142 research outputs found

    A proof of the rooted tree alternative conjecture

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    Bonato and Tardif conjectured that the number of isomorphism classes of trees mutually embeddable with a given tree T is either 1 or infinite. We prove the analogue of their conjecture for rooted trees. We also discuss the original conjecture for locally finite trees and state some new conjectures

    Duality and free energy analyticity bounds for few-body Ising models with extensive homology rank

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    We consider pairs of few-body Ising models where each spin enters a bounded number of interaction terms (bonds) such that each model can be obtained from the dual of the other after freezing k spins on large-degree sites. Such a pair of Ising models can be interpreted as a two-chain complex with k being the rank of the first homology group. Our focus is on the case where k is extensive, that is, scales linearly with the number of bonds n. Flipping any of these additional spins introduces a homologically nontrivial defect (generalized domain wall). In the presence of bond disorder, we prove the existence of a low-temperature weak-disorder region where additional summation over the defects has no effect on the free energy density f(T) in the thermodynamical limit and of a high-temperature region where an extensive homological defect does not affect f(T). We also discuss the convergence of the high- and low-temperature series for the free energy density, prove the analyticity of limiting f(T) at high and low temperatures, and construct inequalities for the critical point(s) where analyticity is lost. As an application, we prove multiplicity of the conventionally defined critical points for Ising models on all { f, d} tilings of the infinite hyperbolic plane, where df/(d + f) \u3e 2. Namely, for these infinite graphs, we show that critical temperatures with free and wired boundary conditions differ, Tc(f)T(f)

    Dynamics of surface diffeomorphisms relative to homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits

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    The Nielsen-Thurston theory of surface diffeomorphisms shows that useful dynamical information can be obtained about a surface diffeomorphism from a finite collection of periodic orbits.In this paper, we extend these results to homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits of saddle points. These orbits are most readily computed and studied as intersections of unstable and stable manifolds comprising homoclinic or heteroclinic tangles in the surface. We show how to compute a map of a one-dimensional space similar to a train-track which represents the isotopy-stable dynamics of the surface diffeomorphism relative to a tangle. All orbits of this one-dimensional representative are globally shadowed by orbits of the surface diffeomorphism, and periodic, homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits of the one-dimensional representative are shadowed by similar orbits in the surface.By constructing suitable surface diffeomorphisms, we prove that these results are optimal in the sense that the topological entropy of the one-dimensional representative is the greatest lower bound for the entropies of diffeomorphisms in the isotopy class.Comment: Version submitted to "Dynamical Systems: An International Journal" Section 7 has been further revised; the method for pA maps is new. Notation has been standardised throughou

    A computational approach for finding 6-List-critical graphs on the Torus

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    La coloració de grafs dibuixats a superfícies és un àrea antiga i molt estudiada de la teoria de grafs. Thomassen va demostrar que hi ha un nombre finit de grafs 6-crítics a qualsevol superfície fixa i va proporcionar el conjunt explícit dels grafs 6-crítics al torus. Després, Postle va demostrar que hi ha un nombre finit de grafs 6-llista-crítics a qualsevol superfície fixa. Amb l'objectiu de trobar el conjunt de grafs 6-llista-crítics al torus, desenvolupem i implementem tècniques algorítmiques per la cerca per ordinador de grafs crítics en diferents situacions de coloració per llistes.La coloración de grafos dibujados en superficies es un área antigua y muy estudiada de la teoría de grafos. Thomassen demostró que hay un número finito de grafos 6-críticos en cualquier superficie fija y proporcionó el conjunto explícito de los grafos 6-críticos en el toro. Después, Postle demostró que hay un número finito de grafos 6-lista-críticos en cualquier superficie fija. Con el objetivo de encontrar el conjunto de grafos 6-lista-críticos en el toro, desarrollamos e implementamos técnicas algorítmicas para la búsqueda por ordenador de grafos críticos en diferentes situaciones de coloración por listas.Coloring graphs embedded on surfaces is an old and well-studied area of graph theory. Thomassen proved that there are finitely many 6-critical graphs on any fixed surface and provided the explicit set of 6-critical graphs on the torus. Later, Postle proved that there are finitely many 6-list-critical graphs on any fixed surface. With the goal of finding the set of 6-list-critical graphs on the torus, we develop and implement algorithmic techniques for computer search of critical graphs in different list-coloring settings.Outgoin

    Duality and free energy analyticity bounds for few-body Ising models with extensive homology rank

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    We consider pairs of few-body Ising models where each spin enters a bounded number of interaction terms (bonds), such that each model can be obtained from the dual of the other after freezing kk spins on large-degree sites. Such a pair of Ising models can be interpreted as a two-chain complex with kk being the rank of the first homology group. Our focus is on the case where kk is extensive, that is, scales linearly with the number of bonds nn. Flipping any of these additional spins introduces a homologically non-trivial defect (generalized domain wall). In the presence of bond disorder, we prove the existence of a low-temperature weak-disorder region where additional summation over the defects have no effect on the free energy density f(T)f(T) in the thermodynamical limit, and of a high-temperature region where in the ferromagnetic case an extensive homological defect does not affect f(T)f(T). We also discuss the convergence of the high- and low-temperature series for the free energy density, prove the analyticity of limiting f(T)f(T) at high and low temperatures, and construct inequalities for the critical point(s) where analyticity is lost. As an application, we prove multiplicity of the conventionally defined critical points for Ising models on all {f,d}\{f,d\} tilings of the hyperbolic plane, where df/(d+f)>2df/(d+f)>2. Namely, for these infinite graphs, we show that critical temperatures with free and wired boundary conditions differ, Tc(f)<Tc(w)T_c^{(\mathrm{f})}<T_c^{(\mathrm{w})}.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure
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