3,023 research outputs found

    Analysis of Daily Streamflow Complexity by Kolmogorov Measures and Lyapunov Exponent

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    Analysis of daily streamflow variability in space and time is important for water resources planning, development, and management. The natural variability of streamflow is being complicated by anthropogenic influences and climate change, which may introduce additional complexity into the phenomenological records. To address this question for daily discharge data recorded during the period 1989-2016 at twelve gauging stations on Brazos River in Texas (USA), we use a set of novel quantitative tools: Kolmogorov complexity (KC) with its derivative associated measures to assess complexity, and Lyapunov time (LT) to assess predictability. We find that all daily discharge series exhibit long memory with an increasing downflow tendency, while the randomness of the series at individual sites cannot be definitively concluded. All Kolmogorov complexity measures have relatively small values with the exception of the USGS (United States Geological Survey) 08088610 station at Graford, Texas, which exhibits the highest values of these complexity measures. This finding may be attributed to the elevated effect of human activities at Graford, and proportionally lesser effect at other stations. In addition, complexity tends to decrease downflow, meaning that larger catchments are generally less influenced by anthropogenic activity. The correction on randomness of Lyapunov time (quantifying predictability) is found to be inversely proportional to the Kolmogorov complexity, which strengthens our conclusion regarding the effect of anthropogenic activities, considering that KC and LT are distinct measures, based on rather different techniques

    An Application of Kolmogorov Complexity and Its Spectrum to Positive Surges

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    A positive surge is associated with a sudden change in flow that increases the water depth and modifies flow structure in a channel. Positive surges are frequently observed in artificial channels, rivers, and estuaries. This paper presents the application of Kolmogorov complexity and its spectrum to the velocity data collected during the laboratory investigation of a positive surge. Two types of surges were considered: a undular surge and a breaking surge. For both surges, the Kolmogorov complexity (KC) and Kolmogorov complexity spectrum (KCS) were calculated during the unsteady flow (US) associated with the passage of the surge as well as in the preceding steady-state (SS) flow condition. The results show that, while in SS, the vertical distribution of KC for Vx is dominated by the distance from the bed, with KC being the largest at the bed and the lowest at the free surface; in US only the passage of the undular surge was able to drastically modify such vertical distribution of KC resulting in a lower and constant randomness throughout the water depth. The analysis of KCS revealed that Vy values were peaking at about zero, while the distribution of Vx values was related both to the elevation from the bed and to the surge type. A comparative analysis of KC and normal Reynold stresses revealed that these metrics provided different information about the changes observed in the flow as it moves from a steady-state to an unsteady-state due to the surge passage. Ultimately, this preliminary application of Kolmogorov complexity measures to a positive surge provides some novel findings about such intricate hydrodynamics processes

    Multifractality and autoregressive processes of dry spell lengths in Europe: an approach to their complexity and predictability

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    Dry spell lengths, DSL, defined as the number of consecutive days with daily rain amounts below a given threshold, may provide relevant information about drought regimes. Taking advantage of a daily pluviometric database covering a great extension of Europe, a detailed analysis of the multifractality of the dry spell regimes is achieved. At the same time, an autoregressive process is applied with the aim of predicting DSL. A set of parameters, namely Hurst exponent, H, estimated from multifractal spectrum, f(a), critical Hölder exponent, a0, for which f(a) reaches its maximum value, spectral width, W, and spectral asymmetry, B, permits a first clustering of European rain gauges in terms of the complexity of their DSL series. This set of parameters also allows distinguishing between time series describing fine- or smooth-structure of the DSL regime by using the complexity index, CI. Results of previous monofractal analyses also permits establishing comparisons between smooth-structures, relatively low correlation dimensions, notable predictive instability and anti-persistence of DSL for European areas, sometimes submitted to long droughts. Relationships are also found between the CI and the mean absolute deviation, MAD, and the optimum autoregressive order, OAO, of an ARIMA(p,d,0) autoregressive process applied to the DSL series. The detailed analysis of the discrepancies between empiric and predicted DSL underlines the uncertainty over predictability of long DSL, particularly for the Mediterranean region.Postprint (author's final draft

    Comparative evaluation of five hydrological models in a large-scale and tropical river basin

