1,412 research outputs found

    Complete Semantics to empower Touristic Service Providers

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    The tourism industry has a significant impact on the world's economy, contributes 10.2% of the world's gross domestic product in 2016. It becomes a very competitive industry, where having a strong online presence is an essential aspect for business success. To achieve this goal, the proper usage of latest Web technologies, particularly schema.org annotations is crucial. In this paper, we present our effort to improve the online visibility of touristic service providers in the region of Tyrol, Austria, by creating and deploying a substantial amount of semantic annotations according to schema.org, a widely used vocabulary for structured data on the Web. We started our work from Tourismusverband (TVB) Mayrhofen-Hippach and all touristic service providers in the Mayrhofen-Hippach region and applied the same approach to other TVBs and regions, as well as other use cases. The rationale for doing this is straightforward. Having schema.org annotations enables search engines to understand the content better, and provide better results for end users, as well as enables various intelligent applications to utilize them. As a direct consequence, the region of Tyrol and its touristic service increase their online visibility and decrease the dependency on intermediaries, i.e. Online Travel Agency (OTA).Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Innovative business plan: Herdade das Laranjeiras: Rural tourism in Algarve

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    The main objective of this project is to develop and explore the potential of introducing rural tourism to the Herdade das Laranjeiras, trying to elevate the sense individuals have regarding rural tourism and take away the old image they associate with it. Being in the heart of Algarve, Almancil has already gained a great reputation for foreign visitors and of course domestic visitors as well. This business plan hopes to explain the importance of rural tourism and the benefits it can bring to the local economy and its visitors, trying to set the idea that the Algarve is more than just beach resorts. This enterprise hopes to develop new touristic opportunities for this region, not only through accommodation but also by giving away new concepts and activities related to local culture. To gain knowledge of the surrounding market, many studies were conducted throughout the development of this business plan along with the data collection and extensive research for the literature review. A market analysis, competitive analysis, strategy analysis, the creation of a marketing mix, and a survey, as well as an economic and financial study, were made. On the final steps of this business plan, with a general analysis of all studies made plus the results of the economic and financial assessment, it is safe to say that the implementation of rural tourism on Herdede das Laranjeiras is viable and has the potential to be a successful enterprise, in the future.O principal objetivo deste projeto de trabalho é desenvolver e explorar a viabilidade de introduzir o conceito de turismo rural à Herdade das Laranjeiras, tentando sempre incutir aos seus visitantes que o turismo rural é mais do que aquilo que muitos têm como estereotipo deste tipo de turismo. Localizada no centro do Algarve, Almancil é uma localidade que tem vindo a ganhar uma distinta reputação e reconhecimento no que toca ao turismo, sendo um destino muito procurado tanto por visitantes estrangeiros como nacionais. O presente plano de negócios, tenta explicar a importância do turismo rural e os benefícios que este pode trazer, não só para a economia local, mas também para os seus visitantes, tentando retirar a presente ideia de que o Algarve é apenas praia e resorts. A Herdade das Laranjeiras, vem assim por este meio tentar desenvolver novas oportunidades turísticas na região, também ligadas à cultura. Para compreender o mercado em que este projeto se insere, vários estudos foram elaborados também como recolha de dados e uma vasta pesquisa que acompanha a revisão literária. No que toca aos estudos, o foco foram análises de mercado, do competidor, estratégicas, a criação de um marketing mix e de um questionário assim como a análise económico-financeira deste projeto. Depois de toda a informação recolhida e dos vários estudos elaborados, os resultados finais da avaliação económico-financeira mostra que a implementação de turismo rural na Herdade das Laranjeiras e todo o processo de restauração é viável e tem potencial para o seu futuro


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    The Internet as a marketing media can be of great benefit to virtual all areas of marketing, from marketing research, through market segmentation, targeting and positioning, to the effective use of the marketing mix, and marketing organisation and control. The following discussion does not attempt to provide an exhaustive list of the Net's use in tourism; rather, it simply intends to exemplify its common applications in and main implications for tourism marketing.Internet, tourism, web, marketing

