10 research outputs found

    Advances on the investigation of landslides by space-borne synthetic aperture radar interferometry

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    Landslides are destructive geohazards to people and infrastructure, resulting in hundreds of deaths and billions of dollars of damage every year. Therefore, mapping the rate of deformation of such geohazards and understanding their mechanics is of paramount importance to mitigate the resulting impacts and properly manage the associated risks. In this paper, the main outcomes relevant to the joint European Space Agency (ESA) and the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) Dragon-5 initiative cooperation project ID 59,339 “Earth observation for seismic hazard assessment and landslide early warning system” are reported. The primary goals of the project are to further develop advanced SAR/InSAR and optical techniques to investigate seismic hazards and risks, detect potential landslides in wide regions, and demonstrate EO-based landslide early warning system over selected landslides. This work only focuses on the landslide hazard content of the project, and thus, in order to achieve these objectives, the following tasks were developed up to now: a) a procedure for phase unwrapping errors and tropospheric delay correction; b) an improvement of a cross-platform SAR offset tracking method for the retrieval of long-term ground displacements; c) the application of polarimetric SAR interferometry (PolInSAR) to increase the number and quality of monitoring points in landslide-prone areas; d) the semiautomatic mapping and preliminary classification of active displacement areas on wide regions; e) the modeling and identification of landslides in order to identify triggering factors or predict future displacements; and f) the application of an InSAR-based landslide early warning system on a selected site. The achieved results, which mainly focus on specific sensitive regions, provide essential assets for planning present and future scientific activities devoted to identifying, mapping, characterizing, monitoring and predicting landslides, as well as for the implementation of early warning systems.This work was supported by the ESA-MOST China DRAGON-5 project with ref. 59339, by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, the State Agency of Research (AEI), and the European Funds for Regional Development under grant [grant number PID2020-117303GB-C22], by the Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital in the framework of the project CIAICO/2021/335, by the Natural Science Foundation of China [grant numbers 41874005 and 41929001], the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central University [grant numbers 300102269712 and 300102269303], and China Geological Survey Project [grant numbers DD20190637 and DD20190647]. Xiaojie Liu and Liuru Hu have been funded by Chinese Scholarship Council Grants Ref. [grant number 202006560031] and [grant number 202004180062], respectively

    Revealing the time lag between slope stability and reservoir water fluctuation from InSAR observations and wavelet tools— a case study in Maoergai Reservoir (China)

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    Reservoir water fluctuation in supply and storage cycle have strong triggering effects on landslides on both sides of reservoir banks. Early identification of reservoir landslides and revealing the relationship between slope stability and the triggering factors including reservoir level and rainfall, are of great significance in further protecting nearby residents’ lives and properties. In this paper, based on the small baseline subset time series method (SBAS-InSAR), the potential landslides with active displacements in the river bank of Maoergai hydropower station in Heishui County from 2018 to 2020 were monitored with Sentinel-1 data. As a result, a total of 20 unstable slopes were detected. Subsequently, it was found through a gray correlation analysis that the fluctuation of the reservoir water level is the main triggering factor for the displacement on unstable slopes. This paper applied wavelet tools to quantify the time lag between slope stability and reservoir water fluctuation, revealing that the displacement exhibits a seasonal trend, whose high-frequency signal displacement has an interannual period (1 year). Based on the Cross Wavelet Transform (XWT) analysis, under the interannual scale of one year, the reservoir water fluctuation and nonlinear displacement show a clear common power in wavelet. Additionally, a time lag of 65–120 days between slope stability and reservoir water fluctuations has been found, indicating that the non-linear displacements were behind the water level changes. Among the factors affecting the time lag, the elevation of the points and their distance to the bank shore show Pearson’s correlation coefficients of 0.69 and 0.70, respectively. The observed time lag and correlations could be related to the gradual saturation/drainage processes of the slope and the drainage path. This paper demonstrates the technical support to quantitatively reveal the time lag between slope stability and reservoir water fluctuation by InSAR and wavelet tools, providing strong support for the analysis of the mechanisms of landslides in Maoergai reservoir area.The work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41801391), ESA-MOST China DRAGON-5 project (ref. 59339) and the State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection Independent Research Project (SKLGP2020Z012) and Sichuan Science Foundation for Outstanding Youth (23NSFJQ0167)

    Landslide characterization applying Sentinel-1 images and InSAR technique: The Muyubao landslide in the Three Gorges Reservoir area, China

