476 research outputs found

    Human-Mechanical system interaction in Virtual Reality

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    The present work aims to show the great potential of Virtual Reality (VR) technologies in the field of Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). Indeed, it is foreseeable that in not too distant future cooperating robots will be increasingly present in human environments. Many authors actually believe that after the current information revolution, we will witness the so-called "robotics revolution", with the spread of increasingly intelligent and autonomous robots capable of moving into our own environments. Since these machines must be able to interact with human beings in a safe way, new design tools for the study of Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) are needed. The author believes that VR is an ideal design tool for the study of the interaction between humans and automatic machines, since it allows the designers to interact in real-time with virtual robotic systems and to evaluate different control algorithms, without the need of physical prototypes. This also shields the user from any risk related to the physical experimentation. However, VR technologies have also a more immediate application in the field of HRI, such as the study of usability of interfaces for real-time controlled robots. In fact, these robots, such as robots for microsurgery or even "teleoperated" robots working in a hostile environments, are already quite common. VR allows the designers to evaluate the usability of such interfaces by relating their physical input with a virtual output. In particular, the author has developed a new software application aimed at simulating automatic robots and, more generally, mechanical systems in a virtual environment. The user can interact with one or more virtual manipulators and also control them in real-time by means of several input devices. Finally, an innovative approach to the modeling and control of a humanoid robot with high degree of redundancy is discussed. VR implementation of a virtual humanoid is useful for the study of both humanoid robots and human beings

    Overcoming barriers and increasing independence: service robots for elderly and disabled people

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    This paper discusses the potential for service robots to overcome barriers and increase independence of elderly and disabled people. It includes a brief overview of the existing uses of service robots by disabled and elderly people and advances in technology which will make new uses possible and provides suggestions for some of these new applications. The paper also considers the design and other conditions to be met for user acceptance. It also discusses the complementarity of assistive service robots and personal assistance and considers the types of applications and users for which service robots are and are not suitable

    The Middlesex University rehabilitation robot

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    This paper outlines the historical developments of Wheelchair-Mounted Robot Arms (WMRA's) and then focuses on the ongoing research at Middlesex to develop a low-cost aid to daily living for users with high-level quadriplegia. A detailed review is given explaining the design specification. It describes the construction of the robotic device and its control architecture. The prototype robot used several gesture recognition and other input systems. The prototype has been tested on disabled and non-disabled users with positive feedback. They observed that it was easy to use, but issues about speed of operation were resolved after further development. The robot has a payload of greater than 1kg with a maximum reach of 0.7–0.9m. Published by the Taylor & Francis Publishing Group, this publication is one of the only journals to cover the multi-disciplinary area of medical technology research. Currently, research bids are being formulated with the School of Computing Science to continue this research

    User Based Development and Test of the EXOTIC Exoskeleton:Empowering Individuals with Tetraplegia Using a Compact, Versatile, 5-DoF Upper Limb Exoskeleton Controlled through Intelligent Semi-Automated Shared Tongue Control

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    This paper presents the EXOTIC- a novel assistive upper limb exoskeleton for individuals with complete functional tetraplegia that provides an unprecedented level of versatility and control. The current literature on exoskeletons mainly focuses on the basic technical aspects of exoskeleton design and control while the context in which these exoskeletons should function is less or not prioritized even though it poses important technical requirements. We considered all sources of design requirements, from the basic technical functions to the real-world practical application. The EXOTIC features: (1) a compact, safe, wheelchair-mountable, easy to don and doff exoskeleton capable of facilitating multiple highly desired activities of daily living for individuals with tetraplegia; (2) a semi-automated computer vision guidance system that can be enabled by the user when relevant; (3) a tongue control interface allowing for full, volitional, and continuous control over all possible motions of the exoskeleton. The EXOTIC was tested on ten able-bodied individuals and three users with tetraplegia caused by spinal cord injury. During the tests the EXOTIC succeeded in fully assisting tasks such as drinking and picking up snacks, even for users with complete functional tetraplegia and the need for a ventilator. The users confirmed the usability of the EXOTIC

    Investigations into the design of a wheelchair-mounted rehabilitation robotic manipulator