    Comunication plan for Club Med Portugal: A vacation resorts company

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    This master project concerns the development of a communication plan for Club Med Portugal, the Portuguese division of Club Med an international ‗all-inclusive‘ vacation resorts company. The current socio-economic situation lived in Portugal, alongside with technological developments, have forced companies to rethink its communication strategy and adapt to the changing consumer‘s needs and expectations. Club Med Portugal wants to be in the frontline of this new shift in the way companies reach and communicate with consumers, and therefore proposed the development of this communication plan. Club Med Portugal‘s low brand knowledge and awareness (mostly brand recall), were another reason why the company proposed this communication plan. This master project analyzes the external and internal factors that influence the company and affect its communications effectiveness. In order to have a better insight on the problems faced by Club Med Portugal was done an interview to David Delgado (Marketing Manager at Club Med Portugal). It was also done a study regarding Club Med Portugal target customers (vacation purchase habits, preferences, Club Med Portugal‘s communication effectiveness, brand awareness and knowledge) in order to develop marketing activities and actions, to this target, in a more effective way. This master project will therefore, consist of the development of a coherent and realistic communication plan that takes into account the new trends in marketing communications (i.e. emergence of internet and interactive marketing). At the same time, it also expects to be innovative, meet Club Med Portugal‘s objectives (increase brand awareness and knowledge), and consumers‘ needs and expectations.Este projecto de mestrado consiste no desenvolvimento de um plano de comunicação para o Club Med Portugal, a divisão Portuguesa do Club Med, uma cadeia internacional de resorts ‗tudo-incluído‘. A situação socioeconómica vivida actualmente em Portugal, assim como as novas tendências no campo do marketing e desenvolvimentos tecnológicos, têm forçado as empresas a repensar as suas estratégias de comunicação e a adaptarem-se às mudanças nas necessidades e expectativas dos consumidores. O Club Med quer estar à frente desta mudança, e por essa razão propôs o desenvolvimento deste plano de comunicação. A baixa notoriedade (principalmente brand recall) e conhecimento que os consumidores alvo têm sobre a marca, também levaram o Club Med a propor este plano. Neste projecto de mestrado são analisados os factores externos e internos que influenciam a empresa e a eficácia da sua comunicação. De forma a obter um melhor conhecimento sobre a realidade da empresa foi feita um entrevista a David Delgado (Director de Marketing do Club Med Portugal). Também foi feito um estudo ao consumidor alvo do Club Med (comportamento de compra, preferências, notoriedade e conhecimento sobre o Club Med), de forma a desenvolver actividades e acções para este consumidor alvo, de uma forma mais eficaz. Consequentemente, este Project de mestrado consistirá no desenvolvimento de um plano de comunicação que tenha em conta as novas tendências no campo do ―marketing (i.e. emergência do marketing online e interactivo). Ao mesmo tempo, espera conciliar os objectivos do Club Med (aumentar o conhecimento e notoriedade da marca) com aquilo que os seus consumidores alvo querem

    The impact of Airbnb on the economic performance of independent hotels: an empirical investigation of the moderating effects

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    The evidence on the effect that sharing economy accommodation platforms have on the performance of hotels is not univocal, and a general picture about the circumstances under which hotels may suffer the least from this disruption is still missing. This paper contributes to bridge this gap by examining the role that contingent factors can play in reducing the negative impact of Airbnb on the profitability growth of independent hotels. We examine whether the attractiveness of the city zone where hotels are located and their online reputation moderate the effect that the usage of Airbnb listings has on the profitability growth of independent hotels. Using a panel dataset of a sample of 725 independent hotels located in six Italian cities with high tourism attractiveness, and by triangulating ISTAT, AIDA, AirDNA, TripAdvisor and Trustyou datasets, we found that the negative effect of Airbnb on the profitability growth of hotels is reduced when the hotels are located in attractive city zones. However, the online reputation of hotels does not have any significant moderating effect on the relationship investigated. We discuss how these results contribute to understand competitive dynamics in the hotel industry through a lens based on the disruptive innovation theory

    What differences exist between Lavaux’s perception and its promoted image, and how can the promotion be adjusted to ensure consistency and improve the knowledge of the area?

