38 research outputs found

    Landslide susceptibility mapping using certainty factor, index of entropy and logistic regression models in GIS and their comparison at Mugling-Narayanghat road section in Nepal Himalaya

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    Landslide susceptibility maps are vital for disaster management and for planning development activities in the mountainous country like Nepal. In the present study, landslide susceptibility assessment of Mugling-Narayanghat road and its surrounding area is made using bivariate (certainty factor and index of entropy) and multivariate (logistic regression) models. At first, a landslide inventory map was prepared using earlier reports and aerial photographs as well as by carrying out field survey. As a result, 321 landslides were mapped and out of which 241 (75 %) were randomly selected for building landslide susceptibility models, while the remaining 80 (25 %) were used for validating the models. The effectiveness of landslide susceptibility assessment using GIS and statistics is based on appropriate selection of the factors which play a dominant role in slope stability. In this case study, the following landslide conditioning factors were evaluated: slope gradient; slope aspect; altitude; plan curvature; lithology; land use; distance from faults, rivers and roads; topographic wetness index; stream power index; and sediment transport index. These factors were prepared from topographic map, drainage map, road map, and the geological map. Finally, the validation of landslide susceptibility map was carried out using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. The ROC plot estimation results showed that the susceptibility map using index of entropy model with AUC value of 0.9016 has highest prediction accuracy of 90.16 %. Similarly, the susceptibility maps produced using logistic regression model and certainty factor model showed 86.29 and 83.57 % of prediction accuracy, respectively. Furthermore, the ROC plot showed that the success rate of all the three models performed more than 80 % accuracy (i.e. 89.15 % for IOE model, 89.10 % for LR model and 87.21 % for CF model). Hence, it is concluded that all the models employed in this study showed reasonably good accuracy in predicting the landslide susceptibility of Mugling-Narayanghat road section. These landslide susceptibility maps can be used for preliminary land use planning and hazard mitigation purpose.ArticleNATURAL HAZARDS. 65(1):135-165 (2013)journal articl

    Landslide susceptibility mapping using remote sensing data and geographic information system-based algorithms

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    Whether they occur due to natural triggers or human activities, landslides lead to loss of life and damages to properties which impact infrastructures, road networks and buildings. Landslide Susceptibility Map (LSM) provides the policy and decision makers with some valuable information. This study aims to detect landslide locations by using Sentinel-1 data, the only freely available online Radar imagery, and to map areas prone to landslide using a novel algorithm of AB-ADTree in Cameron Highlands, Pahang, Malaysia. A total of 152 landslide locations were detected by using integration of Interferometry Synthetic Aperture RADAR (InSAR) technique, Google Earth (GE) images and extensive field survey. However, 80% of the data were employed for training the machine learning algorithms and the remaining 20% for validation purposes. Seventeen triggering and conditioning factors, namely slope, aspect, elevation, distance to road, distance to river, proximity to fault, road density, river density, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), rainfall, land cover, lithology, soil types, curvature, profile curvature, Stream Power Index (SPI) and Topographic Wetness Index (TWI), were extracted from satellite imageries, digital elevation model (DEM), geological and soil maps. These factors were utilized to generate landslide susceptibility maps using Logistic Regression (LR) model, Logistic Model Tree (LMT), Random Forest (RF), Alternating Decision Tree (ADTree), Adaptive Boosting (AdaBoost) and a novel hybrid model from ADTree and AdaBoost models, namely AB-ADTree model. The validation was based on area under the ROC curve (AUC) and statistical measurements of Positive Predictive Value (PPV), Negative Predictive Value (NPV), sensitivity, specificity, accuracy and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). The results showed that AUC was 90%, 92%, 88%, 59%, 96% and 94% for LR, LMT, RF, ADTree, AdaBoost and AB-ADTree algorithms, respectively. Non-parametric evaluations of the Friedman and Wilcoxon were also applied to assess the models’ performance: the findings revealed that ADTree is inferior to the other models used in this study. Using a handheld Global Positioning System (GPS), field study and validation were performed for almost 20% (30 locations) of the detected landslide locations and the results revealed that the landslide locations were correctly detected. In conclusion, this study can be applicable for hazard mitigation purposes and regional planning

    A novel rule-based approach in mapping landslide susceptibility

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    © 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Despite recent advances in developing landslide susceptibility mapping (LSM) techniques, resultant maps are often not transparent, and susceptibility rules are barely made explicit. This weakens the proper understanding of conditioning criteria involved in shaping landslide events at the local scale. Further, a high level of subjectivity in re-classifying susceptibility scores into various classes often downgrades the quality of those maps. Here, we apply a novel rule-based system as an alternative approach for LSM. Therein, the initially assembled rules relate landslide-conditioning factors within individual rule-sets. This is implemented without the complication of applying logical or relational operators. To achieve this, first, Shannon entropy was employed to assess the priority order of landslide-conditioning factors and the uncertainty of each rule within the corresponding rule-sets. Next, the rule-level uncertainties were mapped and used to asses the reliability of the susceptibility map at the local scale (i.e., at pixel-level). A set of If-Then rules were applied to convert susceptibility values to susceptibility classes, where less level of subjectivity is guaranteed. In a case study of Northwest Tasmania in Australia, the performance of the proposed method was assessed by receiver operating characteristics’ area under the curve (AUC). Our method demonstrated promising performance with AUC of 0.934. This was a result of a transparent rule-based approach, where priorities and state/value of landslide-conditioning factors for each pixel were identified. In addition, the uncertainty of susceptibility rules can be readily accessed, interpreted, and replicated. The achieved results demonstrate that the proposed rule-based method is beneficial to derive insights into LSM processes

