14 research outputs found

    Visual Servoing Approach for Autonomous UAV Landing on a Moving Vehicle

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    We present a method to autonomously land an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle on a moving vehicle with a circular (or elliptical) pattern on the top. A visual servoing controller approaches the ground vehicle using velocity commands calculated directly in image space. The control laws generate velocity commands in all three dimensions, eliminating the need for a separate height controller. The method has shown the ability to approach and land on the moving deck in simulation, indoor and outdoor environments, and compared to the other available methods, it has provided the fastest landing approach. It does not rely on additional external setup, such as RTK, motion capture system, ground station, offboard processing, or communication with the vehicle, and it requires only a minimal set of hardware and localization sensors. The videos and source codes can be accessed from http://theairlab.org/landing-on-vehicle.Comment: 24 page

    Contributions to shared control and coordination of single and multiple robots

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    L’ensemble des travaux présentés dans cette habilitation traite de l'interface entre un d'un opérateur humain avec un ou plusieurs robots semi-autonomes aussi connu comme le problème du « contrôle partagé ».Le premier chapitre traite de la possibilité de fournir des repères visuels / vestibulaires à un opérateur humain pour la commande à distance de robots mobiles.Le second chapitre aborde le problème, plus classique, de la mise à disposition à l’opérateur d’indices visuels ou de retour haptique pour la commande d’un ou plusieurs robots mobiles (en particulier pour les drones quadri-rotors).Le troisième chapitre se concentre sur certains des défis algorithmiques rencontrés lors de l'élaboration de techniques de coordination multi-robots.Le quatrième chapitre introduit une nouvelle conception mécanique pour un drone quadrirotor sur-actionné avec pour objectif de pouvoir, à terme, avoir 6 degrés de liberté sur une plateforme quadrirotor classique (mais sous-actionné).Enfin, le cinquième chapitre présente une cadre général pour la vision active permettant, en optimisant les mouvements de la caméra, l’optimisation en ligne des performances (en terme de vitesse de convergence et de précision finale) de processus d’estimation « basés vision »


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    This thesis tackles the modeling, design, and control of a Quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle, with a focus on intelligent control and smart applications such as obstacle avoidance, robust trajectory tracking, visual soft landing, and disturbance compensation. It details the mathematical modeling opted for the simulation and the control. Furthermore, It describes the classic control methodology for both linear and nonlinear control techniques with interpreted simulations; The methodology is subsequently applied to develop an open-source autonomous quadrotor miniature model. In addition, advanced control theory has been applied using Adaptive Linear Quadratic Gaussian, Model predictive control, and intelligent Radial basis functions neural network for the robust tracking of generated trajectory for either obstacle avoidance or bio-inspired soft landing on a specially designed landing pad. The thesis depicts as well the adaptive optimal observation by an enhanced Kalman filter combined with Madgwick sensor’s data fuse. Control laws were mainly either mathematically derived or adaptively generated based on stability analysis using Lyapunov theory, The simulation incorporated several analytical comparisons to prove efficiency and compare the performance

    Aerial Robotics for Inspection and Maintenance

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    Aerial robots with perception, navigation, and manipulation capabilities are extending the range of applications of drones, allowing the integration of different sensor devices and robotic manipulators to perform inspection and maintenance operations on infrastructures such as power lines, bridges, viaducts, or walls, involving typically physical interactions on flight. New research and technological challenges arise from applications demanding the benefits of aerial robots, particularly in outdoor environments. This book collects eleven papers from different research groups from Spain, Croatia, Italy, Japan, the USA, the Netherlands, and Denmark, focused on the design, development, and experimental validation of methods and technologies for inspection and maintenance using aerial robots

    Multi-Robot Systems: Challenges, Trends and Applications

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    This book is a printed edition of the Special Issue entitled “Multi-Robot Systems: Challenges, Trends, and Applications” that was published in Applied Sciences. This Special Issue collected seventeen high-quality papers that discuss the main challenges of multi-robot systems, present the trends to address these issues, and report various relevant applications. Some of the topics addressed by these papers are robot swarms, mission planning, robot teaming, machine learning, immersive technologies, search and rescue, and social robotics

