24 research outputs found

    LZ77 Factorisation of Trees

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    We generalise the fundamental concept of LZ77 factorisation from strings to trees. A tree is represented as a collection of edge-disjoint fragments that either consist of one node or has already occurred earlier (in the BFS order). Similarly as for strings, such a collection uniquely determines the tree, so by minimising the number of fragments we obtain a compressed representation of the tree. We show that our generalisation has several useful properties of the standard LZ77 factorisation: it can be computed in polynomial time and its simpler variant in linear time; its size is not larger than the smallest grammar for a tree; it can be transformed (in linear time) into a tree grammar of size O(rg log(n/(rg))), where n is the size of the tree, g the size of the smallest grammar for this tree and r the maximal arity of the nodes in the tree, which matches a recent bound of Jez and Lohrey [STACS 2014], but with a simpler and more modular proof

    A really simple approximation of smallest grammar

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    In this paper we present a really simple linear-time algorithm constructing a context-free grammar of size O(g log (N/g)) for the input string, where N is the size of the input string and g the size of the optimal grammar generating this string. The algorithm works for arbitrary size alphabets, but the running time is linear assuming that the alphabet Sigma of the input string can be identified with numbers from 1,ldots, N^c for some constant c. Algorithms with such an approximation guarantee and running time are known, however all of them were non-trivial and their analyses were involved. The here presented algorithm computes the LZ77 factorisation and transforms it in phases to a grammar. In each phase it maintains an LZ77-like factorisation of the word with at most l factors as well as additional O(l) letters, where l was the size of the original LZ77 factorisation. In one phase in a greedy way (by a left-to-right sweep and a help of the factorisation) we choose a set of pairs of consecutive letters to be replaced with new symbols, i.e. nonterminals of the constructed grammar. We choose at least 2/3 of the letters in the word and there are O(l) many different pairs among them. Hence there are O(log N) phases, each of them introduces O(l) nonterminals to a grammar. A more precise analysis yields a bound O(l log(N/l)). As l \leq g, this yields the desired bound O(g log(N/g)).Comment: Accepted for CPM 201

    Accepted for CPM 2014

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    In this paper we present a really simple linear-time algorithm constructing a context-free grammar of size O(g log (N/g)) for the input string, where N is the size of the input string and g the size of the optimal grammar generating this string. The algorithm works for arbitrary size alphabets, but the running time is linear assuming that the alphabet Sigma of the input string can be identified with numbers from 1,ldots, N^c for some constant c. Algorithms with such an approximation guarantee and running time are known, however all of them were non-trivial and their analyses were involved. The here presented algorithm computes the LZ77 factorisation and transforms it in phases to a grammar. In each phase it maintains an LZ77-like factorisation of the word with at most l factors as well as additional O(l) letters, where l was the size of the original LZ77 factorisation. In one phase in a greedy way (by a left-to-right sweep and a help of the factorisation) we choose a set of pairs of consecutive letters to be replaced with new symbols, i.e. nonterminals of the constructed grammar. We choose at least 2/3 of the letters in the word and there are O(l) many different pairs among them. Hence there are O(log N) phases, each of them introduces O(l) nonterminals to a grammar. A more precise analysis yields a bound O(l log(N/l)). As l \leq g, this yields the desired bound O(g log(N/g))

    On the Complexity of the Smallest Grammar Problem over Fixed Alphabets

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    In the smallest grammar problem, we are given a word w and we want to compute a preferably small context-free grammar G for the singleton language {w} (where the size of a grammar is the sum of the sizes of its rules, and the size of a rule is measured by the length of its right side). It is known that, for unbounded alphabets, the decision variant of this problem is NP-hard and the optimisation variant does not allow a polynomial-time approximation scheme, unless P = NP. We settle the long-standing open problem whether these hardness results also hold for the more realistic case of a constant-size alphabet. More precisely, it is shown that the smallest grammar problem remains NP-complete (and its optimisation version is APX-hard), even if the alphabet is fixed and has size of at least 17. The corresponding reduction is robust in the sense that it also works for an alternative size-measure of grammars that is commonly used in the literature (i. e., a size measure also taking the number of rules into account), and it also allows to conclude that even computing the number of rules required by a smallest grammar is a hard problem. On the other hand, if the number of nonterminals (or, equivalently, the number of rules) is bounded by a constant, then the smallest grammar problem can be solved in polynomial time, which is shown by encoding it as a problem on graphs with interval structure. However, treating the number of rules as a parameter (in terms of parameterised complexity) yields W[1]-hardness. Furthermore, we present an O(3∣w∣) exact exponential-time algorithm, based on dynamic programming. These three main questions are also investigated for 1-level grammars, i. e., grammars for which only the start rule contains nonterminals on the right side; thus, investigating the impact of the “hierarchical depth” of grammars on the complexity of the smallest grammar problem. In this regard, we obtain for 1-level grammars similar, but slightly stronger results.Peer Reviewe