    Systematic sample subdividing strategy for training landslide susceptibility models

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    © 2019 Elsevier B.V. Current practice in choosing training samples for landslide susceptibility modelling (LSM) is to randomly subdivide inventory information into training and testing samples. Where inventory data differ in distribution, the selection of training samples by a random process may cause inefficient training of machine learning (ML)/statistical models. A systematic technique may, however, produce efficient training samples that well represent the entire inventory data. This is particularly true when inventory information is scarce. This research proposed a systemic strategy to deal with this problem based on the fundamental distribution of probabilities (i.e. Hellinger) and a novel graphical representation of information contained in inventory data (i.e. inventory information curve, IIC). This graphical representation illustrates the relative increase in available information with the growth of the training sample size. Experiments on a selected dataset over the Cameron Highlands, Malaysia were conducted to validate the proposed methods. The dataset contained 104 landslide inventories and 7 landslide-conditioning factors (i.e. altitude, slope, aspect, land use, distance from the stream, distance from the road and distance from lineament) derived from a LiDAR-based digital elevation model and thematic maps acquired from government authorities. In addition, three ML/statistical models, namely, k-nearest neighbour (KNN), support vector machine (SVM) and decision tree (DT), were utilised to assess the proposed sampling strategy for LSM. The impacts of model's hyperparameters, noise and outliers on the performance of the models and the shape of IICs were also investigated and discussed. To evaluate the proposed method further, it was compared with other standard methods such as random sampling (RS), stratified RS (SRS) and cross-validation (CV). The evaluations were based on the area under the receiving characteristic curves. The results show that IICs are useful in explaining the information content in the training subset and their differences from the original inventory datasets. The quantitative evaluation with KNN, SVM and DT shows that the proposed method outperforms the RS and SRS in all the models and the CV method in KNN and DT models. The proposed sampling strategy enables new applications in landslide modelling, such as measuring inventory data content and complexity and selecting effective training samples to improve the predictive capability of landslide susceptibility models

    A novel integrated approach of relevance vector machine optimized by imperialist competitive algorithm for spatial modeling of shallow landslides

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    This research aims at proposing a new artificial intelligence approach (namely RVM-ICA) which is based on the Relevance Vector Machine (RVM) and the Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA) optimization for landslide susceptibility modeling. A Geographic Information System (GIS) spatial database was generated from Lang Son city in Lang Son province (Vietnam). This GIS database includes a landslide inventory map and fourteen landslide conditioning factors. The suitability of these factors for landslide susceptibility modeling in the study area was verified by the Information Gain Ratio (IGR) technique. A landslide susceptibility prediction model based on RVM-ICA and the GIS database was established by training and prediction phases. The predictive capability of the new approach was evaluated by calculations of sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and the area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve (AUC). In addition, to assess the applicability of the proposed model, two state-of-the-art soft computing techniques including the support vector machine (SVM) and logistic regression (LR) were used as benchmark methods. The results of this study show that RVM-ICA with AUC = 0.92 achieved a high goodness-of-fit based on both the training and testing datasets. The predictive capability of RVM-ICA outperformed those of SVM with AUC = 0.91 and LR with AUC = 0.87. The experimental results confirm that the newly proposed model is a very promising alternative to assist planners and decision makers in the task of managing landslide prone areas

    Landslide susceptibility modeling based on GIS and novel bagging-based Kernel logistic regression

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    Landslides cause a considerable amount of damage around the world every year. Landslide susceptibility assessments are useful for the mitigation of the associated potential risks to local economic development, land use planning, and decision makers. The main aim of this study was to present a novel hybrid approach of bagging (B)-based kernel logistic regression (KLR), named the BKLR model, for spatial prediction of landslides in the Shangnan County, China. We first selected 15 conditioning factors for landslide susceptibility modeling. Then, the prediction capability of all conditioning factors was evaluated using the least square support vector machine method. Model validation and comparison were performed based on the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve and several statistical-based indexes, including positive predictive rate, negative predictive rate, sensitivity, specificity, kappa index, and root mean square error. Results indicated that the BKLR ensemble model outperformed and outclassed the KLR and the benchmark support vector machine model. Our findings overall confirmed that a combination of the meta model with a decision tree classifier based on a functional algorithm can decrease the overfitting and variance problems of data, which could enhance the prediction power of the landslide model. The resultant susceptibility maps could be useful for hazard mitigation in the study area and other similar landslide-prone areas

