114 research outputs found

    A bibliography on parallel and vector numerical algorithms

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    This is a bibliography of numerical methods. It also includes a number of other references on machine architecture, programming language, and other topics of interest to scientific computing. Certain conference proceedings and anthologies which have been published in book form are listed also

    Principles for problem aggregation and assignment in medium scale multiprocessors

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    One of the most important issues in parallel processing is the mapping of workload to processors. This paper considers a large class of problems having a high degree of potential fine grained parallelism, and execution requirements that are either not predictable, or are too costly to predict. The main issues in mapping such a problem onto medium scale multiprocessors are those of aggregation and assignment. We study a method of parameterized aggregation that makes few assumptions about the workload. The mapping of aggregate units of work onto processors is uniform, and exploits locality of workload intensity to balance the unknown workload. In general, a finer aggregate granularity leads to a better balance at the price of increased communication/synchronization costs; the aggregation parameters can be adjusted to find a reasonable granularity. The effectiveness of this scheme is demonstrated on three model problems: an adaptive one-dimensional fluid dynamics problem with message passing, a sparse triangular linear system solver on both a shared memory and a message-passing machine, and a two-dimensional time-driven battlefield simulation employing message passing. Using the model problems, the tradeoffs are studied between balanced workload and the communication/synchronization costs. Finally, an analytical model is used to explain why the method balances workload and minimizes the variance in system behavior

    Computational methods and software systems for dynamics and control of large space structures

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    Two key areas of crucial importance to the computer-based simulation of large space structures are discussed. The first area involves multibody dynamics (MBD) of flexible space structures, with applications directed to deployment, construction, and maneuvering. The second area deals with advanced software systems, with emphasis on parallel processing. The latest research thrust in the second area involves massively parallel computers

    Adapting the interior point method for the solution of LPs on serial, coarse grain parallel and massively parallel computers

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    In this paper we describe a unified scheme for implementing an interior point algorithm (IPM) over a range of computer architectures. In the inner iteration of the IPM a search direction is computed using Newton's method. Computationally this involves solving a sparse symmetric positive definite (SSPD) system of equations. The choice of direct and indirect methods for the solution of this system, and the design of data structures to take advantage of serial, coarse grain parallel and massively parallel computer architectures, are considered in detail. We put forward arguments as to why integration of the system within a sparse simplex solver is important and outline how the system is designed to achieve this integration

    Parallel solution of power system linear equations

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    At the heart of many power system computations lies the solution of a large sparse set of linear equations. These equations arise from the modelling of the network and are the cause of a computational bottleneck in power system analysis applications. Efficient sequential techniques have been developed to solve these equations but the solution is still too slow for applications such as real-time dynamic simulation and on-line security analysis. Parallel computing techniques have been explored in the attempt to find faster solutions but the methods developed to date have not efficiently exploited the full power of parallel processing. This thesis considers the solution of the linear network equations encountered in power system computations. Based on the insight provided by the elimination tree, it is proposed that a novel matrix structure is adopted to allow the exploitation of parallelism which exists within the cutset of a typical parallel solution. Using this matrix structure it is possible to reduce the size of the sequential part of the problem and to increase the speed and efficiency of typical LU-based parallel solution. A method for transforming the admittance matrix into the required form is presented along with network partitioning and load balancing techniques. Sequential solution techniques are considered and existing parallel methods are surveyed to determine their strengths and weaknesses. Combining the benefits of existing solutions with the new matrix structure allows an improved LU-based parallel solution to be derived. A simulation of the improved LU solution is used to show the improvements in performance over a standard LU-based solution that result from the adoption of the new techniques. The results of a multiprocessor implementation of the method are presented and the new method is shown to have a better performance than existing methods for distributed memory multiprocessors

    Computational methods and software systems for dynamics and control of large space structures

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    This final report on computational methods and software systems for dynamics and control of large space structures covers progress to date, projected developments in the final months of the grant, and conclusions. Pertinent reports and papers that have not appeared in scientific journals (or have not yet appeared in final form) are enclosed. The grant has supported research in two key areas of crucial importance to the computer-based simulation of large space structure. The first area involves multibody dynamics (MBD) of flexible space structures, with applications directed to deployment, construction, and maneuvering. The second area deals with advanced software systems, with emphasis on parallel processing. The latest research thrust in the second area, as reported here, involves massively parallel computers