    A robotic platform for precision agriculture and applications

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    Agricultural techniques have been improved over the centuries to match with the growing demand of an increase in global population. Farming applications are facing new challenges to satisfy global needs and the recent technology advancements in terms of robotic platforms can be exploited. As the orchard management is one of the most challenging applications because of its tree structure and the required interaction with the environment, it was targeted also by the University of Bologna research group to provide a customized solution addressing new concept for agricultural vehicles. The result of this research has blossomed into a new lightweight tracked vehicle capable of performing autonomous navigation both in the open-filed scenario and while travelling inside orchards for what has been called in-row navigation. The mechanical design concept, together with customized software implementation has been detailed to highlight the strengths of the platform and some further improvements envisioned to improve the overall performances. Static stability testing has proved that the vehicle can withstand steep slopes scenarios. Some improvements have also been investigated to refine the estimation of the slippage that occurs during turning maneuvers and that is typical of skid-steering tracked vehicles. The software architecture has been implemented using the Robot Operating System (ROS) framework, so to exploit community available packages related to common and basic functions, such as sensor interfaces, while allowing dedicated custom implementation of the navigation algorithm developed. Real-world testing inside the university’s experimental orchards have proven the robustness and stability of the solution with more than 800 hours of fieldwork. The vehicle has also enabled a wide range of autonomous tasks such as spraying, mowing, and on-the-field data collection capabilities. The latter can be exploited to automatically estimate relevant orchard properties such as fruit counting and sizing, canopy properties estimation, and autonomous fruit harvesting with post-harvesting estimations.Le tecniche agricole sono state migliorate nel corso dei secoli per soddisfare la crescente domanda di aumento della popolazione mondiale. I recenti progressi tecnologici in termini di piattaforme robotiche possono essere sfruttati in questo contesto. Poiché la gestione del frutteto è una delle applicazioni più impegnative, a causa della sua struttura arborea e della necessaria interazione con l'ambiente, è stata oggetto di ricerca per fornire una soluzione personalizzata che sviluppi un nuovo concetto di veicolo agricolo. Il risultato si è concretizzato in un veicolo cingolato leggero, capace di effettuare una navigazione autonoma sia nello scenario di pieno campo che all'interno dei frutteti (navigazione interfilare). La progettazione meccanica, insieme all'implementazione del software, sono stati dettagliati per evidenziarne i punti di forza, accanto ad alcuni ulteriori miglioramenti previsti per incrementarne le prestazioni complessive. I test di stabilità statica hanno dimostrato che il veicolo può resistere a ripidi pendii. Sono stati inoltre studiati miglioramenti per affinare la stima dello slittamento che si verifica durante le manovre di svolta, tipico dei veicoli cingolati. L'architettura software è stata implementata utilizzando il framework Robot Operating System (ROS), in modo da sfruttare i pacchetti disponibili relativi a componenti base, come le interfacce dei sensori, e consentendo al contempo un'implementazione personalizzata degli algoritmi di navigazione sviluppati. I test in condizioni reali all'interno dei frutteti sperimentali dell'università hanno dimostrato la robustezza e la stabilità della soluzione con oltre 800 ore di lavoro sul campo. Il veicolo ha permesso di attivare e svolgere un'ampia gamma di attività agricole in maniera autonoma, come l'irrorazione, la falciatura e la raccolta di dati sul campo. Questi ultimi possono essere sfruttati per stimare automaticamente le proprietà più rilevanti del frutteto, come il conteggio e la calibratura dei frutti, la stima delle proprietà della chioma e la raccolta autonoma dei frutti con stime post-raccolta

    UAV or Drones for Remote Sensing Applications in GPS/GNSS Enabled and GPS/GNSS Denied Environments

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    The design of novel UAV systems and the use of UAV platforms integrated with robotic sensing and imaging techniques, as well as the development of processing workflows and the capacity of ultra-high temporal and spatial resolution data, have enabled a rapid uptake of UAVs and drones across several industries and application domains.This book provides a forum for high-quality peer-reviewed papers that broaden awareness and understanding of single- and multiple-UAV developments for remote sensing applications, and associated developments in sensor technology, data processing and communications, and UAV system design and sensing capabilities in GPS-enabled and, more broadly, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)-enabled and GPS/GNSS-denied environments.Contributions include:UAV-based photogrammetry, laser scanning, multispectral imaging, hyperspectral imaging, and thermal imaging;UAV sensor applications; spatial ecology; pest detection; reef; forestry; volcanology; precision agriculture wildlife species tracking; search and rescue; target tracking; atmosphere monitoring; chemical, biological, and natural disaster phenomena; fire prevention, flood prevention; volcanic monitoring; pollution monitoring; microclimates; and land use;Wildlife and target detection and recognition from UAV imagery using deep learning and machine learning techniques;UAV-based change detection