    GIS-Based landslide susceptibility modeling: a comparison between best-first decision tree and its two ensembles (BagBFT and RFBFT)

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    This study aimed to explore and compare the application of current state-of-the-art machine learning techniques, including bagging (Bag) and rotation forest (RF), to assess landslide susceptibility with the base classifier best-first decision tree (BFT). The proposed two novel ensemble frameworks, BagBFT and RFBFT, and the base model BFT, were used to model landslide susceptibility in Zhashui County (China), which suffers from landslides. Firstly, we identified 169 landslides through field surveys and image interpretation. Then, a landslide inventory map was built. These 169 historical landslides were randomly classified into two groups: 70% for training data and 30% for validation data. Then, 15 landslide conditioning factors were considered for mapping landslide susceptibility. The three ensemble outputs were estimated with a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and statistical tests, as well as a new approach, the improved frequency ratio accuracy. The areas under the ROC curve (AUCs) for the training data (success rate) of the three algorithms were 0.722 for BFT, 0.869 for BagBFT, and 0.895 for RFBFT. The AUCs for the validating groups (prediction rates) were 0.718, 0.834, and 0.872, respectively. The frequency ratio accuracy of the three models was 0.76163 for the BFT model, 0.92220 for the BagBFT model, and 0.92224 for the RFBFT model. Both BagBFT and RFBFT ensembles can improve the accuracy of the BFT base model, and RFBFT was relatively better. Therefore, the RFBFT model is the most effective approach for the accurate modeling of landslide susceptibility mapping (LSM). All three models can improve the identification of landslide-prone areas, enhance risk management ability, and afford more detailed information for land-use planning and policy setting.National Natural Science Foundation of China | Ref. 41977228Key Research Program of Shaanxi | Ref. 2022SF-33

    A comparison between three conditioning factors dataset for landslide prediction in the sajadrood catchment of iran

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    This study investigates the effectiveness of three datasets for the prediction of landslides in the Sajadrood catchment (Babol County, Mazandaran Province, Iran). The three datasets (D1, D2 and D3) are constructed based on fourteen conditioning factors (CFs) obtained from Digital Elevation Model (DEM) derivatives, topography maps, land use maps and geological maps. Precisely, D1 consists of all 14 CFs namely altitude, slope, aspect, topographic wetness index (TWI), terrain roughness index (TRI), distance to fault, distance to stream, distance to road, total curvature, profile curvatures, plan curvature, land use, steam power index (SPI) and geology. D2, on the other hand, is a subset of D1, consisting of eight CFs. This reduction was achieved by exploiting the Variance Inflation Factor, Gini Importance Indices and Chi-Square factor optimization methods. Dataset D3 includes only selected factors derived from the DEM. Three supervised classification algorithms were trained for landslide prediction namely the Support Vector Machine (SVM), Logistic Regression (LR), and Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Experimental results indicate that D2 performed the best for landslide prediction with the SVM producing the best overall accuracy at 82.81%, followed by LR (81.71%) and ANN (80.18%). Extensive investigations on the results of factor optimization analysis indicate that the CFs distance to road, altitude, and geology were significant contributors to the prediction results. Land use map, slope, total-, plan-, and profile curvature and TRI, on the other hand, were deemed redundant. The analysis also revealed that sole reliance on Gini Indices could lead to inefficient optimization

    Using ALOS PALSAR derived high - resolution DInSAR to detect slow - moving landslides in tropical forest: Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

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    Landslide is one of the natural hazards that pose maximum threat for human lives and property in mountainous regions. Mitigation and prediction of this phenomenon can be done through the detection of landslide-susceptible areas. Therefore, an appropriate landslide analysis is needed in order to map and consequently understand the characteristic of this disaster. One of the recent popular remote sensing techniques in deformation analysis is the differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar which is popularly known as DInSAR. Due to the mass vegetation condition in Malaysia, a long-wavelength synthetic aperture radar (∼24 cm) is required in order to be able to penetrate through the forests and reach the bare land. For that reason, ALOS PALSAR HH imagery was used in this study to derive a deformation map of the Gunung Pass area located in the tropical forest of the Cameron Highlands, Malaysia. In this study, the ascending orbit ALOS PALSAR images were acquired in September 2008, January 2009 and December 2009. Subsequently the displacement measurements of the study site (Gunung Pass) were calculated. The accuracy of the result was evaluated through its comparison with ground truth data using the R2 and root mean square error (RMSE) methods. The resulted deformation map showed the landslide locations in the study area from interpretation of the results with 0.84 R2 and 0.151 RMSE. The DInSAR precision was 11.8 cm which proved the efficiency of the proposed method in detecting landslides in a tropical country like Malaysia. It is highly recommended to use the proposed method for any other deformation studies