    Hypercube matrix computation task

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    A major objective of the Hypercube Matrix Computation effort at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) is to investigate the applicability of a parallel computing architecture to the solution of large-scale electromagnetic scattering problems. Three scattering analysis codes are being implemented and assessed on a JPL/California Institute of Technology (Caltech) Mark 3 Hypercube. The codes, which utilize different underlying algorithms, give a means of evaluating the general applicability of this parallel architecture. The three analysis codes being implemented are a frequency domain method of moments code, a time domain finite difference code, and a frequency domain finite elements code. These analysis capabilities are being integrated into an electromagnetics interactive analysis workstation which can serve as a design tool for the construction of antennas and other radiating or scattering structures. The first two years of work on the Hypercube Matrix Computation effort is summarized. It includes both new developments and results as well as work previously reported in the Hypercube Matrix Computation Task: Final Report for 1986 to 1987 (JPL Publication 87-18)

    Parallel implementation of the finite element method on shared memory multiprocessors

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    PhD ThesisThe work presented in this thesis concerns parallel methods for finite element analysis. The research has been funded by British Gas and some of the presented material involves work on their software. Practical problems involving the finite element method can use a large amount of processing power and the execution times can be very large. It is consequently important to investigate the possibilities for the parallel implementation of the method. The research has been carried out on an Encore Multimax, a shared memory multiprocessor with 14 identical CPU's. We firstly experimented on autoparallelising a large British Gas finite element program (GASP4) using Encore's parallelising Fortran compiler (epf). The par- allel program generated by epj proved not to be efficient. The main reasons are the complexity of the code and small grain parallelism. Since the program is hard to analyse for the compiler at high levels, only small grain parallelism has been inserted automatically into the code. This involves a great deal of low level syn- chronisations which produce large overheads and cause inefficiency. A detailed analysis of the autoparallelised code has been made with a view to determining the reasons for the inefficiency. Suggestions have also been made about writing programs such that they are suitable for efficient autoparallelisation. The finite element method consists of the assembly of a stiffness matrix and the solution of a set of simultaneous linear equations. A sparse representation of the stiffness matrix has been used to allow experimentation on large problems. Parallel assembly techniques for the sparse representation have been developed. Some of these methods have proved to be very efficient giving speed ups that are near ideal. For the solution phase, we have used the preconditioned conjugate gradient method (PCG). An incomplete LU factorization ofthe stiffness matrix with no fill- in (ILU(O)) has been found to be an effective preconditioner. The factors can be obtained at a low cost. We have parallelised all the steps of the PCG method. The main bottleneck is the triangular solves (preconditioning operations) at each step. Two parallel methods of triangular solution have been implemented. One is based on level scheduling (row-oriented parallelism) and the other is a new approach called independent columns (column-oriented parallelism). The algorithms have been tested for row and red-black orderings of the nodal unknowns in the finite element meshes considered. The best speed ups obtained are 7.29 (on 12 processors) for level scheduling and 7.11 (on 12 processors) for independent columns. Red-black ordering gives rise to better parallel performance than row ordering in general. An analysis of methods for the improvement of the parallel efficiency has been made.British Ga

    An Application Perspective on High-Performance Computing and Communications

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    We review possible and probable industrial applications of HPCC focusing on the software and hardware issues. Thirty-three separate categories are illustrated by detailed descriptions of five areas -- computational chemistry; Monte Carlo methods from physics to economics; manufacturing; and computational fluid dynamics; command and control; or crisis management; and multimedia services to client computers and settop boxes. The hardware varies from tightly-coupled parallel supercomputers to heterogeneous distributed systems. The software models span HPF and data parallelism, to distributed information systems and object/data flow parallelism on the Web. We find that in each case, it is reasonably clear that HPCC works in principle, and postulate that this knowledge can be used in a new generation of software infrastructure based on the WebWindows approach, and discussed in an accompanying paper