12 research outputs found

    IRX-1D: A Simple Deep Learning Architecture for Remote Sensing Classifications

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    We proposes a simple deep learning architecture combining elements of Inception, ResNet and Xception networks. Four new datasets were used for classification with both small and large training samples. Results in terms of classification accuracy suggests improved performance by proposed architecture in comparison to Bayesian optimised 2D-CNN with small training samples. Comparison of results using small training sample with Indiana Pines hyperspectral dataset suggests comparable or better performance by proposed architecture than nine reported works using different deep learning architectures. In spite of achieving high classification accuracy with limited training samples, comparison of classified image suggests different land cover classes are assigned to same area when compared with the classified image provided by the model trained using large training samples with all datasets.Comment: 22 Page, 6 tables, 9 Figure

    Slavery from space: demonstrating the role for satellite remote sensing to inform evidence-based action related to UN SDG Number 8

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    The most recent Global Slavery Index estimates that there are 40.3 million people enslaved globally. The UN’s Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development Goal number 8, section 8.7 specifically refers to the issue of forced labour: ending modern slavery and human trafficking, including child labour, in all forms by 2025. Although there is a global political commitment to ending slavery, one of the biggest barriers to doing so is having reliable and timely, spatially explicit and scalable data on slavery activity. The lack of these data compromises evidence-based action and policy formulation. Thus, to meet the challenge of ending modern slavery new and innovative approaches, with an emphasis on efficient use of resources (including financial) are needed. This paper demonstrates the fundamental role of remote sensing as a source of evidence. We provide an estimate of the number of brick kilns across the ‘Brick Belt’ that runs across south Asia. This is important because these brick kilns are known sites of modern-day slavery. This paper reports the first rigorous estimate of the number of brick kilns present and does so using a robust method that can be easily adopted by key agencies for evidence-based action (i.e. NGOs etc) and is based on freely available and accessible remotely sensed data. From this estimate we can not only calculate the scale of the slavery problem in the Brick Belt, but also calculate the impact of slavery beyond that of the enslaved people themselves, on, for example, environmental change and impacts on ecosystem services – this links to other Sustainable Development Goals. As the process of achieving key Sustainable Development Goal targets will show, there are global benefits to ending slavery - this will mean a better world for everyone: safer, greener, more prosperous, and more equal. This is termed here a Freedom Dividend

    A Two-Stream Deep Fusion Framework for High-Resolution Aerial Scene Classification

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    Current Trends in Deep Learning for Earth Observation: An Open-source Benchmark Arena for Image Classification

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    We present 'AiTLAS: Benchmark Arena' -- an open-source benchmark framework for evaluating state-of-the-art deep learning approaches for image classification in Earth Observation (EO). To this end, we present a comprehensive comparative analysis of more than 400 models derived from nine different state-of-the-art architectures, and compare them to a variety of multi-class and multi-label classification tasks from 22 datasets with different sizes and properties. In addition to models trained entirely on these datasets, we also benchmark models trained in the context of transfer learning, leveraging pre-trained model variants, as it is typically performed in practice. All presented approaches are general and can be easily extended to many other remote sensing image classification tasks not considered in this study. To ensure reproducibility and facilitate better usability and further developments, all of the experimental resources including the trained models, model configurations and processing details of the datasets (with their corresponding splits used for training and evaluating the models) are publicly available on the repository: https://github.com/biasvariancelabs/aitlas-arena

    GeoAI-enhanced Techniques to Support Geographical Knowledge Discovery from Big Geospatial Data

