10 research outputs found

    Analisa Pengaruh Knowledge Management terhadap Keunggulan Bersaing dan Kinerja Perusahaan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh signifikan antara Knowledge Management (KM) terhadap keunggulan bersaing dan kinerja Perusahaan.Variabel KM diukur dari empat indikator, yaitu akuisisi pengetahuan, konversi pengetahuan, aplikasi pengetahuan, dan perlindungan pengetahuan. Variabel keunggulan bersaing diukur dari lima indikator, yaitu harga, kualitas, delivery dependability, inovasi produk, dan time to market. Sedangkan variabel kinerja Perusahaan diukur dari dua indikator, yaitu kinerja keuangan dan kinerja operasional.Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 100 manajer yang bekerja pada Perusahaan di Surabaya yang menerapkan KM dan telah memiliki pengalaman minimal 1 tahun.Hipotesa dalam penelitian ini diuji dengan menggunakan Partial Least Square.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa KM memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap keunggulan bersaing dan kinerja Perusahaan

    Knowledge Conversion on Naracerita: The Students’ Inheritance of Digital Folklore Based on Media

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    Educational efforts to maintain national culture can provide learning resources in readings obtained from certain regional cultures. With intangible cultural wealth, such as folklore or fairy tales, Indonesian culture will experience extinction or cannot be found again if the story is not collected. The narrator\u27s folklore writing platform is a digital platform as a local cultural heritage, in this case, folklore, by converting implicit knowledge into explicit knowledge to be passed down to students as a source of learning and reference. This study uses an ex-post-facto descriptive survey approach to 95 respondents during the socialization of the storytelling platform by exploring how knowledge conversion on the storytelling platform uses the SECI model as a source of knowledge conversion, how storytellers help provide open-source learning materials digitally, storytellers help students learn, help motivate to read & write stories and how are the characteristics of storytelling content to provide Indonesian cultural treasures. This study shows the inheritance of local culture from folklore that students can read and as an alternative source of student learning. There is a systematic knowledge conversion process on the storytelling platform. This research also covers the benefits and effects of local cultural heritage on student

    Knowing what Social Enterprises know

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    Social Enterprises (SEs) are normally micro and small businesses that trade to tackle social problems, and to improve communities, people’s life chances, and the environment. Thus, their importance to society and economies is increasing. However, there is still a need for more understanding of how these organisations operate, perform, innovate and scale-up. Obtaining this understanding is the main driver of this paper, which explores the SE activities to manage their knowledge. Interviews from 21 owners and senior members of SEs in UK confirmed that SEs possessed valuable tacit and explicit knowledge about their organisation, practices, experiences and work with communities and costumers. This knowledge is managed informally and, when acquired, is not always converted into usable knowledge, applied to create value, and protected from inappropriate or illegal use. Thus, SEs need to know what they know and manage effectively that knowledge. This can help them to acquire, convert, apply and protect all their knowledge that would result in added value to their organisation and stakeholders, legitimised their practice, adjusted and defined their operational and strategic direction, and informed the measurement of their social impact. This paper contributes to SE and Knowledge Management researchers, SE practitioners and organisations supporting SEs

    Knowledge utilization and decision making in construction projects in Malaysia

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    Knowledge utilization is the process to apply right and relevant knowledge at the right time and place for effective decision making.The purpose of this paper is twofold.First, to identify the characteristics of knowledge utilization in construction projects in Malaysia.Second, to test whether there is an influence of knowledge utilization on decision making.A questionnaire survey was used to collect data from 124 professionals in different types of construction projects.Processes, factors, and obstacles of knowledge utilization were identified and discussed in this paper.However, the results indicated that there is no significant relationship between knowledge utilization and effectiveness of decision making

    Knowledge transfer and service innovation performance: the case of small and medium consulting enterprises in China

