153 research outputs found

    Resource Optimal Truncated Multipliers for FPGAs

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    International audienceThis proposal presents the resource optimal design of truncated multipliers targeting field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). In contrast to application specific integrated circuits (ASICs), the design for FPGAs has some distinct design challenges due to many possibilities of computing the partial products using logic-based or DSP-based sub-multipliers. To tackle this, we extend a previously proposed tiling methodology which translates the multiplier design into a geometrical problem: the target multiplier is represented by a board that has to be covered by tiles representing the sub-multipliers. The tiling with the least resources can be found with integer linear programming (ILP). Our extension considers the error of possibly unoccupied positions of the board and determines the tiling with the least resources that respects the maximal allowed error bound. This error bound is chosen such that a faithfully rounded truncated multiplier is obtained. Compared to previous designs that use a fixed number of guard bits or optimize at the level of the dot diagrams, this allows a much better use of sub-multipliers resulting in significant area savings without sacrificing the timing

    Interconnect architectures for dynamically partially reconfigurable systems

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    Dynamically partially reconfigurable FPGAs (Field-Programmable Gate Arrays) allow hardware modules to be placed and removed at runtime while other parts of the system keep working. With their potential benefits, they have been the topic of a great deal of research over the last decade. To exploit the partial reconfiguration capability of FPGAs, there is a need for efficient, dynamically adaptive communication infrastructure that automatically adapts as modules are added to and removed from the system. Many bus and network-on-chip (NoC) architectures have been proposed to exploit this capability on FPGA technology. However, few realizations have been reported in the public literature to demonstrate or compare their performance in real world applications. While partial reconfiguration can offer many benefits, it is still rarely exploited in practical applications. Few full realizations of partially reconfigurable systems in current FPGA technologies have been published. More application experiments are required to understand the benefits and limitations of implementing partially reconfigurable systems and to guide their further development. The motivation of this thesis is to fill this research gap by providing empirical evidence of the cost and benefits of different interconnect architectures. The results will provide a baseline for future research and will be directly useful for circuit designers who must make a well-reasoned choice between the alternatives. This thesis contains the results of experiments to compare different NoC and bus interconnect architectures for FPGA-based designs in general and dynamically partially reconfigurable systems. These two interconnect schemes are implemented and evaluated in terms of performance, area and power consumption using FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) andANN(Artificial Neural Network) systems as benchmarks. Conclusions drawn from these results include recommendations concerning the interconnect approach for different kinds of applications. It is found that a NoC provides much better performance than a single channel bus and similar performance to a multi-channel bus in both parallel and parallel-pipelined FFT systems. This suggests that a NoC is a better choice for systems with multiple simultaneous communications like the FFT. Bus-based interconnect achieves better performance and consume less area and power than NoCbased scheme for the fully-connected feed-forward NN system. This suggests buses are a better choice for systems that do not require many simultaneous communications or systems with broadcast communications like a fully-connected feed-forward NN. Results from the experiments with dynamic partial reconfiguration demonstrate that buses have the advantages of better resource utilization and smaller reconfiguration time and memory than NoCs. However, NoCs are more flexible and expansible. They have the advantage of placing almost all of the communication infrastructure in the dynamic reconfiguration region. This means that different applications running on the FPGA can use different interconnection strategies without the overhead of fixed bus resources in the static region. Another objective of the research is to examine the partial reconfiguration process and reconfiguration overhead with current FPGA technologies. Partial reconfiguration allows users to efficiently change the number of running PEs to choose an optimal powerperformance operating point at the minimum cost of reconfiguration. However, this brings drawbacks including resource utilization inefficiency, power consumption overhead and decrease in system operating frequency. The experimental results report a 50% of resource utilization inefficiency with a power consumption overhead of less than 5% and a decrease in frequency of up to 32% compared to a static implementation. The results also show that most of the drawbacks of partial reconfiguration implementation come from the restrictions and limitations of partial reconfiguration design flow. If these limitations can be addressed, partial reconfiguration should still be considered with its potential benefits.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 201

    Design and implementation of DA FIR filter for bio-inspired computing architecture

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    This paper elucidates the system construct of DA-FIR filter optimized for design of distributed arithmetic (DA) finite impulse response (FIR) filter and is based on architecture with tightly coupled co-processor based data processing units. With a series of look-up-table (LUT) accesses in order to emulate multiply and accumulate operations the constructed DA based FIR filter is implemented on FPGA. The very high speed integrated circuit hardware description language (VHDL) is used implement the proposed filter and the design is verified using simulation. This paper discusses two optimization algorithms and resulting optimizations are incorporated into LUT layer and architecture extractions. The proposed method offers an optimized design in the form of offers average miminimizations of the number of LUT, reduction in populated slices and gate minimization for DA-finite impulse response filter. This research paves a direction towards development of bio inspired computing architectures developed without logically intensive operations, obtaining the desired specifications with respect to performance, timing, and reliability