    Scalable Control Strategies and a Customizable Swarm Robotic Platform for Boundary Coverage and Collective Transport Tasks

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    abstract: Swarms of low-cost, autonomous robots can potentially be used to collectively perform tasks over large domains and long time scales. The design of decentralized, scalable swarm control strategies will enable the development of robotic systems that can execute such tasks with a high degree of parallelism and redundancy, enabling effective operation even in the presence of unknown environmental factors and individual robot failures. Social insect colonies provide a rich source of inspiration for these types of control approaches, since they can perform complex collective tasks under a range of conditions. To validate swarm robotic control strategies, experimental testbeds with large numbers of robots are required; however, existing low-cost robots are specialized and can lack the necessary sensing, navigation, control, and manipulation capabilities. To address these challenges, this thesis presents a formal approach to designing biologically-inspired swarm control strategies for spatially-confined coverage and payload transport tasks, as well as a novel low-cost, customizable robotic platform for testing swarm control approaches. Stochastic control strategies are developed that provably allocate a swarm of robots around the boundaries of multiple regions of interest or payloads to be transported. These strategies account for spatially-dependent effects on the robots' physical distribution and are largely robust to environmental variations. In addition, a control approach based on reinforcement learning is presented for collective payload towing that accommodates robots with heterogeneous maximum speeds. For both types of collective transport tasks, rigorous approaches are developed to identify and translate observed group retrieval behaviors in Novomessor cockerelli ants to swarm robotic control strategies. These strategies can replicate features of ant transport and inherit its properties of robustness to different environments and to varying team compositions. The approaches incorporate dynamical models of the swarm that are amenable to analysis and control techniques, and therefore provide theoretical guarantees on the system's performance. Implementation of these strategies on robotic swarms offers a way for biologists to test hypotheses about the individual-level mechanisms that drive collective behaviors. Finally, this thesis describes Pheeno, a new swarm robotic platform with a three degree-of-freedom manipulator arm, and describes its use in validating a variety of swarm control strategies.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Mechanical Engineering 201

    Machine learning techniques to estimate the dynamics of a slung load multirotor UAV system

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    This thesis addresses the question of designing robust and flexible controllers to enable autonomous operation of a multirotor UAV with an attached slung load for general cargo transport. This is achieved by following an experimental approach; real flight data from a slung load multirotor coupled system is used as experience, allowing for a computer software to estimate the pose of the slung in order to propose a swing-free controller that will dampen the oscillations of the slung load when the multirotor is following a desired flight trajectory. The thesis presents the reader with a methodology describing the development path from vehicle design and modelling over slung load state estimators to controller synthesis. Attaching a load via a cable to the underside of the aircraft alters the mass distribution of the combined "airborne entity" in a highly dynamic fashion. The load will be subject to inertial, gravitational and unsteady aerodynamic forces which are transmitted to the aircraft via the cable, providing another source of external force to the multirotor platform and thus altering the flight dynamic response characteristics of the vehicle. Similarly the load relies on the forces transmitted by the multirotor to alter its state, which is much more difficult to control. The principle research hypothesis of this thesis is that the dynamics of the coupled system can be identified by applying Machine Learning techniques. One of the major contributions of this thesis is the estimator that uses real flight data to train an unstructured black-box algorithm that can output the position vector of the load using the vehicle pose and pilot pseudo-controls as input. Experimental results show very accurate position estimation of the load using the machine learning estimator when comparing it with a motion tracking system (~2% offset). Another contribution lies in the avionics solution created for data collection, algorithm execution and control of multirotor UAVs, experimental results show successful autonomous flight with a range of algorithms and applications. Finally, to enable flight capabilities of a multirotor with slung load, a control system is developed that dampens the oscillations of the load; the controller uses a feedback approach to simultaneously prevent exciting swing and to actively dampen swing in the slung load. The methods and algorithms developed in this thesis are validated by flight testing