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    This thesis takes Chinese small and medium management consulting companies as the research object, and puts forward research questions on the relationship between knowledge transfer, absorptive capacity and service innovation performance. Through two rounds of questionnaire surveys, 688 valid data are obtained. The main research conclusions are: (1) Construct a theoretical framework of the relationship between knowledge transfer, absorptive capacity and service innovation performance. The specific hypotheses proposed in this thesis are: the hypothesis of a positive relationship between knowledge transfer and service innovation performance; the hypothesis of a positive relationship between absorptive capacity and service innovation performance; the hypothesis of a positive relationship between knowledge transfer and absorptive capacity; the hypothesis of the mediating role of absorptive capacity between knowledge transfer and service innovation performance. (2) The theoretical hypotheses proposed in this thesis are verified from the statistical analysis of large samples. This thesis mainly uses statistical software such as SPSS24.0 and AMOS24.0 to conduct empirical analysis on the data; it mainly uses descriptive statistical analysis, reliability and validity analysis, correlation analysis, analysis of variance and structural equation models to verify the hypotheses of the relationship between knowledge transfer, absorptive capacity and service innovation performance. It is found that 23 of the 28 research hypotheses in this thesis pass the significance test and the model has a high degree of fit, so the hypotheses are supported by the data. (3) The theoretical hypotheses proposed in this thesis are supported from the case study. This thesis selects three small and medium management consulting companies of different business types as the analysis objects.O objeto de pesquisa desta tese são as pequenas e médias empresas de consultadoria chinesas e estuda as relações entre a transferência de conhecimento, a capacidade de absorção e o desempenho de inovação em serviços. O questionário foi administrado em duas voltas e obtiveram-se 688 dados válidos. As principais conclusões da pesquisa são as seguintes: (1) A construção de uma estrutura teórica das relações entre transferência de conhecimento, capacidade de absorção e desempenho de inovação em serviços. As hipóteses específicas propostas nesta tese foram as seguintes: (i) hipótese 1: existe uma relação positiva entre transferência de conhecimento e o desempenho da inovação em serviços; (ii) hipótese 2: existe uma relação positiva entre capacidade de absorção e desempenho da inovação em serviços, (iii) existe uma relação positiva entre transferência de conhecimento e capacidade de absorção e (iv) capacidade de absorção desempenha um papel mediador entre a transferência de conhecimento e o desempenho da inovação em serviços. (2) As hipóteses teóricas propostas nesta tese foram verificadas a partir da análise estatística de grandes amostras. Esta tese utiliza principalmente software estatístico como o SPSS24.0 e o AMOS24.0 para realizar análises empíricas dos dados; utiliza principalmente análise estatística descritiva, análise de confiabilidade e validade, análise de correlação, análise de variância e modelos de equações estruturais para verificar as hipóteses das relações entre transferência de conhecimento, capacidade de absorção e desempenho da inovação em serviços. Verifica-se que 23 das 28 hipóteses de pesquisa nesta tese passam no teste de significância e o modelo possui um alto grau de ajustamento, isto é, as hipóteses não foram rejeitadas. (3) As hipóteses teóricas propostas nesta tese foram validadas com um estudo de casos múltiplos. Esta tese selecionou três pequenas e médias empresas de consultoria em gestão, com diferentes tipos de negócios, como objeto de análise

    Knowledge Management and The SECI Model: A Study of Innovation in The Egyptian Banking Sector

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    The emergence of knowledge management (KM) as a practical business discipline is connected to the growing realisation that knowledge is an essential resource for organisations to retain sustainable competitive advantages. The SECI model, proposed by Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995) best embraces the nature of KM and of knowledge conversion. This model uses four processes of knowledge conversion: socialisation, externalisation, combination and internalisation to create knowledge in organisations. A review of the relevant literature, however, suggests that the application of the SECI model is suffering from a lack of research in banking, even though this is a knowledge-intensive industry. Since the model was driven from Japanese values, the applicability of the model in different cultural contexts is also arguable. This study aims to examine the use of the SECI model in Egyptian banks and its effect on the innovation process. To examine the model in a different cultural context, Egypt as the biggest Arab country was a suitable research site. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were employed to achieve the research aims. The qualitative data were used to triangulate the quantitative data by detailing the SECI conversion process, and its relation to innovation. Two hundred and ten self-administered questionnaires were used to investigate to what extent Egyptian banks perform the SECI and innovation activities, and 26 semi-structured face-to-face interviews provided details about how the Egyptian banks perform these activities. The survey data were analysed by using Predictive Analytic SoftWare (PASW). Different types of statistical applications were used, namely factor analysis, Cronbach’ alpha, descriptive analysis, multiple regression, t-test and one-way ANOVA. Content analysis was used to analyse the interview data were by looking for noticeable patterns to be connected to the research framework. The findings indicate that the SECI processes were used for knowledge creation in Egyptian banks. However, some self-imposed limitations minimised the benefits of the socialisation and externalisation processes in creating and sharing knowledge. In contrast, internalisation and combination faced fewer limitations, revealing that Egyptian banks focus more on formal rather than informal knowledge. Therefore, the study supports the view of the model as being universal, but the use of each process is subject to the cultural context, leadership support, and types of task. The findings also suggest that the SECI processes - whether separate or as a whole - positively influence the innovation process by increasing the generation of ideas for banking services, products and processes. The internalisation process had the most positive influence on innovation, followed by the combination, externalisation and socialisation processes respectively. Many of the product and process innovations in the last few years were due to the introduction of new technologies