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    Lavaux, the Swiss vineyard which has been part of the UNESCO World Heritage List since 2007, is renowned for its terrace vineyards, its traditions, its breath-taking views on the Geneva Lake, and its unique landscape configuration. The purpose of this report is to provide an in-depth analysis of the perception and behaviour of the public towards Lavaux, and to compare them with the promotion of the area. The field research, which is based on a survey and interviews, aims at analysing the mental representation of the public, the places visited and activities performed, the wine-consumption habits and the public’s UNESCO’s definition. In parallel, the interviews of different economic actors in the vineyard allow a deep understanding of the promotion done for Lavaux. The findings suggest that the public’s perception and behaviour are aligned with the promotion of the area. Wine, landscape and UNESCO are shared values and are fully part of the promotion. Though, more implicit values, such as traditions, culture, local products are not enough highlighted. Also, no influence on Lavaux’s wine consumption has happened after the UNESCO’s nomination as far as the opinion of the public and of economic actors is concerned. Globally, the current strategy is relevant and adapts to the market needs to some extent. In order to improve the efficiency of the promotion and fill the existing gaps, recommendations include four main dimensions that can be developed. Firstly, the traditions and local products should be fully part of the promotion strategy, through quality products, service and wide opening hours. Then, the visit of the vineyard in winter could be promoted, with the creation of events to attract visitors at that period of the year. Also, the creation of a Vine and Wine Museum would enable the education of visitors about the heritage, traditions and the cultural background, while being a family activity. Finally, the creation of a global image through branding could improve the consistency of the promotion strategy. The branding should be decided amongst the promotion actors and should represent a first image to attract visitors in the area. The individualities and diversity of the economic activity should be kept within the vineyard, as they are part of the richness of the area. To summarize, unity and coordination amongst actors, the sustainability of traditions and heritage, the orientation towards preferred tourism and the promotion of experiences are key to the development of the promotion of Lavaux in the coming years

    Market analysis of Spanish real estate market in Costa Blanca area

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    This thesis was commissioned by Zariko Properties, Finnish-owned real estate agency based in Torrevieja, Costa Blanca, Spain. During his internship at the company, the author had talks with the owner and decided to do market analysis for the company. The main objective for this thesis is to find out ways to increase Zariko’s market share and determine its options for expansion. Expansion can be done either through targeting new customer groups from abroad or extend its property portfolio to cover more areas within Spain. Logical ways to expand would be to increase their operations in Northern Costa Blanca or in nearby area of Costa Calida. The market analysis was conducted in desktop research and theoretical framework used in this thesis consists of marketing and management tools learned during the studies. Primary data was collected from interviews with the commissioned company. Secondary data consists of business literature, publications and reports. Zariko’s strengths come from its personnel’s knowhow, language skills and networking. Expanding the business would require recruiting new employees especially if the plans of opening a new office in different city come true.Tämän työn toimeksiantaja oli Zariko Properties, suomalaisomisteinen kiinteistövälitysyritys jolla on toimisto Torreviejassa, Costa Blancan rannikkoseudulla Espanjassa. Tehtävänä oli toteuttaa markkina-analyysi yritykselle. Työn tavoitteena on löytää keinoja kasvattaa yrityksen markkinaosuutta ja selvittää mahdollisuudet laajentua. Laajentuminen voidaan toteuttaa joko kasvattamalla ulkomailta tulevien asiakkaiden määrää tai ottamalla myyntiin enemmän kiinteistöjä muilta Espanjan alueilta Costa Blancan lisäksi. Työssä on käytetty markkinoinnin ja johtamisen työkaluja selvittämään yrityksen vahvuudet ja yleinen markkinatilanne. Tietoa on saatu lukuisista aihetta käsittelevistä artikkeleista, oppikirjoista ja toimeksiantajan kanssa käydyistä haastatteluista. Zarikon vahvuudet löytyvät sen henkilöstön kattavista yhteistyöverkostoista ja kielitaidosta. Liiketoiminnan laajentaminen vaatisi uusien työntekijöiden palkkaamista varsinkin jos suunnitelmat uuden toimiston avaamisesta toiselle paikkakunnalle käyvät toteen