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    This research describes the steps towards the development of a low-cost wheelchair-mounted manipulator for use by the physically disabled and elderly. A detailed review of world rehabilitation robotics research has been conducted, covering fifty-six projects. This identified the main areas of research, their scope and results. From this review, a critical investigation of past and present wheelchair-mounted robotic arm projects was undertaken. This led to the formulation of the key design parameters in a final design specification. The results of a questionnaire survey of fifty electric wheelchair users is presented, which has for the first time established the needs and abilities of this disability group. An analysis of muscle type actuators, which mimic human muscle, is presented and their application to robotics, orthotics and prosthetics is given. A new type of rotary pneumatic muscle actuator, the flexator, is introduced and through extensive testing its performance characteristics elucidated. A review of direct-drive rotary pneumatic, hydraulic and electrical actuators has highlighted their relative performance characteristics and has rated their efficiency in terms of their peak torque to motor mass ratio, Tp/MM. From this, the flexator actuator has been shown to have a higher Tp/MM ratio than most conventional actuators. A novel kinematic arrangement is presented which combines the best features of the SCARA and vertically articulated industrial robot geometries, to form the 'Scariculated' arm design. The most appropriate actuator for each joint of this hybrid manipulator was selected, based on the criteria of high Tp/MM ratio, low cost, safety and compatibility. The final design incorporates conventional pneumatic linear double-acting cylinders, a vane type rotary actuator, two dual flexator actuators, and stepping motors for the fme control of the wrist/end effector. An ACSL simulation program has been developed which uses mass flow rate equations, based on one-dimensional compressible flow theory and suppressed critical pressure ratios, to simulate the dual flexator actuator. Theoretical and empirical data is compared and shows a high degree of correlation between results. Finally, the design and development work on two prototypes is discussed. The latest prototype consists of a five-axis manipulator whose pneumatic joints are driven by pulse width modulated solenoid valves. An 8051 microprocessor with proportional error feedback modilles the mark to space ratio of the PWM signal in proportion to the angular error of the joints. This enables control over individual joint speeds, reprogrammable memory locations and position monitoring of each joint. The integration of rehabilitation robotic manipulators into the daily lives of the physically disabled and elderly will significantly influence the role of personal rehabilitation in the next century

    Empowering and assisting natural human mobility: The simbiosis walker

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    This paper presents the complete development of the Simbiosis Smart Walker. The device is equipped with a set of sensor subsystems to acquire user-machine interaction forces and the temporal evolution of user's feet during gait. The authors present an adaptive filtering technique used for the identification and separation of different components found on the human-machine interaction forces. This technique allowed isolating the components related with the navigational commands and developing a Fuzzy logic controller to guide the device. The Smart Walker was clinically validated at the Spinal Cord Injury Hospital of Toledo - Spain, presenting great acceptability by spinal chord injury patients and clinical staf

    The design and evaluation of an interface and control system for a scariculated rehabilitation robot arm

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    This thesis is concerned with the design and development of a prototype implementation of a Rehabilitation Robotic manipulator based on a novel kinematic configuration. The initial aim of the research was to identify appropriate design criteria for the design of a user interface and control system, and for the subsequent evaluation of the manipulator prototype. This led to a review of the field of rehabilitation robotics, focusing on user evaluations of existing systems. The review showed that the design objectives of individual projects were often contradictory, and that a requirement existed for a more general and complete set of design criteria. These were identified through an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of existing systems, including an assessment of manipulator performances, commercial success and user feedback. The resulting criteria were used for the design and development of a novel interface and control system for the Middlesex Manipulator - the novel scariculated robotic system. A highly modular architecture was adopted, allowing the manipulator to provide a level of adaptability not approached by existing rehabilitation robotic systems. This allowed the interface to be configured to match the controlling ability and input device selections of individual users. A range of input devices was employed, offering variation in communication mode and bandwidth. These included a commercial voice recognition system, and a novel gesture recognition device. The later was designed using electrolytic tilt sensors, the outputs of which were encoded by artificial neural networks. These allowed for control of the manipulator through head or hand gestures. An individual with spinal-cord injury undertook a single-subject user evaluation of the Middlesex Manipulator over a period of four months. The evaluation provided evidence for the value of adaptability presented by the user interface. It was also shown that the prototype did not currently confonn to all the design criteria, but allowed for the identification of areas for design improvements. This work led to a second research objective, concerned with the problem of configuring an adaptable user interface for a specific individual. A novel form of task analysis is presented within the thesis, that allows the relative usability of interface configurations to be predicted based upon individual user and input device characteristics. An experiment was undertaken with 6 subjects performing 72 tasks runs with 2 interface configurations controlled by user gestures. Task completion times fell within the range predicted, where the range was generated using confidence intervals (α = 0.05) on point estimates of user and device characteristics. This allowed successful prediction over all task runs of the relative task completion times of interface configurations for a given user