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    Globalization has brought a new economy, an economy based on a Digital Revolution. Due to the enormous progress of the information technology, the business environment of the twenty-first century is changing rapidly. That is why this turbulent environment requires a new management of organizations. The management in the third millennium is, above all, a knowledge management.Management; Business environment; Globalization; Organization; Knowledge management.

    Exploratory study to explore the role of ICT in the process of knowledge management in an Indian business environment

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    In the 21st century and the emergence of a digital economy, knowledge and the knowledge base economy are rapidly growing. To effectively be able to understand the processes involved in the creating, managing and sharing of knowledge management in the business environment is critical to the success of an organization. This study builds on the previous research of the authors on the enablers of knowledge management by identifying the relationship between the enablers of knowledge management and the role played by information communication technologies (ICT) and ICT infrastructure in a business setting. This paper provides the findings of a survey collected from the four major Indian cities (Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai and Villupuram) regarding their views and opinions about the enablers of knowledge management in business setting. A total of 80 organizations participated in the study with 100 participants in each city. The results show that ICT and ICT infrastructure can play a critical role in the creating, managing and sharing of knowledge in an Indian business environment


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    Various observers describe today's global economy as one in transition to aknowledge economy, as an extension of an information society. The transition requires thatthe rules and practices that determined success in the industrial economy need rewriting in aninterconnected, globalized economy where knowledge resources such as know-how andexpertise are as critical as other economic resources. According to analysts of the knowledgeeconomy, these rules need to be rewritten at the levels of firms and industries in terms ofknowledge management and at the level of public policy as knowledge policy or knowledge-related policy. The digital and ICT revolutions are twin revolutions. Information andcommunications technology (ICT) refers to a broad field encompassing computers,communications equipment and the services associated with them. It includes the telephone,cellular networks, satellite communication, broadcasting media and other forms ofcommunication.digital revolutions, communication equipment, broadcasting media

    Knowledge Management of Students in the Universities in the Digital Economic Context

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    Purpose: This article uses a system of knowledge and knowledge management theories to build a knowledge management model for university students in Vietnam in the context of a controlled digital economy. The values ​​related to the reliability of the model are accepted as appropriate to research to raise awareness and promote the role of knowledge management for Vietnamese students.   Theoretical Framework: Based on the theoretical basis of knowledge management, build a model of knowledge management of students in the context of the digital economy. Research using PLS-SEM techniques with SmartPLS3.3 software to evaluate and test the influence of factors affecting the knowledge management of students. Based on four main factors affecting students' knowledge in universities in the context of the digital economy: knowledge sharing, knowledge collection, knowledge creation, and knowledge application.   Method: The author used a quantitative survey method to evaluate the hypotheses: Knowledge sharing; Collecting knowledge; knowledge creation; knowledge application. The author of the study surveyed students of universities in Vietnam through a questionnaire. Survey questions with a Likert scale of five levels (1 being “strongly disagree” to 5 being “strongly”. consent”) applies. A total of 351 students from the universities were randomly selected for data collection. The data was analyzed using SmartPLS33 software, and the structure was modelled program (SEM-PLS).   Findings: The test results show that knowledge application is the factor that has the most significant influence on knowledge management students' consciousness. Knowledge applications help students take advantage of opportunities to create new knowledge. Knowledge must go through the process of building, transforming and maintaining in usage and action.   Practical & social implications:  In the current context, the application of technology will help expand the reach of knowledge, and the process of sharing knowledge between students will become faster, more efficient, and more fruitful. Therefore, universities must disseminate knowledge to learners about the importance of knowledge management awareness through propaganda and sharing sessions.   Originality values: This study helps learners about the importance of knowledge management through propaganda and sharing sessions. Help learners understand the role of knowledge management, thereby forming habits and plans to maximize their knowledge management ability to increase your competitive advantage

    Manajemen Modal Intelektual: Strategi Memaksimalkan Nilai Modal Intelekstual Dalam Technology Driven Business

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    To date, there is a great deal changing in the way firm to compete. Over last decade, several driving force have emerge such as globalization of business and International competition sophisticated customers, competitor, and supplier increased technological capability, and shortening of production life cycle. Among the changes, knowledge management and intellectual capital management have probably made the most outstanding impact, the advent of the knowledge economy. Several characteristics define the knowledge economy are its focused on intangible resources rather than tangible resources, it’s has a hypercompetitive business environment, it’s digital, it’s virtual, and it’s networked. In the new knowledge economy, intellectual capital has has become the one and only competitive advantage of a firm. It’s include three dimension that is human capital, structural capital and customer capital. To implement strategy for managing intellectual capital successfully need to integrate the intellectual capital management strategies with the business strategy and to adapt internal and external changes

    Theoretical Framework on the Role of Knowledge Management for Students on Academic Performance