    Slowing Down Top Trees for Better Worst-Case Compression

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    We consider the top tree compression scheme introduced by Bille et al. [ICALP 2013] and construct an infinite family of trees on n nodes labeled from an alphabet of size sigma, for which the size of the top DAG is Theta(n/log_sigma n log log_sigma n). Our construction matches a previously known upper bound and exhibits a weakness of this scheme, as the information-theoretic lower bound is Omega(n/log_sigma n}). This settles an open problem stated by Lohrey et al. [arXiv 2017], who designed a more involved version achieving the lower bound. We show that this can be also guaranteed by a very minor modification of the original scheme: informally, one only needs to ensure that different parts of the tree are not compressed too quickly. Arguably, our version is more uniform, and in particular, the compression procedure is oblivious to the value of sigma

    Computing maximal-exponent factors in an overlap-free word

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    The exponent of a string is the quotient of its length over its smallest period. The exponent and the period of a string can be computed in time proportional to the string length. We design an algorithm to compute the maximal exponent of all factors of an overlap-free string. Our algorithm runs in linear time on a fixed-size alphabet, while a naive solution of the question would run in cubic time. The solution for non overlap-free strings derives from algorithms to compute all maximal repetitions, also called runs, occurring in the string. We also show there is a linear number of occurrences of maximal-exponent factors in an overlap-free string. Their maximal number lies between 0.66n and 2.25n in a string of length n. The algorithm can additionally locate all of them in linear time

    Subpath Queries on Compressed Graphs: A Survey

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    Text indexing is a classical algorithmic problem that has been studied for over four decades: given a text T, pre-process it off-line so that, later, we can quickly count and locate the occurrences of any string (the query pattern) in T in time proportional to the query’s length. The earliest optimal-time solution to the problem, the suffix tree, dates back to 1973 and requires up to two orders of magnitude more space than the plain text just to be stored. In the year 2000, two breakthrough works showed that efficient queries can be achieved without this space overhead: a fast index be stored in a space proportional to the text’s entropy. These contributions had an enormous impact in bioinformatics: today, virtually any DNA aligner employs compressed indexes. Recent trends considered more powerful compression schemes (dictionary compressors) and generalizations of the problem to labeled graphs: after all, texts can be viewed as labeled directed paths. In turn, since finite state automata can be considered as a particular case of labeled graphs, these findings created a bridge between the fields of compressed indexing and regular language theory, ultimately allowing to index regular languages and promising to shed new light on problems, such as regular expression matching. This survey is a gentle introduction to the main landmarks of the fascinating journey that took us from suffix trees to today’s compressed indexes for labeled graphs and regular languages

    Constructing Antidictionaries in Output-Sensitive Space

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    A word x that is absent from a word y is called minimal if all its proper factors occur in y. Given a collection of k words y_1,y_2,...,y_k over an alphabet Σ, we are asked to compute the set M^ℓ_y_1#...#y_k of minimal absent words of length at most ℓ of word y=y_1#y_2#...#y_k, #∉Σ. In data compression, this corresponds to computing the antidictionary of k documents. In bioinformatics, it corresponds to computing words that are absent from a genome of k chromosomes. This computation generally requires Ω(n) space for n=|y| using any of the plenty available O(n)-time algorithms. This is because an Ω(n)-sized text index is constructed over y which can be impractical for large n. We do the identical computation incrementally using output-sensitive space. This goal is reasonable when ||M^ℓ_y_1#...#y_N||=o(n), for all N∈[1,k]. For instance, in the human genome, n ≈ 3× 10^9 but ||M^12_y_1#...#y_k|| ≈ 10^6. We consider a constant-sized alphabet for stating our results. We show that all M^ℓ_y_1,...,M^ℓ_y_1#...#y_k can be computed in O(kn+∑^k_N=1||M^ℓ_y_1#...#y_N||) total time using O(MaxIn+MaxOut) space, where MaxIn is the length of the longest word in {y_1,...,y_k} and MaxOut={||M^ℓ_y_1#...#y_N||:N∈[1,k]}. Proof-of-concept experimental results are also provided confirming our theoretical findings and justifying our contribution

    Fast Compressed Segmentation Volumes for Scientific Visualization

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    Voxel-based segmentation volumes often store a large number of labels and voxels, and the resulting amount of data can make storage, transfer, and interactive visualization difficult. We present a lossless compression technique which addresses these challenges. It processes individual small bricks of a segmentation volume and compactly encodes the labelled regions and their boundaries by an iterative refinement scheme. The result for each brick is a list of labels, and a sequence of operations to reconstruct the brick which is further compressed using rANS-entropy coding. As the relative frequencies of operations are very similar across bricks, the entropy coding can use global frequency tables for an entire data set which enables efficient and effective parallel (de)compression. Our technique achieves high throughput (up to gigabytes per second both for compression and decompression) and strong compression ratios of about 1% to 3% of the original data set size while being applicable to GPU-based rendering. We evaluate our method for various data sets from different fields and demonstrate GPU-based volume visualization with on-the-fly decompression, level-of-detail rendering (with optional on-demand streaming of detail coefficients to the GPU), and a caching strategy for decompressed bricks for further performance improvement.Comment: IEEE Vis 202