22 research outputs found

    Deployment of a smart and predictive maintenance system in an industrial case study

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    Industrial manufacturing environments are often characterized as being stochastic, dynamic and chaotic, being crucial the implementation of proper maintenance strategies to ensure the production efficiency, since the machines? breakdown leads to a degradation of the system performance, causing the loss of productivity and business opportunities. In this context, the use of emergent ICT technologies, such as Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning and augmented reality, allows to develop smart and predictive maintenance systems, contributing for the reduction of unplanned machines? downtime by predicting possible failures and recovering faster when they occur. This paper describes the deployment of a smart and predictive maintenance system in an industrial case study, that considers IoT and machine learning technologies to support the online and real-time data collection and analysis for the earlier detection of machine failures, allowing the visualization, monitoring and schedule of maintenance interventions to mitigate the occurrence of such failures. The deployed system also integrates machine learning and augmented reality technologies to support the technicians during the execution of maintenance interventions.2411-78B2-7CDB | Pedro Miguel MoreiraN/

    Forecasting sales in the supply chain based on the LSTM network : the case of furniture industry

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    PURPOSE: The aim of the article is to develop an algorithm for forecasting sales in the supply chain based on the LSTM network using historical sales data of a furniture industry company.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: Machine learning was used to analyze the data. The method of predicting the behavior of sales value in a specific time horizon in terms of a time series was presented. The LSTM network was used to predict sales. The network used is a special case of recursive neural networks with an important difference in the repeating module. Due to the fact that the activities are carried out on time series, the data was analyzed in terms of the stationarity of such series or trends and seasonal effects. The data used in the analysis includes the daily sales values of a group of certain furniture collections over a specified time horizon. The stationarity of the time series can have a significant impact on its properties and behavior prediction, where failure to bring the time series to the correct form of stationarity can lead to false results.FINDINGS: The result of the research was the analysis of sales forecasting in the supply chain based on machine learning. As a result of the data transformations, the algorithm was able to recognize and learn long-term relationships.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The presented method of predicting the behavior of sales value in a specific time horizon allows for a look at the forecasting of demand in terms of the supply chain. The sales data of a company from the furniture industry were used for the analysis.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: A novelty is the use of the LSTM network trained on real transaction data of a furniture company that has based its business on the supply chain and cooperates with its suppliers and recipients in Central and Eastern Europe.peer-reviewe

    Predicting lorawan behavior. How machine learning can help

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    Large scale deployments of Internet of Things (IoT) networks are becoming reality. From a technology perspective, a lot of information related to device parameters, channel states, network and application data are stored in databases and can be used for an extensive analysis to improve the functionality of IoT systems in terms of network performance and user services. LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network) is one of the emerging IoT technologies, with a simple protocol based on LoRa modulation. In this work, we discuss how machine learning approaches can be used to improve network performance (and if and how they can help). To this aim, we describe a methodology to process LoRaWAN packets and apply a machine learning pipeline to: (i) perform device profiling, and (ii) predict the inter-arrival of IoT packets. This latter analysis is very related to the channel and network usage and can be leveraged in the future for system performance enhancements. Our analysis mainly focuses on the use of k-means, Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks and Decision Trees. We test these approaches on a real large-scale LoRaWAN network where the overall captured traffic is stored in a proprietary database. Our study shows how profiling techniques enable a machine learning prediction algorithm even when training is not possible because of high error rates perceived by some devices. In this challenging case, the prediction of the inter-arrival time of packets has an error of about 3.5% for 77% of real sequence cases

    Detecting anomalies within smart buildings using do-it-yourself internet of things

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    Detecting anomalies at the time of happening is vital in environments like buildings and homes to identify potential cyber-attacks. This paper discussed the various mechanisms to detect anomalies as soon as they occur. We shed light on crucial considerations when building machine learning models. We constructed and gathered data from multiple self-build (DIY) IoT devices with different in-situ sensors and found effective ways to find the point, contextual and combine anomalies. We also discussed several challenges and potential solutions when dealing with sensing devices that produce data at different sampling rates and how we need to pre-process them in machine learning models. This paper also looks at the pros and cons of extracting sub-datasets based on environmental conditions.EPSRC PETRAS (EP/S035362/1) and GCHQ National Resilience Fellowshi

    Braking Friction Coefficient Prediction Using PSO–GRU Algorithm Based on Braking Dynamometer Testing

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    The coefficients of friction (COFs) is one of the most important parameters used to evaluate the braking performance of a friction brake. Many indicators that affect the safety and comfort of automobiles are associated with brake COFs. The manufacturers of friction brakes and their components are required to spend huge amounts of time and money to carry out experimental tests to ensure the COFs of a newly developed braking system meet the required standards. In order to save time and costs for the development of new friction brake applications, the GRU (Gate Recurrent Unit) algorithm optimized by the improved PSO (particle swarm optimization) global optimization method is employed in this work to predict brake COFs based on existing experimental data obtained from friction braking dynamometer tests. Compared with the LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) method, the GRU algorithm optimized by PSO avoids the accuracy reduction problem caused by gradient descent in the training process and hence reduces the prediction error and computational cost. The combined PSO–GRU algorithm increases the coefficient of determination (R2) of the prediction by 4.7%, reduces the MAE (mean absolute error) by 14.3%, and increases the prediction speed by 40.1% compared with the standalone GRU method. The prediction method based on machine learning proposed in this study can not only be applied to the prediction of automobile braking COFs but also for other frictional system problems, such as the prediction of braking noise and the friction of various bearing transmission components

    Explainable fault prediction using learning fuzzy cognitive maps

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    IoT sensors capture different aspects of the environment and generate high throughput data streams. Besides capturing these data streams and reporting the monitoring information, there is significant potential for adopting deep learning to identify valuable insights for predictive preventive maintenance. One specific class of applications involves using Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTMs) to predict faults happening in the near future. However, despite their remarkable performance, LSTMs can be very opaque. This paper deals with this issue by applying Learning Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (LFCMs) for developing simplified auxiliary models that can provide greater transparency. An LSTM model for predicting faults of industrial bearings based on readings from vibration sensors is developed to evaluate the idea. An LFCM is then used to imitate the performance of the baseline LSTM model. Through static and dynamic analyses, we demonstrate that LFCM can highlight (i) which members in a sequence of readings contribute to the prediction result and (ii) which values could be controlled to prevent possible faults. Moreover, we compare LFCM with state-of-the-art methods reported in the literature, including decision trees and SHAP values. The experiments show that LFCM offers some advantages over these methods. Moreover, LFCM, by conducting a what-if analysis, could provide more information about the black-box model. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time LFCMs have been used to simplify a deep learning model to offer greater explainability

    Anomaly Detection for IoT Time-Series Data: A Survey

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    Abstract—Anomaly detection is a problem with applicationsfor a wide variety of domains, it involves the identification of novel or unexpected observations or sequences within the data being captured. The majority of current anomaly detection methods are highly specific to the individual use-case, requiring expert knowledge of the method as well as the situation to which it is being applied. The IoT as a rapidly expanding field offers manyopportunities for this type of data analysis to be implemented however, due to the nature of the IoT this may be difficult. This review provides a background on the challenges which may be encountered when applying anomaly detection techniques to IoT data, with examples of applications for IoT anomaly detection taken from the literature. We discuss a range of approaches whichhave been developed across a variety of domains, not limited to Internet of Things due to the relative novelty of this application. Finally we summarise the current challenges being faced in the anomaly detection domain with a view to identifying potential research opportunities for the future