15 research outputs found

    Aggregating Local Descriptors for Epigraphs Recognition

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    In this paper, we consider the task of recognizing epigraphs in images such as photos taken using mobile devices. Given a set of 17,155 photos related to 14,560 epigraphs, we used a k-NearestNeighbor approach in order to perform the recognition. The contribution of this work is in evaluating state-of-the-art visual object recognition techniques in this specific context. The experimental results conducted show that Vector of Locally Aggregated Descriptors obtained aggregating SIFT descriptors is the best choice for this task.The Fourth International Conference on Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage—DiPP2014 is supported by the Ministry of Education and Science and is under the patronage of UNESCO

    Approximate Matching in ACSM Dissimilarity Measure

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    AbstractThe paper introduces a new patch-based dissimilarity measure for image comparison employing an approximation strategy. It extends the Average Common Sub-matrix measure computing the exact dissimilarity among images. In the exact method, dissimilarity between two images is obtained by considering the average area of the biggest square sub-matrices in common between the images, by exact match of the extracted sub-matrices pixel by pixel. As an extension, the proposed dissimilarity measure computes an approximate match between the sub-matrices, which is obtained by omitting a controlled number of pixels at a given column offset inside the sub-matrices. The proposed dissimilarity measure is extensively compared with other well-known approximate methods for image comparison in the state-of-the-art. Experiments demonstrate the superiority of the proposed approximate measure in terms of execution time with respect to the exact method, and in terms of retrieval precision with respect to the other state-of-the-art methods

    Context-Based Cultural Visits

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    Over the last two decades, there have been tremendous advances in mobile technologies, which have increased the interest in studying and developing mobile augmented reality systems, especially in the field of Cultural Heritage. Nowadays, people rely even more on smartphones, for example, when visiting a new city to search for information about monuments and landmarks, and the visitor expects precise and tailored information to his needs. Therefore, researchers started to investigate innovative approaches for presenting and suggesting digital content related to cultural and historical places around the city, incorporating contextual information about the visitor and his needs. This document presents a novel mobile augmented reality application, NearHeritage, that was developed within the scope of the master's thesis on Electrical and Computers Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering of Porto University (FEUP), in collaboration with INESC TEC. The research carried out was focused on the importance of utilising modern technologies to assist the visitors in finding and exploring Cultural Heritage. In this way, it is provided not only the nearby points-of-interest of a city but also detailed information about each POI. The solution presented uses built-in sensors and hardware of Android devices and takes advantage of various APIs (Foursquare API, Google Maps API and IntelContextSensing) to retrieve information about the landmarks and the visitor context. Also, these are crucial hardware components for implementing the full potential of augmented reality tools to create innovative contents that increase the overall user experience. All the experiments were conducted in Porto, Portugal, and the final results showcase that the concept of a MAR application can improve the user experience in discovering and learning more about Cultural Heritage around the world, creating an interactive, enjoyable and unforgettable adventure


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    Wayfinding analysis of accessibility to the skywalk system in Des Moines, IA

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    Machine learning y realidad aumentada para el reconocimiento de recursos turísticos

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    Apurímac, a pesar de contar con gran cantidad de recursos turísticos, no ha podido di-fundirlos de manera adecuada, por lo que en esta investigación se pretende aplicar ma-chine learning y realidad aumentada para la detección y geolocalización de recursos tu-rísticos. Construyendo una aplicación móvil que integre todas estas tecnologías y permi-ta mejorar la experiencia del visitante en tiempo real. Para lograr el objetivo, se conside-raron 25 recursos turísticos de la región, 5 para el entrenamiento del modelo machine learning y 20 para la ubicación en tiempo real por geolocalización. En cuanto a machine learning, se entrenó con un dataset construido exclusivamente para esta investigación, mediante YOLOv3 sobre Darknet, a continuación, el modelo entrenado se incluyó en un servidor web con Flask sobre Python, que estará a la espera de imágenes. Además, se implementó una aplicación web para la gestión de recursos turísticos que serán mostra-dos al usuario final. En lo referente a realidad aumentada esta se implementó sobre una aplicación móvil la cual envía imágenes captadas por la cámara del móvil al detector, esta app móvil también permite mostrar puntos de interés cercanos basado en la geoloca-lización y orientación actual; ya sean reconocidos o geolocalizados, la app permite mos-trar la información del recurso turístico mediante realidad aumentada. Como resultados se logró una precisión del modelo en el reconocimiento de imágenes superior al 90%, se logró determinar los puntos de interés turístico cercanos al móvil basándose en su geopo-sicionamiento y orientación, finalmente, se logró definir una arquitectura que intercomu-nique estos tres sistemas que trabajan con tecnologías diferentes.Tesi

    Religion and Art in Cross-Cultural Communication

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    Attic Inscriptions Online (AIO)

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    Information technologies for epigraphy and cultural heritage. Proceedings of the first EAGLE international conference

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    This peer-reviewed volume contains selected papers from the First EAGLE International Conference on Information Technologies for Epigraphy and Cultural Heritage, held in Paris between September 29 and October 1, 2014. Here are assembled for the first time in a unique volume contributions regarding all aspects of Digital Epigraphy: Models, Vocabularies, Translations, User Engagements, Image Analysis, 3D methodologies, and ongoing projects at the cutting edge of digital humanities. The scope of this book is not limited to Greek and Latin epigraphy; it provides an overview of projects related to all epigraphic inquiry and its related communities. This approach intends to furnish the reader with the broadest possible perspective of the discipline, while at the same time giving due attention to the specifics of unique issues