25 research outputs found

    Entrepreneurial University Menjadi Alternatif Pilihan Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Menghadapi Persaingan Di Era Digital: Permodelan Penciptaan Public Value

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    Tuntutan dunia modern yang diwarnai knowledge based economy mendorong institusi beroperasi entrepreneurially. Salah satu trends terbaru yang mempengaruhi lanskap bisnis di dunia modern saat ini adalah perkembangan Information Communication Technology/ICT yang sangat revolusioner. Dampak perkembangan ICT sangat besar terhadap kecepatan produksi, distribusi pengetahuan, meningkatnya publikasi ilmuwan, meningkatnya patent aplication dan memudahkan akses terhadap ilmu pengetahuan serta informasi (The world Bank, 2002). Perkembangan suatu negara memanfaatkan keunggulan knowledge economy, sangat ditentukan oleh sejauh mana dapat menyesuaikan secara cepat capability dan resources yang dimikili dalam mengakomodasi perubahan ICT

    Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Menuju Entrepreneurial University: Permodelan Penciptaan Public Value

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    Permodelan penelitian entrepreneurial university dikembangkan untuk dapat mengidentifikasi gap penelitian bahwa institusi pendidikan tinggi sebagai sektor publik dinilai oleh sebagian masyarakat lamban menerapkan entrepreneurship. Sehingga, belum dapat memberikan dampak optimal memenuhi kebutuhan industri dan bisnis. Kondisi tersebut memunculkan tuntutan agar beroperasi entreprenurially, menuju pada komersialisasi hasil riset untuk mendorong terjadinya percepatan inovasi. Institusi pendidikan tinggi harus didorong menuju an entrepreneurial state of mind. Permodelan penelitian ini menggunakan variabel indepedent (Input) yang terdiri dari organization dan environment. Sebagai variabel moderator (Process) adalah learning orientation, collaborative network, entrepreneurial orientation. Untuk mengukur dampak dari semua variabel maka public value digunakan sebagai variabel dependent. Responden yang terlibat pada penelitian ini 172 orang yang merupakan tenaga pengajar UT dan UPBJJ-UT. Dengan menggunakan SEM-PLS semua organization factor berpengaruh lebih kuat terhadap learning experience dibandingkan Environmental factors. Learning orientation dan entrepreneurial orientation berpengaruh kuat terhadap public value. Untuk penelitian kedepan perlu diidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi collaborative network yang dalam penelitian ini tidak signifikan mempengaruhi public value

    Customer Knowledge Management: Improving Performance in Tunisian Hotels Through Customer Value

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    We investigate the effects of customer knowledge management (CKM) on customer value (CV) and performance using a questionnaire survey of the Tunisian hotel industry. Tunisia offers an exemplary case, exhibiting a serious requirement to reattract tourists and critical need to improve hotel profitability. The industry suffered dramatic reductions in tourist numbers as a result of terrorist attacks. The study develops a conceptual account of knowledge as an asset and how it is used. We employ two contrasting samples; hotel managers (n= 121) and hotel customers (n= 597).Our review of the literature enabled us to build hypotheses which we tested with a logit model. We found robust evidence that good knowledge management is related to perceptions of value. In turn, this enhances performance. Nonetheless, CKM directly enhances financial performance rather than non-financial performance. However, the indirect effects of CKM on both financial and non-financial performance were significant. We conclude that good knowledge management offers a very useful approach to enhancing perceptions of value and hotel performance

    The Effect of Strategic Collaboration Approach on the National Educational Standards Achievement and Service Quality in Basic Education at Local Government in Indonesia

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    This study measures the effect of strategic collaboration approach on the Educational National Standards (ENS) and the basic education service quality at local government in Indonesia The research used a quantitative method. We used 489 teachers and 271 school principals in primary and secondary schools. The data were collected through questionnaires for the quantitative data and analyze using a structural model. The research findings confirm strategic collaboration approach has a positive and significant effect on ENS and basic education service quality. Further, the educational national standards have a positive and significant effect on the basic education service. In this study, we found that the strategic collaboration approach may employ in basic education to perform basic education performance. We argue that to better implementation of strategic collaboration approach, the greater improvement of the achievement of ENS and basic education service quality at local government in Indonesia