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    Landslides are a common natural hazard that causes casualties and unprecedented economic losses every year, especially in vulnerable developing countries. Considering the high cost of in-situ monitoring equipment and the sparse coverage of monitoring points, the Sentinel-1 images and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) technique were used to conduct landslide monitoring and analysis. The Muyubao landslide in the Three Gorges Reservoir area in China was taken as a case study. A total of 37 images from March 2016 to September 2017 were collected, and the displacement time series were extracted using the Stanford Method for Persistent Scatterer (StaMPS) small baselines subset method. The comparison to global positioning system monitoring results indicated that the InSAR processing of the Muyubao landslide was accurate and reliable. Combined with the field investigation, the deformation evolution and its response to triggering factors were analyzed. During this monitoring period, the creeping process of the Muyubao landslide showed obvious spatiotemporal deformation differences. The changes in the reservoir water level were the trigger of the Muyubao landslide, and its deformation mainly occurred during the fluctuation period and high-water level period of the reservoir

    Reservoir landslide monitoring and mechanism analysis based on UAV photogrammetry and sub-pixel offset tracking: a case study of Wulipo landslide

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    Introduction: Reservoir landslides undergo large deformations during the early stages of impoundment and maintain long-term persistent deformations during the operational period of the reservoir. The management of reservoir landslides mostly focuses on the early identification, risk assessment during the large deformations, and long-sequence monitoring during long-term persistent deformations, which requires sufficient continuity and integrity of the landslide monitoring data.Methods: Taking the Wulipo (WLP) landslide in Baihetan Reservoir as example, this paper proposes a reservoir landslide monitoring method that integrates field survey, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) photogrammetry and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) monitoring, which can effectively eliminate the practical monitoring gaps between multiple monitoring methods and improve the continuity and completeness of monitoring data.Results and discussion: First, this study determined the initiation time of the landslide through the field investigation and collected five period of UAV data to analyze the overall displacement vector of the WLP landslide using sub-pixel offset tracking (SPOT). On the basis of the above data, we compensated for the missing data in GNSS system due to the practical monitoring vacancies by combining the field survey and the landslide-water level relationship. Based on these monitoring data, this paper points out that the WLP landslide is a buoyancy-driven landslide, and whether or not accelerated deformation will occur is related to the maximum reservoir water level. Finally, this study analyzed and discussed the applicability of UAV photogrammetry for reservoir landslide monitoring in the absence of ground control points (GCPs), and concluded that this method can be quickly and flexibly applied to the stage of large deformation of reservoir landslides

    Subsidence zonation through satellite interferometry in coastal plain environments of ne italy: A possible tool for geological and geomorphological mapping in Urban Areas

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    The main aim of this paper is to test the use of multi-temporal differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar (DInSAR) techniques as a tool for geological and geomorphological surveys in urban areas, where anthropogenic features often completely obliterate landforms and surficial deposits. In the last two decades, multi-temporal DInSAR techniques have been extensively applied to many topics of Geosciences, especially in geohazard analysis and risks assessment, but few attempts have been made in using differential subsidence for geological and geomorphological mapping. With this aim, interferometric data of an urbanized sector of the Venetian-Friulian Plain were considered. The data derive by permanent scatterers InSAR processing of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images acquired by ERS 1/2, ENVISAT, COSMO SKY-Med and Sentinel-1 missions from 1992 to 2017. The obtained velocity maps identify, with high accuracy, the border of a fluvial incised valley formed after the last glacial maximum (LGM) and filled by unconsolidated Holocene deposits. These consist of lagoon and fluvial sediments that are affected by a much higher subsidence than the surrounding LGM deposits forming the external plain. Displacement time-series of localized sectors inside the post-LGM incision allowed the causes of vertical movements to be explored, which consist of the consolidation of recent deposits, due to the loading of new structures and infrastructures, and the exploitation of the shallow phreatic aquifer

    Remote Sensing of Natural Hazards

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    Each year, natural hazards such as earthquakes, cyclones, flooding, landslides, wildfires, avalanches, volcanic eruption, extreme temperatures, storm surges, drought, etc., result in widespread loss of life, livelihood, and critical infrastructure globally. With the unprecedented growth of the human population, largescale development activities, and changes to the natural environment, the frequency and intensity of extreme natural events and consequent impacts are expected to increase in the future.Technological interventions provide essential provisions for the prevention and mitigation of natural hazards. The data obtained through remote sensing systems with varied spatial, spectral, and temporal resolutions particularly provide prospects for furthering knowledge on spatiotemporal patterns and forecasting of natural hazards. The collection of data using earth observation systems has been valuable for alleviating the adverse effects of natural hazards, especially with their near real-time capabilities for tracking extreme natural events. Remote sensing systems from different platforms also serve as an important decision-support tool for devising response strategies, coordinating rescue operations, and making damage and loss estimations.With these in mind, this book seeks original contributions to the advanced applications of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) techniques in understanding various dimensions of natural hazards through new theory, data products, and robust approaches