    The utility of knowledge mapping as an approach to improving corporate and project performance : a case study of a large South Korean consulting firm

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    Knowledge, and its appropriate management, has been increasingly recognised asa critical source of sustainable competitive advantage for companies. Within thiscontext, many companies are developing their strategies and capabilities toeffectively create, share and exploit knowledge. This issue has been seen to beparticularly important in project-based industries, such as the constructionindustry.However, in spite of the espoused value of knowledge management approachesthey often deliver benefits far below expectations. Research and practice hasidentified a number of problems and barriers which have depleted the actualbenefits of knowledge management in projects and companies. A generic findingis that the major problem is the lack of effective integration of key knowledgemanagement components. Knowledge maps have been promoted as a key solutionto bring about this required integrated approach. The knowledge mappingapproach has taken root in other sectors (particularly education andmanufacturing), but is still at an embryonic state in construction. The startingpoint for this research is to investigate the potential utility of knowledge mappingas an approach to improving corporate and project performance. First, a conceptmodel for appropriate knowledge mapping within construction projectorganisations was articulated through a relevant literature review. The model ismade up of four key variables: interaction environment, construction actors,construction processes and knowledge transfer technologies. The concept modelwas tested through a single-holistic case study within a large construction andproperty consulting practice in South Korea. Data collection was through semistructuredinterviews and company document review. The primary data wasanalysed using content analysis and cognitive mapping. The research findings broadly confirmed that knowledge mapping is an effectiveapproach in integrating project resources and technologies for successfulknowledge management within the case study firm. The key characteristics of theconcept model in practice are identified and illustrated. A contingency approachto knowledge mapping is proposed with appropriate approaches dependent uponthe scope of the construction processes and the scope of the construction actors

    Knowledge sharing under the influence of family: A Study of Small Knowledge-Intensive Family Firms in Scotland Volume One

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    The integration of the family and business worlds provides family firms with competitively unique capabilities. However, elements of entrenchment, strategic conservatism, and social pluralism, have become evident in many family-based organisations. The importance of balance in the cultural aspects of family business is therefore critical in achieving sustainable performance, of particular note being the role of organisational knowledge, facilitated by intra-organisational knowledge-sharing. The aim of this study is to understand the effects of path-goal leadership styles on intra-organisational knowledge-sharing in small family firms in Scotland. This work is rooted in the relativist research paradigm and results in a cultural picture of internal knowledge management practices, considering themes or patterns of leadership influence. A triangulation mixed-methods design is used, a type of design in which different but complementary data are collected. In this study, survey quantitative instruments (n = 109) test relationships between the behavioural variables of leadership style, familial influence, knowledge-sharing, and the performance variable of organisational efficacy. Concurrent with this analysis, qualitative interview data (n = 26) explore the phenomenon of social pluralism and multiple stakeholder perspectives existing within small family firms. Collecting both quantitative and qualitative data provides the opportunity for comparison to corroborate, contrast, or complement results. It is acknowledged that one form of data alone would be insufficient to achieve this. The findings of the work posit that leadership in small family firms is particularly sensitive to the perspectives and nature of individual organisational members; due to the diverse nature of family firm members this implies that great consideration is required on the part of leadership if performance enhancing knowledge-sharing is to be achieved. The main contribution of this work comes in the structured introduction of leadership and organisational knowledge theories to the realm of small family businesses. Moreover, analytical application of social power theories produces a relatively unique view on the internal culture of these relationally distinctive organisations.sub_behunpub1288_ethesesunpu