2,196 research outputs found

    Historical forest biomass dynamics modelled with Landsat spectral trajectories

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    Acknowledgements National Forest Inventory data are available online, provided by Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (España). Landsat images are available online, provided by the USGS.Peer reviewedPostprin

    A Review of Vegetation Phenological Metrics Extraction Using Time-Series, Multispectral Satellite Data

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    Vegetation dynamics and phenology play an important role in inter-annual vegetation changes in terrestrial ecosystems and are key indicators of climate-vegetation interactions, land use/land cover changes, and variation in year-to-year vegetation productivity. Satellite remote sensing data have been widely used for vegetation phenology monitoring over large geographic domains using various types of observations and methods over the past several decades. The goal of this paper is to present a detailed review of existing methods for phenology detection and emerging new techniques based on the analysis of time-series, multispectral remote sensing imagery. This paper summarizes the objective and applications of detecting general vegetation phenology stages (e.g., green onset, time or peak greenness, and growing season length) often termed “land surface phenology,” as well as more advanced methods that estimate species-specific phenological stages (e.g., silking stage of maize). Common data-processing methods, such as data smoothing, applied to prepare the time-series remote sensing observations to be applied to phenological detection methods are presented. Specific land surface phenology detection methods as well as species-specific phenology detection methods based on multispectral satellite data are then discussed. The impact of different error sources in the data on remote-sensing based phenology detection are also discussed in detail, as well as ways to reduce these uncertainties and errors. Joint analysis of multiscale observations ranging from satellite to more recent ground-based sensors is helpful for us to understand satellite-based phenology detection mechanism and extent phenology detection to regional scale in the future. Finally, emerging opportunities to further advance remote sensing of phenology is presented that includes observations from Cubesats, near-surface observations such as PhenoCams, and image data fusion techniques to improve the spatial resolution of time-series image data sets needed for phenological characterization

    Surface and Temporal Biosignatures

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    Recent discoveries of potentially habitable exoplanets have ignited the prospect of spectroscopic investigations of exoplanet surfaces and atmospheres for signs of life. This chapter provides an overview of potential surface and temporal exoplanet biosignatures, reviewing Earth analogues and proposed applications based on observations and models. The vegetation red-edge (VRE) remains the most well-studied surface biosignature. Extensions of the VRE, spectral "edges" produced in part by photosynthetic or nonphotosynthetic pigments, may likewise present potential evidence of life. Polarization signatures have the capacity to discriminate between biotic and abiotic "edge" features in the face of false positives from band-gap generating material. Temporal biosignatures -- modulations in measurable quantities such as gas abundances (e.g., CO2), surface features, or emission of light (e.g., fluorescence, bioluminescence) that can be directly linked to the actions of a biosphere -- are in general less well studied than surface or gaseous biosignatures. However, remote observations of Earth's biosphere nonetheless provide proofs of concept for these techniques and are reviewed here. Surface and temporal biosignatures provide complementary information to gaseous biosignatures, and while likely more challenging to observe, would contribute information inaccessible from study of the time-averaged atmospheric composition alone.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures, review to appear in Handbook of Exoplanets. Fixed figure conversion error

    Assessing the role of EO in biodiversity monitoring: options for integrating in-situ observations with EO within the context of the EBONE concept