    A study on the contribution of satellite RADAR interferometry to analyse the activity of Aso volcano (Japan)

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    The aim of this work is to compare the use of SAR datasets acquired by different sensors and understand which one has the best performance estimating from small to large ground displacements in volcanic area, maintaining a good spatial information. Through the reconstruction of the deformations evolution, it is possible to analyse the behaviour of the volcanic edifice before, during and after eruptions. The study is focused on Aso volcano, in the central part of the Kyushu island (Japan), which stands out for its wide caldera (18 km x 25 km). Inside the rim is included the post-caldera central cones younger than 0.1 Ma. Among 17 cones, the only crater which has been active for 80 years is Nakadake, composed by seven craterlets. In the considered time span (2007-2018), no large eruptions occurred; during its unrest period, a prevalent subsidence has persisted simultaneously with the degassing activity. Although the low intensity activity, ground displacements, detectable through remote sensing techniques, can reflect the inflate-deflate cycles of the magma chamber, situated below one of the main inactive crater (Kusasenri) at a depth of 4-5 km. Using Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) InSAR technique, ALOS Palsar-1 from 2007 to 2011, Sentinel-1 from 2014 to 2018 and ALOS Palsar-2 from 2016 to 2018 SAR datasets have been calibrated through Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) measurements. With the employment of SARscape software, for each time span, velocity and displacements maps have been generated to obtain deformations time series to analyse and identify the motion due to volcanic activity. An important seismic event occurred during the investigated time period is the Mw 7.0 Kumamoto earthquake happened on April 16, 2016, 60 km far from the caldera rim. Both in SAR and GPS time series was important to exclude the coseismic effect to estimate the correct trend movement due to the volcano activity. In the displacement time series, three points in correspondence of GPS located within the caldera and few points in the post-caldera central cones have been examined for each time span. Analysing the displacements time series is necessary considered that deformations are affected by many factors as geodynamic, atmospheric effects, noise, type of images processing and earthquakes further the volcanic activity and the characteristics of the sensor used for the acquisitions. The final results show that only in case of short satellite revisiting time and lesser wavelength is possible to detect low intensity activities, but sometimes using SAR data with longer revisiting time and higher wavelength helps to obtain a better spatial information in vegetated area, as in the case of Aso caldera

    An investigation of ongoing displacements of active faults in the Gobi desert using persistent scatterer interferometric synthetic aperture radar technique to support the permanent disposal of high-level waste in Beishan, China

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    This research demonstrated the application of PSInSAR method in identifying and characterising the micro-displacements along active faults in Beishan to support the selection of GDF host rock. This research first distinguishes and separates the tectonic induced and non-tectonic induced deformation within three study areas at Suanjingzi, Jiujing and Xinchang. Through the application of coherence change detection, it found the granite outcrop areas characterised by high coherence provide more robust results of tectonic activity. The Quaternary sediments covered areas which are characterised by low coherence usually show higher deformation rates due to the impacts of erosion and deposition. The tectonic induced displacements generally range from -0.4 to 0.4 mma-1 and are dominated by fault bound tectonic movements. As a part of wrench faut zone, Beishan is impacted by a NE-SW trended maximum in situ compressive stress field (σ1). To correlate the visible valleys, gullies, or cracks in Google Earth imagery with the SAR image deformation discontinuities, this study mapped and characterised more than 40 active faults in the three study areas, these include (1) the NE-SW trended sinistral strike-slip faults triggered by extension and (2) the NW-SE/W-E trended reverse faults triggered by maximum compression. The fault activity is characterised by subtle (minor) displacement rate value difference between the two sides of the fault plane. This research successfully improved the understanding of local structural geology and provided moderate guidance for the selection of HLW disposal sites in China. It was indicated that Xinchang has the highest tectonic stability, and this is then followed by Jiujing and Suanjingzi. This kind of displacement rate difference is possible due to the angle difference towards the Sanweishan Fault Zone. To trace and characterise the undiscovered active fault planes, the PSInSAR approach also benefits the prediction of earthquake by improving the positioning of the potential epicentres.Open Acces

    Urban Deformation Monitoring using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry and SAR tomography

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    This book focuses on remote sensing for urban deformation monitoring. In particular, it highlights how deformation monitoring in urban areas can be carried out using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Tomography (TomoSAR). Several contributions show the capabilities of Interferometric SAR (InSAR) and PSI techniques for urban deformation monitoring. Some of them show the advantages of TomoSAR in un-mixing multiple scatterers for urban mapping and monitoring. This book is dedicated to the technical and scientific community interested in urban applications. It is useful for choosing the appropriate technique and gaining an assessment of the expected performance. The book will also be useful to researchers, as it provides information on the state-of-the-art and new trends in this fiel