study introduces an automatic approach for processing such conversations which can help in identifying the early signs of dementia and distinguishing them from the other clinical categories (FMD, Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), and Healthy Control (HC)). The dementia detection system starts with a speaker diarisation module to segment an input audio file (determining who talks when). Then the segmented files are passed to an automatic speech recogniser (ASR) to transcribe the utterances of each speaker. Next, the feature extraction unit extracts a number of features (CA-inspired, acoustic, lexical and word vector) from the transcripts and audio files. Finally, a classifier is trained by the features to determine the clinical category of the input conversation. Moreover, we investigate replacing the role of a neurologist in the conversation with an Intelligent Virtual Agent (IVA) (asking similar questions). We show that despite differences between the IVA-led and the neurologist-led conversations, the results achieved by the IVA are as good as those gained by the neurologists. Furthermore, the IVA can be used for administering more standard cognitive tests, like the verbal fluency tests and produce automatic scores, which then can boost the performance of the classifier. The final blind evaluation of the system shows that the classifier can identify early signs of dementia with an acceptable level of accuracy and robustness (considering both sensitivity and specificity)

    Acoustic adaptation of automatic speech recognition systems in educational environments

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    [ES] La adaptación acústica de sistemas de reconocimiento automático del habla (ASR) es un tarea de gran interés en varios dominios de aplicación de la ASR y, en particular, en entornos educativos como por ejemplo el de la propia UPV. En general, el objetivo principal de esta tarea es la mejora de sistemas de ASR de propósito general teniendo en cuenta particularidades acústicas específicas del dominio de aplicación. En este trabajo se propone hacer una revisión del estado del arte en adaptación acústica de sistemas de ASR y aplicar las técnicas que se consideran más adecuadas para entornos educativos y, en particular, para el repositorio UPV media.[CA] L'adaptació acústica de sistemes de reconeixement automàtic de la parla (ASR) és un tasca de gran interés en diversos dominis d'aplicació de l'ASR i, en particular, en entorns educatius com ara el de la pròpia UPV. En general, l'objectiu principal d'aquesta tasca és la millora de sistemes d'ASR de propòsit general tenint en compte particularitats acústiques específiques del domini d'aplicació. En aquest treball es proposa fer una revisió de l'estat de l'art en adaptació acústica de sistemes d'ASR i aplicar les tècniques que es consideren més adequades per a entorns educatius i, en particular, per al repositori UPV mèdia.[EN] The acoustic adaptation of automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems is a task of great interest in several ASR application domains and, in particular, in educational environments such as the UPV itself. In general, the main objective of this task is the improvement of general purpose ASR systems taking into account specific acoustic particularities of the application domain. In this work we propose to review the state of the art in acoustic adaptation of ASR systems and apply the techniques that are considered most suitable for educational environments and, in particular, for the UPV media repository.Mas Mollà, G. (2023). Acoustic adaptation of automatic speech recognition systems in educational environments. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/19667

    Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Student Research Workshop

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    Indonesian and Malay are underrepresented in the development of natural language processing (NLP) technologies and available resources are difficult to find. A clear picture of existing work can invigorate and inform how researchers conceptualise worthwhile projects. Using an education sector project to motivate the study, we conducted a wide-ranging overview of Indonesian and Malay human language technologies and corpus work. We charted 657 included studies according to Hirschberg and Manning's 2015 description of NLP, concluding that the field was dominated by exploratory corpus work, machine reading of text gathered from the Internet, and sentiment analysis. In this paper, we identify most published authors and research hubs, and make a number of recommendations to encourage future collaboration and efficiency within NLP in Indonesian and Malay