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    The European Biodiversity Observation Network (EBONE) is a European contribution on terrestrial monitoring to GEO BON, the Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network. EBONE’s aims are to develop a system of biodiversity observation at regional, national and European levels by assessing existing approaches in terms of their validity and applicability starting in Europe, then expanding to regions in Africa. The objective of EBONE is to deliver: 1. A sound scientific basis for the production of statistical estimates of stock and change of key indicators; 2. The development of a system for estimating past changes and forecasting and testing policy options and management strategies for threatened ecosystems and species; 3. A proposal for a cost-effective biodiversity monitoring system. There is a consensus that Earth Observation (EO) has a role to play in monitoring biodiversity. With its capacity to observe detailed spatial patterns and variability across large areas at regular intervals, our instinct suggests that EO could deliver the type of spatial and temporal coverage that is beyond reach with in-situ efforts. Furthermore, when considering the emerging networks of in-situ observations, the prospect of enhancing the quality of the information whilst reducing cost through integration is compelling. This report gives a realistic assessment of the role of EO in biodiversity monitoring and the options for integrating in-situ observations with EO within the context of the EBONE concept (cfr. EBONE-ID1.4). The assessment is mainly based on a set of targeted pilot studies. Building on this assessment, the report then presents a series of recommendations on the best options for using EO in an effective, consistent and sustainable biodiversity monitoring scheme. The issues that we faced were many: 1. Integration can be interpreted in different ways. One possible interpretation is: the combined use of independent data sets to deliver a different but improved data set; another is: the use of one data set to complement another dataset. 2. The targeted improvement will vary with stakeholder group: some will seek for more efficiency, others for more reliable estimates (accuracy and/or precision); others for more detail in space and/or time or more of everything. 3. Integration requires a link between the datasets (EO and in-situ). The strength of the link between reflected electromagnetic radiation and the habitats and their biodiversity observed in-situ is function of many variables, for example: the spatial scale of the observations; timing of the observations; the adopted nomenclature for classification; the complexity of the landscape in terms of composition, spatial structure and the physical environment; the habitat and land cover types under consideration. 4. The type of the EO data available varies (function of e.g. budget, size and location of region, cloudiness, national and/or international investment in airborne campaigns or space technology) which determines its capability to deliver the required output. EO and in-situ could be combined in different ways, depending on the type of integration we wanted to achieve and the targeted improvement. We aimed for an improvement in accuracy (i.e. the reduction in error of our indicator estimate calculated for an environmental zone). Furthermore, EO would also provide the spatial patterns for correlated in-situ data. EBONE in its initial development, focused on three main indicators covering: (i) the extent and change of habitats of European interest in the context of a general habitat assessment; (ii) abundance and distribution of selected species (birds, butterflies and plants); and (iii) fragmentation of natural and semi-natural areas. For habitat extent, we decided that it did not matter how in-situ was integrated with EO as long as we could demonstrate that acceptable accuracies could be achieved and the precision could consistently be improved. The nomenclature used to map habitats in-situ was the General Habitat Classification. We considered the following options where the EO and in-situ play different roles: using in-situ samples to re-calibrate a habitat map independently derived from EO; improving the accuracy of in-situ sampled habitat statistics, by post-stratification with correlated EO data; and using in-situ samples to train the classification of EO data into habitat types where the EO data delivers full coverage or a larger number of samples. For some of the above cases we also considered the impact that the sampling strategy employed to deliver the samples would have on the accuracy and precision achieved. Restricted access to European wide species data prevented work on the indicator ‘abundance and distribution of species’. With respect to the indicator ‘fragmentation’, we investigated ways of delivering EO derived measures of habitat patterns that are meaningful to sampled in-situ observations

    Seasonal Reflectance Courses of Forests

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    Land Cover Information Extraction Based on Daily NDVI Time Series and Multiclassifier Combination

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    A timely and accurate understanding of land cover change has great significance in management of area resources. To explore the application of a daily normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) time series in land cover classification, the present study used HJ-1 data to derive a daily NDVI time series by pretreatment. Different classifiers were then applied to classify the daily NDVI time series. Finally, the daily NDVI time series were classified based on multiclassifier combination. The results indicate that support vector machine (SVM), spectral angle mapper, and classification and regression tree classifiers can be used to classify daily NDVI time series, with SVM providing the optimal classification. The classifiers of K-means and Mahalanobis distance are not suited for classification because of their classification accuracy and mechanism, respectively. This study proposes a method of dimensionality reduction based on the statistical features of daily NDVI time series for classification. The method can be applied to land resource information extraction. In addition, an improved multiclassifier combination is proposed. The classification results indicate that the improved multiclassifier combination is superior to different single classifier combinations, particularly regarding subclassifiers with greater differences

    Monitoring Rice Cropping Pattern and Fallows in Central and Western Part of India

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    India has the largest area under rice cultivation and holds the second position all over the world as it is one of the principal food crops. Rice-fallow croplands areas are those areas where rice is grown during the Kharif growing season (June- October) followed by fallow during Rabi season (November-February). These croplands are not suitable to grow in Rabi season rice due to their high water needs, but are suitable for short season (≀ 3months). According to national statistics there is an increase in the rice areas in Central and Western states of India. The goal of this project is to monitor the rice-fallow cropland areas & mapping the expansion of rice areas. This study is conducted in Central and Western states of India where different rice eco-systems exist. Time series Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) 16days Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) at 250m spatial resolution and season wise intensive ground survey data was used. We have applied hierarchical classification and Spectral Matching Techniques (SMT) to map rice areas and the fallows there after (rabi-fallows), in Central and Western states of India. And change detection was carried during 2000-2015 and 2010-2015. The resultant rice maps are compared with available national and sub-national level statistics

    Estimation of the Conifer-Broadleaf Ratio in Mixed Forests Based on Time-Series Data