    Performance and area evaluations of processor-based benchmarks on FPGA devices

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    The computing system on SoCs is being long-term research since the FPGA technology has emerged due to its personality of re-programmable fabric, reconfigurable computing, and fast development time to market. During the last decade, uni-processor in a SoC is no longer to deal with the high growing market for complex applications such as Mobile Phones audio and video encoding, image and network processing. Due to the number of transistors on a silicon wafer is increasing, the recent FPGAs or embedded systems are advancing toward multi-processor-based design to meet tremendous performance and benefit this kind of systems are possible. Therefore, is an upcoming age of the MPSoC. In addition, most of the embedded processors are soft-cores, because they are flexible and reconfigurable for specific software functions and easy to build homogenous multi-processor systems for parallel programming. Moreover, behavioural synthesis tools are becoming a lot more powerful and enable to create datapath of logic units from high-level algorithms such as C to HDL and available for partitioning a HW/SW concurrent methodology. A range of embedded processors is able to implement on a FPGA-based prototyping to integrate the CPUs on a programmable device. This research is, firstly represent different types of computer architectures in modern embedded processors that are followed in different type of software applications (eg. Multi-threading Operations or Complex Functions) on FPGA-based SoCs; and secondly investigate their capability by executing a wide-range of multimedia software codes (Integer-algometric only) in different models of the processor-systems (uni-processor or multi-processor or Co-design), and finally compare those results in terms of the benchmarks and resource utilizations within FPGAs. All the examined programs were written in standard C and executed in a variety numbers of soft-core processors or hardware units to obtain the execution times. However, the number of processors and their customizable configuration or hardware datapath being generated are limited by a target FPGA resource, and designers need to understand the FPGA-based tradeoffs that have been considered - Speed versus Area. For this experimental purpose, I defined benchmarks into DLP / HLS catalogues, which are "data" and "function" intensive respectively. The programs of DLP will be executed in LEON3 MP and LE1 CMP multi-processor systems and the programs of HLS in the LegUp Co-design system on target FPGAs. In preliminary, the performance of the soft-core processors will be examined by executing all the benchmarks. The whole story of this thesis work centres on the issue of the execute times or the speed-up and area breakdown on FPGA devices in terms of different programs

    Digital Implementation of Bio-Inspired Spiking Neuronal Networks

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    Spiking Neural Network as the third generation of artificial neural networks offers a promising solution for future computing, prosthesis, robotic and image processing applications. This thesis introduces digital designs and implementations of building blocks of a Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) including neurons, learning rule, and small networks of neurons in the form of a Central Pattern Generator (CPG) which can be used as a module in control part of a bio-inspired robot. The circuits have been developed using Verilog Hardware Description Language (VHDL) and simulated through Modelsim and compiled and synthesised by Altera Qurtus Prime software for FPGA devices. Astrocyte as one of the brain cells controls synaptic activity between neurons by providing feedback to neurons. A novel digital hardware is proposed for neuron-synapseastrocyte network based on the biological Adaptive Exponential (AdEx) neuron and Postnov astrocyte cell model. The network can be used for implementation of large scale spiking neural networks. Synthesis of the designed circuits shows that the designed astrocyte circuit is able to imitate its biological model and regulate the synapse transmission, successfully. In addition, synthesis results confirms that the proposed design uses less than 1% of available resources of a VIRTEX II FPGA which saves up to 4.4% of FPGA resources in comparison to other designs. Learning rule is an essential part of every neural network including SNN. In an SNN, a special type of learning called Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP) is used to modify the connection strength between the spiking neurons. A pair-based STDP (PSTDP) works on pairs of spikes while a Triplet-based STDP (TSTDP) works on triplets of spikes to modify the synaptic weights. A low cost, accurate, and configurable digital architectures are proposed for PSTDP and TSTDP learning models. The proposed circuits have been compared with the state of the art methods like Lookup Table (LUT), and Piecewise Linear approximation (PWL). The circuits can be employed in a large-scale SNN implementation due to their compactness and configurability. Most of the neuron models represented in the literature are introduced to model the behavior of a single neuron. Since there is a large number of neurons in the brain, a population-based model can be helpful in better understanding of the brain functionality, implementing cognitive tasks and studying the brain diseases. Gaussian Wilson-Cowan model as one of the population-based models represents neuronal activity in the neocortex region of the brain. A digital model is proposed for the GaussianWilson-Cowan and examined in terms of dynamical and timing behavior. The evaluation indicates that the proposed model is able to generate the dynamical behavior as the original model is capable of. Digital architectures are implemented on an Altera FPGA board. Experimental results show that the proposed circuits take maximum 2% of the resources of a Stratix Altera board. In addition, static timing analysis indicates that the circuits can work in a maximum frequency of 244 MHz

