737 research outputs found

    Beckford's Arcadia in Bath : Lansdown Tower and its Landscaped Garden

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    文芸をはじめ多岐にわたる芸術領域で業績を残した英国の文人ウィリアム・ベックフォード(1760-1844)の晩年の建築・造園活動について考察する。ウィルトシャー州の領地を処分した後,ベックフォードは1822年,サマセット州バースに移り,晩年を過ごした。この間の約20年間は,一般に隠栖の時代とみられているが,実際には彼はなお営々として自らの夢を紡ぎ続けた。その具体的成果が,原野同然であったランズダウンヒルに約1キロにわたって造成された,絵画的雅趣に富む美しい風景庭園と,その丘陵上に聳(そび)える,古典主義様式の端正な外観を誇るランズダウン・タワーである。彼の想い描いた詩的夢想の具現化ともいうべきこのアルカディアの創出こそ,ベックフォードの経歴の掉尾(とうび)を飾る芸術的営為であり,そこには,功利の原則が支配する散文的な時代の中で,詩的真実を一貫して守り続けた彼の反俗的情熱が象徴的な形で表現されている。Article信州大学高等教育システムセンター紀要 1: 137-147(2005)departmental bulletin pape

    Recent investigations at the King’s Knot Stirling

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    v. 75, issue 19, May 2, 2008

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    The theory of the english landscaped garden in Goethe's Elective Affinities

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    En el tránsito entre los siglos XVIII y XIX, la novela se convierte en soporte y cauce de difusión de las principales ideas estéticas. En el presente artículo se analiza el modo en que la obra de Goethe, Las afinidades electivas, se hace eco del gusto por el jardín paisajístico, desarrollado en Inglaterra durante el setecientos, y ligado a una nueva valoración de la subjetividad en la creación y la percepción artísticas.In the transition from the 18th to the 19th century the novel becomes the vehicle for the dissemination of new aesthetic ideas. The present articlc analyzes thc way in which 1l1t: novel by Goethe, Elective Affi111ties reflects contemporary enthusiasm for the landscaped garden, developed in England during the 18th century and connected with a new concept of the role of subjectivity in creativity and in artistic perception

    Reflections on Learning from a Study Leave: One Year Later

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    Surviving, thriving, and evolving followed by further noticing, reflecting, and acting are some of the stages a teacher-researcher goes through before, during, and after the study leave experience. Having the opportunity to literally remove oneself from the daily concerns, routines, and habits entrenched in one’s local institutional context for an extended period of time( e.g., six months) is an experience like no other. Blood donation campaigns call giving blood ‘a gift that keeps on giving’. While the majority of people in our profession do carry on with their work quite well without ever going on a study leave (or donating blood), an important revelation that I have had is: a study leave is also ‘a gift that keeps on giving’

    Developing Open-Air Sports Facilities to Enhance Socio- Family Relations

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    Ice skating is a prominent winter sport, and ice rinks provide an excellent place for socio-family relation enhancement, which means that sports are indeed a great tool to enhance parents’ and children’s bond. Most ice rinks were built indoors in Southeast Asia since the climate is not suitable for outdoor-built facilities. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic raised a new challenge for this sport’s development. This study aims to determine whether an outdoor ice rink can be built in a tropical climate that also serves as a place for socio-family relationships to blossom. The method utilized is a research-based design where observational data from several ice rinks was interpreted into the notion of a healthy sports facility that is a synthetic ice rink with its technical advantages and unique atmosphere, setting an example of thoughtful design in correlation to a sport’s development. This innovative design concept offers a new attraction as open-air rinks add to the scenery, are energy-efficient, and are cost-effective since their maintenance is cheaper than mechanical, indoor ice rinks. Keywords: ice rink, socio-family relation

    Achieving sustainable construction in the developing countries Of Southeast Asia

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    Sustainable construction is a way for the building industry to move towards achieving sustainable development, taking into account environmental, socioeconomic and cultural issues. Differing approaches and differing economic markets lead to different priorities. This paper presents the construction scenario of Southeast Asia and the developments in sustainable construction taking place in the region. Barriers to the implementation of sustainable construction are discussed. A list of recommendations was proposed to drive sustainable construction in the region. In conclusion, the status of sustainable construction in Southeast Asia is still in its infancy. The lack of awareness, training and education and ineffective procurement systems are among the major barriers for sustainable construction in the region. In some countries public policies and regulatory frameworks do not encourage the development of the construction sector. Besides the needs for capacities, technologies and tools, total and ardent commitment by all players in the construction sectors including the governments and the public at large are required in order to achieve sustainable construction in South-East Asia