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    The Knowledge Discovery in Databases and Data Mining field proposes the development of methods and techniques for assigning useful meanings for data stored in databases. It gathers researches from many study fields like machine learning, pattern recognition, databases, statistics, artificial intelligence, knowledge acquisition for expert systems, data visualization and grids. While Data Mining represents a set of specific algorithms of finding useful meanings in stored data, Knowledge Discovery in Databases represents the overall process of finding knowledge and includes the Data Mining as one step among others such as selection, pre�processing, transformation and interpretation of mined data. This paper aims to point the most important steps that were made in the Knowledge Discovery in Databases field of study and to show how the overall process of discovering can be improved in the future.

    Knowledge Discovery in Databases

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    KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY IN DATABASES (KDD) revolves around the investigation and creation of knowledge, processes, algorithms, and the mechanisms for retrieving potential knowledge from data collections. Related issues include data collection, database design, the description of entries in the database using the most appropriate representation, and data quality. This article is an introductory overview of knowledge discovery in databases. The rationale and environment of its development and applications are discussed. Issues related to database design and collection are reviewed

    Knowledge Discovery in Databases: An Information Retrieval Perspective

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    The current trend of increasing capabilities in data generation and collection has resulted in an urgent need for data mining applications, also called knowledge discovery in databases. This paper identifies and examines the issues involved in extracting useful grains of knowledge from large amounts of data. It describes a framework to categorise data mining systems. The author also gives an overview of the issues pertaining to data pre processing, as well as various information gathering methodologies and techniques. The paper covers some popular tools such as classification, clustering, and generalisation. A summary of statistical and machine learning techniques used currently is also provided

    Discovery of data dependencies in relational databases

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    Knowledge discovery in databases is not only the nontrivial extraction of implicit, previously unknown and potentially useful information from databases. We argue that in contrast to machine learning, knowledge discovery in databases should be applied to real world databases. Since real world databases are known to be very large, they raise problems of the access. Therefore, real world databases only can be accessed by database management systems and the number of accesses has to be reduced to a minimum. Considering this property, we are forced to use, for example, standard set oriented interfaces of relational database management systems in order to apply methods of knowledge discovery in databases. We present a system for discovering data dependencies, which is build upon a set oriented interface. The point of main effort has been put on the discovery of value restrictions, unary inclusion- and functional dependencies in relational databases. The system also embodies an inference relation to minimize database access
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