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    Knowledge management is a developing sector that has received lots of consideration and support from the community which is industrial. Knowledge management is a young academic field which has not been built up a systematized and unified framework. This paper reviews the role of knowledge management for students on academic performance by using the structural equation modeling. Through applying knowledge management in the study process can help students to gain better results. As a result, it can be expected to shed light on the relative importance of knowledge management on students’ academic performance. Keywords: Knowledge management, Academic performance, digital economy DOI: 10.7176/IKM/11-2-05 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Information management as a part of information economics

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    Швидкі темпи розвитку інформаційних технологій у світі призвели до змін в економічній системі; класична економіка поступається новим її формам, ряд яких мають інформаційну основу, наприклад, інформаційна економіка. В 70-х роках минулого століття глобалізаційні процеси в економіці, пришвидшені глобалізацією інформатизації, призвели до розвитку інформаційної економіки як нової форми світової економіки, складовою якої є інформаційний менеджмент. Інформаційний менеджмент є різновидом класичного менеджменту, проте основні поняття його як науки також необхідно виокремити: принципи, напрями розвитку, тенденції тощо. Українські вчені (починаючи в складі радянської наукової думки) долучалися до розвитку економічних процесів у світі. Велику роль вони відігравали й продовжують цей напрям сьогодні, вивчаючи її і з погляду економічної кібернетики, а це, в першу чергу, інформаційні системи та технології, прогнозування, моделювання, інформатизація тощо.World economy entered a new development stage, which is caused by changes of the economic processes in general and by changes in the processes associated with globalization, development of information systems and technology, in particular. Today we observe a new kind of the world economy – the digital economy, which includes a number of its new interrelated and complementary pieces, among which there is knowledge of economy, information economy, network economy, etc. Like other sciences, the information economy has many components; one of them is information management. During the last 50 years Ukrainian scientists laid the foundation for the development of the digital economy, exploring the issues as a part of a science of classical economic direction and specific kind of economics –«economy cybernetics». One of its components is Information Management, which is a kind of modern management. Conceptual foundations of information management theory is not enough developed today, its situation makes impossible to determine the direction of development of information economy, society, ranking countries in the economy globalization and others. Ukrainian economic thought, involving knowledge of information, together with world economists, attached development of these processes. Deepening the study of information management as a part of the information economy can help move the economy from classic form to new forms, including information economy

    Digital Innovations and SMEs : a systematic literature review and future research agenda

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    Digital technologies are altering competitive grounds in the different sectors of the economy worldwide. Therefore, the research on digital technologies in business and management literature has observed an increasing trend. However, despite growing research on digital innovations in SMEs, we lack an understanding of SMEs' external knowledge and resources exploration and exploitation to build digital innovations. Therefore, this research synthesizes the literature on SMEs' knowledge and resources exploration and exploitation for developing digital innovations. By conducting a systemic literature review, we identified actors and collaborative mechanisms that help SMEs overcome their resource and technological knowledge limitations. Furthermore, with the help of existing literature, we also explain the exploitation process of externally acquired knowledge and resources into organizational internal digital innovation systems.© 2023 Authors.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed


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    Business opportunities for women as entrepreneurs have opened up job opportunities to be able to improve the family economy. Community Service activities for smoked skipjack tuna entrepreneurs in Hative Country aim to increase their knowledge of business management, good and correct fish smoking as well as making packaging and branding as well as conducting digital marketing. The methods used in this activity are counseling and training. The result of this activity is that entrepreneurs understand about good business management, good fish smoking methods, and are very interested in digital marketin

    Powers to disconnect internet users should not be lightly delegated. (Letter)

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    From Prof Martin Kretschmer. Sir, Peter Mandelson’s digital economy bill (report, November 20) contains major legislative innovations in the treatment of copyright law. For the first time, a regulatory rather than a property rights approach is used, both for enforcement and access issues in the digital environment. Under the traditional approach, the state grants copyright as a property right but then leaves transaction and enforcement to private parties. Under the regulatory approach (commonly used for utilities) market access, price control and contractual supervision remain prevalent long after a franchise has been awarded. The digital economy bill gives the communications regulator Ofcom and civil servants (under delegated powers to the secretary of state) an unprecedented role in copyright law, in determining whether copyright infringers will be subject to internet speed limits or even disconnection, and in regulating the use of copyright works whose owners cannot be traced (so-called “orphan works”). This is a significant conceptual innovation, and a welcome recognition that intellectual property rights shape the infrastructure of a knowledge-based society. If a regulatory approach is used, however, it is imperative to create a truly independent basis for regulation, using verifiable evidence. Here, the record of the New Labour government is dismal. Certain sectors of the entertainment industry appear to have privileged access to ministers. This has led to proposals for tackling downloads and file-sharing that affect fundamental rights, and are likely to have anti-innovative consequences (for example in driving traffic further underground, throttling legitimate streaming services, and imposing costs on internet service providers). Powers to disconnect internet users should not be lightly delegated, certainly not in the sweeping manner of the digital economy bill that will allow future ministers to change the scope of copyright law without proper scrutiny. Martin Kretschmer, Professor of Information Jurisprudence, Director, Centre for Intellectual Property Policy and Management, The Business School, Bournemouth University, U