143 research outputs found

    Application of Markov Chain Model and ArcGIS in Land Use Projection of Ala River Catchment, Akure, Nigeria

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    Increase land use change is one of the consequences of rapid population growth of cities in developing countries with its negative consequences on the environment. This study generates previous and present land use of Ala watershed and project the future land use using Markov chain model and ArcGIS software (version 10.2.1). Landsat 7, Enhanced Thematic mapper plus (ETM+) image and Landsat 8 operational land imager (OLI) with path 190 and row 2 used to generate land use (LU) and land cover (LC) images for the years 2000, 2010 and 2019. Six LU/LC classes were considered as follows: developed area (DA), open soil (OS), grass surface (GS), light forest (LF), wetland (WL) and hard rock (HR). Markov chain analysis was used in predicting LU/LC types in the watershed for the years 2029 and 2039. The veracity of the model was tested with Nash Sutcliffe Efficiency index (NSE) and Percent Bias methods. The model results show that the study area is growing rapidly particularly in the recent time. This urban expansion results in significant decrease of WL coverage areas and the significant increase of DA. This implies reduction in the available land for dry season farming and incessant flood occurrence. Keywords: Land cover, land use change, Markov chain, ArcGIS, watershed, urbanizatio

    Urban land expansion model based on SLEUTH, a case study in Dongguan city, China

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    The SLEUTH urban model is developed with sets of predefined growing rules involving Spontaneous Growth, New Spreading Center Growth, Edge Growth, Road Influenced Growth and Self-modification. They are applied continuously to lead the urban simulation to a specific morphology. A SLEUTH land use model was set up to simulate urban growth trajectory of Dongguan city from 1997 to 2009. The accuracy of localized parameters was evaluated to illuminate the growth pattern of Dongguan. Two different scenarios were set to predict the urban development from 2022 to 2030. Edge Growth is the dominant force of Dongguan's urbanization: regions adjacent to growth centers are more likely to be urbanized than remote area in general. Rapid urban expansion takes up large amount of other land types, around 2030, urbanization will reach the critical state in spatial. Unlike excessive growth rate in scenario 1, the urbanization speed is obviously more reasonable and sustainable in scenario 2, which confirms SLEUTH urban model is a good assistant of urban planning to avoid willful expansion with a scenario forecast. To protect ecological environment and promoting sustainable development of the region, relevant decision makers should take effective strategies to control urban sprawl. By the set of forecast scenarios, SLEUTH can certainly predict future urban development as an auxiliary to urban planners and government.Dongguan is under rapid urbanization in these decades. SLEUTH is an urban land use model named after the six input layers (Slope, Land use, Excluded, Urban, Transportation and Hill shade), and it is applied for simulating how surrounding land use changes due to urban expansion. A SLEUTH model was coupled with multi-source GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and RS (Remote Sensing) data to simulate urban growth trajectory of Dongguan city from 1997 to 2009. The accuracy of localized parameters was evaluated to illuminate the growth pattern of Dongguan. Based on the hypothesis that the urbanization process is as fast as before, a historical scenario from 2010 to 2050 was built up to choose the suitable study periods. In order to prove SLEUTH is able to offer reasonable outcomes for urban plan, two different scenarios were set to predict the urban development from 2022 to 2030, which shows SLEUTH is able to offer reasonable outcomes to government policy makers. Finally, the dynamic mechanism of urban growth combined with local characteristics was discussed. Some suggestions were also proposed for future urban planning and policy making in this study

    A biologically inspired network design model

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    A network design problem is to select a subset of links in a transport network that satisfy passengers or cargo transportation demands while minimizing the overall costs of the transportation. We propose a mathematical model of the foraging behaviour of slime mould P. polycephalum to solve the network design problem and construct optimal transport networks. In our algorithm, a traffic flow between any two cities is estimated using a gravity model. The flow is imitated by the model of the slime mould. The algorithm model converges to a steady state, which represents a solution of the problem. We validate our approach on examples of major transport networks in Mexico and China. By comparing networks developed in our approach with the man-made highways, networks developed by the slime mould, and a cellular automata model inspired by slime mould, we demonstrate the flexibility and efficiency of our approach