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    Hydrological modeling is an important tool for water resources management, providing a feasible solution to represent the main hydrological processes and predict future streamflow regimes. The literature presents a set of hydrological models commonly used to represent the rainfallrunoff process in watersheds with different meteorological and geomorphological characteristics. The response of such models could differ significantly for a single precipitation event, given the uncertainties associated with the input data, parameters, and model structure. In this way, a correct hydrological representation of a watershed should include the evaluation of different hydrological models. This study explores the use and performance of five hydrological models to represent daily streamflow regimes at six hydropower plants located in the Tocantins river basin (Brazil). The adopted models include the GR4J, HYMOD, HBV, SMAP, and MGB-IPH. The evaluation of each model was elaborated considering the calibration (2014–2019) and validation period (2005–2010) using observed data of precipitation and climatological variables. Deterministic metrics and statistical tests were used to measure the performance of each model. For the calibration stage, results show that all models achieved a satisfactory performance with NSE values greater than 0.6. For the validation stage, only the MGB-IPH model present a good performance with NSE values greater than 0.7. A bias correction procedure were applied to correct the simulated data of conceptual models. However, the statistical tests exposed that only the MGB-IPH model could preserve the main statistical properties of the observed data. Thus, this study discusses and presents some limitations of the lumped model to represent daily streamflows in large-scale river basins (>50,000 km²)

    Application of temporal streamflow descriptors in hydrologic model parameter estimation

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    This paper presents a parameter estimation approach based on hydrograph descriptors that capture dominant streamflow characteristics at three timescales (monthly, yearly, and record extent). The scheme, entitled hydrograph descriptors multitemporal sensitivity analyses (HYDMUS), yields an ensemble of model simulations generated from a reduced parameter space, based on a set of streamflow descriptors that emphasize the timescale dynamics of streamflow record. In this procedure the posterior distributions of model parameters derived at coarser timescales are used to sample model parameters for the next finer timescale. The procedure was used to estimate the parameters of the Sacramento soil moisture accounting model (SAC-SMA) for the Leaf River, Mississippi. The results indicated that in addition to a significant reduction in the range of parameter uncertainty, HYDMUS improved parameter identifiability for all 13 of the model parameters. The performance of the procedure was compared to four previous calibration studies on the same watershed. Although our application of HYDMUS did not explicitly consider the error at each simulation time step during the calibration process, the model performance was, in some important respects, found to be better than in previous deterministic studies. Copyright 2005 by the American Geophysical Union

    The Law of Scale Independence

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    Geography and geosciences deal with phenomena that span spatial scales from the molecular to the planetary, and temporal scales from instantaneous to billions of years. A strong reductionist tradition in geosciences and spatial sciences tempts us to seek to apply similar representations and process-based explanations across these vast-scale ranges, usually from a bottom-up perspective. However, the law of scale independence (LSI) states that for any phenomenon that exists across a sufficiently large range of scales, there exists a scale separation distance at which the scales are independent with respect to system dynamics and explanation. The LSI is evaluated here from five independent perspectives: geographic intuition, dynamical systems theory, Kolmogorov entropy, hierarchy theory, and algebraic graph theory. All of these support the LSI. Results indicate that rather than attempting to identify the largest or smallest relevant scales and work down or up from there, the LSI dictates a strategy of focusing directly on the most important or interesting scales. An example is given from a hierarchical state factor model of ecosystem responses to climate change

    Advancing catchment hydrology to deal with predictions under change

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    Throughout its historical development, hydrology as an earth science, but especially as a problem-centred engineering discipline has largely relied (quite successfully) on the assumption of stationarity. This includes assuming time invariance of boundary conditions such as climate, system configurations such as land use, topography and morphology, and dynamics such as flow regimes and flood recurrence at different spatio-temporal aggregation scales. The justification for this assumption was often that when compared with the temporal, spatial, or topical extent of the questions posed to hydrology, such conditions could indeed be considered stationary, and therefore the neglect of certain long-term non-stationarities or feedback effects (even if they were known) would not introduce a large error. However, over time two closely related phenomena emerged that have increasingly reduced the general applicability of the stationarity concept: the first is the rapid and extensive global changes in many parts of the hydrological cycle, changing formerly stationary systems to transient ones. The second is that the questions posed to hydrology have become increasingly more complex, requiring the joint consideration of increasingly more (sub-) systems and their interactions across more and longer timescales, which limits the applicability of stationarity assumptions. Therefore, the applicability of hydrological concepts based on stationarity has diminished at the same rate as the complexity of the hydrological problems we are confronted with and the transient nature of the hydrological systems we are dealing with has increased. The aim of this paper is to present and discuss potentially helpful paradigms and theories that should be considered as we seek to better understand complex hydrological systems under change. For the sake of brevity we focus on catchment hydrology. We begin with a discussion of the general nature of explanation in hydrology and briefly review the history of catchment hydrology. We then propose and discuss several perspectives on catchments: as complex dynamical systems, self-organizing systems, co-evolving systems and open dissipative thermodynamic systems. We discuss the benefits of comparative hydrology and of taking an information-theoretic view of catchments, including the flow of information from data to models to predictions. In summary, we suggest that these perspectives deserve closer attention and that their synergistic combination can advance catchment hydrology to address questions of change