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    abstract: Big data that contain geo-referenced attributes have significantly reformed the way that I process and analyze geospatial data. Compared with the expected benefits received in the data-rich environment, more data have not always contributed to more accurate analysis. “Big but valueless” has becoming a critical concern to the community of GIScience and data-driven geography. As a highly-utilized function of GeoAI technique, deep learning models designed for processing geospatial data integrate powerful computing hardware and deep neural networks into various dimensions of geography to effectively discover the representation of data. However, limitations of these deep learning models have also been reported when People may have to spend much time on preparing training data for implementing a deep learning model. The objective of this dissertation research is to promote state-of-the-art deep learning models in discovering the representation, value and hidden knowledge of GIS and remote sensing data, through three research approaches. The first methodological framework aims to unify varied shadow into limited number of patterns, with the convolutional neural network (CNNs)-powered shape classification, multifarious shadow shapes with a limited number of representative shadow patterns for efficient shadow-based building height estimation. The second research focus integrates semantic analysis into a framework of various state-of-the-art CNNs to support human-level understanding of map content. The final research approach of this dissertation focuses on normalizing geospatial domain knowledge to promote the transferability of a CNN’s model to land-use/land-cover classification. This research reports a method designed to discover detailed land-use/land-cover types that might be challenging for a state-of-the-art CNN’s model that previously performed well on land-cover classification only.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Geography 201

    Large Area Land Cover Mapping Using Deep Neural Networks and Landsat Time-Series Observations

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    This dissertation focuses on analysis and implementation of deep learning methodologies in the field of remote sensing to enhance land cover classification accuracy, which has important applications in many areas of environmental planning and natural resources management. The first manuscript conducted a land cover analysis on 26 Landsat scenes in the United States by considering six classifier variants. An extensive grid search was conducted to optimize classifier parameters using only the spectral components of each pixel. Results showed no gain in using deep networks by using only spectral components over conventional classifiers, possibly due to the small reference sample size and richness of features. The effect of changing training data size, class distribution, or scene heterogeneity were also studied and we found all of them having significant effect on classifier accuracy. The second manuscript reviewed 103 research papers on the application of deep learning methodologies in remote sensing, with emphasis on per-pixel classification of mono-temporal data and utilizing spectral and spatial data dimensions. A meta-analysis quantified deep network architecture improvement over selected convolutional classifiers. The effect of network size, learning methodology, input data dimensionality and training data size were also studied, with deep models providing enhanced performance over conventional one using spectral and spatial data. The analysis found that input dataset was a major limitation and available datasets have already been utilized to their maximum capacity. The third manuscript described the steps to build the full environment for dataset generation based on Landsat time-series data using spectral, spatial, and temporal information available for each pixel. A large dataset containing one sample block from each of 84 ecoregions in the conterminous United States (CONUS) was created and then processed by a hybrid convolutional+recurrent deep network, and the network structure was optimized with thousands of simulations. The developed model achieved an overall accuracy of 98% on the test dataset. Also, the model was evaluated for its overall and per-class performance under different conditions, including individual blocks, individual or combined Landsat sensors, and different sequence lengths. The analysis found that although the deep model performance per each block is superior to other candidates, the per block performance still varies considerably from block to block. This suggests extending the work by model fine-tuning for local areas. The analysis also found that including more time stamps or combining different Landsat sensor observations in the model input significantly enhances the model performance

    Very High Resolution (VHR) Satellite Imagery: Processing and Applications

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    Recently, growing interest in the use of remote sensing imagery has appeared to provide synoptic maps of water quality parameters in coastal and inner water ecosystems;, monitoring of complex land ecosystems for biodiversity conservation; precision agriculture for the management of soils, crops, and pests; urban planning; disaster monitoring, etc. However, for these maps to achieve their full potential, it is important to engage in periodic monitoring and analysis of multi-temporal changes. In this context, very high resolution (VHR) satellite-based optical, infrared, and radar imaging instruments provide reliable information to implement spatially-based conservation actions. Moreover, they enable observations of parameters of our environment at greater broader spatial and finer temporal scales than those allowed through field observation alone. In this sense, recent very high resolution satellite technologies and image processing algorithms present the opportunity to develop quantitative techniques that have the potential to improve upon traditional techniques in terms of cost, mapping fidelity, and objectivity. Typical applications include multi-temporal classification, recognition and tracking of specific patterns, multisensor data fusion, analysis of land/marine ecosystem processes and environment monitoring, etc. This book aims to collect new developments, methodologies, and applications of very high resolution satellite data for remote sensing. The works selected provide to the research community the most recent advances on all aspects of VHR satellite remote sensing