    MFPA: Mixed-Signal Field Programmable Array for Energy-Aware Compressive Signal Processing

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    Compressive Sensing (CS) is a signal processing technique which reduces the number of samples taken per frame to decrease energy, storage, and data transmission overheads, as well as reducing time taken for data acquisition in time-critical applications. The tradeoff in such an approach is increased complexity of signal reconstruction. While several algorithms have been developed for CS signal reconstruction, hardware implementation of these algorithms is still an area of active research. Prior work has sought to utilize parallelism available in reconstruction algorithms to minimize hardware overheads; however, such approaches are limited by the underlying limitations in CMOS technology. Herein, the MFPA (Mixed-signal Field Programmable Array) approach is presented as a hybrid spin-CMOS reconfigurable fabric specifically designed for implementation of CS data sampling and signal reconstruction. The resulting fabric consists of 1) slice-organized analog blocks providing amplifiers, transistors, capacitors, and Magnetic Tunnel Junctions (MTJs) which are configurable to achieving square/square root operations required for calculating vector norms, 2) digital functional blocks which feature 6-input clockless lookup tables for computation of matrix inverse, and 3) an MRAM-based nonvolatile crossbar array for carrying out low-energy matrix-vector multiplication operations. The various functional blocks are connected via a global interconnect and spin-based analog-to-digital converters. Simulation results demonstrate significant energy and area benefits compared to equivalent CMOS digital implementations for each of the functional blocks used: this includes an 80% reduction in energy and 97% reduction in transistor count for the nonvolatile crossbar array, 80% standby power reduction and 25% reduced area footprint for the clockless lookup tables, and roughly 97% reduction in transistor count for a multiplier built using components from the analog blocks. Moreover, the proposed fabric yields 77% energy reduction compared to CMOS when used to implement CS reconstruction, in addition to latency improvements

    Design of approximate overclocked datapath

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    Embedded applications can often demand stringent latency requirements. While high degrees of parallelism within custom FPGA-based accelerators may help to some extent, it may also be necessary to limit the precision used in the datapath to boost the operating frequency of the implementation. However, by reducing the precision, the engineer introduces quantisation error into the design. In this thesis, we describe an alternative circuit design methodology when considering trade-offs between accuracy, performance and silicon area. We compare two different approaches that could trade accuracy for performance. One is the traditional approach where the precision used in the datapath is limited to meet a target latency. The other is a proposed new approach which simply allows the datapath to operate without timing closure. We demonstrate analytically and experimentally that for many applications it would be preferable to simply overclock the design and accept that timing violations may arise. Since the errors introduced by timing violations occur rarely, they will cause less noise than quantisation errors. Furthermore, we show that conventional forms of computer arithmetic do not fail gracefully when pushed beyond the deterministic clocking region. In this thesis we take a fresh look at Online Arithmetic, originally proposed for digit serial operation, and synthesize unrolled digit parallel online arithmetic operators to allow for graceful degradation. We quantify the impact of timing violations on key arithmetic primitives, and show that substantial performance benefits can be obtained in comparison to binary arithmetic. Since timing errors are caused by long carry chains, these result in errors in least significant digits with online arithmetic, causing less impact than conventional implementations.Open Acces

    Intrinsically Evolvable Artificial Neural Networks

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    Dedicated hardware implementations of neural networks promise to provide faster, lower power operation when compared to software implementations executing on processors. Unfortunately, most custom hardware implementations do not support intrinsic training of these networks on-chip. The training is typically done using offline software simulations and the obtained network is synthesized and targeted to the hardware offline. The FPGA design presented here facilitates on-chip intrinsic training of artificial neural networks. Block-based neural networks (BbNN), the type of artificial neural networks implemented here, are grid-based networks neuron blocks. These networks are trained using genetic algorithms to simultaneously optimize the network structure and the internal synaptic parameters. The design supports online structure and parameter updates, and is an intrinsically evolvable BbNN platform supporting functional-level hardware evolution. Functional-level evolvable hardware (EHW) uses evolutionary algorithms to evolve interconnections and internal parameters of functional modules in reconfigurable computing systems such as FPGAs. Functional modules can be any hardware modules such as multipliers, adders, and trigonometric functions. In the implementation presented, the functional module is a neuron block. The designed platform is suitable for applications in dynamic environments, and can be adapted and retrained online. The online training capability has been demonstrated using a case study. A performance characterization model for RC implementations of BbNNs has also been presented