    A biologically inspired network design model

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    A network design problem is to select a subset of links in a transport network that satisfy passengers or cargo transportation demands while minimizing the overall costs of the transportation. We propose a mathematical model of the foraging behaviour of slime mould P. polycephalum to solve the network design problem and construct optimal transport networks. In our algorithm, a traffic flow between any two cities is estimated using a gravity model. The flow is imitated by the model of the slime mould. The algorithm model converges to a steady state, which represents a solution of the problem. We validate our approach on examples of major transport networks in Mexico and China. By comparing networks developed in our approach with the man-made highways, networks developed by the slime mould, and a cellular automata model inspired by slime mould, we demonstrate the flexibility and efficiency of our approach

    Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability-Volume 4

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    Anthropogenic activities are significant drivers of climate change and environmental degradation. Such activities are particularly influential in the context of the land system that is an important medium connecting earth surface, atmospheric dynamics, ecological systems, and human activities. Assessment of land use land cover changes and associated environmental, economic, and social consequences is essential to provide references for enhancing climate resilience and improving environmental sustainability. On the one hand, this book touches on various environmental topics, including soil erosion, crop yield, bioclimatic variation, carbon emission, natural vegetation dynamics, ecosystem and biodiversity degradation, and habitat quality caused by both climate change and earth surface modifications. On the other hand, it explores a series of socioeconomic facts, such as education equity, population migration, economic growth, sustainable development, and urban structure transformation, along with urbanization. The results of this book are of significance in terms of revealing the impact of land use land cover changes and generating policy recommendations for land management. More broadly, this book is important for understanding the interrelationships among life on land, good health and wellbeing, quality education, climate actions, economic growth, sustainable cities and communities, and responsible consumption and production according to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We expect the book to benefit decision makers, practitioners, and researchers in different fields, such as climate governance, crop science and agricultural engineering, forest ecosystem, land management, urban planning and design, urban governance, and institutional operation.Prof. Bao-Jie He acknowledges the Project NO. 2021CDJQY-004 supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities and the Project NO. 2022ZA01 supported by the State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Building Science, South China University of Technology, China. We appreciate the assistance of Mr. Lifeng Xiong, Mr. Wei Wang, Ms. Xueke Chen, and Ms. Anxian Chen at School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University, China

    Projection of land surface temperature considering the effects of future land change in the Taihu Lake Basin of China

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    Land surface temperature (LST) is an important environmental parameter that is significantly affected by land use and landscape composition. Despite the recent progress in LST retrieval algorithms and better knowledge of the relationship between LST and land coverage indices, predictive studies of future LST patterns are limited. Here, we project LST patterns in the Taihu Lake Basin to the year 2026 based on projected land use pattern and simulated land coverage indices that include normalized difference built-up index (NDBI), normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and normalized difference water index (NDWI). We derived the spatiotemporal LST patterns in the Taihu Lake Basin from 1996 to 2026 using thermal infrared data from Landsat imagery. A CA-Markov model was applied to project the 2026 land use pattern in the basin based on spatial driving factors, using the 2004 land use as the initial state. We simulated the NDBI, NDVI and NDWI indices for 2026 using the projected land use patterns, and then generated the 2026 LST in the study area. Our results showed that LST has been increasing and the warming areas have been expanding since 1996, especially in the Su-Xi-Chang urban agglomeration. The mean LST in Su-Xi-Chang has increased from 31 degrees C in 2004 and has risen to about 33 degrees C in 2016, and the projection suggests that LST will reach about 35 degrees C in 2026. Our results also suggest that mean LST increased by 2 degrees C per decade in this highly urbanized area between 1996 and 2026. We present a preliminary method to produce future LST patterns and provide reasonable LST scenarios in the Taihu Lake Basin, which should help develop and implement management strategies for mitigating the effects of urban heat island