    Proposals of Communication Mix for chosen Event in Tourism Open Cellars

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    Diplomová práce je zaměřena na komunikační mix vybrané události (eventu). Touto událostí je “Festival otevřených sklepů”, pořádaný neziskovou organizací Nadace Partnerství, o.p.s. ve městě Znojmě v dubnu 2010. Cílem práce je kriticky analyzovat stávající komunikační mix, předložit návrhy na zlepšení současného stavu. Přínosem diplomové práce, po případné implementaci závěrů, by mělo být zvýšení návštěvnosti následujícího “Festivalu otevřených sklepů” na podzim roku 2010.Diploma thesis is focused on communication mix of a chosen event. This event is “Open Cellars Festival”, organized by non-for-profit organization “Nadace Partnerství”, o.p.s. in town of Znojmo in April 2010. The aim is to critically analyze contemporary communication mix and offer proposals for its improvement. The contribution after possible conclusion implementation of the thesis should increase attendance of consequential “Open Cellars Festival” in autumn 2010.

    SALECO coffee shop: business plan

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    The present project aims to identify the feasibility of integrate a specialty coffee shop in a cooperative of coffee farmers in Toraja (Indonesia). The main objective is providing new sources of income to the coffee farmers, which does not benefit fairly from the increase demand of coffee consumption. For this purpose, was collected information about the coffee market and performance of the cooperative Perhimpunan Petani Kopi Toraja in 2019 before Covid-19 pandemic. From data bases and market participants, as well from interviews and a survey. This data was analyzed to support the strategy definition, using the PPKT’s strengths of control the upstream supply chain of specialty Arabica coffee from Toraja, with knowledge from the experience in the industry. Capable to respond to the increase demand of coffee consumption and search for experiences. From the strategy definition it is conceptualized the business with focus on a specialty coffee shop that provides a full experience, showing and teaching the full process from the coffee plantation to the cup of coffee. Per consequence it makes the consumers perceive the high quality of this specialty coffee, while enjoying a memorable experience with all the senses involved, in the coffee shop and coffee tour. As following it is defined the marketing variables to operationalize this concept, with a consequent plan of actions to implement the project, with the economic analysis of the business plan. This economic analysis evidence an estimation of positive results, concluding the viability to proceed with the Saleco coffee shop.O presente projeto visa identificar a viabilidade de integração de uma cafeteria numa cooperativa de agricultores de café em Toraja. O objetivo principal é fornecer novas fontes de rendimento aos agricultores, que não beneficiam de forma justa do aumento da procura por café. Para isso, foram recolhidas informações sobre o mercado do café e performance da cooperativa Perhimpunan Petani Kopi Toraja a partir de bancos de dados e intervenientes no mercado, além de entrevistas e um questionário. Informação referente à pré-pandemia covid-19 Esses dados foram analisados para apoiar a definição da estratégia, usando os pontos fortes da PPKT de controlo da cadeia de abastecimento do café Arabica especial de Toraja, aliado à experiência na indústria e capacidade de responder ao aumento da procura de experiências e consumo de café. A partir da definição da estratégia conceptualiza-se o negócio com foco numa cafeteria de café especial que proporciona uma experiência completa, mostrando e ensinando todo o processo desde as plantações do café até à chávena. O que por consequência faz com que os consumidores percebam a elevada qualidade deste café especial, enquanto desfrutam de uma experiência memorável com todos os sentidos envolvidos, na cafeteria e no tour efetuado a todo este processo. A seguir são definidas as variáveis de marketing para operacionalizar este conceito, seguido de um plano de ações para a implementação do projeto, com a análise económica do plano de negócios. Esta análise económica evidencia uma estimativa de resultados positivos, concluindo a viabilidade de prosseguir com a cafeteria Saleco