    Žinių vadybos reikšmė viešojo sektoriaus inovatyvumui

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    [full article and abstract in Lithuanian; abstract in English] One of the most relevant topics discussed in the global political arena is the economic development and the competitiveness of regions and states. In analyzing national and European research on economic development, it is evident that the main criteria for assessing the competitiveness of a country are innovation and the factors that stimulate its development. It is widely acknowledged that organizational knowledge and effective knowledge man­agement are the cornerstone of innovation in all types of organizations. Over the past 20 years, the public sector has undergone significant changes. A switch from the traditional bureaucratic approach to a more managerial one has been noticed. The activities of organizations in this sector are exceptionally knowledge-based; therefore, the application of knowledge management methods is a tool that organizations can promote innovation with to increase operational efficiency. This article, based on scientific literature, analyzes the importance of knowledge management for innovation within the public sector.[straipsnis ir santrauka lietuvių kalba; santrauka anglų kalba] Viena iš aktualiausių pasaulio politinėje arenoje aptarinėjamų temų yra ekonominis regionų ir valstybių vystymasis bei konkurencingumas. Analizuojant valstybių ekonominio išsivystymo tyrimus pasauliniu ir Europos mastu, išryškėja, kad pagrindiniai kriterijai šalies konkurencingumui įvertinti yra inovacijos ir jų kūrimą skatinantys veiksniai. Visuotinai pripažįstama, jog organizacinės žinios ir efektyvus jų valdymas yra kertinis veiksnys, lemiantis visų tipų organizacijų inovatyvumą. Per pastaruosius 20 metų viešasis sektorius išgyveno ženklius pokyčius. Pereita nuo tradicinio biurokratinio požiūrio prie labiau vadybinio. Šio sektoriaus organizacijų veikla yra išskirtinai grįsta žiniomis, todėl žinių vadybos metodų taikymas yra priemonė, kuri padeda organizacijoms skatinti inovacijas, didinti veiklos efektyvumą. Straipsnyje, remiantis moksline literatūra, analizuojama žinių vadybos reikšmė viešojo sektoriaus inovatyvumui

    IC and welfare in the fifth stage of Intellectual Capital. Insights from the topic of sustainability