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    Most natural forests are mixed forests, a mixed broadleaf-conifer forest is essentially a heterogeneously mixed pixel in remote sensing images. Satellite missions rely on modeling to acquire regional or global vegetation parameter products. However, these retrieval models often assume homogeneous conditions at the pixel level, resulting in a decrease in the inversion accuracy, which is an issue for heterogeneous forests. Therefore, information on the canopy composition of a mixed forest is the basis for accurately retrieving vegetation parameters using remote sensing. Medium and high spatial resolution multispectral time-series data are important sources for canopy conifer-broadleaf ratio estimation because these data have a high frequency and wide coverage. This paper highlights a successful method for estimating the conifer-broadleaf ratio in a mixed forest with diverse tree species and complex canopy structures. Experiments were conducted in the Purple Mountain, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province of China, where we collected leaf area index (LAI) time-series and forest sample plot inventory data. Based on the Invertible Forest Reflectance Model (INFORM), we simulated the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) time-series of different conifer-broadleaf ratios. A time-series similarity analysis was performed to determine the typical separable conifer-broadleaf ratios. Fifteen Gaofen-1 (GF-1) satellite images of 2015 were acquired. The conifer-broadleaf ratio estimation was based on the GF-1 NDVI time-series and semi-supervised k-means cluster method, which yielded a high overall accuracy of 83.75%. This study demonstrates the feasibility of accurately estimating separable conifer-broadleaf ratios using field measurement data and GF-1 time series in mixed broadleaf-conifer forests

    Automated determination of landslide locations after large trigger events: advantages and disadvantages compared to manual mapping

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    Earthquakes in mountainous areas can trigger thousands of co-seismic landslides, causing significant damage, hampering relief efforts, and rapidly redistributing sediment across the landscape. Efforts to understand the controls on these landslides rely heavily on manually mapped landslide inventories, but these are costly and time-consuming to collect, and their reproducibility is not typically well constrained. Here we develop a new automated landslide detection algorithm (ALDI) based on pixel-wise NDVI differencing of Landsat time series within Google Earth Engine accounting for seasonality. We compare classified inventories to manually mapped inventories from five recent earthquakes: 2005 Kashmir, 2007 Aisen, 2008 Wenchuan, 2010 Haiti, and 2015 Gorkha. We test the ability of ALDI to recover landslide locations (using ROC curves) and landslide sizes (in terms of landslide area-frequency statistics). We find that ALDI more skilfully identifies landslides than published inventories in 10 of 14 cases when ALDI is locally optimised, and in 8 of 14 cases both when ALDI is globally optimised and in holdback testing. These results reflect both good performance of the automated approach but also surprisingly poor performance of manual mapping, which has implications not only for how future classifiers are tested but also for the interpretations that are based on these inventories. We conclude that ALDI already represents a viable alternative to manual mapping in terms of its ability to identify landslide-affected image pixels. Its fast run-time, cost-free image requirements and near-global coverage make it an attractive alternative with the potential to significantly improve the coverage and quantity of landslide inventories. Its simplicity (pixel-wise analysis only) and parsimony of inputs (optical imagery only) suggests that considerable further improvement should be possible

    Classification of Satellite Time Series-derived Land Surface Phenology Focused on the Northern Fertile Crescent

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    Land surface phenology describes events in a seasonal vegetation cycle and can be used in a variety of applications from predicting onset of future drought conditions, to revealing potential limits of historical dry farming, to guiding more accurate dating of archeological sites. Traditional methods of monitoring vegetation phenology use data collected in situ. However, vegetation health indices derived from satellite remote sensor data, such as the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), have been used as proxy for vegetation phenology due to their repeated acquisition and broad area coverage. Land surface phenology is accessible in the NDVI satellite record when images are processed to be intercomparable over time and temporally ordered to create a time series. This study utilized NDVI time series to classify areas of similar vegetation phenology in the northern Fertile Crescent, an area from the middle Mediterranean coast to southern/south-eastern Turkey to western Iran and northern Iraq. Phenological monitoring of the northern Fertile Crescent is critical due to the area\u27s minimal water resources, susceptibility to drought, and understanding ancient historical reliance on precipitation for subsistence dry farming. Delineation of phenological classes provides areal and temporal synopsis of vegetation productivity time series. Phenological classes were developed from NDVI time series calculated from NOAA\u27s Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) imagery with 8 × 8 km spatial resolution over twenty-five years, and by NASA\u27s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) with 250 × 250 m spatial resolution over twelve years. Both AVHRR and MODIS time series were subjected to data reduction techniques in spatial and temporal dimensions. Optimized ISODATA clusters were developed for both of these data reduction techniques in order to compare the effects of spatial versus temporal aggregation. Within the northern Fertile Crescent study area, the spatial reduction technique showed increased cluster cohesion over the temporal reduction method. The latter technique showed an increase in temporal smoothing over the spatial reduction technique. Each technique has advantages depending on the desired spatial or temporal granularity. Additional work is required to determine optimal scale size for the spatial data reduction technique