    High Performance Computing via High Level Synthesis

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    As more and more powerful integrated circuits are appearing on the market, more and more applications, with very different requirements and workloads, are making use of the available computing power. This thesis is in particular devoted to High Performance Computing applications, where those trends are carried to the extreme. In this domain, the primary aspects to be taken into consideration are (1) performance (by definition) and (2) energy consumption (since operational costs dominate over procurement costs). These requirements can be satisfied more easily by deploying heterogeneous platforms, which include CPUs, GPUs and FPGAs to provide a broad range of performance and energy-per-operation choices. In particular, as we will see, FPGAs clearly dominate both CPUs and GPUs in terms of energy, and can provide comparable performance. An important aspect of this trend is of course design technology, because these applications were traditionally programmed in high-level languages, while FPGAs required low-level RTL design. The OpenCL (Open Computing Language) developed by the Khronos group enables developers to program CPU, GPU and recently FPGAs using functionally portable (but sadly not performance portable) source code which creates new possibilities and challenges both for research and industry. FPGAs have been always used for mid-size designs and ASIC prototyping thanks to their energy efficient and flexible hardware architecture, but their usage requires hardware design knowledge and laborious design cycles. Several approaches are developed and deployed to address this issue and shorten the gap between software and hardware in FPGA design flow, in order to enable FPGAs to capture a larger portion of the hardware acceleration market in data centers. Moreover, FPGAs usage in data centers is growing already, regardless of and in addition to their use as computational accelerators, because they can be used as high performance, low power and secure switches inside data-centers. High-Level Synthesis (HLS) is the methodology that enables designers to map their applications on FPGAs (and ASICs). It synthesizes parallel hardware from a model originally written C-based programming languages .e.g. C/C++, SystemC and OpenCL. Design space exploration of the variety of implementations that can be obtained from this C model is possible through wide range of optimization techniques and directives, e.g. to pipeline loops and partition memories into multiple banks, which guide RTL generation toward application dependent hardware and benefit designers from flexible parallel architecture of FPGAs. Model Based Design (MBD) is a high-level and visual process used to generate implementations that solve mathematical problems through a varied set of IP-blocks. MBD enables developers with different expertise, e.g. control theory, embedded software development, and hardware design to share a common design framework and contribute to a shared design using the same tool. Simulink, developed by MATLAB, is a model based design tool for simulation and development of complex dynamical systems. Moreover, Simulink embedded code generators can produce verified C/C++ and HDL code from the graphical model. This code can be used to program micro-controllers and FPGAs. This PhD thesis work presents a study using automatic code generator of Simulink to target Xilinx FPGAs using both HDL and C/C++ code to demonstrate capabilities and challenges of high-level synthesis process. To do so, firstly, digital signal processing unit of a real-time radar application is developed using Simulink blocks. Secondly, generated C based model was used for high level synthesis process and finally the implementation cost of HLS is compared to traditional HDL synthesis using Xilinx tool chain. Alternative to model based design approach, this work also presents an analysis on FPGA programming via high-level synthesis techniques for computationally intensive algorithms and demonstrates the importance of HLS by comparing performance-per-watt of GPUs(NVIDIA) and FPGAs(Xilinx) manufactured in the same node running standard OpenCL benchmarks. We conclude that generation of high quality RTL from OpenCL model requires stronger hardware background with respect to the MBD approach, however, the availability of a fast and broad design space exploration ability and portability of the OpenCL code, e.g. to CPUs and GPUs, motivates FPGA industry leaders to provide users with OpenCL software development environment which promises FPGA programming in CPU/GPU-like fashion. Our experiments, through extensive design space exploration(DSE), suggest that FPGAs have higher performance-per-watt with respect to two high-end GPUs manufactured in the same technology(28 nm). Moreover, FPGAs with more available resources and using a more modern process (20 nm) can outperform the tested GPUs while consuming much less power at the cost of more expensive devices

    Number Systems for Deep Neural Network Architectures: A Survey

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) have become an enabling component for a myriad of artificial intelligence applications. DNNs have shown sometimes superior performance, even compared to humans, in cases such as self-driving, health applications, etc. Because of their computational complexity, deploying DNNs in resource-constrained devices still faces many challenges related to computing complexity, energy efficiency, latency, and cost. To this end, several research directions are being pursued by both academia and industry to accelerate and efficiently implement DNNs. One important direction is determining the appropriate data representation for the massive amount of data involved in DNN processing. Using conventional number systems has been found to be sub-optimal for DNNs. Alternatively, a great body of research focuses on exploring suitable number systems. This article aims to provide a comprehensive survey and discussion about alternative number systems for more efficient representations of DNN data. Various number systems (conventional/unconventional) exploited for DNNs are discussed. The impact of these number systems on the performance and hardware design of DNNs is considered. In addition, this paper highlights the challenges associated with each number system and various solutions that are proposed for addressing them. The reader will be able to understand the importance of an efficient number system for DNN, learn about the widely used number systems for DNN, understand the trade-offs between various number systems, and consider various design aspects that affect the impact of number systems on DNN performance. In addition, the recent trends and related research opportunities will be highlightedComment: 28 page
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