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    The thesis merges the topic of Intellectual Capital (IC) with some themes of welfare, more in details sustainability and its sub-theme female entrepreneurship. The \u201cFifth Stage of Intellectual Capital\u201d is a recent research trend that sees the concept of \u201cvalue\u201d go beyond the boundaries of the firm to pursue \u201cthe greater good\u201d for the stakeholders and the community. In this perspective, Financial, Environmental, and Social Sustainability and welfare are the key topics. The purpose of the first research (papers 1 and 2) is to investigate the relationship between IC and sustainability using practitioners\u2019 perspectives and by developing an analysis of comments and practices published in 1,651 blog posts in one of the leading online sources of sustainability research. A total of 1,651 posts, with more than 1.5 million words, published by experts are analyzed using Leximancer and content analysis. The results reveal IC and sustainability to be complex topics under active discussion by practitioners, and several links to the IC literature are compared. The findings focus on the managerial practices applied by leading companies, that show IC and sustainability influence each other in answering a plurality of demands. The research identifies the need to study the managerial practices proposed by practitioners, rather than their company reports. The research recommends developing a trading zone for IC researchers and practitioners. It reflects on the role of new communication tools to connect IC and sustainability. The research concludes that the relationship between IC and sustainability could benefit from the fifth stage of IC research that considers the justifications of the worth of IC and sustainability practices. Practitioners require scholars to reduce the ambiguity between IC and its expected results. This would open the door to a potentially productive way of understanding IC and the complexity of economic, social, and environmental value. Researchers should change their research questions from, \u201cWhat is IC worth to investors, customers, society, and the environment?\u201d to \u201cIs managing IC a worthwhile endeavor?\u201d The second research (paper 3) concentrates on one topic, female entrepreneurship as a social sustainability issue. For several decades support for women\u2019s entrepreneurship has been present on the political agenda internationally. The arguments vary, ranging from economic growth and new jobs to human resource utilization to justice and equality. Gender equality is a right recognized and promoted by the United Nations. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by world leaders in 2015 embody a roadmap for progress that is sustainable and leaves no one behind. Achieving gender equality and women\u2019s empowerment is integral to each of the 17 goals, ensuring the rights of women to get justice and inclusion, economies that work for all, and sustaining shared environment. Entrepreneurship is seen as a vital asset for the economic growth, and public entities should foster it by dedicating specific mentoring programs and funding. Women entrepreneurship is seen as a relevant asset too. Female entrepreneurs are more devoted to the welfare, equity, and care more about sustainable development. The study employs a mixed method approach by collecting data from a Regional program which took place in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy, during the years 2011-2012. The idea is to investigate the differences between men and women in terms of experience and complexity of the initiative and to understand the issues that prevent women to open their own business. Using a single case study approach, we investigated the role of relational capital,a vital element of the contemporary economy, and a critical asset for female startups. The purpose of the study is to contribute to the debate regarding issues affecting the opening of new companies as well as the link between relational capital and female enterprises.The thesis merges the topic of Intellectual Capital (IC) with some themes of welfare, more in details sustainability and its sub-theme female entrepreneurship. The \u201cFifth Stage of Intellectual Capital\u201d is a recent research trend that sees the concept of \u201cvalue\u201d go beyond the boundaries of the firm to pursue \u201cthe greater good\u201d for the stakeholders and the community. In this perspective, Financial, Environmental, and Social Sustainability and welfare are the key topics. The purpose of the first research (papers 1 and 2) is to investigate the relationship between IC and sustainability using practitioners\u2019 perspectives and by developing an analysis of comments and practices published in 1,651 blog posts in one of the leading online sources of sustainability research. A total of 1,651 posts, with more than 1.5 million words, published by experts are analyzed using Leximancer and content analysis. The results reveal IC and sustainability to be complex topics under active discussion by practitioners, and several links to the IC literature are compared. The findings focus on the managerial practices applied by leading companies, that show IC and sustainability influence each other in answering a plurality of demands. The research identifies the need to study the managerial practices proposed by practitioners, rather than their company reports. The research recommends developing a trading zone for IC researchers and practitioners. It reflects on the role of new communication tools to connect IC and sustainability. The research concludes that the relationship between IC and sustainability could benefit from the fifth stage of IC research that considers the justifications of the worth of IC and sustainability practices. Practitioners require scholars to reduce the ambiguity between IC and its expected results. This would open the door to a potentially productive way of understanding IC and the complexity of economic, social, and environmental value. Researchers should change their research questions from, \u201cWhat is IC worth to investors, customers, society, and the environment?\u201d to \u201cIs managing IC a worthwhile endeavor?\u201d The second research (paper 3) concentrates on one topic, female entrepreneurship as a social sustainability issue. For several decades support for women\u2019s entrepreneurship has been present on the political agenda internationally. The arguments vary, ranging from economic growth and new jobs to human resource utilization to justice and equality. Gender equality is a right recognized and promoted by the United Nations. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by world leaders in 2015 embody a roadmap for progress that is sustainable and leaves no one behind. Achieving gender equality and women\u2019s empowerment is integral to each of the 17 goals, ensuring the rights of women to get justice and inclusion, economies that work for all, and sustaining shared environment. Entrepreneurship is seen as a vital asset for the economic growth, and public entities should foster it by dedicating specific mentoring programs and funding. Women entrepreneurship is seen as a relevant asset too. Female entrepreneurs are more devoted to the welfare, equity, and care more about sustainable development. The study employs a mixed method approach by collecting data from a Regional program which took place in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy, during the years 2011-2012. The idea is to investigate the differences between men and women in terms of experience and complexity of the initiative and to understand the issues that prevent women to open their own business. Using a single case study approach, we investigated the role of relational capital,a vital element of the contemporary economy, and a critical asset for female startups. The purpose of the study is to contribute to the debate regarding issues affecting the opening of new companies as well as the link between relational capital and female enterprises

    El efecto mediador de la capacidad ejecutiva para la innovación entre la gestión del conocimiento y el rendimiento de la cadena de suministros

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar el efecto mediador de la capacidad ejecutiva para la innovación, entre la gestión del conocimiento y del rendimiento de la cadena de suministros, en empresas pymes del sector logístico portuario; al analizar los patrones de gestión de las variables indicadas en aquellas empresas pymes con más de cinco años, cuyas actividades estén directamente relacionadas en el manejo de la cadena logística en el Ecuador. Para esto se identificó cómo los procesos internos del manejo de conocimientos afectan la capacidad de las pymes para incursionar en nuevos mercados, imponer nuevas propuestas de servicios, que no desaparezca en el tiempo, y que están reflejadas en el rendimiento de la cadena de suministros. La metodología para esta investigación es de paradigma cuantitativo, de lógica deductiva y de tipo no experimental transversal y de carácter explicativo correlacional; la técnica estadística de validación del modelo propuesto son las ecuaciones estructurales con estimaciones de los parámetros basadas en la función de máxima verosimilitud, dando como resultado que existe una mediación parcial entre las variables. Se concluye que las pymes en el sector logístico portuario necesitan capacidad innovadora para mejorar su gestión del conocimiento y su rendimiento en la cadena de suministros, donde la capacidad ejecutiva para la innovación influye positivamente en la gestión de conocimiento y el rendimiento de la cadena de suministro, esto implica la necesidad de detectar fuentes conocimientos, procesarla, incorpóralas a los procesos y apropiarse de su información.The objective of the work presented is to determine the mediating effect of executive capacity for innovation, between knowledge management and the performance of the supply chain, in SMEs in the port logistics sector; when analysing the management patterns of the variables indicated in those SMEs with more than five years, whose activities are directly related to the management of the logistics chain in Ecuador. For this, it was identified how the internal processes of knowledge management consult the ability of SMEs to enter new markets, impose new service proposals, and that it does not disappear, and that is reflected in the performance of the supply chain. The methodology for this research is of a quantitative paradigm, of deductive logic and of a non-experimental transversal type and of a correlational explanatory nature; The statistical validation technique of the proposed model is the structural equations with sending of the parameters based on the maximum likelihood function, resulting in a partial mediation between the variables. It is concluded that SMEs need innovative capacity to improve their knowledge management and performance in the supply chain, where executive capacity for innovation positively influences knowledge management and supply chain performance, this implies the need to detect sources of knowledge, process it, incorporate them into processes and appropriate their information

    South Carolina State Government: Organizational Succession Plans

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    In the South Carolina state government, 43.4% of all full-time equivalent employees will be eligible to retire by the mid- to late-2020s. The potential loss of core organizational knowledge may occur as a result of the retirement of seasoned employees. Grounded by the transformational leadership theory, this qualitative case study explored the successful succession strategies of 8 Certified Public Managers (CPMs) in South Carolina state government organizations. Purposeful sampling led to selecting the 8 CPMs who each had more than 11 years of experience managing employees and each directly influenced the programmatic operations for their respective state government organizations. Data were obtained through individual semi-structured interviews and through state government organizational documents. Analysis included using codes to identify similar words and phrases, then recoding to categorize the codes into themes. Data transcriptions, coding, member checking, and methodological triangulation were used to strengthen the credibility of the findings. Thematic analysis identified 3 emergent themes within the data: succession implementation, succession continuity, and succession hindrances. The implications for positive social change include the potential for state government executive leadership to implement a succession program for all South Carolina state government organizations. The positive social change implications may provide standardization and structure for retaining core knowledge that could contribute to continuity, an increased focus on sustainable workforce capital, customer satisfaction, and social responsibility throughout communities in South Carolina

    Knowledge Management Practice Strategies in Project-Based Organizations

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    Companies globally have lost profit each year because of the lack of intra-organizational knowledge sharing. The purpose of this descriptive, multiple case study was to explore the knowledge management practice strategies that project management business leaders use to improve knowledge sharing in project-based organizations. Nine project management business leaders from 4 project-based organizations in metro Atlanta, Georgia completed individual Skype/phone semistructured interviews, and 5 project team members completed an in-person focus group discussion and an interview questionnaire. Knowledge management was the conceptual framework for this study, the basis for understanding the world around project management business leaders, and the implementation of knowledge management practice strategies for knowledge sharing. The individual interviews, focus group discussion, and interview questionnaire yielded the lived experiences of project management business leaders and the perceptions of project team members regarding knowledge sharing in their project-based organizations. The data were analyzed through data source triangulation and cross-case synthesis, which resulted in various themes such as communication, practices to overcome barriers, and a centralized resource center. The findings of this study may effect positive social change and the improvement of knowledge sharing by promoting the worth, dignity, and development of individuals, communities, organizations, cultures, or societies